人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元检测(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元检测(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 31.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-09 18:23:13



Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks within the context.
Just as Aristotle put it,“We are what we 1._________ (repeated) do.”In many aspects, our lifestyle is the result of the choices that we have made. So forming good habits is very important, especially for 2._______ (teenager). That‘s because bad habits, if not corrected, will have3._______ bad effect on our adult life. To prevent harmful habits from dominating our life, we should make use4.______the “habit cycle”to kick bad habits and develop good ones. First we can facilitate positive changes by examining our bad habit cycles and trying to adapt them. Aside from this, we should also form good habits on purpose. Gradually, we5._______________(reward) by our actions.
Of course, bad habits, once6._______(form), are not easy for us to get out of. Some people can get out of bad habits quickly while others might try many times until they succeed. If we can't succeed straight away, don't become pessimistic. As a matter of fact, the7.___________ (successful) way to change is not suddenly, but over a period of time.8. ___the Chinese saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles 9._______ (begin)with a single step.” As long as we continue to take small steps, we are sure 10._____(get)rid of bad habits and build a healthy life.
Wang Lu and George Fielding attended the summer camp 1._________ (organise) by the magazine Healthy Life . At the end of the camp,what WangLu heard stimulated her 2._________ (motivate). She made up her mind 3.________(eat) nothing with sugar and to exercise regularly. Now she sleeps soundly at night and feels 4.____________ (dynamic)than ever.
In the meanwhile, George Fielding has changed himself 5. ________the better .He used to get so absorbed 6.____ he played the games day and night . However, after the camp, he 7.____ (take) control of his life though it was8.___big struggle not to play online games. Now he and his dad go rockclimbing together 9._______ (month). It has enhanced the quality of his life, 10.________ (improve)his health and increasing his happiness .
Since the two students can successfully get rid of their bad lifestyle,believe you can as well. Then be the change you want to see in the world.
With teenagers growing up,1.______can be easy for some to form bad habits. For example, some of them may become 2._______ (involve) in tobacco or alcohol abuse. If 3. ____ (leave) unchecked ,these bad habits could lead to more serious ones. To change harmful habits, teenagers must learn to understand how habits work—the “habit cycle”. Then adapt the bad habit cycles by combining the information from our habit cycles 4._____ our own positive ideas.
Don't try to change bad habits quickly, for the most successful way to change is over a period of time. As the Chinese philosopher LaoZi 5. ________ (write) “ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 6.________ (reach) the goal of change a person must show some discipline and 7._________ (repeat) take many small steps.
The good news is 8._______there is plenty of time for young people to change bad habits. However, there is no “magic pill”and you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some 9._______ (change). You have the power to build a happy and 10.________(health) life that is full of good habits !
Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences.
1.Those who love animals hold the view that animal a________ needs to be taken seriously.
2.Our brains f_______ decision-making by stopping us focusing too much on unimportant past details.
3.With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and ________(纪律).
4.They say these ________(药丸) have many side effects,so we had better not take them.
5.If your child ________(支配) children of his own age, try to arrange for him to play with older children.
6.The aircraft flew over the island ________(反复地), and no sign of life has been seen.
7.Japanese workers are generally highly ________(悲观的) about their futures in their current companies.
8.If you see things in a n________ light, you will find faults everywhere and problems where there are really none.
9.He has eight lawyers to help him and they ________(审查) every letter carefully.
10.The center has a strong team which consists of top medical experts in ________(心理学).
11. Mozart c       his last opera shortly before his death.
12. At around the age of 16,John Keats began studying under a s      (外科医生) so that he too might become a doctor.
13. Patients who displayed optimistic thought patterns,including having positive expectations about recovery,were 40 percent less likely to be hospitalized or require s      (外科手术) than those who were not optimistic,according to the study.
14. When I got to the end of the task,I felt a sense of l      .
15. The truth is,shortly after he arrived in Germany,this clever student found that it was easy to s      
buying subway tickets in this country.
ⅡI. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.
1.Tom is so ________(dependent) that he never bothers others too much unless he is in great trouble.
2. It is reported that ________(physical) attractive people are more likely to be treated well by others.
3.________(examine) once every two years, whether it is a car or a bus, is the rule that all drivers must obey.
4.I didn't want to get ________(involve)in the quarrel between Tom and Jack, so I walked out.
5.Many young people in Wuhan acted ________ free tour guides during the May Day holiday.
6.The firemen arrived in no time, and the fire was prevented ________ spreading quickly.
7.The professor keeps telling his students ________(repeated) that the future belongs to the well-educated.
8.Our travel agency is________(rely), and we try to describe our centers as realistically as possible.
9.Many young people volunteered to work in a remote mountainous area in response ________ the call of the country.
10. I benefited a lot from the __________(reward) speech delivered by a specialist in psychology.(in reward for/reward sb with sth)
IV.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words within context.
monthly disturb harmful cigarette surgery consultant
My father used to smoke 1. __________ far too often and was always coughing, which 2.__________ me greatly. One day, I spoke to the health 3.__________ at my school. He said the nicotine in tobacco is 4. ______ and can do great damage to my father’s lungs. Then I persuaded my father to see a lung specialist. The specialist said my father should make a 5._______ plan to smoke less, otherwise he may need 6._________ in the future. I’m so glad my father agreed to make a plan to break his bad habit!
discipline cycle dominate reward rely stimulate
Balancing one’s work and personal life can be rather difficult. Many people get into the 1. __________ of coming home from work and watching TV or surfing the Internet. Although this may seem relaxing, it is not appropriate in the long term for personal growth. Therefore, for the sake of a healthy personal life, it is essential to be 2.__________ and not just 3.__________ on such passive activities. Show some passion and challenge yourself to do something different every night, if only for one hour at least. Set yourself goals, find a hobby that 4.__________ your mind, or just get round to doing all those little things you’ve been meaning to do. Once you resist allowing work to 5.__________ your life, your 6.__________ will be a great sense of achievement.
make up one’s mind shave off feel pessimistic in response to
take control of stress out rely on straight away
1. When the old man ________________ his beard, he looked more energetic.
2. His parents tried to persuade him to stay in the local city to live a life of leisure, but he had already ________________ to work in the countryside.
3. You cannot expect to feel better ________________ after taking the medicine.
4. He ___________________ his desire for high-fat food and managed to lower his blood pressure.
5. She walks 20,000 steps a day ________________ her friend’s challenge.
6. He was _______________ because he had lost no weight after three months of dieting.
7. He used to ________________ me to remind him to exercise regularly.
8. The team ________________ about being able to win the championship.
V. Grammar blank filling.
1. On our way to the house,it was raining so hard that we couldn’t help wondering how long it would
take ___________(get) there.
2. In fact it is a hard job for the police       (keep)order in an important football match.
3. It is good manners for the young       (give)their seats to the old.
4. It’s necessary for you       (lock)the car when you do not use it.
5. It is traditional      (bring) a gift to a house-warming party.
6.       (complete)the 30 storied building in one year was quite a difficult task.
7. It is important for modern young people       (master)at least two foreign languages.
8. It’s hard       (tell) exactly how many people agree with him,but research indicates that the numbers have been rising for some time.
9. After ________________ (bite) by mosquitoes, she applied some medicine to her skin.
10. _______ is described in Paragraph 4, taking a small kid to a half hour Story Time allows the parent to enjoy quiet reading.
As long as you are not afraid of heights, you will be impressed by Sky Buffet, the latest restaurant in the city centre. 1__________(locate) at the top of Tower 88, it gives you an amazing view of the bay. Better still, its entire seating area turns slowly and it is enjoyable 2__________(see) the scenery outside while having your meal. Since it takes about an hour 3__________(turn) the full 360 degrees, you are unlikely to get bored with the scenery. If you want to get the most wonderful views, your best bet is 4____________(sit) by the window an hour before sunset and watch how the sky changes colours. The atmosphere is lively and modern, with its walls 5__________(paint) white and light blue. Sky Buffet serves a menu full of eye-catching Asian dishes, 6___________ (range) from Chinese food to Japanese food. It will be a good idea 7___________(invite) your family and friends over for dinner. Sky Buffet is considered by many locals 8___________(be) the perfect location for a special occasion.
make a decision 做决定 2.form bad habits养成坏习惯
left unchecked 置之不理,不加遏制; unchecked adj.未受约束的;未经检查的
lead to导致 4.become/be involved in参与……
5.become involved in参与,被卷入...中 6.tobacco or alcohol abuse 吸烟成瘾或酗酒
7. lead to physical and mental health problems造成身心健康问题 8. prevent...from...阻止
9. dominate a teenager's life 主宰青少年的生活 10. essential至关重要的
11. recognize bad habits early早早认清不良习惯 12. make appropriate change做出恰当的改变
13. be based on以...为基础 14. the sum of...的总和
15. the choice we have made我们做过的选择 16.make a choice to do sth. 选择做某事
17. over and over again一再地,反复地 18.automatic自动的,机械的
19. The good news is that…好消息是……(表语从句) 20.modern psychology现代心理学
21. habit cycle习惯循环 22.act as充当,担当
23. a signal to do sth.做某事的信号 24.regular action常规行动
25. in response to回复,答复 26.rely on依赖,依靠
27. facilitate a positive change in sth. 促进某事的积极改变
28.examine our bad habit cycles审视我们的不良习惯的循环
bine...with...把...和...结合起来 30.replace...with...用...代替...
31.rather than(do sth.)而不是 32.aside from除...以外
33.create good habits养成良好的习惯 34.ride an escalator乘电梯
35.take the stairs走楼梯 36.straight away立即,马上
37.pessimistic悲观的 38.give up放弃
39.over a period of time经过一段时间;在一段时间内 40.after all终究,毕竟
41.discipline自制力 42.take many small steps迈出许多小步
43.break bad habits打破坏习惯 44. plenty of大量,很多
45. delete button删除键 46.decide on决定
1. While talking along,she finally broke down,sobbing into her palms. 说着说着,她终于泣不成声。
2. Tom got so annoyed that he stormed out of the room,slamming the door angrily behind him.
3.The previous worry and anxiety disappeared instantly and a strong feeling of warmth and gratitude was floating in my soul.
4.With the three treasured rings lying on my sweaty palms, I felt a surge of luck spreading through my mind, every cell in my body coming to alive again.当三枚珍贵的戒指放在我冒汗的手掌上时,我感到一股幸运的浪潮在我的脑海中蔓延,我身体的每个细胞都恢复了活力
A: 1.repeatedly 2.teenagers 3.a 4.of 5. will be rewarded 6. formed 7. most successful
As 9. begins 10. to get
B:1.organised 2.motivation 3. to get 4. more dynamic 5.for 6. that 7. took 8. a 9. monthly 10. improving
C:1.it 2. involved 3. left 4. with 5. wrote 6. To reach 7. repeatedly 8. that 9. changes 10.healthy
II. 1-10 略 11. composed  12. surgeon 1 3. surgery  1 4. liberation  15. skip
III.1. independent 2. physically 3.Examination 4. involved 5. as 6.from 7.repeatedly 8.reliable 9.to 10.rewarding
IV. 1.cigarettes 2.disturbed 3.consultant 4.harmful 5. monthly 6.surgery
1.cycle 2. disciplined 3. rely 4.stimulates 5.dominate 6.reward
1.shaved off 2.made up his mind 3.straight away 4.took control of 5.in response to 6.feeling pessimistic 7.rely on 8.(was) stressed out
V. 1. to get 2. to keep 3. to give 4. to lock 5. to bring 6. To complete 7. to master 8. to tell 
9.being bitten/having been bitten 10. As
VI. 1. Located 2. to see 3. to turn 4. to sit 5.painted 6.ranging 7.to invite 8.to be