Unit 4 Lesson 22-24
单词 音标 含义 例句
receive /r si v/ 收到 I received a letter from my friend today.
cancer / k n.s r/ 癌症 Cancer is a serious disease.
blessing / bles. / 祝福 Having good health is a blessing.
pyramid / p r. .m d/ 金字塔 The pyramids are famous monuments in Egypt.
Egypt / i .d pt/ 埃及 Egypt is a country located in North Africa.
advantage / d v n.t d / 优势 The advantage of living in a big city is that there are many things to do.
disadvantage /d s. d v n.t d / 劣势 One disadvantage of living in a big city is the high cost of living.
simple / s m.p l/ 简单 The instructions are simple and easy to follow.
coin /k n/ 硬币 A coin is a piece of metal money.
cause /k z/ 原因 Smoking is a major cause of lung cancer.
less /les/ 更少 I like coffee with less sugar.
aside / sa d/ 放在一边 Please put your phone aside while you are driving.
attack / tak/ 攻击 The virus attacked the computer system.
web /web/ 网络 The world wide web is a vast network of information.
steal /sti l/ 偷 Someone stole my bike!
banking / b .k / 银行业务 Online banking allows you to manage your finances from home.
properly / pr .p r.li/ 正确地 It is important to brush your teeth properly.
默词 音标 含义 完成句子
/r si v/ 收到 I _______________ a letter from my friend today.
/ k n.s r/ 癌症 _______________ is a serious disease.
/ bles. / 祝福 Having good health is a _______________.
/ p r. .m d/ 金字塔 The _______________ are famous monuments in Egypt.
/ i .d pt/ 埃及 _______________ is a country located in North Africa.
/ d v n.t d / 优势 The _______________ of living in a big city is that there are many things to do.
/d s. d v n.t d / 劣势 One _______________ of living in a big city is the high cost of living.
/ s m.p l/ 简单 The instructions are _______________ and easy to follow.
/k n/ 硬币 A _______________ is a piece of metal money.
/k z/ 原因 Smoking is a major _______________ of lung cancer.
/les/ 更少 I like coffee with _______________ sugar.
/ sa d/ 放在一边 Please put your phone _______________ while you are driving.
/ tak/ 攻击 The virus _______________ the computer system.
/web/ 网络 The world wide _______________ is a vast network of information.
/sti l/ 偷 Someone _______________ my bike!
/ b .k / 银行业务 Online _______________ allows you to manage your finances from home.
/ pr .p r.li/ 正确地 It is important to brush your teeth _______________.
默词 音标 完成句子
/r si v/ I _______________ a letter from my friend today.
/ k n.s r/ _______________ is a serious disease.
/ bles. / Having good health is a _______________.
/ p r. .m d/ The _______________ are famous monuments in Egypt.
/ i .d pt/ _______________ is a country located in North Africa.
/ d v n.t d / The _______________ of living in a big city is that there are many things to do.
/d s. d v n.t d / One _______________ of living in a big city is the high cost of living.
/ s m.p l/ The instructions are _______________ and easy to follow.
/k n/ A _______________ is a piece of metal money.
/k z/ Smoking is a major _______________ of lung cancer.
/les/ I like coffee with _______________ sugar.
/ sa d/ Please put your phone _______________ while you are driving.
/ tak/ The virus _______________ the computer system.
/web/ The world wide _______________ is a vast network of information.
/sti l/ Someone _______________ my bike!
/ b .k / Online _______________ allows you to manage your finances from home.
/ pr .p r.li/ It is important to brush your teeth _______________.
单词 音标 含义 造句
receive /r si v/ 收到
cancer / k n.s r/ 癌症
blessing / bles. / 祝福
pyramid / p r. .m d/ 金字塔
Egypt / i .d pt/ 埃及
advantage / d v n.t d / 优势
disadvantage /d s. d v n.t d / 劣势
simple / s m.p l/ 简单
coin /k n/ 硬币
cause /k z/ 原因
less /les/ 更少
aside / sa d/ 放在一边
attack / tak/ 攻击
web /web/ 网络
steal /sti l/ 偷
banking / b .k / 银行业务
properly / pr .p r.li/ 正确地