人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册unit 1 Art单元基础知识检测(4份打包,无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册unit 1 Art单元基础知识检测(4份打包,无答案)
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文件大小 103.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-08 15:20:27


Unit 1 Art (单元基础知识检测)
Task 1 Fill in the blanks to review the content of the passage.
The Richfield Museum of Fine Art is proud to present our new exhibition. Our goal is 1.__________ (display) the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times. 2.__________ highlight of this exhibition is the painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, one of the great works of Tang Yin. Tang Yin, born during the Ming Dynasty, gained 3.__________ (recognise) as one of the greatest artists China has ever known. This painting, showing high mountains, trees, and houses covered in snow, 4.__________ (make) with extraordinary skill. Also of primary note is a collection of nearly 100 bronze objects from the Shang Dynasty. Some of the items 5.________ display are thought to have come from the collection of Emperor Qianlong, a great admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze. Finally, we have many fine examples of the Tang Dynasty 6.___________ (sculpture). Most of these are of Buddhist origin. These works were intended 7. __________ (spread) Buddhism and they are of 8._________ (exception) beauty and quality.
This is just a small taste of 9. __________ is in store for you in this exhibition. We guarantee that our new exhibition will transport you to another time with its 10.__________ (amaze) collection of works.
Task 2 Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meanings.
Some people are fond of facial _____________(识别)while others are opposed to it.
Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong _______________(投资).
Building a___________(纪念碑) to the great chairman in the local place has been the lifelong dream of the old man.
They wondered how the thief gained __________(进入) into the building.
I'm very fond of traditional Chinese________(油墨) wash paintings.
There is a visit to an exhibition of the works of one of the most interesting_________________(当代的) artists.
With the meeting declared open, all the_______________ (代表) applauded for a long time.
He gave me a___________(保证) that he would manage to find a flexible approach.
Recently I bought an ancient _________(花瓶), the price of which was very reasonable.
We offered to give Susan a ride home, but she_________ (谢绝), saying that she felt like walking.
This week he is to visit China to discuss the__________ (购买) of building materials.
The old school has a good ____________(名声) for strict rules and exam results.
After a discussion, we painted our table to match the window __________ (框架).
Many __________ (原始的) life forms are found in the depths of the oceans.
He often takes his children to the __________(展览) to enjoy the nice paintings.
Several young people were standing in front of the __________ (雕塑), taking some photos.
They won only one more game ____________ (随后的) to their semi final victory last year.
His courage in defending_______(国民的) rights inspired people all over the world.
This is a fine book, a _________(有价值的) addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series.
If others ___________(批评) them, they tend to lose their temper.
Chaplin was among the most _____________ (有影响力的) figures in film history.
A rise in the temperature of the gas results in its________ (扩张).
Scientists have made a great _________(突破) in science.
As a _______ (卑微的) person, my words are not influential, so I would rather keep silent.
The aim of the leaders at the conference was to achieve ___________(永久的) peace between their two countries.
Task3 Fill in the blanks to review the words, phrases and sentence patterns in the passage.
Some artists chose to illustrate shadow instead of objects to create __________ (art) works.
Unfortunately, the global population __________ (decline) by 30% over the last few years.
There is no need to worry about your new phone, or it is still __________ guarantee.
__________ (criticize) by his teacher, the little boy was in low spirits.
Visiting this __________ (exhibit), we will not only enjoy the folk art works, but also learn a lot.
Investment _______ arts could produce potential positive economic results.
As we know, the film __________ (regard) as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation.
People are so bored with the quality of many TV programs that the number of audience is __________ the decline.
As far as I see, the symphony is worthy of ____________ (appreciate) and thus let’s go to the theatre together.
We need to get prepared for what is __________ store in the future.
It was not until I took part in the ceremony __________I realized the sense of responsibility accompanied the process of our growth.
It is necessary to hold an objective attitude __________ consumption ratings.
I found my father __________(sit) in his chair, completely absorbed in a magazine.
Some interesting old photos are __________ display in that gallery and we can enjoy them.
The truth is that his arguments were never __________ (subject).
The company has given up plans for further __________ (expand).
It’s only __________ (realism) to accept that there will be some problems.
They were charged with illegal __________ (enter) into that country.
He never thought that the accident would change his life ______________ (permanent).
Guide dogs open up the lives of the blind or the _________ (visual) impaired.
Our goal is _________ (display) the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times.
Your task today is________ (wash) the curtains, after which you can go to the cinema.
Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is ________ (look) at the development of Western painting over the centuries.
The purpose of the project was ___________ (improve) the traffic condition in this city.
What the government should do is ___________ (calm) down the public whenever they are in panic.
Task 4 Translate the following sentences into English.
3.那位年轻教师用很强的幽默感让整个班级恢复了活力。(bring…to life)
4.我不知道什么使得那位新职员在同事们中脱颖而出的。(set…apart from)
5.他值得人民的信任。(be worthy of)
8. 端午节是为了纪念中国的一位诗人。(in memory of)
_______________________________________________________________________________Unit 1 Reading and Thinking (基础知识同步检测)
Task I. Fill in the blanks to review the content of the passage.
There1.____________(be) so many different styles of Western art over the centuries. Here, let’s look at the brief introduction of Western art.
During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was 2.___________(represent) religious themes. Their works were often primitive and two-dimensional. This 3._________  (gradual) changed in the 13th century with a painter, 4.________ paintings are set apart from others by their realistic human faces and deep 5.___________(emotion)  impact. During the Renaissance, new ideas and values slowly replaced those 6._______ (hold) in the Middle Ages. Painters began to concentrate less on religion and adopt a more humanistic attitude 7._________ life. Some 8.__________ (influence) painters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo produced some of the greatest works 9._______ Europe had ever seen.
10._______ time going by, great changes took place in society and these changes led to new painting 11.________ (style). There followed Impressionism, and some famous artists also 12._________ (emerge) in this period. After Impressionism, subsequent artists began to ask what art is. Some gave13._________ (they) paintings a 14. ______(realist) but dream-like quality while others turned to abstract art. Maybe, no one can predict 15._______ painting styles will be like in the future.
Task II. Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meanings.
She pronounced the word very slowly and__________(准确地)
There were some extraordinarily___________(现实的)paintings of Europe on display.
She is one of the most _____________(有影响力的) figures in art magazines.
In my view, taste in art is essentially _________ (主观的).
Social workers must consider the best interests of their ________ (客户) in every situation.
His followers believe they are fighting for a(n) ________ (崇高的) cause.
These painting skills were passed on to __________(随后的) generations.
My uncle is________(喜欢)of collecting ink wash paintings these years.
The lady gained a _________ (名誉) as a brilliant designer.
He is confident that his country will__________(出现)       as the first nation in the world free of absolute poverty.
It was a good exhibition--I enjoyed the last picture in ___________ (尤其).
The facilities on the campsite were very___________(发展水平低的,原始的).
The equipment can be __________ (购买) from your local supplier.
We got up at ________(日出) and took a romantic walk on the beach at sunset.
Please _________ (传达,表达)my apologies to your wife.
Task III. Fill in the blanks to review the words, phrases and sentence patterns in the passage.
He went home very late last night, more________ (precise), in the early hours this morning.
The government has taken a positive attitude ________ this problem.
We have to be _________ (realist) about our chances of winning.
According to a survey, more than half of Chinese students are short-sighted, ________ (rank) first in the world.
You must concentrate your attention ________ what you are doing.
We’re trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution _______particular.
When I visited my teacher who was in hospital, I took a bunch of flowers ________ (purchase) in the flower shop.
The person on my left turned ________ me and whispered “Not another speech!”
The boys sought _______ (leave) for camping but were stopped by their parents.
He has a unique technique that sets him apart ______ other painters.
Everyone's opinion is bound to be __________ (subject).
_______ his paintings still had religious themes, they showed real people in a real environment.
Devoted to studying cooking, he soon acquired a reputation _____ a first-class cook.
In this work, Monet’s aim was _________ (convey) the light and movement in the scene.
Learning English can have an influence___ your rankings.
It is impossible _______ (describe) them all in a short text.
He was one of the most _________ (influence) performers of modern jazz.
Large flowers started to emerge _______ the water and formed a road to the island.
It was at the moment we found a special bond ________ (emerge) among us and we came to understand each other better.
The foreign market was __________ (increasing) crucial.
Task IV. Translate the following sentences into English.
2. 如果你想去参观毕加索(Picasso)画展,请提前买票。_______________________________________________________________________________
3. 在这幅画中月亮从云层后露出。
_______________________________________________________________________________4. 我的物理老师是我的榜样(role model),他对我影响很大。
5. 体贴且慷慨大方,他很容易相处。(形容词短语作状语)
_______________________________________________________________________________Unit 1 Art(词汇检测汉译英)
______________ adj. 准确的;精确的
______________ adv.准确地;精确地;的确如此
______________ n. Christianity
______________ adj.现实的;逼真的
______________ n.逼真;现实主义;务实作风
______________ n. 现实主义画家(或作家等);现实主义者
______________ adj.发展水平低的;原始的;远古的
______________ n.维;规模;范围
______________ 尤其;特别
______________ 使与众不同;使突出;使优于……
______________ adj. humanistic
______________ n.人性;人道;(统称)人类
______________ n.重大进展;突破
______________ adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的
______________ n.名誉;名声
______________ n.贵族成员;出身高贵的人adj.高贵的
______________ n.地位;级别;行列
vt. &vi.把……分等级;使排成行
______________ vt.购买;采购 n.购买;购买的东西
______________ n. mythology
______________ n.委托人;当事人;客户
______________ n. photography
______________ vi & vt.出现;浮现;暴露
______________ n. 日出
______________ vt.表达,传递(思想、感情等);传送
______________ adj.主观的
______________ adj.外表的;外边的;外围的
______________ adj.随后的;后来的;之后的
______________ adj.喜爱
______________ 喜爱;喜欢
______________ 美术(尤其绘画和雕塑)
______________ n.雕像;雕刻品;雕刻术
______________ n. sculptor
______________ adj.视觉的;视力的
______________ n.池塘;水池
______________ adj. arched
______________ vt.&vi.呈弧形横跨;(使)成弓形
______________ n.投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入
______________ n.新娘
______________ adj. 永久的;永恒的;长久的
______________ n.纪念碑(或像等);纪念物;纪念品
______________ adj.谦逊的;虚心的;卑微的
______________ vi.&vt.批评;指责;评价
______________ n.批评;指责;评论
______________ adj.典型的;有代表性的 n.代表
______________ n.墨水;墨汁;油墨
______________ n. animation
______________ n.画面;框架 vt.给……镶框;陷害
______________ n. symphony
______________ vi.&vt.减少;下降;衰落;谢绝
______________n .展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演
______________ n.青铜;深红褐色
__ ____________ n.花瓶;装饰瓶
______________ adj.艺术的;艺术家的
______________ n.加入;进入;参与
______________ adj.国民的;民用的;民事的
______________ n.承认;认出;赞誉
______________ n.扩张;扩展;扩大
______________ 赋予……生命;使……鲜活起来
______________ vt.保证;确保;肯定……必然发生
______________ adj.当代的;现代的;属同时期的
______________ adj.值得……的;有价值的
______________ 值得Unit 1 Art (词汇检测英译汉)
precise adj. ______________________
precisely adv. ______________________
Christianity n. ____________________
realistic adj. _______________________
realism n. _______________________
realist n. _________________________
primitive adj. /n. _________________
two-dimensional adj. _____________
dimension n. ___________________
in particular______________________
set apart from____________________
humanistic adj. _________________
humanity n. _________________
breakthrough n. _________________
influential adj. _________________
reputation n. ____________________
noble n./adj. ____________________
rank n./vt. &vi. ________________
purchase vt./ n. __________________
mythology n. ___________________
client n. ________________________
photography n.___________________
Impressionism n. __________________
emerge vi & vt. __________________
sunrise n. _______________________
convey vt. _____________________
subjective adj. __________________
outer adj. ______________________
subsequent adj. __________________
Cubism n. ________________________
fond adj. _______________________
be fond of________________________
fine art (also fine arts) ______________
sculpture n. _____________________
sculptor n. ______________________
visual adj. _____________________
water lily n. ____________________
pond n. ________________________
arched adj. ___________________
arch vt.&vi./ n. __________________
investment n. ___________________
Bride n. ______________________
Permanent adj. ________________
memorial n/ adj. ________________
humble adj. __________________
criticise vi.&vt. ________________
criticism n. ___________________
representative adj./ n. _____________
ink n. _______________________
animation n. __________________
frame / n./vt. ___________________
symphony n. __________________
decline n/vi.&vt. ______________
exhibition n. ___________________
bronze n/adj. __________________
ceramic n. _____________________
vase n. ________________________
artistic / adj. _____________________
entry n. _______________________
civil adj. ______________________
recognition n. __________________
Buddhist adj. ___________________
Buddhism n. __________________
expansion n. __________________
bring ... to life____________________
guarantee vt/n. _________________
contemporary adj./n. _____________
worthy adj. ____________________
be worthy of _____________________