人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1-unit 5 五个单元作文讲义(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1-unit 5 五个单元作文讲义(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 53.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-09 18:06:43



选择性必修三 作文一 -应用文作文训练 班级 姓名
一单元Art 主题写作——关于艺术展的通知
Attention, please. I have an announcement to make.
realistic, in particular, set apart from,influential,breakthrough,
reputation, purchase,emerge, be fond of,criticise,representative,
exhibition, recognition,bring...back to life guarantee,
contemporary, be worthy of, on display/show/exhibition
(not only...,reputation,influential)
③这个展览值得人们参观。(be worthy of)
( there be sb./sth. doing..., bring...to life)
(as if, emerge)
(berequired to do sth. )
① An exhibition on the works of Xu Beihong is beingheld in our school art club.
② Not only did Mr Xu have a good reputation amonghis contemporaries but also he was one of the most influentialartists at home and abroad.
③ The exhibition is worthy of being visited.
④ There are six horses running in the painting, and theflying hair brings them to life.
⑤ You will feel as if they were to fly out of the paintingand emerge before you.
⑥ We are required to write a review about the works.
⑦ If you observe and admire them carefully, I guaranteethat you will learn a lot.
Attention, please. I have an announcement to make.
An exhibition on the works of Xu Beihong is being held in our school art club. The highlight of the works on display is The Six Horses by Xu Beihong. Not only did Mr Xu have a good reputation among his contemporaries but also he was one of the most influential artists at home and abroad. As a result, the exhibition is worthy of being visited. There are six horses running in the painting, and the flying hair brings them to life. Therefore, you will feel as ifthey were to fly out of the painting and emerge before you.
We are to gather at 8: 00 a.m. this Saturday at the gate ofour school. We are required to write a review about the works.
If you observe and admire them carefully, I guarantee that you will learn a lot.
Dear Peter,
Since you are fond of Chinese painting, I'm writing to invite you to attend a Chinese painting exhibition with me.
The exhibition will be held from October 1 to October 6 in the art gallery, where Chinese paintings created by many influential artists from different times will be on display. You will appreciate masterpieces and feel the charm of Chinese painting in person. I'm sure it will be a feast for your eyes.Please let me know which day suits you best so that I can book tickets online in advance.
I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply.
Li Hua
二单元Healthy lifestyle主题写作:给编辑的一封关于健康的生活邮件
假设你是李华。最近,杂志Healthy Life就中学生的生活
tobacco, discipline, straight away, share...with, stressedout/worn out,
what is worse, become addicted to, becomeaware, make up one's mind
①随着我的学业增加,我感觉心力交瘁。(stressed out)
②曾经有一段时间,我晚上失眠。(there be a time when...)
③我沉迷于吸烟,这对我的身心健康有消极的影响。( be addicted to, have
a negative effect on, physical)
④我突然意识到,如果不加以控制,我的坏习惯会让我一事无成。(if left
⑤我下定决心马上改变自己。(make up one's mind to do sth. )
⑦毫无疑问,我更有活力,更专注于我的学习。(Therebe no doubt that...,
① As my studies grew, I was stressed out.
② There was a time when I couldn't sleep at night.
③ I became addicted to smoking tobacco, which had anegative effect on my
physical and mental health.
④ I suddenly became aware that if left unchecked, mybad habit would make
me accomplish nothing.
⑤ I made up my mind to change myself straight away.
⑥ Whenever I wanted to smoke, I tried to disciplinemyself by doing other
⑦ There is no doubt that I am more dynamic, concentrating on my study.
二单元范文1:Dear Editor,
Here, I would like to share my story with you. As my studies grew, I was stressed out. There was a time when I couldn't sleep at night. What was worse, I became addicted to smoking tobacco,which had a negative effect on my physical and mental health.
One day, I suddenly became aware that if left unchecked,my bad habit would make me accomplish nothing. Therefore,I made up my mind to change myself straight away. Whenever I wanted to smoke, I tried to discipline myself by doing otherthings. I chose to play basketball instead. In addition, I got up early to take exercise every morning.
Now, there is no doubt that I am more dynamic,concentrating on my study.
Yours,Li Hua
假设你是李华,得知好朋友 Jack 在升入高三之际感到学习压力很大。请你按照以下要点给他写一封信,帮助他放松身心,提高学习效率。
Dear Jack,
I'm sorry to hear that you are worn out because of the heavy pressure in your study. I would like to offer you some advice on how to study effectively.
To start with, you should learn in a relaxing way, which will reduce your pressure and make your study become an easy job. Another way to keep you dynamic is to take part in sports regularly, which enhances your body. Listening to music is another effective means of refreshing you and helping youget rid of your negative thoughts. More importantly, you aresupposed to exchange ideas with your classmates and friends.
So keep trying and you will make it.
Yours,Li Hua
三单元写作Environmental protection环境保护
introduce, generally speaking, be worthy of, garbage,dozens of, tolerate,
take strict measures, carry out,regulation, in the meanwhile, recommend,
install, fine,implement, harmonious
①总的来说,值得表扬。(be worthy of)
②有强有力的证据表明,一些居民经常到处扔垃圾。(There is evidence... )
③情况太差了,很多人都无法忍受它。(so...that,tolerate )
④毫无疑问,有必要采取严格的措施,并执行一些规定。(There is no doubt that...)
⑤那些被抓到乱扔垃圾的人应该被罚款。 ( be caught doing sth., fine )
⑥随着这些措施的最终实施,我们相信一个和谐的社区将被建造。(with sth. done, harmonious)
1.Generally speaking, it is worthy of being praised.
2.There is strong evidence that a few residents frequently drop garbage everywhere.
3.The situation is so terrible that dozens of people can't tolerate it.
4.There is no doubt that it's necessary to take strict measures and carry out some regulations.
5.Those caught throwing away garbage should be fined.
6.With these measures implemented finally, we're confident that a harmonious community will be built.
三单元范文1:Dear Leslie,
Now, I'm writing to introduce the state of the environment in our community. Generally speaking, it is worthy of being praised. But there is strong evidence that a few residents frequently drop garbage everywhere. The situation is so terrible that dozens of people can't tolerate it.
There is no doubt that it's necessary to take strict measures and carry out some regulations. In the meanwhile, some residents strongly recommend that high definition cameras should be installed. Those caught throwing away garbage should be fined.
With these measures implemented finally, we're confident that a harmonious community will be built.
Yours,Li Hua
In recent years, the environment has been worsening with more and more carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.The air is so dirty that dozens of people can't tolerate it.Garbage is being seen somewhere. Unless we take action now, the earth will be unfit to live on
Actually, there are many things we can do to make a difference. Governments should make policies and regulations to restrict the burning of fossil fuels. Organisations should launch campaigns against various kinds of pollution. We as individuals should contribute to reducing pollution by doing something small.
四单元Adveristy and courage困境与勇气
请根据下列提示,写一篇关于 Shackleton和他的探险队的英语小短文。Shackleton和他的探险队乘船去南极探险。不幸的是,接近南极时,他们的船被冰压碎了。在船沉没之前,Shackleton带头扔掉一些宝贵的财产,上了几艘小船。面对困境,他们没有失去信心。Shackleton把一些船员安置在象岛上,然后他和另外五名船员去寻求帮助。他许下诺言会回来救他们。最终,他使船员们安全回家了。
一审:确定写作体裁和主题体裁:记叙文——小短文主题:介绍 Shackleton和他的探险队面对困境不屈不挠的故事。
三明确:明确写作要点:简单介绍 Shackleton 和他的探险队→他们遇到的困境(船沉)→克服困境→安全回家。
四分段:黄金分段法则:结合文章内容分三段。第一段简单叙说 Shackleton和他的探险队要去南极探险。第二段叙述遇到的困难。第三段叙述他们克服困难平安回家。
adversity,bitter,sink, belongings,unfortunately/unluckily,abandon, resolve,
crew, commitment, persevere, perseverance,courageous and adventurous,
make an expedition to, get crushed,throw away, be faced with, lose heart,
struggle to survive, in thebitter conditions, as well as, seek help, make a
commitment, safeand sound, be famous as, meet with, give up
①勇敢且爱冒险的 Shackleton 和他的团队乘船到南极探险。(make an expedition to)
②不幸的是,接近南极时,他们的船就被冰压碎了。(unfortunately, get done)
③ Shackleton 别无选择,只能弃船。(have no choice butto do, abandon)
④面对逆境,他们并没有失去信心。(be faced with,lose heart)
⑤ Shackleton 要求一些船员留在象岛,在那里他们在艰苦的环境中挣扎着生存。(where引导定语从句)
⑥他承诺,他会回来救他们。(make a commitment)
① Courageous and adventurous, Shackleton and his teammade an expedition to Antarctic by ship.
② Unfortunately, their ship got crushed by the ice whenthey almost approached Antarctic.
③ Shackleton had no choice but to abandon the ship.
④ Faced with adversity, they didn't lose heart.
⑤ Shackleton asked some of the crew to stay on ElephantIsland, where they struggled to survive in the bitter conditions.
⑥ He made a commitment that he would come back tosave them.
Courageous and adventurous, Shackleton and his team made an expedition to Antarctic by ship.
Unfortunately, their ship got crushed by the ice when they approached Antarctic. Shackleton had no choice but to abandon theship. He first threw away some valuable belongings before the ship sank. They got on several small boats. Faced with adversity, they didn't lose heart.
Shackleton asked some of the crew to stay on Elephant Island,where they struggled to survive in the bitter conditions. Shackleton,as well as five other crew members, went somewhere to seek help.He made a commitment that he would come back to save them. In theend, he led all the crew back home safe and sound.
四单元范文2:假定你是李华,得知英国好友Jim和他的队友在国际航空设计大赛(International Aero Design Competition)中失利。请根据以下要点提示给他写一封信。内容包括:(1)表示关心;(2)鼓励他面对困境,不畏失败,继续努力;(3)期待他成功。
Dear Jim,
I'm sorry to know that your team failed in theInternational Aero
Design Competition. Now I'm writingto encourage you to persevere
when you are faced with adversity.
As the saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success."Many
successful people had gone through countless failures before they
eventually succeeded. It was their perseverance and courage to face
failure that helped them achieve success in the end. I'm convinced
that you will learn more from this experience and perform much
better next time.
Keep on trying and you'll make it sooner or later.
Yours,Li Hua
一审 :确定写作体裁和主题
明确写作要点:给Lucy回邮件→说出自己喜欢的英文诗以及喜欢的原因(英文诗简单易懂,传递情感)→希望Lucy 也喜欢这首诗。
黄金分段法则:结合文章内容分三段。第一段发邮件告诉Lucy自己喜欢的英文诗;第二段写诗的名字、特点等;第三段希望 Lucy 也喜欢这首诗。
sorrow, rhyme, recite, be made up of, mood, convey,comprehension, core,
sympathy, version, contest, polish,complicated, variation, one of the
famous/outstanding poets, ameaningful poem, be fond of, follow one's dream
①知道你喜欢英语诗歌,所以为了和你分享我最喜欢的诗歌我正在写信。(be fond of)
②这首诗很容易理解和背诵,在结尾有押韵词。(recite, rhyme)
③它只有八行组成,句子很短。(be made up of)
⑤即使我们遇到困境,我们也不应该放弃我们的梦想。(even if)
⑥每次读它,我的心里都充满了希望。(every time)
① Knowing that you are fond of English poems, I'mwriting to share my favourite one with you.
② The poem is easy to understand and recite and has endrhymes.
③ It is made up of only eight lines and the sentences areshort.
④ However, the poem conveys an important message.
⑤ Even if we meet with adversities, we shouldn't abandonour dreams.
⑥ Every time I read it, my heart is full of hope.
Dear Lucy,
Knowing that you are fond of English poems, I'm writing to share my
favourite one with you.
Among the many English poems I have read, Dream by a famous
American poet is my favourite. The poem is easy to understandand recite and has end rhymes. It is made up of only eight lines and the sentences are short. In addition, its language is not complicated.However, the poem conveys an
important message. It reminds us to follow our dreams. Even if we meet
with adversities, we shouldn'tabandon our dreams. Every time I read it, my
heart is full of hope.
I'm sure you will love it after reading it.
Yours,Li Hua
是喜欢唐诗(Tang poetry)。请你给他回复一封邮件,提出学习建议并表
Dear Jack,
I'm glad to know that you're interested in Chinese culture, Tang poetry in
particular. As you know, Tang poetry is a very important literary form which
enjoys great popularity in China.
Tang poems represent the traditional Chinese culture and are popular all over the world. As the golden age of poems,the Tang Dynasty produced many
outstanding poets, among whom Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi were the most influential inhistory. When it comes to studying poems, you'd better grasp the meaning firstly, and then try to recite the whole poem.
Welcome to China! Looking forward to your view aboutthe Tang poems.
Yours,Li Hua