Unit 4 History and Traditions Listening and Talking课件+单元整体分析+教学设计


名称 Unit 4 History and Traditions Listening and Talking课件+单元整体分析+教学设计
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文件大小 94.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-09 18:34:17


单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 高中必修第二册
使用教材 新人教版(2019) 教材页数 P37-48
单元名称 Unit 4 history and traditions
主题范畴:人与社会 主题群:历史、社会与文化 子主题:世界主要国家的文化习俗与文化景观、节假日与庆祝活动 4.单元话题:了解中国、英国、俄罗斯、爱尔兰、巴西、希腊、埃及等多个国家的悠久历史和文化传统。 5.主题意义:在了解的基础上观察和分析语言和文化现象,了解相关国家悠久历史和特色传统的文化内涵和现实意义,思考历史与现实的辩证关系。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 语篇语篇类型语篇内容语篇主题意义 一 Dialogue between William and Xiao Kong对话(听)一段中外学生在去孔庙路上的对话了解孔庙、孔子、孔子后裔及孔子教育思想的看法,体会、思考孔子及其思想对中国历史传统的深远影响。 二 What’s in a name 说明文(读)英国历史的简要发展进程了解英国地理、 社会及文化概况,并深入思考历史与社会文化之间的关系。三 Dialogue between Paul and the receptionist of a travel agency 对话(听)青年旅店招待员XiaoYan和背包客Paul的对话了解平遥著名的历史文化景点和Paul作为一位外国游客的旅行经历和感受。 四 Beautiful Ireland and its traditions 说明文(读、写)从一个旅行者的角度,描绘爱尔兰乡村的美丽景色和风土人情 在阅读中了解其相关历史文化传统,同时表达自己的感受和情感。写作中反思和探索国内,尤其是身边景点的历史文化价值,挖掘并了解其相关历史文化传统。
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“历史和传统”这一话题,开展教学活动,了解多个国家的悠久历史和传统文化,描述喜欢的地方,学会谈论历史古迹的观光经历和分享交流对历史遗迹的看法。符合History and Traditions这个话题的内容探究,以及高中一年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 本单元涉及“文化和历史”这些话题,这涉及到学生能够运用一些结构和表达方式表达情感及描述情景,学生们在之前已经积累了一定的语言基础,或多或少能用英语表达出一些自己的看法。学生对于过去分词也相对熟悉。 (三)存在问题
“历史和文化”这一话题涉及的知识面非常广,学生虽然在之前的学习中有所积累,但要学生用英语阅读、讨论并用过去分词作定语和宾语补足语来表达情感及描述情景,这对于学生来说,难度较大。学生的词汇量、相关的表达都要积累,学生的逻辑思维与批判思维能力也需要提升。学生能够通过利用图书馆和网络等资源收集相关的孔子,孔庙及其思想等背景资料和语言素材,超级平遥古城对中国古代经济及文化艺术领域的影响,英国的历史,地理,文化等,以及最值得体验的中国传统文化习俗家乡的历史和传统亮点,伦敦的概况和历史文化景点等知识。对于过去分词做定语和宾语补足语的语法知识,教师可以引导学生复习非谓语动词的知识,预习过去分词做定语和宾语补足语的形式,意义和功能等内容,了解如何用过去分词做定语和宾语补足语这一结构表达情感及描述情景,听学生在课堂上的语法障碍。课前熟悉表达兴奋,惊讶,失望等个人情感的语言表达方式,让学生能够体会说话者的兴奋,惊讶和失望等情感,并且为在课堂中体验和学习表达这些情感的功能意念项目做铺垫。 (四)解决措施 1.鼓励学生在课堂上积极踊跃发言,尊重每个学生的想法,并给予客观公正的评价,而不是期待唯一的标准答案。 2.提前利用图书馆和网络等资源搜集关于孔子、孔庙及其思想等背景资料和语言素材;平遥古城对中国古代经济及文化艺术领域的影响;英国的历史、地理和文化;最值得体验的中国传统、文化习俗、家乡的历史和传统的亮点;伦敦的概况和历史文化景点等知识。 4.复习非谓语动词的知识,预习过去分词作定语和宾语补足语的形式、意义和功能等。 5.熟悉表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等个人情感的语言表达形式。 6.创设让学生合作交流的学习情境,一起探讨、讨论,共同完成学习任务。并鼓励学生将所学内容与家长进行分享。 7.教学方式灵活多样,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时作出调整和改进。 8.从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价。
【单元课标要求】 能识别不同语调与节奏等语音特征所表达的意义。能听懂谈论关于孔子的历史遗迹和平遥古镇的简短口头表达,获取关键信息,识别其主题,归纳主要信息。 积累日常生活中常用的习惯用语和交流信息的基本表达方式。 了解过去分词作定语和宾语补足语的不同句子的结构特征,如句子种类、成分、语序及主谓一致。 能在听、读、看的过程中,围绕语篇内容记录重点信息,整体理解和简要概括主要内容。 能围绕“历史和传统”的主题,运用所学语言,与他人进行日常交流,语音、语调、用词基本正确,表达比较连贯。 在书面表达中,能选用不同句式结构和时态,描述和自己喜欢的地方的,表达情感、态度、观点和意图等。 能通过简短语篇获取、归纳中外文化信息,了解不同国家的历史文化传统,人们待人接物的基本礼仪、礼貌和交际方式,尊重文化的多样性和差异性,能用所学语言描述文化现象与文化差异,表达自己的价值取向,认同中华文化,初步具备用所学英语进行跨文化沟通与交流的能力。 【单元学习目标】学习本单元后,能够: 语言能力: ①能正确使用下列单词和短语Confucius, philosophy, individual, kingdom, chief, nearby, belong, military,defence,legal, surround,evidence,achievement, location, battle,port, charge, announce, amount, gallery,approach,ensure,landscape,generous,butter,honey,ancestor,position,snack,eager, poet,county,roll,cattle,ocean,greet,pub,wine,beer,custom,crowd,Achilles' heel, join…to, break away (from sb/sth), belong to,as well as,keep your eyes open(for). ②复习并正确运用过去分词作定语和宾语补足语的用法。 ③阅读记述英国历史及地理概况的说明性文本,有效获取和梳理信息。 ④阅读文本分析其语言特征,归纳并掌握文描写景物写作方法、修辞手法及其作用。 ⑤阅读和理解景物描写文段所蕴含的深层含义和作者情感,描述一个感兴趣或喜欢的地方。 ⑥能够在日常交际中自然得体地表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感。 学习能力: ①平时能够注意积累英语习语;在听的过程中,能够通过上下文推测英语习语的含义。 ②学习并掌握阅读地图的阅读策略,掌握阅读地图的要点。 ③结合阅读文本体会时间线在阅读文本中的作用。 ④阅读文本分析其语言特征,归纳并掌握文本中修辞手法及其作用。 思维品质: 理解听力和阅读文本的基础上,结合已有认知和在生活中的经验,客观理性地分析一个国家历史和传统的重要作用和意义,思考历史与现实的辩证关系,培养创新思维。 文化意识: ①了解不同国家的悠久历史和特色传统,结合生活学习需要和历史文化知识,观察和分析语言和文化现象。 ②思考历史文化传统的重要意义。了解国家历史文化传统的内涵和现实意义,通过了解外国历史加深对本国历史的理解。 单元课时安排课时及教材板块课型课时对应的单元教学目标评价的手段与方式第一课时 Listening and Speaking听力 口语课 ①学生能够理解并掌握以下单词:Confusions,mention,cemetery, philosophy,descendant,individual, heel以及短语Achilles' head的基本用法。 ②平时能够注意积累英语习语;在听的过程中,能够通过上下文推测英语习语的含义。 问题链导入背景知识,通过让学生回答问题,检测学生是否激活有关孔子及其思想的背景知识,是否掌握相关知识,为听力理解扫清障碍。通过图片和提供的信息对篇章内容的整体推测,及抓住关键信息的听力技能。通过听力填表和判断正误题,检测学生在听力的过程中准确地捕捉关键信息。通过让学生两人一组解释英语习语以及找出其他的英语习语并解释中文含义,评价学生是否掌握常用的英语习语。翻译孔子教育思想,检测学生是否对孔子思想有一定的理解。通过小组讨论,评估学生是否能正确地表达对孔子及其教育思想的看法。第二课时 Reading&Thinking阅读课①学生理解并掌握关于英国历史和文化的单词和短语:puzzle, surround,battle,defence,legal,evidence, achievement, join...to,break away (from sb.sth), etc.的基本用法。 ②阅读记述英国历史及地理概况的说明性文本,有效获取和梳理信息。学习并掌握阅读地图的阅读策略,掌握阅读地图的要点。 ③体会时间线在阅读文本中的作用。 ④思考历史文化传统的重要意义。了解国家历史文化传统的内涵和现实意义,通过了解外国历史加深对本国历史的理解。 导入部分使用地图和标题引导学生预测文本信息并结合问题链提问,判断学生是否掌握英国国家地理概况等知识,明确课堂的主题。通过略读、寻读、细读等阅读策略完成阅读任务,检测学生是否掌握英国各组成部分的异同、英国历史不同名称的由来以及历史发展过程,评估学生是否理解课文细节信息。通过小组沟通交流并表达看法,评估学生能否深入思并客观表达观点。第三课时 Discovering Useful Structures语法课①学生理解并掌握重要的单词: charge,announce,amount,gallery, approach,ensure, generous, position, landscape, butter, honey, ancestor, etc.的基本用法。 ②复习并正确运用过去分词作定语和宾语补足语的用法。 通过小组讨论对比例句和总结过去分词(短语)句中作定语和宾语补足语的用法,检测学生是否发现了语法知识的使用规律,评估学生是否具备归纳总结的能力。通过口语和书面表达,评估学生在实际情境中是否能够正确地、恰当地运用语言。第四课时 Reading for Writing写作课①阅读文本分析其语言特征,归纳并掌握文描写景物写作方法、修辞手法及其作用。 ③阅读和理解景物描写文段所蕴含的深层含义和作者情感,描述一个感兴趣或喜欢的地方。 通过引导学生分析总结文本的表达方式、用词和表达方式,评估学生是否为自己的写作做好准备。通过让学生讨论写作的步骤和方法,让学生掌握写作技巧。通过同桌互相评价作文的方式,检测学生是否具备写作能力和评价能力。第五课时 Listening and Talking & Assessing Your Progress &Project听力课和综合课①能够在日常交际中自然得体地表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感。 ②理解听力和阅读文本的基础上,结合已有认知和在生活中的经验,客观理性地分析一个国家历史和传统的重要作用和意义,思考历史与现实的辩证关系,培养创新思维。 ③了解不同国家的悠久历史和特色传统,结合生活学习需要和历史文化知识,观察和分析语言和文化现象。 通过让学生回答问题链,评估学生是否了解伦敦的城市特点以及对历史和传统重要性的理解。通过结对讨论,检测学生是否能够口头表达对于一个城市重要性的看法。通过小组讨论,评估学生是否能够从历史和传统的角度理解和介绍家乡文化和祖国文化。单元评价设计
经过本单元的学习,大部分学生能够合理地表达对于中国历史遗迹和孔子教育思想的看法。绝大多数学生能够熟练运用目标语言,如过去分词作定语和宾语补足语等表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感。听说读写各版块之间相互联系,围绕一个中心——“历史和传统”。最后学生通过本单元的学习,了解到中国历史遗迹、英国地理、社会和文化情况、爱尔兰风土人情和伦敦历史景点,了解不同国家的历史文化传统,思考了反思和探索国内,尤其是熟悉景点的历史文化价值,挖掘其历史文化传统,表达自己的感受和情感,从历史和传统的角度介绍家乡或熟悉的地方,增强了学生热爱家乡和祖国文化的家国情怀。在本单元的课程中,绝大部分学生能够在教师的引导下开展教学活动,掌握听、说、读、写相关技能。 但还是有一部分学生对于外国文化和传统词汇和短语积累不足,对各国和各地区的背景知识掌握不全面,在与同学口语介绍的时候出现了没有要点、语法错误、用词不恰当、表述不规范、讲解不全面、没有深刻表达自己的思想观点等问题,在理解和整合知识方面有所欠缺。 在课前教师应该让学生查阅相关背景资料,了解与单元主题相关的知识,查阅常见英语习语以及过去分词作定语和宾语补足语等内容。在课后,建议教师利用课后的时间帮助学生了解历史和传统的重要性,开展演讲等活动增加学生的知识量,巩固和拓展课外知识,增强学生学习兴趣。
Unit 4 The History and Traditions
Period 5
Listening and Talking & Assessing Your Progress &Project
Learning objectives
Listening and Talking
Assessing Your Progress
Learning objectives
⑤了解墨西哥的历史和文化传统, 与同学制作一张关于墨西哥传统文化的海报。
Part 1: Listening
Pingyao Ancient City
Lead in
As a young backpacker, Paul is particularly fascinated by the ancient history of Pingyao ancient city in China. He told a receptionist in a youth travel agency about his travel experience and feelings.
I have been to Mingqing Street, Rishengchang Bank and other places.During the journey, I felt both amazed and disappointed.
Did you have a good time in Pingyao Are there any scenic spots you like
Have you ever been to Pingyao
What's your impression of Pingyao
Lead in
Lead in
How much do you know about Pingyao
Tianjiangxiang Museum (天吉祥博物馆) is the former site of Wei Changsheng, the only transnational trading company in Pingyao ancient city.
Xie Tongqing Qianzhuang Museum shows the Qianzhuang culture in Pingyao County and is one of the important tourist attractions in Pingyao ancient city.
Can you introduce famous historic and cultural sites there
Lead in
Can you introduce famous historic and cultural sites there
Pingyao City Wall was built in the period of Western Zhou Xuanwang. After three years of reconstruction in Hongwu, Ming Dynasty, after continuous reconstruction and expansion from generation to generation, it has formed its present scale.
The former site of Rishengchang, including three courtyards in the middle, east and west, has a complete pattern and the same decoration, and has the characteristics of commercial buildings and local characteristics in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Lead in
Culture Note
Pingyao Ancient City, located in the middle of Shanxi Province, is the most well-preserved ancient county in China. The whole city is like a turtle crawling to the south, so it is called "turtle city".
The ancient city of Pingyao took the meaning of
"auspicious longevity (吉祥长寿)" of turtles.
On December 3,1997, Pingyao ancient city, together with the surrounding Shuanglin Temple and Zhenguo Temple, was recognized as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO and included in the World Heritage List.
Culture Note
Lead in
Backpacker Paul is talking to the receptionist at an international
youth hostel in Pingyao,China.
Do you know what a backpacker is
A backpacker is a person who goes travelling with a backpack.
口Ming-Qing Street 口Ancient Government office 口Qiao Family Courtyard
口Wang Family Courtyard 口Rishengchang Bank 口Mount Mian
口the city wall 口Zhengguosi Temple 口Shuanglin Temple
Talk about a visit to a historic tourist destination
1 Backpacker Paul is talking to a receptionist at an international youth hostel
in Pingyao, China. Listen to the conversation and tick the places mentioned.

Do you know what words are used to express feelings
Disappointed, surprised, amazed, surprised...
I had expected something different. _______________
It was like walking into history. _______________
It wasn't as big as I had expected. _______________
Some of the snacks there are amazing. _______________
I had no idea there would be so many tourists. _______________
Wow, I can't believe you didn't see the wall. _______________
Read the following sentences and make a judgement about
the speaker’s feeling.
snack [sn k]
I had expected something different. Paul sounded__________________
It was like walking into history. Paul sounded__________________
It wasn't as big as I had expected. Paul sounded__________________
Some of the snacks there are amazing. Xiao Yan sounded______________
I had no idea there would be so many tourists. Paul sounded__________________
Wow, I can't believe you didn't see the wall. Xiao Yan sounded______________
2 Listen once plete the sentences to describe how the
speakers felt.
Xiao Yan:Oh,well, what about the Ming Qing Street — that's pretty big. Some
of the street snacks there are amazing!
Paul:Oh,that place,yes. But I had no idea there would be so many tourists!So I decided to leave and ride out to Shuanglin Temple.
Xiao Yan:Oh, cool, that's one of my favourite places! It's so peaceful out there!
Paul:Yeah, that place is really quiet. And some of those sculptures — wow! I couldn’t believe how big and lifelike they were.
Read the following dialogue and pay attention to the speaker's tone in the red underlined sentence.
Compare the two groups of sentences.Understand the speaker's emotions from the expression and tone.
Oh,that place,yes. But I had no idea there would be so many tourists!So I decided to leave and ride out to Shuanglin Temple.
Oh,that place,yes. But I tried many delicious snacks there.
What places did Paul talk to the receptionist about in Pingyao
Think and discuss a question.
Ming-Qing Street
snacks and beef noodles
The city wall
Shuanglin Temple
The sculptures
The Rishengchang Bank
Pair up with two people. If you are Paul, what famous historical and cultural sites
would you like to visit or experience Do you think you will like it Why
I want to go to Ming Qing street and Rishengchang Bank, because...
I want to go to the city wall and Shuanglin Temple, because...
Expressing excitement, surprise, and disappointment
I had no idea... I didn't know...
I was eager/surprised to see/earn/hear that...
I was so much fun! It was a little disappointing.
It wasn't as good/interesting/fun as I'd expected.
eager [ i ɡ (r)]
Read the sentences and learn some expressions to express your personal feelings.
A: Wow, I've just come back from Pingyao. It was amazing!
B: Oh, I loved Pingyao! So did you see the Ming-Qing Street
A: Of course, but I didn't expect to see so many tourists.
B: Yeah, I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there. How about the ...
Role play
3 Imagine one of you has just visited Pingyao.Work in pairs and role-play the conversation below. Then continue the conversation using the expressions in the box.
A: Wow, I’ve just come back from Pingyao. It was amazing!
B: Oh, I loved Pingyao! So did you see the Ming-Qing street!
A: Of course, but I didn't expect to see so many tourists.
B: Yeah, I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there. How about the Rishengchang Bank
A: It was so much fun! It wasn't as big as I had expected, but it was interesting to learn that people actually went to banks hundreds of years ago.
B: Yes, it was amazing... Did you go to Shuanglin Temple
A: Yes, but it was a little disappointing. I was eager to learn something about Buddha, but I didn't have enough time to explore in the temple. We had to hurry to the next place.
B: Oh, don't worry. We can go there again together.
A: Good idea!
Suggested answer
1.Think about a historic site that you have been to.
2.Make a dialogue to introduce one of your trips to a historic tourist destination.
1. Select a historical site you have visited and list the aspects you will talk.
2. Work with your partner and introduce this place to each other in sentences expressing excitement, surprise and disappointment.
Pair up
List the the local ancient streets, buildings, statues and features.
historical site
Local ancient streets
Local food
Culture and history
Pair up
A:Guess what,I've just come back from Guilin.It was amazing!
B:Is it interesting there
A:Without a doubt! Have you ever heard"Guilin's scenery is the best in the world" Summer there is very cool!With mountains and rivers around, it seems I am in heaven!
B:I loved Guilin!So did you see the Elephant Trunk Hill
A:Of course, but I didn't expect to see so many tourists.
B:Yeah, I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there. How about the Guilin rice noodle
A:I love most is the snacks there, the snacks are especially delicious.
Role play
The school will carry out the publicity activities of "protecting historical sites". Suppose
you are Li Hua, president of the student union in a high school. Please write a proposal
and give a speech for the school around this topic.
These contents include the following aspects:
(1) The serious consequences of destroying the historical site.
(2)The contribution that students can make.
Dear fellow students,
In order to cooperate with the school's publicity activities on the protection of historical sites,we
call on every student to try their best to protect historical sites around of us.(主题介绍)
Nowadays,with the development of our society,more and more heritage sites are facing the
danger of disappearing.Heritage sites represent our historic cultures,which offer us a
great opportunity to learn about what happened in the past.【高分句型一】Moreover,having survived for a long time,most of them can help make our unique and valuable cultures handed
down from generation to generation.【高分句型二】(破坏历史遗址的严重后果)
For the above reasons,not only should we pay attention to protecting heritage sites around of
us,but also we should call on people to join us in saving them.Only when all people unite can we
save our historical relics.(学生可以作出的贡献)
The Student Union
Part two:
Assessing Your Progress
Assessing Your Progress
movement, happiness
actress, hostess
Lead in
In the English class, Xiaohong was memorizing vocabulary and noticed that
both "happiness" and "beautiful" had special endings such as "- ness" and
"- ful".She asked the teacher for answers.
I found things like "- ness" and
"- ful" after "happiness" and "beautiful". What do they mean
These are called suffixes. "- ness" usually represents a noun, while "- ful" often represents an adjective.
Let’s Learn
Do you know what is the English suffix What is the function of it Can you give some examples
"Suffixes" refer to the letter collocation at the end of the word and used to modify the root.
teach (n.)
act (n.)
— actor
— teacher (n.)
Add to the root to form a new word.
Often changes the part of speech.
people who perform action
Noun Suffixes
Let’s Learn
Can you name some noun suffixes Please give examples.
movement, pavement, government
happiness, kindness, meanness
leadership, friendship, partnership
driver, writer, reporter, dancer
visitor, sailor, director
Noun Suffixes
Let’s Learn
Can you name some noun suffixes Please give examples.
action, possession, creation
difference, preference, existence
actress, hostess, goddess
boyhood, childhood, neighborhood
idealism, impressionism, idealism
Adjective suffix
Let’s Learn
Can you name some adjective suffixes Please give examples.
curious, cautious, dangerous
changeable, probable, profitable
visible, sensible, flexible
educational, functional, personal
useful, hopeful, meaningful
historic, energetic, atomic
attractive, talkative, creative
harmless, hopeless, feckless
lovely, friendly, bravely
后缀名 类别 意义 举例
-dom 名词后缀
-tion 名词后缀
-ment 名词后缀
action, oppression, education
organization, foundation
freedom, chiefdom, wisdom
apartment, advertisement, equipment
treatment, movement, judgement
Think and discuss
Can you tell the meaning of the following suffixes Please give some examples.
active, passive, creative, effective
native, captive, explosive
once, twice
① “......的 ”
critic, logic,rhetoric(修辞学)
analgesic(镇痛剂), anesthetic(麻醉剂) ,
economic,historic, atomic
Think and discuss
Can you tell the meaning of the following suffixes Please give some examples.
1 Combine the words with the endings to form words that you learnt in this unit.Then use them to complete the sentences below.
achieve locate king
defend negate specify
describe refer
-ce -ive -ic
-dom -ment
-ence -tion
achieve→achievement, locate→location, king→kingdom, defend→defence, negate→negative, specify→specific, describe→description, refer→reference
1 Combine the words with the endings to form words that you learnt in this unit.Then use them to complete the sentences below.
1 Professor Grange made several___________to the relationship between the two countries, and gave a lot of background information to explain the__________situation they are facing.
2 For your homework this week, please do some research on the major______________of Isaac
Newton and give a full___________of one of these in class.
3 After the war, the_________was left in ruins, with all of its_________ completely destroyed.
4 That Shanghai restaurant has three different_________, so if you let me know where your hotel is, I'll give you_________ directions to the closest one.
1 I heard the trip was to visit our sister school in Boston. That excited me.
2 I heard you had been chosen to join a cultural camp in Greece, That pleased me.
3 Dave could not find a seat in the room. It was very crowded.
4 The photo won the first prize in the competition. It was taken at Cardiff Castle.
5 On the lab table, he found a lot of bottles. They were marked "caution".
2 Combine each pair of sentences into one using the past participle of the verb in the second sentence.
I was excited to hear the trip was to visit our sister school in Boston.
I was pleased to hear you had been chosen to join a cultural camp in Greece.
Dave could not find a seat in the very crowded room.
The photo taken at Cardiff Castle won the first prize in the competition.
On the lab table, he found a lot of bottles marked“caution”.
crowd [kra d]n.人群;一群人;群众; v.挤满;使....拥挤
Part three:
Let you know the history and culture of Mexico.
Lead in
What do you know about Mexico
Mexico is a large cultural country in the Americas. It has a brilliant civilization created by ancient Indians. It is the birthplace of Maya culture and Aztec culture among the three ancient civilizations of America.
The situation:
In the afternoon, Alex, Sophia and Ethan meet in the coffee shop. They are all interested in Mexican culture. They decided to embark on a virtual Mexican cultural journey together.
Ethan: A young musician, inspired by Mexican music.
Alex: A historian, interested in ancient Mexican civilization.
Sophia: A food blogger,
obsessed with Mexican
street snacks.
Lead in
Lead in
About 9,000 years ago, ancient Mexicans domesticated corn and promoted the agricultural revolution. Famous civilizations such as Olmec, Tiotiwakan, Aztec and Maya.
Do you know the civilization of Mexico
Lead in
Uxmal (乌斯马尔) is one of the remains of the Yucatan Peninsula (尤卡坦半岛) in Mexico during the heyday(全盛时期) of the Maya Empire.
Chichen Itza(奇琴伊察)is possibly the most famous temple city of the Mayas.Tulum is an important site in the late Mayan culture. The most famous is the great temple in Castillo ancient city.
What do you know about the historical sites in Mexico
Lead in
Taco(墨西哥玉米卷) is a traditional food in Mexico. It is stuffed with beef sauce and Mexican pepper and wrapped with roasted corn flour.
Tequila(龙舌兰) is the national liquor of Mexico. It is a distilled liquor based on agave.
Do you know what Mexican specialties and delicious food are
It's not too much to call Mexico the "Pepper kingdom". Pepper is an indispensable basic ingredient in authentic Mexican cuisine.
Lead in
Jalabe (哈拉贝舞) is the most representative Mexican folk dance. Men wear traditional national costumes and wide-brimmed hats, while women wear large and gorgeous tulip skirts.
What do you know about Mexican music
Mariachi music(马里亚奇音乐) combine the characteristics of Spanish and Indian music and dance. Mexico's murals are world famous.
Look at the poster on page 47. What aspects
of the traditional Mexican culture are introduced
in the poster What do you think is the most
important thing in the poster
Introduce the traditions of a country/city/village
1 Work in groups. Choose a county/city/village and prepare a presentation
using a poster. Consider these traditions:
You should include:
●a poster with photos or drawings showing the traditions
●a demonstration—like a dance, song, object, or local food drink
●festivals ●food and drink
●dances, music, or art ●clothing/items
Let’s learn
2 Divide the work among your group members. Some of you should research traditions, providing photos and detailed descriptions. The others can create
the poster. Decide on the roles each of you will play in the presentation.
3 Present your poster to the class, try to answer any questions asked. You may take the poster about Mexican traditions as an example.
4 As a group, record and evaluate the other groups' presentations by filling in the form below.
Group 1 Group Group 3 Group 4
Group ...
Tradition 1
Tradition 2
Tradition 3
Rating (%)
Let’s do
5 Find out the winners and put up your posters in the classroom.
Role play
·Festival background
·Traditional customs
·Display holiday food and clothing
·work in cooperation with a due division of labour
Divide students into several small groups, each consisting of 4-5 people. Each group needs to choose a Mexican festival for role-playing. For example, Mexican festivals such as "Day of the Dead", "Independence Day", or "Christmas".
Language point
eager adj.热切的,盼望的
搭配: eager for sth. 渴望得到某物 eager to do sth.渴望/急于做某事
例句: She is eager for her parents' approval.
例句:Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.
1. I was eager to see that...我很渴望看到......
① He__________(渴望) meet his friends.
②The kids ____________(渴望) the performance to begin.
is eager to
are eager for
Language point
snack n.点心;小吃;快餐
搭配: a snack lunch快餐午饭 snack time点心时间,零食时间
例句:I only have a snack at lunch time.
例句:He eats bananas at snack time in the afternoon.
2. I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there.
①Most of the time we just ate ________(点心) and fast food.
②Drinks and light_______(小吃)are served at the bar.
Language point
crowd n. &v.
搭配:a crowd of/crowds of一群;许多
The bus disgorged a crowd of noisy children.
(2) v.挤满;使....拥挤
crowd around/round 聚集在…周围;聚拢
People quickly crowd around when there is a street accident.
3. Dave could not find a seat in the room. It was very crowded.
①Too many uncomfortable thoughts were______________(想法、问题等涌上心头) her.
②We all ______________ (聚集在…周围;聚拢 )the stove to keep warm.
crowding in on
crowded around
teach (n.)
act (n.)
— actor
— teacher (n.)
Add to the root to form a new word.
Often changes the part of speech.
people who perform action
"Suffixes" refer to the letter collocation at the end of
the word and used to modify the root.
Ming-Qing Street
snacks and beef noodles
The city wall
Shuanglin Temple
The sculptures
The Rishengchang Bank
Items Great (5 pt.) Not bad (3 pt.) Try harder
(2 pt.)
I can infer the speaker's emotions based on their pronunciation and intonation.
I can express emotions such as excitement, surprise, and disappointment appropriately.
Proficient in using new vocabulary and grammar.
I can introduce a historical and cultural attraction you have visited.
I can role play to share travel experiences.
Points(pt.)_______________ _______________in total. Assessment
Unit 4 The History and Traditions课时教学设计
本单元第五课时 Listening and Talking& Assessing Your Progress&Project 课型 听说课和综合复习课
What---语篇主题和主要内容 Listening and Talking板块是听说课。本板块的活动主题是“谈论历史古迹的观光经历”(Talk about a visit to a historic tourist destination)。通过旅游观光可以了解一个国家历史文化、风俗习惯等的特点。本板块的听力文本是一段内容为青年旅店招待员 Xiao Yan 和背包客 Paul的对话。文本从背包客 Paul的视角,介绍了明清街、日升昌票号、双林寺等著名的历史文化景点,向学生展示了平遥古城的历史、文化和经济、传统等方面的特点,了解平遥著名的历史文化景点和Paul作为一位外国游客的旅行经历和感受。 Assessing Your Progress板块包含了三部分内容,分别是语言知识检测、单元评价、自我反思。第一部分是语言知识检测,包含词汇和语法活动。第二部分涉及单元内容评价及自我反思,帮助学生了解学习中存在的问题和不足,根据自身情况及时解决问题。同时,也可以帮助教师评估学生的学习情况,有利于针对不同层次的学生因材施教。第三部分是项目活动,这部分的活动主题是“介绍国家/城市/村庄的传统”(Introduce the traditions of a country/city/village)。学生分组谈论参观过的一个历史文化景点。 Project板块介绍的是墨西哥历史文化传统,活动一要求学生分组讨论,选择一个国家/城市/村庄,用海报准备一份演示文稿。活动二中同学们将工作分配给小组成员,共同制作一张海报。活动三向全班同学展示你的海报。活动四给出了一个小组填写表并记录并评估其他小组的陈述。活动五要求全班找出获胜者,并在教室里张贴海报。 Why---语篇传递的主题意义 整堂课旨在引导学生在他人的旅游经历中了解平遥的历史文化和现状,探索中国古城平遥的历史和文化价值,能够在交际中使用表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感的功能意念项目准确、恰当地描述景点的历史、文化、经济、传统并客观进行评价。通过学习国内外历史文化景点的相关知识,发现家乡的历史、文化和传统等的特色之处,从深层次的角度理解文化传统的内涵,能够从历史和传统等方面介绍家乡,增强自身热爱家乡历史文化和国家文化的家国情怀。了解中外文化差异,培养跨文化交流意识。在单元评价和自我反思板块提高自我评价和反思的能力。通过自我反思,了解语言知识,意识到学习一个国家或地区的历史文化重要意义和价值培养自我评价、自我反思、自我改进的能力。 How---文体结构、语言特点及功能 Listening and Talking板块,通过先呈现有关平遥古城的视频和图片,在听前环节,通过解释生词词义和勾选对话中提到的地点,检测学生捕捉关键信息的能力。教材在Listening板块中的情景设定非常巧妙,以游客和旅行社店员之间的对话形式展开,Paul作为一名外国游客,对平遥古城的相关历史文化、现状以及旅游攻略等方面的了解并不全面,这导致了他与旅行社之间在平遥古城相关信息上存在一定的差距,通过Paul与旅行社店员的对话,引出了表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等个人情感的语言表达形式。学习表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等个人情感的语言表达形式这为之后的小组合作介绍家乡景点的历史、文化、经济、传统等,打下了坚实的基础。通过学习,学生能够具体生动地表达个人情感,并培养了与人合作的能力、信息搜集与整合的能力以及口语表达能力。 在Assessing Your Progress活动中,主题是“介绍国家/城市/村庄的传统”, 这不仅符合单元主题,还是单元话题的延伸。教材设定将把听说课中结对介绍平遥古城的活动拓展到小组讨论,这样的安排旨在进一步巩固并提升课内知识,通过小组讨论的形式,学生们可以相互分享、学习和交流,从而更全面地了解和体验不同的文化传统。 Project板块是跨文化交际板块,在介绍国内历史文化景点的基础上进行外国历史文化学习,是拓展延伸部分。该部分有效地拓展课内知识,培养学生创新思维能力。
【已知】 学生在初中已经学习过类似的内容,比如在八年级上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 中学习过谈论过去游览过的地方,能够表达过去曾经去过某地以及在那里经历的事情,并对此作出评价。学生在本单元的Reading and Reading板块中已经理解了学习一个国家或地区历史,可以更好地理解这国家或地区及它的传统,在旅行中更加的愉快。在Reading for Writing板块中,学生也学会了通过描写熟悉或喜欢的地方,反思国内或家乡景点历史文化价值,了解其历史文化传统,表达自己的感受和情感。学生在本单元之前课程学习的相关知识为本板块的学习打下了一些基础,让学生对本节课内容有学习兴趣,同时本版块内容是之前内容的延续,选题贴近学生生活,学生易于接受。 【未知】 有一部分同学在平时的学习中听说训练不够,听力技巧和听音熟练度不够,不熟悉本单元的单词,存在对关键信息捕捉能力不足,漏听、错听、词汇拼写错误信息、记录不完整等问题。同时,有些同学的口语表达能力比较弱,词汇量不够,对于描述个人情感的表达方式掌握度不够,不能恰当地表达自己个人情感和感受。这部分学生对于开口说英语存在畏难心理,在与同学间的小组合作的时候不积极,合作意识也有待提高。 【能知】 由于本课的主题和学生的旅游经历有关并且后面是谈论自己的家乡所以学生的表达欲较强。在教学过程中,教师需要在听前进行知识导入、听前预测、信息分析等教学活动,为学生扫除听力障碍。通过学生阅读对话中表达说话者情感和情绪的句子,体会说话者当时的情感和情绪。降低听说活动的难度,让学生有信心用英语表达自己的想法。通过分组活动,学生合作并讨论话题,运用听力文本和之前活动中提供的主题信息、功能意念项目等进行口头表达,恰当表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感。通过总结表达个人情感的表达方式,结合实际情境,帮助学生快速熟悉目标语言,建立学生自信心。教师要密切关注学生的学习情况,多启发鼓励,并给予学生充分的时间思考准备。
通过本课学习,学生能够: 1.语言能力: ①根据人物在谈话中的语调和语调来推断说话者的情感。 ②能够在日常交际中恰当地表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感。 ③编制一个关于平遥之旅的对话,与同学角色扮演分享自己旅行经历。 ④谈论参观过的一个历史文化景点。 2.学习能力: ①在听的过程中,能够通过上下文获取平遥的关键信息。 ②引导学生通过练习更好地理解构词法。 ③巩固并熟练运用生词及过去分词作为宾语补语和定语的语法。 ④提高自我评价和反思的能力。 ⑤了解墨西哥的历史和文化传统,与同学制作一张关于墨西哥传统文化的海报。 3.思维品质: 观察和分析语言和文化现象,了解历史景点悠久历史和特色传统的文化内涵和现实意义,思考历史与现实的辩证关系。 4.文化意识:增强自身热爱家乡历史文化和国家文化的家国情怀。
教学重点: 1.根据人物在谈话中的语调和语调来推断说话者的情感。 2.在日常交际中恰当地使用表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感的语言形式。 3.巩固并熟练运用生词及过去分词作为宾语补语和定语的语法。 教学难点: 1.编制一个关于平遥之旅的对话,与同学角色扮演分享自己旅行经历。 2.运用所学知识介绍自己参观过的一处历史遗迹并表达感受。 3.结合单元内容进行自我评价和反思,思考产生的影响及自身不足,提高自我评价和反思的能力。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
学习理解:在听的过程中,能够通过上下文获取平遥的关键信息。根据人物在谈话中的语调和语调来推断说话者的情感。 任务一:Lead in 1.创设情境:作为一名年轻的背包客,保罗对中国平遥古城的古老历史特别着迷。他向一家青年旅行社的职员讲述了自己的旅行经历和感受。 Receptionist:Did you have a good time in Pingyao Are there any scenic spots you like Paul:I have been to Mingqing Street, Rishengchang Bank and other places.During the journey, I felt both amazed and disappointed. 2.引出表示惊讶、失望等体现说话者情绪的语言表达形式。 (1)教师展示平遥古城的图片,让学生看图片并回答问题。 ①Have you ever been to Pingyao ②What's your impression of Pingyao 提出问题,同时让学生看平遥古城的视频。 How much do you know about Pingyao (3)提出问题:Can you introduce famous historic and cultural sites there 教师展示平遥的著名景点和景点介绍。 (4)教师让学生了解更多的平遥历史和文化背景知识。 任务二:Before Listening 1.教师描述情境:Backpacker Paul is talking to the receptionist at an international youth hostel in Pingyao,China. 设问:Do you know what a backpacker is 学生回答:A backpacker is a person who goes travelling with a backpack. 2.教师播放第一遍录音,让学生听录音并勾选出对话中提到的地方,完成活动1。 任务三:While Listening 1.学生讨论以下问题: Do you know what words are used to express feelings 2.让学生阅读活动2的六个句子,对说话者的感受做出判断。 3.教师再次播放录音,让学生完成句子,描述发言者的感受和情绪。 任务一:把学生分成小组,进行小组讨论,讨论完毕后请小组代表进行回答问题。回答的同学声音洪亮,无发音和词汇错误。 任务二:学生讨论,自由发言或随机抽取几名学生回答听力题目的答案,要求无词汇、语法错误,语音语调正确,声音洪亮。 任务三:自由讨论,积极举手发言,答案正确的同学加个人评比分一分。
设计意图 通过图片、视频和讨论导入这节课的学习内容,直观地加深学生对平遥古城相关历史文化背景知识,为后面的教学做铺垫,提高学生对本堂课的学习兴趣。听前活动为学生扫清听力障碍,检测学生捕捉关键信息的能力。体会说话者的感受和情绪,根据文字、对话情境、说话人语音语调判断说话人情感。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
应用实践:能够在日常交际中恰当地使用表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感的语言形式。能够在日常交际中恰当地使用表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感的语言形式。编制一个关于平遥之旅的对话,与同学角色扮演分享自己旅行经历。学生通过练习更好地理解构词法。巩固并熟练运用生词及过去分词作为宾语补语和定语的语法。了解墨西哥的历史和文化传统。与同学交流合作,制作一张关于墨西哥传统文化的海报。提高自我评价和反思的能力。 任务四:分析与判断 1.让学生阅读下面对话,注意红色下划线句子中说话者的语气。 Xiao Yan:Oh,well, what about the Ming Qing Street — that's pretty big. Some of the street snacks there are amazing! Paul:Oh,that place,yes. But I had no idea there would be so many tourists!So I decided to leave and ride out to Shuanglin Temple. Xiao Yan:Oh, cool, that's one of my favourite places! It's so peaceful out there! Paul:Yeah, that place is really quiet. And some of those sculptures — wow! I couldn’t believe how big and lifelike they were. 2.比较两组句子。从表情和语气中理解说话者的情绪。 ①Oh,that place,yes. But I had no idea there would be so many tourists!So I decided to leave and ride out to Shuanglin Temple. ②Oh,that place,yes. But I tried many delicious snacks there. 任务五:内化和运用 1.教师让学生思考并讨论以下问题。 What places did Paul talk to the receptionist about in Pingyao 2.两人一组进行讨论 设问:If you are Paul, what famous historical and cultural sites would you like to visit or experience Do you think you will like it Why 学生参考以下的例句: ①I want to go to the city wall and Shuanglin Temple, because... ②I want to go to Ming Qing street and Rishengchang Bank, because... 3.学生学习一些表示个人情感的表达方式。 I had no idea... I didn't know... I was eager/surprised to see/earn/hear that... I was so much fun! It was a little disappointing. It wasn't as good/interesting/fun as I'd expected. 4.学生进行角色扮演 假设学生中的一个人刚刚参观了平遥。两人一组,分角色表演对话,然后用方框中的表达继续对话。 任务六:Assessing Your Progress 1.感知与注意 创设情境:英语课堂上,小红正在背单词,他注意到“happiness”和“beautiful”这两个单词都有特别的结尾部分“-ness”和“-ful”。她向老师提问寻求解答。 Xiao Hong:I found things like "- ness" and "- ful" after "happiness" and "beautiful". What do they mean Mr Zhang:These are called suffixes. "- ness" usually represents a noun, while "- ful" often represents an adjective. 由此情境导入英语后缀的知识。 2.获取与梳理 (1)设问:Do you know what is the English suffix What is the function of it Can you give some examples 学生思考并回答后,教师给出后缀的定义并举例说明。 (2)教师设问,让学生举例说出名词和形容词后缀。 设问:Can you name noun /adjective suffixes What parts of speech do they represent Please give examples. 3.描述与阐述 设问:Can you tell the meaning of the following suffixes Please give some examples. 教师列出一些常见的后缀并让学生说出每个后缀所表达的意义。 4.内化与运用 (1)完成活动1,把单词和词尾结合起来,形成你在本单元所学的单词。然后用它们完成下面的句子。 (2)完成活动2,用第二句中动词的过去分词把每对句子组合成一个句子。 任务七:Project 1.感知与注意 (1)设问:What do you know about Mexico 由此简单介绍墨西哥。 (2)创设情境:下午,亚历克斯、索菲亚和伊桑在咖啡馆见面。他们都对墨西哥文化感兴趣。他们决定一起踏上一段虚拟的墨西哥文化之旅。 亚历克斯:历史学家,对墨西哥古代文明感兴趣。 索菲亚:一个美食博客,迷恋墨西哥街头小吃。 伊桑:一位受墨西哥音乐启发的年轻音乐家。 分别由这三个人物从历史、文化、艺术等方面介绍墨西哥,由此引出墨西哥的背景知识。 2.描述与阐述 看第47页的海报。海报中介绍了墨西哥传统文化的哪些方面?你认为海报上最重要的是什么? 3.内化与运用 (1)分组工作 选择一个国家/城市/村庄,用海报准备一份演示文稿。 将工作分配给小组成员,共同制作一张海报。 向全班同学展示你的海报。 作为一个小组填写表并记录并评估其他小组的陈述。 找出获胜者,并在教室里张贴你的海报。 任务四:分析判断说话人语气,内化运用,学会灵活运用。以两人一组的形式进行编制对话,随机抽几组进行评估。 任务五:以两人一组的形式进行编制对话,随机抽几组进行评估。 任务六:自由讨论,自由发言或由小组代表回答问题。在回答练习的时候,给出正确答案的同学,个人评比分加一分。 任务七:分组讨论,要求积极发言,声音洪亮,主动参与小组活动,明确分工。
设计意图 学生从句子表达方式和说话者的语气体会说话者的情感和情绪,例如:兴奋、惊讶和失望等,体会表达情感的表达方式。回顾学习的内容,为谈论平遥和其他历史文化景点的话题做准备。在语言输出环节,通过让学生分角色朗读、根据提示续编对话等教学活动,学会运用表达兴奋、惊讶和失望等个人情感的表达形式。了解墨西哥的历史和文化传统。与同学交流合作,制作一张关于墨西哥传统文化的海报。结合应用实践和拓展练习的完成情况,自我评价需要改进的地方。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
迁移创新:在日常交际中恰当地使用表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等情感的语言形式。介绍自己参观过的一处历史遗迹并表达感受。观察和分析语言和文化现象,了解历史景点悠久历史和特色传统的文化内涵和现实意义。 任务八:结对训练 一、描述去过的历史遗迹 1.想一想去过的历史遗迹。 2.编一个对话介绍一次历史旅游目的地之旅。 3.选择一个参观过的历史遗迹,并列出你将要谈论的方面。 4.和搭档一起用表达兴奋、惊讶和失望的句子向对方介绍这个地方。 5.使用思维导图 列出当地古老的街道、建筑、雕像和特色。 6.编制对话并互相练习口语。 二、完成宣传稿并演讲 创设情境:学校将开展“保护历史遗迹”宣传活动。假设你是一所高中的学生会主席李华。请围绕这个主题为学校写一篇宣传稿活动并发表演讲。 这些内容包括以下几个方面: (1)破坏历史遗迹的严重后果。 (2)学生能够做出的贡献。 任务九:角色扮演 将学生分成几个小组,每个小组由4-5人组成。每个小组都需要选择一个墨西哥的角色扮演节。例如,墨西哥的节日,如“亡灵节”、“独立日”或“圣诞节”。 Content: ·Festival background ·Traditional customs ·Display holiday food and clothing ·work in cooperation with a due division of labour 任务八:分析整合信息,学会在实际情境中灵活运用。以两人一组的形式进行讨论,上台主动展示对话的同学,由全班评选出优胜者加个人评比分一分。 任务九:小组展示并由全班同学自由提问,要求题材新颖,表演真实自然,要点齐全,声音洪亮,无语法错误。
设计意图 通过一系列的教学活动,我们旨在培养学生利用听力文本、主题信息以及功能意念等内容进行口头表达的能力,使他们能够恰当地表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等个人情感。将课内知识转化为实际运用能力。这不仅能够拓展学生的思考和创新思维,还能有效激发学生的学习兴趣和思维能力。通过将所学知识系统化,能够帮助学生加强对知识的理解、巩固与提高,从而弥补可能存在的知识缺陷。
ItemsGreat (5 pt.)Not bad (3 pt.)Try harder (2 pt.)I can infer the speaker's emotions based on their pronunciation and intonation.I can express emotions such as excitement, surprise, and disappointment appropriately.I can role play to share travel experiences.Discuss a historical and cultural attraction you have visited.I can role play to share travel experiences.I can proficient in using new vocabulary and grammar.I can create posters of traditional Mexican culture with classmates.Points(pt.)______________________________in total.
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 1.复习本单元生词和语法,借助工具书把知识点制作成思维导图形式。 2.完成课后练习一完成句子、练习二短文填空。 通过基础练习,检测本节课学习的内容掌握情况,做到了解自身学习情况。 查漏补缺,复习本课时所学内容。
提高题: 完成课后练习三语法填空、练习四阅读理解和练习五书面表达。 复习和巩固本节课所学知识。 巩固本节课所学内容。
拓展题: 每三人或四人一组,选择当地一个有名的历史景点或古迹,制作英语介绍视频。 1.到当地图书馆查阅资料或在网上搜集有关于这个景点的相关信息和视频。(例如:它的起源、历史、文化、发展、现状、政府和社会组织对它的保护措施等内容。 2.各组结合查阅到的信息,讨论并撰写主持稿,由小组选出的主持人用英语进行介绍。(视频由小组成员共同拍摄) 3.拍摄视频长度不超过10分钟。 能够在实际情境中恰当地运用所学知识介绍历史景点或古迹。 培养学生在生活的真实场景中,对英语的运用能力和创造力。
本节课作为本单元的听力口语和综合课,旨在引导学生通过听力文本,了解著名历史文化景点平遥古城的历史、文化和艺术等方面的特色。判断并掌握说话者表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等个人情感的意念功能项目,在结对口语训练中,恰当运用意念功能项目编制对话介绍平遥古城。能够通过小组合作,和同学介绍参观过的一个历史文化景点,培养学生语言表达能力、与人合作的能力。在这部分活动中,少数学生对于如何判断并正确地使用兴奋、惊讶、失望等个人情感的意念功能项目的能力有所欠缺,特别是在实际运用中由于词汇量积累不够,常用句式掌握不够,导致在语言输出的环节出现表达不当、词汇错误等问题。在教学活动中,教师可以通过讲解常用表达方式再让学生进行活动,鼓励学生多提问,积极发言等方法解决出现的问题。 在英语后缀的学习中,绝大多数的学生能够说出名词性和形容词性后缀的意义并举例,少数学生在解释后缀意义的时候表述不全或者理解错误,这需要教师利用表格中列举的常用后缀及意义详细讲解,并抽选这些学生回答问题,帮助其掌握知识点。在之后的单元词汇和语法练习中,学生基本上能够完成练习,有极少数学生出错,教师可以在课后让他们做一些基础练习巩固基础知识。 在Project板块中,主要是学习外国文化,了解中外文化差异,培养跨文化交流意识。在制作海报环节,主要是基于前面知识点的拓展训练,学生通过小组合作共同完成活动,训练学生综合运用能力。在教学活动中加入了创新迁移环节,学生有较强的学习兴趣,但在活动中出现道具准备不足,节日介绍不完整,分工不明确等问题,教师可以在课前要求学生准备一些道具和材料,上网搜集一些相关知识。 本课时三个板块与本单元的单元主题“谈论历史古迹的观光经历”相符,在学习听力的同时融入了国内外历史文化景点的相关知识,也将后缀知识和单元自测环节贯穿其中,对学生在情境中灵活运用目标语言的能力要求比较高。在课堂实际教学中,如果把握不当,可能达不到好的教学效果,反而使教学环节不够顺畅。可以在教学活动中举例说明,结合结对训练和小组讨论等活动,同时引导学生积极思考,勇于提问和互相交流帮助教学活动顺利开展。教师也要在教学中,积极观察并评估学生学习情况,根据实际情况调整教学内容,因材施教,尽量地采用多种教学法结合的方式,顺利完成课程。
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