B3U1 Integrated skills II 倡议书
执教者 教材 牛津译林必修三
授课内容 B3U1 Integrated skills 倡议书 单元主题 人与自然
教材分析 本单元的主题语境是“人与自然”,话题是“环境与环境保护”,旨在帮助学生认识环境保护的重要性,培养学生的环保意识。Integrated skills板块以“保护动物”创设情境,通过一系列读、看、说的活动来培养学生的语言能力,提升学科素养。教学活动从阅读一篇有关人类活动对动物负面影响的新闻报道开始,旨在让学生了解动物保护所面临的先是困难;再让学生观看一段有关动物保护的视频,了解动物保护的重要性和保护动物的方式方法;在次基础上,让学生就“动物保护”的话题展开讨论,最后完成一篇号召人们保护动物的文章。
学生分析 学生处于高一年级第二个学期,对于高中写作标准有一定的理解。同时,学生已经学过了Reading和Grammar部分,熟悉了单元话题,掌握了一些关于环境保护的单词和短语,如:take action, take measure, protect habitats等,这有助于学生对于本节课观点的输出和思维的拓展。但学生自入校以来,接触但写作多以“信件”为主,故会存在审题不明,体裁误用的情况。除此之外,2301班为纯理科班级,学生的英语基础参差不弃,部分同学易出现句子结构错误、单词拼写错误等。
教学目标 Understand the importance and value of animals and take effective ways to protect them. Write a passage to call for protection of animals using structured format and useful expressions. Shoulder their responsibilities for protecting animals and take action.
教学重、难点 Write a passage using structured format and proper expressions. Take action to protect animals in their daily life.
注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work;
Procedure Activities Evaluation standards IP & Time
Lead in Appreciate picture Have students answer the following questions: What can you tell from this pictures (make laws; design a poster; launch activities; do voluntary works.) What is the purpose of these activities (Help protect animals) 学生能理解图片背后“保护动物”的内涵,并呼出主题。 CW、 3‘
Intention: 以图片形式倒入,让学生深思图片背后的目的,以此让学生熟悉本节课的话题,初步感知保护动物的措施,激活学生解决问题的意识。
Review Review and fill in blanks Have students watch the video of Part B again and fill in the blanks. Read the script and work out the structure Have students read the script quickly and finish the match Para 1 Specific solutions & examples Para 2 The importance & purpose Para 3 call on people to take action 学生能够准确地获取视频中的关键词,并理解文章中的Why和How的问题。 IW 6‘
Intention: 以旧知带新知,充分利用教材资料,并以此为载体,让学生获取倡议书的结构。
Discuss for ideas Have students discuss the solutions from different aspects in groups. For individualsFor the communityFor the government
学生能积极探讨关于保护动物的切实可行的措施。 CW 5’
Intention: 通过小组讨论,让学生从不同的角度讨论关于保护动物的措施,发散学生思维,培养学生的综合能力。
Brainstorm useful expressions Have students complete the sentences Para. 1: The importance of endangered animals + the purpose of writing __________________________ that +...(...是毋庸置疑的) There is no denying that+ ...是毫无疑问 It is widely acknowledged that __________________________________ (保护野生动物是重要的) However, the decreasing number of wildlife ______________________________________ (引起了人们的关注) Para. 2 Specific solutions + examples It’s high time that ___________________________ (采取有效措施)to protect animals habitats, such as ... ___________________________________ (通过出台法律) to prevent the animals from being hunted. Para. 3:Call on people to take action Only when we make small changed in our way of life can we ______________________ (对地球有重要影响) It is the duty of everyone to _____________________________ (承担责任)for protecting animals. To protect animals is to protect ourselves. Logical words and conjunctions: on one hand... on the other hand...; not only... but also...; to begin with...; in addition to ... last but not least...; most importantly,... 学生能根据已学短语完成句子,保证语法正确,单词准确。 IW 6’
Intention: 通过分析学生已知内容进行挖空练习,为学生后续的写作打好脚手架。所提示的句式多为高考写作常用句式,能为学生后续的写作学习提供知识累积。
Write a passage calling for action 你校将以3月3日野生动物保护日(the World Wildlife Day)为题,举办英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括: 1. 野生动物的重要性; 2. 保护野生动物的措施; 3. 呼吁大家采取行动 注意:词数100字左右 Help protect animals! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 学生能根据已掌握的结构和句式,完成一篇结构完整、要点齐全、语言正确和书法美观的短文。 IW 10‘
Intention: 在学生已掌握好框架和有用表达的基础上,让学生在限定时间内完成写作练习,达到语言的内化和保护动物意识的协同一致。
Evaluate your work Have students exchange their passages and do pair review. Have students make comments on their passages based on the standards of assessment. Share some passages written by students and give proper evaluation. Appreciate the sample and clear the standards of an excellent passage. 学生能根据提供的评价表格给出中肯的建议,并赏析他人的佳作。 CW 5’
Intention: 互评和自评是有效促进学生知识吸收的过程,也有助于学生纠错能力的培养。范文的分析也会进一步让学生明晰好作文的具体要求,掌握到写作的基本范式。
Summarize Have students complete the blanks related to the topic. Let the water be _____________; the sky be _________________; the flower be _________________ and the earth be _________________. 学生能自然而然地完成填空。 CW 3’
Backboard design B3U1 Integrated skills II 倡议书Para 1 The importance & purpose Para 2 Specific solutions & examples Para 3 call on people to take actionEffective ways: For individuals: For the community: For the government: