

名称 吉林省梅河口市第五中学2023-2024学年高二上学期联考英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-09 22:11:06


第二部分: 阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Unlike other major destinations, Rome doesn’ t have a huge number of hostels (旅社). In fact, there are less than 40 listed on Hostelworld. So we’ ve analyzed each hostel to bring you detailed information about hostels in Rome.
Hostels in Rome are generally reasonably priced. Most hostels, regardless of quality, will start around ? 25 -- ? 32 / night in the summer. You might be able to find some around ? 20 / night but those are tough to snag (抢先获得). The cheapest hostels will cost around ? 18 / night -- but don’t expect very good quality.
Check Hostelworld to get exact prices for your dates as prices are always varying.
Cheap Beds & Good Hostels Go Early : Hostel prices are fairly standardized but the quality does vary. The best options get booked up quickly (especially in the summer).
Tourism Tax : Rome requires all hotels, hostels and apartment rentals to collect a tourist tax from all guests. It’ s usually ? 3.50 / night / person so don’ t be surprised by this extra fee.
Areas & Neighborhoods : Most of Rome’ s hostels are located near Rome’ s Termini train station. It’ s not the best part of town but it’ s not that bad ( just be a little extra careful at night ).
Check the Hostel Type : Every hostel has its own personality so we suggest picking a hostel that matches up to your travel style. For example, some hostels are “party” hostels so these are great for having a fun time but not great for sleeping.
Check-In Times : A lot of hostels have late check-in times ( around 2 pm — 4 pm ) but nearly all will let you store your luggage if you arrive before check-in.
21. What might be the minimum cost if you stay in a Rome hostel for two nights
A. ? 18. B. ? 32. C. ? 43. D. ? 47.
22. What should travelers in a hostel near Termini train station pay special attention to
A. Comfort. B. Security C. Price. D. Transport.
23. What do most Roman hostels offer
A. Quality service. B. Tourism tax relief
C. A quiet sleeping environment. D. Luggage storage before check-in.
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D
细节理解题。根据TYPICAL ROME HOSTEL PRICES下的“The cheapest hostels will cost around ? 18 / night -- but don’t expect very good quality.(最便宜的旅馆大约是18欧元/晚,但不要指望质量很好)”以及QUICK FACTS ABOUT ROME HOSTELS下的“Tourism Tax : Rome requires all hotels, hostels and apartment rentals to collect a tourist tax from all guests. It’ s usually ? 3.50 / night / person so don’ t be surprised by this extra fee.(旅游税:罗马要求所有酒店、旅馆和出租公寓向所有客人征收旅游税。通常是3.5欧元/晚/人,所以不要对额外的费用感到惊讶)”可知,如果你在罗马旅馆住两晚,最低费用是18x2+3.5x2=43欧元。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据QUICK FACTS ABOUT ROME HOSTELS下的“Areas & Neighborhoods : Most of Rome’ s hostels are located near Rome’ s Termini train station. It’ s not the best part of town but it’ s not that bad ( just be a little extra careful at night ).(区域和社区:大多数罗马的旅馆都位于罗马的Termini火车站附近。它不是城里最好的地方,但也没那么糟糕(只是晚上要特别小心一点)。)”可知,旅客在Termini火车站附近的旅舍应特别注意安全。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据QUICK FACTS ABOUT ROME HOSTELS下的“Check-In Times : A lot of hostels have late check-in times ( around 2 pm — 4 pm ) but nearly all will let you store your luggage if you arrive before check-in.(入住时间:很多旅社的入住时间较晚(下午2点至4点左右),但如果你提前到达,几乎所有的旅社都允许你寄存行李)”可知,大多数罗马旅馆可以让你在入住之前寄存行李。故选D项。
For new students at Binghamton University, the first few weeks can be an exciting time. Their focus is largely on finding a sense of community. For Antoinette “Toni” Stefanakos, now a senior majoring in (主修) marketing, her sense of belonging (归属感) started with a flyer from Off Campus College Transport (OCCT).
“One day I was leaving the classroom and there was a flyer advertising (征聘) for student drivers,” Stefanakos said. “I had no idea that the buses on campus were run by students. So I called my dad, and said, ‘I’m going to be a bus driver.’”
OCCT is Binghamton University’s student-run bus service. The blue buses are a hallmark of the campus, and they are all driven in the lane (车道) by students.
“I interviewed, and it went really well,” Stefanakos said.
Stefanakos’s interest in public transportation continued to grow after she saw a job flyer for Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS). “I knew that TAPS was advertising for a marketing student,” she said. “And I thought that was great for me as a marketing major and someone who works with buses.”
Stefanakos began working with TAPS. Because of this job, Stefanakos found a new path. Now, she deals with public relations and trains new drivers for OCCT. “I can share my knowledge and experience as someone who is a driver,” she said.
The people make the job all the more worthwhile for Stefanakos. “One day, a passenger came up to me and told me I was her driver every Tuesday morning. And she told me that every time she was on my bus, she knew it was going to be a good day. I didn’t even realize that a simple ‘good morning’ could make someone’s day like that,” she said.
Stefanakos will surely miss the blue buses when she graduates, but she’ll always have unforgettable memories (回忆) to look back on.
24. What decision did Stefanakos share with her father
A. To be a school bus driver.
B. To invite him to visit her campus.
C. To complete a major in marketing.
D. To start the student organization OCCT.
25. What did Stefanakos think of her job at TAPS
A. It awakened her interest in public transportation.
B. It was a perfect match for her major and job.
C. It was an encouragement for her to run OCCT.
D. It filled her father with great pride.
26. What can we learn about Stefanakos from paragraph 7
A. She is very friendly to her driver.
B She has a gift for making friends.
C. She is spoken highly of because of her job.
D. She has met passengers from all walks of life.
27. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. Driven by love, a journey of hope B. On the bus, connect with others
C. Life in the blue bus lane D. The path less traveled
【答案】24. A 25. B 26. C 27. C
细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Stefanakos said. “I had no idea that the buses on campus were run by students. So I called my dad, and said, ‘I’m going to be a bus driver.’””(Stefanakos说:“我不知道学校里的公交车是由学生开的。所以我打电话给我爸爸,说:‘我要成为一名公交车司机。’”)可知,Stefanakos在看到招聘校车司机的传单后,她打电话告诉父亲自己决定要当校车司机。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句“she said. “And I thought that was great for me as a marketing major and someone who works with buses.””(她说。“我认为这对我这样一个市场营销专业的学生和一个与公交车打交道的人来说是件好事。”)可知,她认为TAPS的工作是一个绝好的机会可以结合她的专业和目前所做工作。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第七段第三四句“And she told me that every time she was on my bus, she knew it was going to be a good day. I didn’t even realize that a simple ‘good morning’ could make someone’s day like that”(她告诉我,每次她坐在我的车上,她就知道今天会是个好日子。我甚至没有意识到一句简单的“早上好”会让一个人的一天变得美好。)可知,Stefanakos在乘客中的口碑很好。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第二段 ““One day I was leaving the classroom and there was a flyer advertising for student drivers,” Stefanakos said. “I had no idea that the buses on campus were run by students. So I called my dad, and said, ‘I’m going to be a bus driver.’””(“有一天我正要离开教室,看到一张招聘学生司机的传单,”Stefanakos说。“我不知道学校里的公交车是由学生开的。所以我打电话给我爸爸,说:‘我要成为一名公交车司机。’”)及最后一段“Stefanakos will surely miss the blue buses when she graduates, but she’ll always have unforgettable memories to look back on.”(毕业后,Stefanakos肯定会怀念那些蓝色巴士,但她永远会有难忘的回忆。)并结合全文内容可知,文章主要讲述了Stefanakos在看到校车司机招聘传单后决定加入学校的OCCT组织,成为学校蓝色校车司机的故事。多年来,Stefanakos全身心投入到校车司机的工作中服务师生,赢得了乘客的好评。故选C项。
It has been over 150 years since the Great Chicago Fire. The 1871 fire killed an estimated 300 people. It turned the heart of the city, wood-frame buildings quickly constructed on wooden sidewalks, into ruins, and left 100,000 people homeless. Like the Great Fire of London in 1666, the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Great Chicago Fire reminds us that big cities can still be frail.
But that same night, about 250 miles north of Chicago, more than 1,200 people died in and around Peshtigo. It was the deadliest wildfire in U.S. history. Survivors said the fire moved like a hurricane, jumping across Green Bay to light forests on the opposite shore.
Chicago’s fire came to be seen as a disaster that also led to the invention of steel skyscrapers, raised up on the city’s ashes. It has overshadowed the Peshtigo Fire. And for years, the two were seen as separate disasters. However, many of those houses and sidewalks that burned in Chicago had been built with trees grown around Peshtigo.
Chicago’s fire was long blamed - falsely - on an Irish-immigrant family’s cow kicking over a lantern. Some people thought the Peshtigo Fire started when pieces of a comet (彗星) landed in the forest, which has never been proven.
What we understand better today was that the Midwest was historically dry in the summer of 1871. When a low-pressure front with cooler temperatures rolled in, it produced winds, which can fan sparks (火星) into wildfires. The fires themselves generated more winds. Several parts of nearby Michigan also burned during the same few days ; at least 500 people were killed there.
At present, all of those fires on an autumn night in 1871 might help us see even more clearly how rising global temperatures and severe droughts, from Australia to Algeria to California, have made forests easier to burn, and people more likely to be harmed by the climate changes we’ ve helped create.
28. What does the underlined word “frail” in the first paragraph probably mean
A. Regularly enlarged. B. Heavily populated.
C. Safely reached. D. Easily damaged.
29. How does the author introduce the Peshtigo Fire
A. By presenting research findings. B. By making comparisons.
C. By following time order. D. By making classifications.
30. Which factor contributed to the Great Chicago Fire
A. A careless cow. B. A passing comet.
C. A low-pressure front D. A paper lantern.
31. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text
A. To warn people of the forest fire threat. B. To show signs of global warming.
C. To attract more tourists to Chicago. D. To introduce an unknown city.
【答案】28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A
词句猜测题。根据前文“Like the Great Fire of London in 1666, the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Great Chicago Fire reminds us that big cities can still be frail.(就像1666年的伦敦大火、1906年的旧金山地震和2005年的卡特里娜飓风一样,芝加哥大火提醒我们,大城市仍然可能frail)”可知,前文列举了几个有名的城市灾难,结合选项应是“大城市仍然可能Easily damaged(容易损坏)”符合文意,推知frail意为“容易损坏”之意,和D项意思相近。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第二段“But that same night, about 250 miles north of Chicago, more than 1,200 people died in and around Peshtigo. It was the deadliest wildfire in U.S. history.(但就在同一天晚上,在芝加哥以北约250英里处,佩什提戈及其周边地区有1200多人死亡。这是美国历史上最致命的野火)”以及第三段“Chicago’s fire came to be seen as a disaster that also led to the invention of steel skyscrapers, raised up on the city’s ashes. It has overshadowed the Peshtigo Fire. And for years, the two were seen as separate disasters. However, many of those houses and sidewalks that burned in Chicago had been built with trees grown around Peshtigo.(芝加哥的大火被视为一场灾难,也导致了钢铁摩天大楼的发明,在城市的灰烬上拔地而起。它盖过了佩什提戈大火。多年来,这两场灾难被视为不同的灾难。然而,在芝加哥被烧毁的许多房屋和人行道都是用佩什蒂戈周围生长的树木建造的)”可知,作者通过比较芝加哥大火和佩什提戈大火来介绍佩什提戈大火。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“What we understand better today was that the Midwest was historically dry in the summer of 1871. When a low-pressure front with cooler temperatures rolled in, it produced winds, which can fan sparks (火星) into wildfires. The fires themselves generated more winds. Several parts of nearby Michigan also burned during the same few days ; at least 500 people were killed there.(如今我们更清楚地了解到,历史上1871年的夏天美国中西部非常干燥。当一股较冷的低气压锋面袭来时,便产生了风,风助长了火星并引发了野火。而火焰本身又会产生更多的风。在那几天里,密歇根州附近的几个地区也发生了火灾;至少有500人在那里丧生)”可知,低气压锋导致了芝加哥大火。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“At present, all of those fires on an autumn night in 1871 might help us see even more clearly how rising global temperatures and severe droughts, from Australia to Algeria to California, have made forests easier to burn, and people more likely to be harmed by the climate changes we’ ve helped create.(目前,1871年秋夜发生的所有火灾可能帮助我们更清楚地看到,从澳大利亚到阿尔及利亚再到加利福尼亚,全球气温上升和严重干旱是如何使森林更易燃烧,以及人们如何更可能因我们引发的气候变化而受到伤害)”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是警告人们森林大火的威胁。故选A项。
When Dmitry Ivanovsky was still a student in 1887 he began his work on the Tobacco Mosaic Disease (烟草花叶病). The disease appeared to take hold in tobacco plants early on in their growth cycle, causing green and brown mosaics on the affected leaves. Ivanovsky first repeated and confirmed experiments performed by Adolf Mayer in which he took diseased leaves, extracted their sap ( the liquid in a plant that carries food to all its parts), and injected (注入) the sap into healthy plants. Up to 80% of the healthy plants then became infected in these experiments.
Ivanovsky originally thought the disease was bacterial, and so he designed an experiment in which the diseased sap of a tobacco plant was filtered (过滤) through a Chamberland filter-candle which could filter out bacteria and works much like a modern water purifier. After filtering the sap, Ivanovsky injected it into healthy tobacco leaves. When the healthy plants began to show signs of infection, Ivanovsky proved bacterial filtering of diseased sap did not prevent the disease, and thus the infective creatures had to be unlike any bacteria that they had seen before.
Additionally, Ivanovsky provided evidence that the creature that was infecting tobacco plants was more of a particle (颗粒) than a liquid. He thought that the disease was more likely caused by either a living creature or a large molecule (分子). In his 1902 research paper he concluded: The sap of diseased plants was infectious; when the infected sap is heated, it is no longer infectious ( heat changes the structure and characteristics of RNA and virus proteins, essentially killing them, so this makes sense); infection through bacteria may cause the disease.
It wasn’t until advancements in technology in the early-to-mid 20th century allowed scientists to take the first images of viruses that we were able to identify the Tobacco mosaic virus, and thus separated it from other living creatures such as bacteria and fungi. But it is because of the early work of Ivanovsky and Mayer scientists are able to understand viruses and viral diseases and continue the search for life-saving vaccines for fatal diseases such as COVID-19.
32. What did Adolf Mayer’s experiments prove
A. The sap of diseased tobacco plants is infectious.
B. The mosaics on infected plants are green or brown.
C. The disease affects tobacco plants at an early stage.
D. The infective creature threatens most tobacco plants.
33. Why did Ivanovsky use a Chamberland filter-candle in his experiment
A. To put much pressure on infected leaves.
B. To add some pure water to the infected sap.
C. To filter infected food in the tobacco leaves.
D. To remove the infective bacteria in the sap.
34. Which of the following does the author support
A. Filtering the diseased sap can prevent the disease.
B. The infected sap is no longer infectious when heated.
C. Some kind of large molecules might cause the disease.
D. The unknown creature was more of a liquid than a particle.
35. What was the significance of Ivanovsky’s work
A. It showed the differences between viruses and bacteria.
B. It took the first images of the Tobacco mosaic virus.
C. It made later identification of the virus possible.
D. It led to an effective life-saving vaccine.
【答案】32. A 33. D 34. B 35. C
推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Up to 80% of the healthy plants then became infected in these experiments (在这些实验中,多达80%的健康植物被感染)”可知,实验中绝大多数植物被感染了。因此,梅尔的实验证明患病烟草的汁液具有传染性。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Ivanovsky originally thought the disease was bacterial, and so he designed an experiment in which the diseased sap of a tobacco plant was filtered (过滤) through a Chamberland filter-candle which could filter out bacteria and works much like a modern water purifier. (伊万诺夫斯基最初认为这种疾病是由细菌引起的,所以他设计了一个实验,通过尚柏朗氏烛形滤器过滤烟草植物的病液,这种滤器可以过滤掉细菌,就像现代的净水器一样)”可知,伊凡诺夫斯基在实验中使用这种装置是为了清除汁液中的细菌。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In his 1902 research paper he concluded: The sap of diseased plants was infectious; when the infected sap is heated, it is no longer infectious ( heat changes the structure and characteristics of RNA and virus proteins, essentially killing them, so this makes sense); infection through bacteria may cause the disease. (在他1902年的研究论文中,他得出结论:患病植物的汁液具有传染性;当被感染的汁液被加热时,它不再具有传染性(热量会改变RNA和病毒蛋白质的结构和特征,基本上会杀死它们,所以这是有道理的);细菌感染可能导致这种疾病。)”可知,作者会同意被感染的汁液加热后不再具有传染性的结论。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“It wasn’t until advancements in technology in the early-to-mid 20th century allowed scientists to take the first images of viruses that we were able to identify the Tobacco mosaic virus, and thus separated it from other living creatures such as bacteria and fungi. But it is because of the early work of Ivanovsky and Mayer scientists are able to understand viruses and viral diseases and continue the search for life-saving vaccines for fatal diseases such as COVID-19. (直到20世纪早期到中期,技术的进步使科学家们能够拍摄到第一批病毒图像,我们才能够识别烟草花叶病毒,从而将其与其他生物如细菌和真菌分离开来。但正是由于伊万诺夫斯基和梅尔的早期工作,科学家们才能够了解病毒和病毒性疾病,并继续寻找针对COVID-19等致命疾病的救命疫苗)”可知,因为伊万诺夫斯基和梅尔的早期工作,后来科学家们才能利用技术拍摄病毒的图像,识别烟草花叶病毒。由此推知,伊万诺夫斯基的工作的意义在于它使后来识别这种病毒成为可能。故选C项。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中两项为多余选项。
Offered praise needs to be genuine or it will not have its desired effect of rewarding.___36___Parents can avoid offering empty praise by attending to and praising children's specific skills, positive attitudes,and desirable physical attributes(特性)that parents wish to reward.
It is important that parents praise children more for their effort than for their success. However,working parents live in a competitive world where they are mostly rewarded only for their success___37___There are several reasons why this is a bad idea.,By choosing and praising only successful outcomes,parents communicate to their children that their praise is conditional,and that children will only receive love if they"win",As a result,children will feel less secure in parental love.That's to say,children will possibly experience anxiety and other emotional problems. ___38___
___39___Here is an example:Jamie's mother notes that Jamie got a C(an average grade) on her math test this week.Instead of criticizing her daughter for not getting higher marks,she says instead,"Jamie,I'm so impressed with how hard you studied for that test this week.I saw you reading every night this week.”"
Even though Jamie may not have gotten an"A”or a"B”on the test,her effort towards studying are a vital foundation for her future success at math.Through her comment,Mom reinforced in Jamie's mind that her parents are aware of and approve of her effort.___40___
Effectively used,praise should highlight positive things children do or the way children use the qualities or attributes they possess.Most importantly,praise should focus on children's effort and perseverance.Practice makes perfect.
A. How does an empty praise do harm to parenting
B. What does offering praise for effort look and sound like
C. Many kids will know when parents' praise is empty.
D. This makes it more likely that Jamie will be willing to study in the future.
E. The problems may result in less effort,and reduce their overall ability to succeed.
F. A good basic rule is to make sure that parents offer a lot more praise and encouragement than correction.
G. It is thus easier for parents to notice and praise the successful outcome of children's effort rather than their effort itself.
【答案】36. C 37. G 38. E 39. B 40. D
上句讲到了表扬也是需要技巧的否则就达不到效果,下句转到了父母们可以避免empty praise“空洞的表扬”。C选项“很多孩子都能察觉出父母空洞的表扬”与下文衔接。故选C项。
【点睛】七选五题型主要考查考生对文章的整体理解和掌握情况,相当于阅读理解和完形填空的综合。它不仅需要阅读速度,还要对文章的结构、主旨、写作意图、观点都有所了解。主要考点包括:1.考查主题句,也就是考查对文章整体内容的概括能力;2考查上下文衔接,即考查文章的过渡部分;3考查中心句,需要考生学会归纳段落大意。拿到题目时,应该先确定出题位置;读题干,再读需要填入句子的上下句,画出关键词;读文章各段落,确定段落中心句和文章主题句;通读文章确定上下句和选项之间的逻辑关系。针对不同设空位置选择不同的策略就能事半功倍。第4小题从空格位置上首先就确定需要的是主题句,那就需要理清本段的大意,下一句紧接着就以“for example”展开,举出了一对母女的例子,正是符合文章主题“为努力而表扬”的一个规范式情境,可见本段就是在用具体的案例解释如何做到“为努力而表扬”,由此确定选B项。
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
MacArthur’s love for sailing started when she was just 4 years old, when she first got the opportunity to have a try on a boat. “It kind of ___41___ me that this boat had everything we needed to take us anywhere in the world. And as a child, that opened up everything and made me feel the greatest sense of ___42___,” she explained.
This experience ___43___ a passion within MacArthur that she wanted to sail around the world. Growing up in the countryside, she had no idea how to ___44___ it. However, she knew that was what she wanted to do at some stage. So she acquired knowledge and ___45___ for years to seek her dream in sailing. Having merely potatoes and beans every day for eight years, she ___46___ could afford the right equipment. By reaching such ___47___ goals and asking technical questions about ___48___ MacArthur felt as though she was getting ___49___ to her ambition.
“The impossible could be possible and ___50___ high is not necessarily such a crazy thing to do,” she said. And it seemed that MacArthur’s ___51___ to become a navigator went beyond her expectations. At the age of 28, she started to ___52___ media attention after winning the second place in the Vendee Globe, a single-handed non-stop yacht (帆船) race that goes around the world.
Four years later, MacArthur chose to sail for 71 days and 14 hours, ___53___ more than 40,000 miles. This led to her setting a new record. ___54___ this record has since been surpassed, MacArthur is still considered as Britain’s most successful offshore racer.
So when you know where you’re going, you can actually get there — even if it seems ___55___ !
A. benefited B. struck C. taught D. treated
A. humour B. justice C. direction D. freedom
A. lighted B. named C. carried D. invented
A. request B. recall C. achieve D. forget
A. made up B. saved up C. turned up D. picked up
A. eventually B. unfortunately C. hardly D. definitely
A. cultural B. financial C. political D. academic
A. schooling B. sailing C. driving D. walking
A. worse B. deeper C. closer D. smarter
A. working B. advising C. meaning D. aiming
A. lesson B. mind C. confidence D. plan
A. accept B. receive C. enjoy D. keep
A. including B. flying C. covering D. floating
A. After B. When C. Whether D. While
A. impossible B. constant C. valuable D. available
【答案】41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. D 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. A
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我突然想到,这艘船有我们需要的一切,可以带我们去世界上任何地方。A. benefited使受益;B. struck打,撞击,突然想到;C. taught教授;D. treated治疗。根据后文的“me that this boat had everything we needed to take us anywhere in the world. And as a child, that opened up everything and made me feel the greatest sense of ”可知,这艘船有人们所需要的一切,可以带人们去世界上任何地方。作为一个孩子,这打开了一切,让作者感到最大的自由。这些是作者作为孩子想到的。it strikes sb. that“某人突然想到”故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我突然想到,这艘船有我们需要的一切,可以带我们去世界上任何地方。作为一个孩子,这打开了一切,让我感到最大的自由,”她解释道。A. humour幽默;B. justice公平;C. direction方向;D. freedom自由。根据前文的“this boat had everything we needed to take us anywhere in the world”可知,作者认为这艘船有人们需要的一切,可以带人们去世界上任何地方。作为一个孩子,这让作者感到最大的自由。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这段经历点燃了麦克阿瑟内心的激情,她想环游世界。A. lighted点亮;B. named命名;C. carried携带;D. invented发明。根据后文的“a passion within MacArthur that she wanted to sail around the world”可知,这段经历点燃了麦克阿瑟内心的想环游世界的激情。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在农村长大的她不知道如何实现这一目标。A. request请求;B. recall召回;C. achieve实现;D. forget忘记。根据前文的“she wanted to sail around the world”可知,麦克阿瑟想环游世界,在农村长大的她不知道如何实现这一目标。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:于是,她学习航海知识,攒了几年的钱,去追寻她的航海梦想。A. made up化妆;B. saved up攒钱;积攒;C. turned up出现;D. picked up拾取。根据后文的“for years to seek her dream in sailing. Having merely potatoes and beans every day for eight years, she ____6____ could afford the right equipment. ”可知,八年来,她每天只吃土豆和豆子,攒了几年的钱。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:八年来,她每天只吃土豆和豆子,终于买得起合适的设备了。A. eventually最终,最后;B. unfortunately不幸的是;C. hardly几乎没有;D. definitely肯定。根据前文的“Having merely potatoes and beans every day for eight years”可知,八年来,她每天只吃土豆和豆子,生活很艰苦,最后终于买得起合适的设备了。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:通过实现这些财务目标和询问有关航海的技术问题,麦克阿瑟觉得她离自己的抱负越来越近了。A. cultural文化的;B. financial财务的;C. political政治的;D. academic学术的。根据前文的“could afford the right equipment”可知,她实现了这些财务目标。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过实现这些财务目标和询问有关航海的技术问题,麦克阿瑟觉得她离自己的抱负越来越近了。A. schooling上学;B. sailing航行;C. driving驱动;D. walking行走。根据前文的“she wanted to sail around the world”可知,麦克阿瑟想乘船环游世界,所以询问有关航海的技术问题。故选B项。
考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:通过实现这些财务目标和询问有关航海的技术问题,麦克阿瑟觉得她离自己的抱负越来越近了。A. worse更糟的;B. deeper更深的;C. closer更接近;D. smarter更聪明的。根据前文的“By reaching such ____7____ goals and asking technical questions about ____8____”可知,实现了这些财务目标,并且她还询问有关航海的技术问题,所以麦克阿瑟觉得她离自己的抱负越来越近了。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说:“不可能事情可以成为可能,志存高远并不一定是一件疯狂的事情。”A. working工作;B. advising建议;C. meaning意思是;D. aiming瞄准。根据前文的“The impossible could be possible”和后文“high is not necessarily such a crazy thing to do”可知,不可能的事情可以成为可能,所以志存高远并不一定是一件疯狂的事情;aim high“设立远大的目标,立志高远”符合语境。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:麦克阿瑟成为一名航海家的计划似乎超出了她的预期。A. lesson课程;B. mind头脑,思考能力;C. confidence信心;D. plan计划。根据上文“This experience ____3____ a passion within MacArthur that she wanted to sail around the world.”以及空后“to become a navigator”可知,此处指麦克阿瑟想要成为一名航海家计划超出了她的预期。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:28岁时,她在单人不间断环球帆船赛Vendee Globe中获得亚军,开始受到媒体的关注。A. accept接受;B. receive收到,受到;C. enjoy享受;D. keep保持。根据后文的“media attention”可知,她的突出表现,使得自己开始受到媒体的关注。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:四年后,麦克阿瑟选择了71天14小时的航行,航行覆盖超过4万英里。A. including包括;B. flying飞行;C. covering覆盖,行走(一段路程);D. floating浮动。根据后文的“more than 40,000 miles”可知,麦克阿瑟航行71天14小时,航程超过4万英里。故选C项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然这一纪录后来被打破,但麦克阿瑟仍然被认为是英国最成功的离岸赛车手。A. After 在……以后;B. When当……时;C. Whether是否;D. While虽然。根据后文的“this record has since been surpassed, MacArthur is still considered as Britain’s most successful offshore racer.”可知,前后句意存在转折关系,while“虽然”引导让步状语从句,符合语境。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以当你知道你要去哪里时,你就能到达那里——即使这看起来不可能!A. impossible不可能的;B. constant不断的,不变的;C. valuable有价值的;D. available可获得的。根据上文“The impossible could be possible”以及空前“So when you know where you’re going, you can actually get there — even if”可知,即使看起来不可能的地方,当你知道你要去哪里时,你就能到达那里。故选A项。
第一部分 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
From robots delivering coffee to office chairs rearranging ___56___ (they) after a meeting, a smart city project in China aims to put artificial intelligence ___57___ charge.
Last month, Danish architecture firm BIG and Chinese tech company Terminus ___58___ (discuss) plans to build an AI-run campus-style development in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing during ___59___ online global tech conference.
The project ___60___ (name) Cloud Valley, plans to use sensors and wifi-connected devices to gather data on everything from weather and pollution to people’s eating habits to meet residents’ needs ___61___ (automatic), said Terminus.
Cities around the world are racing to embrace technology to improve urban life by collecting data to address problems like traffic jams and crime. More than 500 smart cities are being built across China ___62___ (promote) growth in a global economic downturn. The city, which includes offices, homes, public spaces and self-driving cars ___63___ move around under the watchful eye of AI, is due for completion in about three years, according to Terminus.
Yet, like other smart cities, its tech-driven approach has raised privacy concerns.
“Isn’t all of this a little ___64___ (frighten) ” asked a conference-goer. Another attendee said smart cities risked becoming a threat to human rights if ___65___ (company) and governments didn’t take steps to limit surveillance (监视) and ensure inclusivity.
【答案】56. themselves
57. in 58. discussed
59. an 60. named
61. automatically
62. to promote
63. which##that
64. frightening
考查代词。句意:从机器人送咖啡到会议结束后重新摆放办公椅,中国的一个智慧城市项目旨在让人工智能负责。根据空前的office chairs可推知,此处用themselves“它们自己”,作rearranging的宾语。故填themselves。
考查介词。句意:从机器人送咖啡到会议结束后重新摆放办公椅,中国的一个智慧城市项目旨在让人工智能负责。根据空前的“put artificial intelligence”和空后的“charge”可推知,此处用固定短语put... in charge,意为“让……负责”,空处应用介词in构成该短语。故填in。
考查时态。句意:上个月,丹麦建筑公司BIG和中国科技公司Terminus在一次在线全球科技会议上讨论了在中国西南城市重庆建造一个人工智能运营的校园式开发项目的计划。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,结合时间状语Last month可知,句子在叙述过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时,空处应用discuss“讨论”的过去式形式。故填discussed。
考查非谓语动词。句意:该项目名为“云谷”,计划使用传感器和无线局域网连接设备收集从天气、污染到人们饮食习惯等各种数据,以自动满足居民的需求。分析句子可知,空处作The project的后置定语,是非谓语动词,name“命名,给……取名”和The project逻辑上是被动关系,且动作当时已完成,应用name的过去分词形式。故填named。
考查非谓语动词。句意:在全球经济低迷之际,中国正在建设500多个智慧城市,以促进经济增长。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处作句子目的状语,表示“为了……”,应用promote“促进”的不定式形式。故填to promote。
考查定语从句。句意:根据Terminus的说法,这座城市包括办公室、住宅、公共空间和在人工智能监控下移动的自动驾驶汽车,预计将在大约三年内完工。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词self-driving cars,先行词指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词that或which作引导。故填that/which。
第二部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华,你校英文报将举办以“Scientists and Our Life"为主题的英语征文大赛,你想邀请你的英国朋友Mary参加,请你给她写一封邀请函。内容包括:
1. 写信缘由;
2. 征文要求(介绍至少两位科学家及其成就;举例说明科学对生活的影响;你对科技影响的看法)。
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mary,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Mary,
The English paper in our school will hold an essay contest titled Scientists and Our Life and I’d like to invite you to take part in it. Your essay is expected to introduce at least two famous scientists in the world. You’d better focus on their achievements and contributions to human beings. You can also give examples to show the great effects of various inventions and technologies on our life. Of course, science and technology can not only make our life easier and more comfortable, but they also cause bad effects. So you can talk about your own opinions.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给英国朋友Mary写一封邀请函,邀请她来参加以“Scientists and Our Life"为主题英语征文大赛。
参加:take part in→participate in
导致:cause→lead to
原句:Of course, science and technology can not only make our life easier and more comfortable, but they also cause bad effects.
拓展句:Of course, not only can science and technology make our life easier and more comfortable, but they also cause bad effects.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Your essay is expected to introduce at least two famous scientists in the world, science and technology can make our life easier and more comfortable, but they also cause bad effects.,Looking forward to(运用了被动语态)
[高分句型2] Of course, science and technology can not only make our life easier and more comfortable, but they also cause bad effects. (运用了not only...but also结构)
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Our school’s “Help Others” event was drawing near, and our team had been assigned (分配) the task of organizing a fundraising campaign (筹款活动). We had a week to plan and carry out our strategy, and everyone wanted to play a meaningful part.
On the first day of our planning week, our team leader, Emily, brought us together to discuss our roles. She assigned different tasks to each team member based on our strengths and interests. I was assigned the role of connecting with local businesses for fundraising, a task I felt confident in completing.
As the week progressed, we worked tirelessly.
One afternoon, while we were creating promotional (宣传的) materials, Jacob, one of our teammates, came to us with a tired look on his face. He explained that he had been feeling unwell for the past few days and was worried about falling behind on his tasks.
Worried about Jacob’s well-being, we encouraged him to take some time off and rest and told him that we would support him in any way we could. Jacob finally agreed, understanding that he needed to take care of himself.
With Jacob absent, we realized that his tasks, including creating promotional materials, were left unfinished. We knew that if we didn’t step in to help, our campaign would fail. To solve this problem, we came together as a team and thought of ways to support Jacob and keep our campaign on track.
Sarah, with her artistic skills, volunteered to take over the design of the promotional materials, while Mark offered to help with the content creation. Emily, our team leader, stepped in to manage the whole team, making sure that everything stayed organized and on schedule. We tried our best to make our campaign successful.
Late into the night, we came together in Sarah’s living room.
The following day, when Jacob returned to our team, he was surprised at the progress we had made in his absence
【答案】One possible version:
Late into the night, we came together in Sarah's living room. The room was filled with creativity and love, Sarah worked on the design, while Mark and I worked together to create interesting messages to attract our audience. As the hours passed, we shared stories, laughed, and supported each other through the creative work. The late–night tiredness was outweighed by the friendship we felt as a team, joined by our shared goals of making a difference and helping Jacob.
The following day, when Jacob returned to our team, he was surprised at the progress we had made in his absence. Jacob’s eyes welled up with emotion as he realized how much we had done for him. With renewed energy, we continued working together, putting the finishing touches on our campaign. On the day of the event, our team stood side by side, enjoying the fruits of our great efforts. The fundraising went beyond our expectations, allowing us to make a great difference to the cause we cared about deeply. Looking back on our journey, we realized that the strength of a team lies not only in individual ability but also in the readiness to support and help one another.
①充满:be full of/be filled with
②继续:continue/proceed/carry on
【点睛】【高分句型1】 As the hours passed, we shared stories, laughed, and supported each other through the creative work.(运用了as引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】Jacob’s eyes welled up with emotion as he realized how much we had done for him. (运用了as引导的原因状语从句和how much引导的宾语从句)梅河口市第五中学2023~2024学年度上学期
第二部分: 阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Unlike other major destinations, Rome doesn’ t have a huge number of hostels (旅社). In fact, there are less than 40 listed on Hostelworld. So we’ ve analyzed each hostel to bring you detailed information about hostels in Rome.
Hostels in Rome are generally reasonably priced. Most hostels regardless of quality, will start around ? 25 -- ? 32 / night in the summer. You might be able to find some around ? 20 / night but those are tough to snag (抢先获得). The cheapest hostels will cost around ? 18 / night -- but don’t expect very good quality.
Check Hostelworld to get exact prices for your dates as prices are always varying.
Cheap Beds & Good Hostels Go Early : Hostel prices are fairly standardized but the quality does vary. The best options get booked up quickly (especially in the summer).
Tourism Tax : Rome requires all hotels, hostels and apartment rentals to collect a tourist tax from all guests. It’ s usually ? 3.50 / night / person so don’ t be surprised by this extra fee.
Areas & Neighborhoods : Most of Rome’ s hostels are located near Rome’ s Termini train station. It’ s not the best part of town but it’ s not that bad ( just be a little extra careful at night ).
Check the Hostel Type : Every hostel has its own personality so we suggest picking a hostel that matches up to your travel style. For example, some hostels are “party” hostels so these are great for having a fun time but not great for sleeping.
Check-In Times : A lot of hostels have late check-in times ( around 2 pm — 4 pm ) but nearly all will let you store your luggage if you arrive before check-in.
21. What might be the minimum cost if you stay in a Rome hostel for two nights
A. ? 18. B. ? 32. C. ? 43. D. ? 47.
22. What should travelers in a hostel near Termini train station pay special attention to
A. Comfort. B. Security C. Price. D. Transport.
23. What do most Roman hostels offer
A. Quality service. B. Tourism tax relief
C. A quiet sleeping environment. D. Luggage storage before check-in.
For new students at Binghamton University, the first few weeks can be an exciting time. Their focus is largely on finding a sense of community. For Antoinette “Toni” Stefanakos, now a senior majoring in (主修) marketing, her sense of belonging (归属感) started with a flyer from Off Campus College Transport (OCCT).
“One day I was leaving the classroom and there was a flyer advertising (征聘) for student drivers,” Stefanakos said. “I had no idea that the buses on campus were run by students. So I called my dad, and said, ‘I’m going to be a bus driver.’”
OCCT is Binghamton University’s student-run bus service. The blue buses are a hallmark of the campus, and they are all driven in the lane (车道) by students.
“I interviewed, and it went really well,” Stefanakos said.
Stefanakos’s interest in public transportation continued to grow after she saw a job flyer for Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS). “I knew that TAPS was advertising for a marketing student,” she said. “And I thought that was great for me as a marketing major and someone who works with buses.”
Stefanakos began working with TAPS. Because of this job, Stefanakos found a new path. Now, she deals with public relations and trains new drivers for OCCT. “I can share my knowledge and experience as someone who is a driver,” she said.
The people make the job all the more worthwhile for Stefanakos. “One day, a passenger came up to me and told me I was her driver every Tuesday morning. And she told me that every time she was on my bus, she knew it was going to be a good day. I didn’t even realize that a simple ‘good morning’ could make someone’s day like that,” she said.
Stefanakos will surely miss the blue buses when she graduates, but she’ll always have unforgettable memories (回忆) to look back on.
24. What decision did Stefanakos share with her father
A. To be a school bus driver.
B. To invite him to visit her campus.
C. To complete a major in marketing.
D. To start the student organization OCCT.
25. What did Stefanakos think of her job at TAPS
A. It awakened her interest in public transportation.
B. It was a perfect match for her major and job.
C. It was an encouragement for her to run OCCT.
D. It filled her father with great pride.
26. What can we learn about Stefanakos from paragraph 7
A. She is very friendly to her driver.
B. She has a gift for making friends.
C. She is spoken highly of because of her job.
D. She has met passengers from all walks of life.
27. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. Driven by love, a journey of hope B. On the bus, connect with others
C. Life in the blue bus lane D. The path less traveled
It has been over 150 years since the Great Chicago Fire. The 1871 fire killed an estimated 300 people. It turned the heart of the city, wood-frame buildings quickly constructed on wooden sidewalks, into ruins, and left 100,000 people homeless. Like the Great Fire of London in 1666, the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Great Chicago Fire reminds us that big cities can still be frail.
But that same night, about 250 miles north of Chicago, more than 1,200 people died in and around Peshtigo. It was the deadliest wildfire in U.S. history. Survivors said the fire moved like a hurricane, jumping across Green Bay to light forests on the opposite shore.
Chicago’s fire came to be seen as a disaster that also led to the invention of steel skyscrapers, raised up on the city’s ashes. It has overshadowed the Peshtigo Fire. And for years, the two were seen as separate disasters. However, many of those houses and sidewalks that burned in Chicago had been built with trees grown around Peshtigo.
Chicago’s fire was long blamed - falsely - on an Irish-immigrant family’s cow kicking over a lantern. Some people thought the Peshtigo Fire started when pieces of a comet (彗星) landed in the forest, which has never been proven.
What we understand better today was that the Midwest was historically dry in the summer of 1871. When a low-pressure front with cooler temperatures rolled in, it produced winds, which can fan sparks (火星) into wildfires. The fires themselves generated more winds. Several parts of nearby Michigan also burned during the same few days ; at least 500 people were killed there.
At present, all of those fires on an autumn night in 1871 might help us see even more clearly how rising global temperatures and severe droughts, from Australia to Algeria to California, have made forests easier to burn, and people more likely to be harmed by the climate changes we’ ve helped create.
28. What does the underlined word “frail” in the first paragraph probably mean
A. Regularly enlarged. B. Heavily populated.
C. Safely reached. D. Easily damaged.
29. How does the author introduce the Peshtigo Fire
A. By presenting research findings. B. By making comparisons.
C. By following time order. D. By making classifications.
30. Which factor contributed to the Great Chicago Fire
A. A careless cow. B. A passing comet.
C. A low-pressure front D. A paper lantern.
31. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text
A. To warn people of the forest fire threat. B. To show signs of global warming.
C. To attract more tourists to Chicago. D. To introduce an unknown city.
When Dmitry Ivanovsky was still a student in 1887 he began his work on the Tobacco Mosaic Disease (烟草花叶病). The disease appeared to take hold in tobacco plants early on in their growth cycle, causing green and brown mosaics on the affected leaves. Ivanovsky first repeated and confirmed experiments performed by Adolf Mayer in which he took diseased leaves, extracted their sap ( the liquid in a plant that carries food to all its parts), and injected (注入) the sap into healthy plants. Up to 80% of the healthy plants then became infected in these experiments.
Ivanovsky originally thought the disease was bacterial, and so he designed an experiment in which the diseased sap of a tobacco plant was filtered (过滤) through a Chamberland filter-candle which could filter out bacteria and works much like a modern water purifier. After filtering the sap, Ivanovsky injected it into healthy tobacco leaves. When the healthy plants began to show signs of infection, Ivanovsky proved bacterial filtering of diseased sap did not prevent the disease, and thus the infective creatures had to be unlike any bacteria that they had seen before.
Additionally, Ivanovsky provided evidence that the creature that was infecting tobacco plants was more of a particle (颗粒) than a liquid. He thought that the disease was more likely caused by either a living creature or a large molecule (分子). In his 1902 research paper he concluded: The sap of diseased plants was infectious; when the infected sap is heated, it is no longer infectious ( heat changes the structure and characteristics of RNA and virus proteins, essentially killing them, so this makes sense); infection through bacteria may cause the disease.
It wasn’t until advancements in technology in the early-to-mid 20th century allowed scientists to take the first images of viruses that we were able to identify the Tobacco mosaic virus, and thus separated it from other living creatures such as bacteria and fungi. But it is because of the early work of Ivanovsky and Mayer scientists are able to understand viruses and viral diseases and continue the search for life-saving vaccines for fatal diseases such as COVID-19.
32. What did Adolf Mayer’s experiments prove
A. The sap of diseased tobacco plants is infectious.
B. The mosaics on infected plants are green or brown.
C. The disease affects tobacco plants at an early stage.
D. The infective creature threatens most tobacco plants.
33. Why did Ivanovsky use a Chamberland filter-candle in his experiment
A. To put much pressure on infected leaves.
B. To add some pure water to the infected sap.
C. To filter infected food in the tobacco leaves.
D. To remove the infective bacteria in the sap.
34. Which of the following does the author support
A. Filtering the diseased sap can prevent the disease.
B. The infected sap is no longer infectious when heated.
C. Some kind of large molecules might cause the disease.
D. The unknown creature was more of a liquid than a particle.
35. What was the significance of Ivanovsky’s work
A. It showed the differences between viruses and bacteria.
B. It took the first images of the Tobacco mosaic virus.
C. It made later identification of the virus possible.
D. It led to an effective life-saving vaccine.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中两项为多余选项。
Offered praise needs to be genuine or it will not have its desired effect of rewarding.___36___Parents can avoid offering empty praise by attending to and praising children's specific skills, positive attitudes,and desirable physical attributes(特性)that parents wish to reward.
It is important that parents praise children more for their effort than for their success. However,working parents live in a competitive world where they are mostly rewarded only for their success___37___There are several reasons why this is a bad idea.,By choosing and praising only successful outcomes,parents communicate to their children that their praise is conditional,and that children will only receive love if they"win",As a result,children will feel less secure in parental love.That's to say,children will possibly experience anxiety and other emotional problems. ___38___
___39___Here is an example:Jamie's mother notes that Jamie got a C(an average grade) on her math test this week.Instead of criticizing her daughter for not getting higher marks,she says instead,"Jamie,I'm so impressed with how hard you studied for that test this week.I saw you reading every night this week.”"
Even though Jamie may not have gotten an"A”or a"B”on the test,her effort towards studying are a vital foundation for her future success at math.Through her comment,Mom reinforced in Jamie's mind that her parents are aware of and approve of her effort.___40___
Effectively used,praise should highlight positive things children do or the way children use the qualities or attributes they possess.Most importantly,praise should focus on children's effort and perseverance.Practice makes perfect.
A. How does an empty praise do harm to parenting
B. What does offering praise for effort look and sound like
C. Many kids will know when parents' praise is empty.
D. This makes it more likely that Jamie will be willing to study in the future.
E. The problems may result in less effort,and reduce their overall ability to succeed.
F. A good basic rule is to make sure that parents offer a lot more praise and encouragement than correction.
G. It is thus easier for parents to notice and praise the successful outcome of children's effort rather than their effort itself.
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
MacArthur’s love for sailing started when she was just 4 years old, when she first got the opportunity to have a try on a boat. “It kind of ___41___ me that this boat had everything we needed to take us anywhere in the world. And as a child, that opened up everything and made me feel the greatest sense of ___42___,” she explained.
This experience ___43___ a passion within MacArthur that she wanted to sail around the world. Growing up in the countryside, she had no idea how to ___44___ it. However, she knew that was what she wanted to do at some stage. So she acquired knowledge and ___45___ for years to seek her dream in sailing. Having merely potatoes and beans every day for eight years, she ___46___ could afford the right equipment. By reaching such ___47___ goals and asking technical questions about ___48___ MacArthur felt as though she was getting ___49___ to her ambition.
“The impossible could be possible and ___50___ high is not necessarily such a crazy thing to do,” she said. And it seemed that MacArthur’s ___51___ to become a navigator went beyond her expectations. At the age of 28, she started to ___52___ media attention after winning the second place in the Vendee Globe, a single-handed non-stop yacht (帆船) race that goes around the world.
Four years later, MacArthur chose to sail for 71 days and 14 hours, ___53___ more than 40,000 miles. This led to her setting a new record. ___54___ this record has since been surpassed, MacArthur is still considered as Britain’s most successful offshore racer.
So when you know where you’re going, you can actually get there — even if it seems ___55___ !
A. benefited B. struck C. taught D. treated
A. humour B. justice C. direction D. freedom
A. lighted B. named C. carried D. invented
A. request B. recall C. achieve D. forget
A. made up B. saved up C. turned up D. picked up
A. eventually B. unfortunately C. hardly D. definitely
A. cultural B. financial C. political D. academic
A. schooling B. sailing C. driving D. walking
A worse B. deeper C. closer D. smarter
A. working B. advising C. meaning D. aiming
A. lesson B. mind C. confidence D. plan
A. accept B. receive C. enjoy D. keep
A. including B. flying C. covering D. floating
A. After B. When C. Whether D. While
A. impossible B. constant C. valuable D. available
第一部分 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
From robots delivering coffee to office chairs rearranging ___56___ (they) after a meeting a smart city project in China aims to put artificial intelligence ___57___ charge.
Last month, Danish architecture firm BIG and Chinese tech company Terminus ___58___ (discuss) plans to build an AI-run campus-style development in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing during ___59___ online global tech conference.
The project ___60___ (name) Cloud Valley, plans to use sensors and wifi-connected devices to gather data on everything from weather and pollution to people’s eating habits to meet residents’ needs ___61___ (automatic), said Terminus.
Cities around the world are racing to embrace technology to improve urban life by collecting data to address problems like traffic jams and crime. More than 500 smart cities are being built across China ___62___ (promote) growth in a global economic downturn. The city, which includes offices, homes, public spaces and self-driving cars ___63___ move around under the watchful eye of AI, is due for completion in about three years, according to Terminus.
Yet, like other smart cities, its tech-driven approach has raised privacy concerns.
“Isn’t all of this a little ___64___ (frighten) ” asked a conference-goer. Another attendee said smart cities risked becoming a threat to human rights if ___65___ (company) and governments didn’t take steps to limit surveillance (监视) and ensure inclusivity.
第二部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华,你校英文报将举办以“Scientists and Our Life"为主题的英语征文大赛,你想邀请你的英国朋友Mary参加,请你给她写一封邀请函。内容包括:
1. 写信缘由;
2. 征文要求(介绍至少两位科学家及其成就;举例说明科学对生活的影响;你对科技影响的看法)。
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mary,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Our school’s “Help Others” event was drawing near, and our team had been assigned (分配) the task of organizing a fundraising campaign (筹款活动). We had a week to plan and carry out our strategy, and everyone wanted to play a meaningful part.
On the first day of our planning week, our team leader, Emily, brought us together to discuss our roles. She assigned different tasks to each team member based on our strengths and interests. I was assigned the role of connecting with local businesses for fundraising, a task I felt confident in completing.
As the week progressed, we worked tirelessly.
One afternoon, while we were creating promotional (宣传的) materials, Jacob, one of our teammates, came to us with a tired look on his face. He explained that he had been feeling unwell for the past few days and was worried about falling behind on his tasks.
Worried about Jacob’s well-being, we encouraged him to take some time off and rest and told him that we would support him in any way we could. Jacob finally agreed, understanding that he needed to take care of himself.
With Jacob absent, we realized that his tasks, including creating promotional materials, were left unfinished. We knew that if we didn’t step in to help, our campaign would fail. To solve this problem, we came together as a team and thought of ways to support Jacob and keep our campaign on track.
Sarah, with her artistic skills, volunteered to take over the design of the promotional materials, while Mark offered to help with the content creation. Emily, our team leader, stepped in to manage the whole team, making sure that everything stayed organized and on schedule. We tried our best to make our campaign successful.
Late into the night, we came together in Sarah’s living room.
The following day, when Jacob returned to our team, he was surprised at the progress we had made in his absence