

名称 2024届高中英语语法定语从句条件状语从句课件(共23张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 347.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-09 12:28:10



Relative clauses
Relativeclauses1 –who/that/whichStudy these sentence pairs:I know the woman next door. She is a lawyer.The people are friendly. They work in an office.This is a machine. It can drive by itself.We live in a house. It is 200 years old.Can you write one sentence instead of two You can use relative pronouns:where, who, which, that, whom, whoseRelativeclauses1 –who/that/whichStudy these sentence pairs:I knowthe woman next doorwhois a lawyer.Whois for people (notthings)2)The peoplethatwork in the office are friendly. thatcan also be used for people(anonymous group)3) This isa machinethat/whichcan drive by itself. Thatis mainly used for things4) We live ina housethat/whichis 200 years old. Whichis only used for things (notpeople)Relativeclauses1 –who/that/whichRelativeclausesareusedtowriteoneinsteadoftwosentences.Relativeclausesexpress arelation, e.g.betweenpeopleandthings.Who,thatandwhicharerelativepronouns.Wedon‘twriteacomma(noextrainformationgiven!).Relativeclauses2 –withoutrelativepronounStudytheseexamples:1a) The maniscarryingabag.It‘sveryheavy.1b)Thebag(that) heiscarryingisveryheavy.2a) Thisappleistasty. I ameatingtheapple.2b)Theapple(that) I ameatingistasty.Canyouguesstherule Relativeclauses2 –withoutrelativepronounYoudo notneedthat/which/whowhenitistheobject.SubjectVerbObjectThe maniscarryingabag.Iameatingtheapple. Thebag(that)themaniscarrying. Theapple(that) I ameating.Relativeclauses2 –withoutrelativepronounSometimesthereisapreposition(to,at, in, etc.) after averb(=phrasalverb):Eveistalkingtoa man. Doyouknowtheman (that) Eveistalkingto Westayedatahotel. Thehotel(that)westayedatwasverynice.preposition:atendofrelativeclause!Relativeclauses3 –whose,whom,whereWeusewhoseforpeople.Wesaysomething/someonebelongstothem:Awidowisawoman.Herhusbandisdead.Awidowisawomanwhosehusbandisdead.What‘sthenameoftheman Youborrowedhiscar. What‘sthenameofthemanwhosecaryouborrowed Relativeclauses3 –whose,whom,whereWeusewhomifpeoplearetheobjectofasentence:Georgeisaperson. Iadmirehim.GeorgeisapersonwhomIadmire.Ilikethepeople. Iworkwiththem. IlikethepeoplewithwhomIwork.Relativeclauses3 –whose,whom,whereWeusewheretotalkaboutaplace:Thisistherestaurant.Wehadlunchhere.Thisistherestaurantwherewehadlunch.Iwentbacktothetown. Igrewupthere. IwentbacktothetownwhereIgrewup.Relativeclauses4– extrainformationclauses(non-definingrelativeclauses)In relativeclausesthatgiveusextrainformationcommasareused:MybrotherBen,wholivesin Hong Kong,isanarchitect.Annatoldmeabouthernewjob,whichshe‘senjoying.WestayedatthePark Hotel,whichafriendofoursrecommended.Relativeclauses4– extrainformationclauses(non-definingrelativeclauses)In relativeclausesthatgiveusextrainformationcommasareused:Youcannotusethat: John,who(*)whospeaksGerman,worksasourguide.Youcannotleaveoutwhoorwhich: WestayedatthePark Hotel,whichafriendofoursrecommended.Youcanusewhomforpeople: ThismorningIsawChris,whomIhadn‘tseenforages.
Conditional clauses
IfI do ...andIfIdid...Example 1Lisa: Shall we go by bus or by train Jess:If we goby bus, itwillbe cheaper. For Jess it ispossibleto go by bus.Example 2Later, Jess talks to Joe.Joe: How are you going to travel Jess: We’re going by train.If we wentby bus, itwouldbe cheaper, but the train is quicker. Now Jess knows they are not going to travel by bus.IfI do ...andIfIdid...(2)Explanation 1When we imagine that something can happen, we useIf + present …,will/going to…Explanation 2When we imagine that something will not happen, or we don’t expect to happen, we useIf + past…, would/could + infinitive …IfI do ...andIfIdid...(3)Examples for things that are possible to happen:If it doesn’t rain, I will go outside.If I win the money, I will buy a car.If you find my wallet, can you call me Examples for things that are unlikely to happen:If I was an electrician, I could repair the lighting myself.If I went now, I could still catch the train.If had the time, I would go to the concert.IfI do ...andIfIdid...(4)Don’t usewould/could/shouldin the if-part!!I would be very scaredifsomebodypointeda gun at me. (notwould point)Ifwewentby bus, it would be cheaper. (notif we would go)But you can useif … wouldwhen asking someone to do something:I would be gratefulifyouwould letmeknowas soon as possible.IfIknew... IwishIknew...The verbsknowandwishexpress a hypothetical situation, so things we don’t expect to happen.If Iknewher number, Iwould callher.If Iknewwhat to do, Iwould doit.IwishIweretaller. (=If I was taller, that would be nice.)IwishIwererich. (=If I was rich, I could buy a house.)IwishIcouldhelp you. (=I wish Iwasable to help you.)IfIhadknown... IwishIhadknown...Read this situation:Last month Gary was in hospital for a few days. Rachel didn’t know this, so she didn’t go to visit him. They met a few days ago.Rachelsaid:If I’d knownyou were in hospital, Iwould have goneto see you.If I’d known = If I had knownIfIhadknown... IwishIhadknown...(2)We useif+ ‘d/had + past participle, would/could + have + past participleto talk about hypothetical situations in the past:I didn’t see you when I passed you in the street.IfIhad seenyou, Iwould have saidhello.I didn’t go out last night. Iwould have goneoutifIhadn’t beenso tired.Ifhehad been lookingwhere he was going, hewouldn’t have takensome pictures. (but I didn’t have a camera)IfIhadknown... IwishIhadknown...(3)Compare:Iamnot hungry.IfIwashungry, Iwouldeat something.Iwasnot hungry.IfIhad beenhungry, Iwould have eatensomething.Important:Note that‘dcan bewouldorhad:If I’d seenyou, … (I’dseen = Ihadseen)… I’d have saidhello. (I’dhave said = Iwouldhave said)Summary:Conditionals(examples)exampletime referencenameIf salesgo up, Iusuallygeta bonus.present: generalzeroIf salesgo upnext month, I‘ll geta bonus.future:likelyfirstIf saleswent upnext month, I‘d geta bonus.future: unlikelysecondIf saleshad gone uplast month, I‘d have gota bonus.pastthirdSummary:Conditionals(theoretical)formtime referenceIf + present , presentpresent: generalIf + present , futurefuture:likelyIf + past, would/could + infinitivefuture: unlikelyIf + past perfect, would/could + present perfectpast