人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness Reading and Thinking 课件(共47张PPT+学案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness Reading and Thinking 课件(共47张PPT+学案)
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文件大小 543.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-08 22:37:49


Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
Step 1 先导入,拓展背景知识
Look at the titles and picture on Page 38. Can you predict what the passage is about
The passage mainly talks about the famous living legends of sports—Lang Ping and Michael Jordan.
Step 2 再精读,明确概要细节
Ⅰ.Find out the main idea of each paragraph according to the passage on Page 38.
A.The spirit of practising harder and never giving up.
B.The spirit of struggling hard and teamwork.
1.Para.1 ( )
2.Para.2( )
Ⅱ.Read the passage on Page 38 carefully and choose the correct answers.
1.What does the phrase “her country” refer to in Paragraph 1 ( )
A.Her hometown. B.Her motherland.
C.People in her homeland. D.The team in her homeland.
2.The Chinese team faced the following challenges EXCEPT that ___ when preparing
for the 2015 World Cup.
A.one of the best players had been injured
B.the team captain had to leave because of heart problems
C.all players were green hands
D.the team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart
3.What does the author think of Michael Jordan's skills ( )
A.Ordinary(普通的). B.Perfect.
C.Unattractive. D.Impressive.
4.Which of the following statements(陈述) is NOT true ( )
A.When Michael Jordan's feet left the ground, time stood still.
B.Michael Jordan's mental strength made him unique.
C.Michael Jordan owed the secret of his success to learning from his failures.
D.Michael Jordan started a club to help young people.
Step 3 后结构,分析语篇逻辑
Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks according to the passage on Page 38.
lose heart
moves and jumps
mental strength
Ⅱ.Read the passage on Page 38 again and try to summarize its main idea in one sentence.
The passage is about the achievements Lang Ping and Michael Jordan have made and the reasons why they are successful.
Ⅲ.What are the common qualities of successful athletes?You can add more words to the mind map.
.&1& .
mental strength
not losing heart
learning from failures
persevering (坚韧不拔的)
1.Losing two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart.
善分析本句是一个(1)______句,第一个分句中Losing two important players是(2)
_____________作主语,并列连词but连接并列句 Lang Ping did not lose heart。
2.She had faced difficulties before, and she knew that her young players could win if
they worked together as a team.
知识点1 master n.高手;主人;硕士 vt.精通;掌握
(P38)They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.他们必须是各自体育项目中的佼佼者,并且也为他人树立良好的榜样。
a master at (doing) sth 在……方面是大师
be your own master 自己做主;做自己的主人
master new skills 掌握新的技能
a master's degree 硕士学位
Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters. 狗是人类的朋友, 不仅因为它们可爱, 而且因为它们忠诚于主人。
融会应用 单句写作
(1)_________________, I strongly suggest that you should practise with English
To master English
(2)I find it very hard __________________________.我发现掌握一门外语很难。
to master a foreign language
(3)The dog always______________________.这条狗总是跟着它的主人。
follows after its master
知识点2 honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸;光荣;头衔;荣誉称号 vt.尊重;给予……表扬 *honourable adj.可敬的;值得敬佩的;品格高尚的
(P38)As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. 作为一名运动员,郎平为祖国争光,赢得了荣誉。
in honour of 为了纪念;为了庆祝
in one's honour 为了纪念某人
have the honour of doing/to do sth 有幸做某事
It is one's/an honour to do sth. 做某事是某人的荣幸/一件荣幸的事。
be/feel honoured to do sth 很荣幸做某事
We felt honoured to be shown around this hospital because it was founded in honour of the nurse Florence Nightingale, who was honourable and
looked after patients carefully and seriously. 我们很荣幸能参观这家医院,因为这家医院是为了纪念护士弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔而建立的,她品格高尚,照顾病人细致认真。
融会应用 单句填空
(1)I feel _________ (honour) to be invited to give you a lecture on how to
improve English reading ability.
(2)I have the honour _________ (make) a speech to welcome the respected
to make
(3)He wrote a memoir in honour ___ his captain.
知识点3 determination n.决心;决定 *determine vi.& vt.决定;决心(做某事) *determined adj.坚决的;坚定的
(P38)When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup,her determination was tested.当中国队备战2015年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。
determination to do... 做……的决心
determine to do... 决定做……(表示动作)
determine on/upon 决定
be determined to do... 决心做……(表示状态)
My elder sister Kate is determined to go to Beijing University. She is a determined girl,so we know that once she has determined upon doing something,she will make her dream come true with
great determination.我姐姐凯特决心去北京大学。她是一个意志坚定的女孩,所以我们知道,一旦她决心要做某事,她将以极大的决心实现她的梦想。
融会应用 单句填空
(1)Henry's _____________ (determine) to win is evident.
(2)___________ (determine) to look after his parents well, Jack moved to live
with them.
(3)No matter what happens,Lily has determined _______ (tell) the truth.
to tell
(4)I have determined on ______(go) to the countryside after graduation.
知识点4 injure vt.(尤指在事故中)使受伤;损害;伤害(名誉、自尊等) *injured adj.受伤的;有伤的 *injury n.伤害;损伤
(P38)One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题离队。
the injured 伤员
do an injury to sb 伤害某人
The accident caused serious injury to the passengers. The injured were soon rushed to the nearest hospital. 这场事故造成乘客严重受伤。伤者很快被送往最近的医院。
injure 多指在意外事故中受伤。
He was knocked down by a cab and was badly injured.他被一辆出租车撞
wound 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,尤指战场上所受的伤。
The soldier was badly wounded.这名士兵受伤严重
融会应用 选词填空(injure/wound)
(1)Most of the _______ were women and children in the bus crash.
(2)Five people were killed and many others were seriously _________ in the
知识点5 strength n.力量;体力*strengthen vt.& vi.加强;增强
(P38)Jordan's skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.乔丹的球技令人印象深刻,然而他展现出的精神力量让他独一无二。
build up one's strength 增强体质
strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点
Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up one's strength, but also develop one's character.
融会应用 单句填空
(1)It's important to know your own _________ (strength) and weaknesses.
(2)One idea is that sleep helps us _________________ (strength) new memories.
(to) strengthen
知识点6 failure n.失败;失败的人(或事物)*fail v.失败;未能;辜负;不及格
(P38)Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures.乔丹说他成功的秘诀就是从失败中吸取教训。
end in failure 以失败告终
heart failure 心脏衰竭
fail to do... 未能做……
fail in... 在……方面失败
Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.不遵守规章制度将被起诉。
单词 不可数 可数
success 成功 成功的人/事
danger 危险 危险的人/因素
surprise 吃惊 令人吃惊的事
business 生意 企业
beauty 美丽 美人
融会应用 单句填空
(1)As a matter of fact, he thought of himself as a _______ (fail).
(2)He ______ (fail) the exam, which made his parents very angry.
(3)Some women fail ________ (vote) because they are unable to read or write.
to vote
知识点7 set an example树立榜样
(牛津词典)He sets an example to the other students.
set an example to/for sb 给某人树立榜样
follow one's example 效仿某人
take...for example 以……为例
Great changes have taken place in our city. Take traffic for example,many new roads have been built.我们城市发生了很大的变化。以交通为例,许多新道路已经建成。
融会应用 单句写作
(1)Helen, who never loses heart in face of danger, has
set an excellent example to us
(2)As is known to us, Lei Feng___________________________.众所周知,雷锋给
set a good example to us all
知识点8 fall apart破裂;破碎;崩溃
(P38)The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.由郎平一手打造的队伍正在分崩离析。
take apart 拆开
tell...apart 把……区别开来
Due to great pressure, Tom is falling apart.由于巨大的压力,汤姆快要崩溃了。
融会应用 写出下列句子中fall apart的含义
(1)After only one year,their friendship fell apart. ______
(2)The beautiful vase dropped on the ground and fell apart. ______
(3)She has a strong will and won't fall apart in hard times. ______
知识点9 give up 放弃;投降
(P38)Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.输掉比赛教会他更努力地练习,并且永不放弃。
give away 泄露;赠送
give back 归还;恢复
give in 屈服;让步
give off 散发;发出
give out 分发;发表;用完;耗尽
He suffered a serious injury that forced him to give up his work. 他受伤严重,不得不放弃工作。
融会应用 单句填空
(1)At no time should we give ___ to difficulties.
(2)Our food supplies began to give ____.
(3)You ought to give up smoking; I gave it ____ last year.
(4)We are well aware that he gave ___ largely because he had no other choice.
(5)She plans to give ______ almost all of her money.
知识点10 过去完成时的被动语态
(P38)One of the best players had been injured,and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题离队。
句中的had been injured是过去完成时的被动语态。
过去完成时的被动语态指动作在过去某一时刻之前已经完成, 且谓语动词与发出这一动作的主语存在动宾关系。
Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment. Their savings had been used up to pay their lawyers' fees.雷诺·温和她的丈夫莫思由于投资失误而无家可归。为了支付律师费,他们的积蓄已全部花光。
A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who had been trapped in the mountains for two days.一名救援人员冒着生命危险救了两名被困在山上两天的游客。
融会应用 单句填空
(1)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan
________________ (carry) out in the past two years.
had been carried
(2)By the time the Hurricane Michael ended, twelve people _______________
had been killed
知识点11 现在完成进行时
(P38)The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.他(乔丹)在芝加哥创建的“男孩女孩俱乐部”从1996年开始一直在帮助年轻人。
句中的has been helping为现在完成进行时,这一时态主要用于表示过去开始并一直延续的动作,可能刚刚停止,也可能还在进行。
现在完成进行时由“have/has been+现在分词”构成,其基本用法如下:
Since the time humankind started gardening,we have been trying to make our environment more beautiful.自从人类开创园艺工作以来,我们一直在努力使我们的环境更加美丽。
Where have you been?We have been looking for you everywhere.你刚才去哪里了?我们一直在到处找你。
融会应用 单句写作
(1)The Chinese _______________________ for nearly two thousand years.中国有将
近2 000年的造纸历史。
have been making paper
(2)I _________________________ since three years ago.自从三年前以来我一直在
have been learning English
1.Preparations are well under way for a week of special _______ (event) in May.
2.The success or _______ (fail) of the plan depends on you.
3.Two players are out of the team because of ______ (injure).
4.A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose__________
5.Sometimes the boy ________ (pretend) to be asleep, though he is awake.
come along;work out;make it;fall apart;lose heart;give up;set an example;
prepare for
1.His spoken English _______________ a lot recently.
has come along
2.Bob __________ every day to build up his strength.
works out
3.Luckily,Xiaoming just ________ in time for class this morning.
made it
4.Lang Ping _______________ for all the athletes at home and abroad.
set an example
5.His car was nearly ____________ in the accident.
falling apart
6.Mr Edison didn't __________ even though he was beaten many times.
lose heart
7.Never ________ your hope whatever difficulty you meet.
give up
8.We need to take action to ___________ the game from now on.
prepare for
普通描述:When his mother kissed him on the cheek,the little baby was very happy.
(1)When his mother kissed him on the cheek,
it seemed as if the baby were on the top of the world
(2)When his mother kissed him on the cheek,
the baby's bright smile lit up the room
普通描述:When the host announced that he won the prize,he felt very excited.
(1)When the host announced that he won the prize,
his eyes twinkled with excitement
(2)When the host announced that he won the prize,
his heart was beating with excitement
Read the passage on Page 38 and discuss what is stated in the passage(S), what can be inferred(I), and what you know to be true from common senses (CS).Then fill in the blanks with S, I,or CS.
About Lang Ping 1.__ Lang Ping believed that her young players could win.
2.___ People in China and the US love Coach Lang.
3.____ Lang had won several championships before she became a
4.____The amount of support that the Chinese give to Lang is
About Michael Jordan 5.__ Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help others.
6.____ Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world.
7.__ Before people saw Jordan play, they did not know that
basketball could be played that way.
8.___Jordan's skills made a good impression on the fans.
续表Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
Step 1 先导入,拓展背景知识
Look at the titles and picture on Page 38. Can you predict what the passage is about
答案 The passage mainly talks about the famous living legends of sports—Lang Ping and Michael Jordan.
Step 2 再精读,明确概要细节
Ⅰ.Find out the main idea of each paragraph according to the passage on Page 38.
(  )1.Para.1    2.Para.2
A.The spirit of practising harder and never giving up.
B.The spirit of struggling hard and teamwork.
答案 1.B 2.A
Ⅱ.Read the passage on Page 38 carefully and choose the correct answers.
1.What does the phrase “her country” refer to in Paragraph 1
A.Her hometown.
B.Her motherland.
C.People in her homeland.
D.The team in her homeland.
2.The Chinese team faced the following challenges EXCEPT that     when preparing for the 2015 World Cup.
A.one of the best players had been injured
B.the team captain had to leave because of heart problems
C.all players were green hands
D.the team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart
3.What does the author think of Michael Jordan's skills
4.Which of the following statements(陈述) is NOT true
A.When Michael Jordan's feet left the ground, time stood still.
B.Michael Jordan's mental strength made him unique.
C.Michael Jordan owed the secret of his success to learning from his failures.
D.Michael Jordan started a club to help young people.
答案 1~4 BCDA
Step 3 后结构,分析语篇逻辑
Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks according to the passage on Page 38.
答案 1.coach 2.injured 3.leave 4.lose heart 5.champions 6.moves and jumps 7.mental strength 8.failures 9.success 10.club
Ⅱ.Read the passage on Page 38 again and try to summarize its main idea in one sentence.
答案 The passage is about the achievements Lang Ping and Michael Jordan have made and the reasons why they are successful.
Ⅲ.What are the common qualities of successful athletes You can add more words to the mind map.
答案 mental strength, not losing heart, learning from failures, hardworking, ambitious, persevering (坚韧不拔的), purposeful...
1.Losing two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart.
善分析 本句是一个(1)    句,第一个分句中Losing two important players是(2)        作主语,并列连词but连接并列句 Lang Ping did not lose heart。
会翻译 (3)
答案 (1)并列 (2)动词-ing形式 (3)失去两位得力干将是巨大的挑战,但郎平没有灰心丧气。
2.She had faced difficulties before, and she knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team.
善分析 本句是一个并列复合句。并列连词and连接(1)    句;knew后面跟(2)    从句;另外,if引导(3)    状语从句。
会翻译 (4)
答案 (1)并列 (2)宾语 (3)条件 (4)她曾面对无数艰难困苦,知道年轻队员们只要作为一个团队齐心协力,定能夺取胜利。
郎  平
迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”。他被认为是历史上最伟大的篮球运动员。2009年9月11日,迈克尔·乔丹入选奈史密斯篮球名人纪念堂。
Help us choose some “Living Legends of Sports” .They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.Here are our first two choices.
Lang Ping
As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.As a coach, she led the China women's volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics.As a person, Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad.When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested.The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. Losing two important players(1) was a big challenge,but Lang Ping did not lose heart.She had faced difficulties before,and she knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team(2).Two weeks later, they were world champions! Then in 2016,Lang Ping led her volleyball team to Olympic gold in Brazil.
当 代 传 奇
(1)Losing two important players为动词-ing形式作主语。单个的动词-ing形式作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
(2)that her...team为that引导的宾语从句,作knew的宾语,其中还包含了一个由if引导的条件状语从句。
  Michael Jordan
  When Michael Jordan's feet left the ground, time seemed to stand still.The player who became known as “Air Jordan” changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps.Jordan's skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.In the final seconds of a game,Jordan always seemed to find a way to win.Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures(3).“I can accept failure; everyone fails at something.But I can't accept not trying.” Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up. In life,Jordan has learnt to share his success with others.The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.(4)
Send your suggestions for “Living Legends of Sports” to LLS@.
  一旦迈克尔·乔丹的脚离地,时间就仿佛静止了一般。这名以“飞人乔丹”著称的运动员,用他优美的移动和跳跃的动作改变了篮球这项运动。乔丹的球技令人印象深刻,然而他展现出的精神力量让他独一无二。在比赛的最后几秒,乔丹似乎总能想办法取得胜利。乔丹说他成功的秘诀就是从失败中吸取教训。“我可以接受失败;每个人都会在某些事情上遭遇失败。但是我不能接受不去尝试。” 输掉比赛教会他更努力地练习,并且永不放弃。在生活当中,乔丹学会了跟他人分享成功。他(乔丹)在芝加哥创建的“男孩女孩俱乐部”从1996年开始一直在帮助年轻人。
(3)learning from his failures为动词-ing形式作表语。
(4)本句为复合句。其中which he started in Chicago为定语从句,修饰The Boys and Girls Club;主句的时态为现在完成进行时,表示help这一动作从1996年开始一直延续到现在,还有可能延续下去。
核 心 单 词
知识点1 master n.高手;主人;硕士 vt.精通;掌握
(P38)They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.他们必须是各自体育项目中的佼佼者,并且也为他人树立良好的榜样。
a master's degree 硕士学位
a master at (doing) sth 在……方面是大师
be your own master 自己做主;做自己的主人
master new skills 掌握新的技能
Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters. 狗是人类的朋友, 不仅因为它们可爱, 而且因为它们忠诚于主人。
(1)                 , I strongly suggest that you should practise with English people.为了掌握英语,我强烈建议你和英国人一起练习。
(2)I find it very hard                     .我发现掌握一门外语很难。
(3)The dog always                    .这条狗总是跟着它的主人。
答案 (1)To master English (2)to master a foreign language (3)follows after its master
知识点2 honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸;光荣;头衔;荣誉称号 vt.尊重;给予……表扬 *honourable adj.可敬的;值得敬佩的;品格高尚的
(P38)As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. 作为一名运动员,郎平为祖国争光,赢得了荣誉。
in honour of 为了纪念;为了庆祝
in one's honour 为了纪念某人
have the honour of doing/to do sth 有幸做某事
It is one's/an honour to do sth. 做某事是某人的荣幸/一件荣幸的事。
be/feel honoured to do sth 很荣幸做某事
We felt honoured to be shown around this hospital because it was founded in honour of the nurse Florence Nightingale, who was honourable and looked after patients carefully and seriously. 我们很荣幸能参观这家医院,因为这家医院是为了纪念护士弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔而建立的,她品格高尚,照顾病人细致认真。
(1)I feel     (honour) to be invited to give you a lecture on how to improve English reading ability.
(2)I have the honour     (make) a speech to welcome the respected guests.
(3)He wrote a memoir in honour     his captain.
答案 (1)honoured (2)to make (3)of
知识点3 determination n.决心;决定 *determine vi.& vt.决定;决心(做某事) *determined adj.坚决的;坚定的
(P38)When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup,her determination was tested.当中国队备战2015年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。
determination to do... 做……的决心
determine to do... 决定做……(表示动作)
determine on/upon 决定
be determined to do... 决心做……(表示状态)
My elder sister Kate is determined to go to Beijing University.She is a determined girl,so we know that once she has determined upon doing something,she will make her dream come true with
great determination.我姐姐凯特决心去北京大学。她是一个意志坚定的女孩,所以我们知道,一旦她决心要做某事,她将以极大的决心实现她的梦想。
(1)Henry's     (determine) to win is evident.
(2)     (determine) to look after his parents well, Jack moved to live with them.
(3)No matter what happens,Lily has determined     (tell) the truth.
(4)I have determined on     (go) to the countryside after graduation.
答案 (1)determination (2)Determined (3)to tell
知识点4 injure vt.(尤指在事故中)使受伤;损害;伤害(名誉、自尊等) *injured adj.受伤的;有伤的 *injury n.伤害;损伤
(P38)One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题离队。
the injured 伤员
do an injury to sb 伤害某人
The accident caused serious injury to the passengers.The injured were soon rushed to the nearest hospital. 这场事故造成乘客严重受伤。伤者很快被送往最近的医院。
injure 多指在意外事故中受伤。 He was knocked down by a cab and was badly injured.他被一辆出租车撞倒了,受伤严重。
wound 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,尤指战场上所受的伤。 The soldier was badly wounded.这名士兵受伤严重。
(1)Most of the     were women and children in the bus crash.
(2)Five people were killed and many others were seriously     in the attack.
答案 (1)injured (2)wounded
知识点5 strength n.力量;体力 *strengthen vt.& vi.加强;增强
(P38)Jordan's skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.乔丹的球技令人印象深刻,然而他展现出的精神力量让他独一无二。
build up one's strength 增强体质
strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点
Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up one's strength, but also develop one's character.
(1)It's important to know your own     (strength) and weaknesses.
(2)One idea is that sleep helps us     (strength) new memories.
答案 (1)strengths (2)(to) strengthen
知识点6 failure n.失败;失败的人(或事物) *fail v.失败;未能;辜负;不及格
(P38)Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures.乔丹说他成功的秘诀就是从失败中吸取教训。
end in failure 以失败告终
heart failure 心脏衰竭
fail to do... 未能做……
fail in... 在……方面失败
Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.不遵守规章制度将被起诉。
单词 不可数 可数
success 成功 成功的人/事
danger 危险 危险的人/因素
surprise 吃惊 令人吃惊的事
business 生意 企业
beauty 美丽 美人
(1)As a matter of fact, he thought of himself as a     (fail).
(2)He     (fail) the exam, which made his parents very angry.
(3)Some women fail     (vote) because they are unable to read or write.
答案 (1)failure (2)failed (3)to vote
短 语 句 式
知识点7 set an example树立榜样
(牛津词典)He sets an example to the other students.
set an example to/for sb 给某人树立榜样
follow one's example 效仿某人
take...for example 以……为例
Great changes have taken place in our city.Take traffic for example,many new roads have been built.我们城市发生了很大的变化。以交通为例,许多新道路已经建成。
(1)Helen, who never loses heart in face of danger, has                    .面对危险海伦从不灰心丧气,她给我们树立了一个极好的榜样。
(2)As is known to us, Lei Feng                   .众所周知,雷锋给我们树立了一个好榜样。
答案 (1)set an excellent example to us
(2)set a good example to us all
知识点8 fall apart破裂;破碎;崩溃
(P38)The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.由郎平一手打造的队伍正在分崩离析。
take apart 拆开
tell...apart 把……区别开来
Due to great pressure, Tom is falling apart.由于巨大的压力,汤姆快要崩溃了。
 写出下列句子中fall apart的含义
(1)After only one year,their friendship fell apart.      
(2)The beautiful vase dropped on the ground and fell apart.      
(3)She has a strong will and won't fall apart in hard times.      
答案 (1)破裂 (2)破碎 (3)崩溃
知识点9 give up 放弃;投降
(P38)Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.输掉比赛教会他更努力地练习,并且永不放弃。
give away 泄露;赠送
give back 归还;恢复
give in 屈服;让步
give off 散发;发出
give out 分发;发表;用完;耗尽
He suffered a serious injury that forced him to give up his work. 他受伤严重,不得不放弃工作。
(1)At no time should we give     to difficulties.
(2)Our food supplies began to give     .
(3)You ought to give up smoking; I gave it     last year.
(4)We are well aware that he gave     largely because he had no other choice.
(5)She plans to give     almost all of her money.
答案 (1)in (2)out (3)up (4)in
知识点10 过去完成时的被动语态
(P38)One of the best players had been injured,and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题离队。
句中的had been injured是过去完成时的被动语态。
过去完成时的被动语态指动作在过去某一时刻之前已经完成, 且谓语动词与发出这一动作的主语存在动宾关系。
Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment. Their savings had been used up to pay their lawyers' fees.雷诺·温和她的丈夫莫思由于投资失误而无家可归。为了支付律师费,他们的积蓄已全部花光。
A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who had been trapped in the mountains for two days.一名救援人员冒着生命危险救了两名被困在山上两天的游客。
(1)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan     (carry) out in the past two years.
(2)By the time the Hurricane Michael ended, twelve people     (kill).
答案 (1)had been carried (2)had been killed
知识点11 现在完成进行时
(P38)The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.他(乔丹)在芝加哥创建的“男孩女孩俱乐部”从1996年开始一直在帮助年轻人。
句中的has been helping为现在完成进行时,这一时态主要用于表示过去开始并一直延续的动作,可能刚刚停止,也可能还在进行。
现在完成进行时由“have/has been+现在分词”构成,其基本用法如下:
Since the time humankind started gardening,we have been trying to make our environment more beautiful.自从人类开创园艺工作以来,我们一直在努力使我们的环境更加美丽。
Where have you been We have been looking for you everywhere.你刚才去哪里了 我们一直在到处找你。
(1)The Chinese             for nearly two thousand years.中国有将近2 000年的造纸历史。
(2)I             since three years ago.自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。
答案 (1)have been making paper (2)have been learning English
1.Preparations are well under way for a week of special     (event) in May.
2.The success or     (fail) of the plan depends on you.
3.Two players are out of the team because of     (injure).
4.A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose     (graceful).
5.Sometimes the boy     (pretend) to be asleep, though he is awake.
答案 1.events 2.failure 3.injury 4.gracefully
come along;work out;make it;fall apart;lose heart;give up;set an example;prepare for
1.His spoken English         a lot recently.
2.Bob         every day to build up his strength.
3.Luckily,Xiaoming just         in time for class this morning.
4.Lang Ping         for all the athletes at home and abroad.
5.His car was nearly         in the accident.
6.Mr Edison didn't         even though he was beaten many times.
7.Never         your hope whatever difficulty you meet.
8.We need to take action to         the game from now on.
答案 1.has come along 2.works out 3.made it 4.set an example 5.falling apart 6.lose heart
7.give up 8.prepare for
普通描述:When his mother kissed him on the cheek,the little baby was very happy.
(1)When his mother kissed him on the cheek,                   .
(2)When his mother kissed him on the cheek,                   .
答案 (1)it seemed as if the baby were on the top of the world (2)the baby's bright smile lit up the room
普通描述:When the host announced that he won the prize,he felt very excited.
(1)When the host announced that he won the prize,                    .
(2)When the host announced that he won the prize,                    .
答案 (1)his eyes twinkled with excitement (2)his heart was beating with excitement
Read the passage on Page 38 and discuss what is stated in the passage(S), what can be inferred(I), and what you know to be true from common senses (CS).Then fill in the blanks with S, I,or CS.
About Lang Ping 1.     Lang Ping believed that her young players could win. 2.     People in China and the US love Coach Lang. 3.     Lang had won several championships before she became a coach. 4.    The amount of support that the Chinese give to Lang is large.
About Michael Jordan 5.     Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help others. 6.     Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world. 7.     Before people saw Jordan play, they did not know that basketball could be played that way. 8.    Jordan's skills made a good impression on the fans.
答案 1.I 2.S 3.CS 4.CS 5.I 6.CS 7.I 8.S
  培养学生对事实细节(Statement)、推理(Inference)和常识(Common senses)的判断能力。事实细节往往能在原文中找到关键词;推理判断需要根据上下文推理确认;常识判断需要根据常识进行判断,而不是在文章事实或上下文逻辑的基础上推理而得出。此活动能培养学生的阅读理解能力,具有很强的应用性。