

名称 江苏南通通州2023-2024学年高三下学期初联考英语试题二次开发导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 28.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-10 18:09:36



1. take the lift to the very top
2.be rewarded with splendid views
3. at peak times
4. get a good workout
5. ride the elevator/lift up to the summit
6. a full refund
7.prevent his rare and beloved birds from going extinct
8. make it over the peaks
9. this daring, unconventional plan
10. have a strong bond with
11. a huge hit
12. through years of trial and error
13. the inevitable risks
14. rewild
15. lead the first flock
16. an evident indicator of
17.enhance our appreciation of something
18. enjoy the anticipation
19. invest time in
20. instant and delayed satisfaction
21. conflict with
22. be taken as a sign of
23. the capacity to wait
24. release strong urges
25. well-off badly off
26. label somebody as
27. injustice
28. a calculated obstacle to change
29. microchip
30. took inspiration from
31. a stretched rubber base
32. spin to the ground
33. map out the pollutants
34.inevitably encounter difficult circumstances
35. get things off their chest
36. a screen-free moment
37. ideally
38. on a tight budget
39. out of the question
40. spell the trouble
41. a blessing
42. dignity
43. artifact
44. prosperity
45. mythology
46. be depleted as
47. be credited with
48. favorable powers
49. distinguish A from B
50. pregnant
51. forefather
52. refer to sb as
假如你是李华,请你给校英文报写一篇报道,分享你和你的家人过了一个有年味的春 节的经历,内容包括:
1. 春节的活动;
2. 年味的意义;
3. 你的感受。
53. 家庭团聚:
54. 一段难以忘记的经历
55. 装扮我们的家
56. 春联和灯笼
57. 象征幸运和繁荣
58. 除夕
59. 一起准备美味的大餐
60. 观看春晚
61. 燃放烟花爆竹
62. 互道祝福
63. 红包
64. 参与各种传统活动
65. 舞狮
66. 增添节日氛围

1. This Spring Festival was ____________________ (格外令人难忘) for me and my family. We _________________(参加)various traditional activities that brought the holiday atmosphere to life. From hanging red lanterns and couplets to enjoying a reunion dinner, _________________________ (每分钟都充满了快乐和温暖。)
2. The significance of the Spring Festival ___________________________ (不仅仅在于) celebrating the new year but also in ______________________________ (珍惜与所爱之人的团聚).The preparation of festive foods like dumplings and the exchange of red packets _____________________________ (拉近我们的关系)and _____________________________________ (使得中国文化的精髓得以保存)。
3. In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a special time for all Chinese people. It is a time ____________________________________.(来庆祝,感激并充满希望,积极地期待新年)
4. I feel grateful and blessed to be able to celebrate the Spring Festival with my family. It is a time to ______________________ (珍视我们的传统和文化), and to _____________________________ (共同创造难忘的回忆). I look forward to celebrating the Spring Festival with my family _______________________ (未来许多年)。
5. For me, the Lunar New Year is a time of ______________________ (爱,笑声,与家人在一起的珍贵时刻). It reminds me of the importance of family and tradition in my life, ________________________ (带给我感恩之心和幸福感).
But as I reached the front gate to Number 97, my heart almost stopped. 当主角走到97号的前门时,心跳加速。但意外的是,当老妇人出现时,她并没有表现出传说中的恐怖形象,反而以一种温和的姿态邀请主角进入她的家。这个突如其来的转变让主角的好奇心战胜了恐惧,鼓起勇气跨入了这所被误解的小屋。
From then on, I visited her after every rehearsal and gradually knew her sad story.随着时间的推移,主角开始在每次排练后访问这位老妇人,并逐渐了解到她背后的悲伤故事。原来,她并非传说中的恶巫婆,而是经历了许多不幸的普通老人。这些交流不仅打破了主角心中的偏见,还教会了他关于同情、理解与勇气的重要性,改变了他对于世界的看法。
1. 为何“My heart almost stopped”
倒装句:Right there in front of the gate _________________________. (那个可怕的“巫婆”站着), gazing at me.
Standing at the gate of the cottage was none but the scary "witch".
2. 我的反应:
My heart ______________________ and my hand ___________________.
3. 解释为什么gaze at me?
Then, I heard her voice, __________________________ (出乎意料地温和,充满爱意), “come here, boy. I have something for you.”
4. 什么是她给我的?
连动句:她微笑,伸出她的手,解释道“I have a big harvest of blueberries this year.”
She _______________________________, “I have a big harvest of blueberries this year.”
5. 再来个表be主的倒装:她变形的手指拎着一小袋子蓝莓。
Hanging from her twisted fingers was a small bag of blueberries
6. 用否定烘托情感。
1) Never had I felt more ashamed of the mean talks about her.
2) 没有什么可以描绘出我彼时强烈的羞愧和感激。
___________________________ the shame and gratitude that overwhelmed me at the very moment.
3) Words _________________ to describe (不足以表达) the shame and gratitude that overwhelmed me at the very moment.
7. 给第一段收尾并过渡到下一段
副词开头,并包含同位语+定语从句:I thanked her sincerely. Then naturally, we started a friendly chat, a chat___________________________. 这段聊天也证明了她非常智慧,有爱心。
8. From then on, I visited here after every rehearsal and gradually knew her sad story. + what story
A severe crash /fire took her family away 5 years ago and left her, the only survivor, _____________________________(扭曲的手指和难忍的孤独。)
9. 话题回到“we kids”身上。
It _________________________________ brought liveliness and fun to her life.
10. 作为听众的我的反应是什么?同情、感动。
My heart went out to her and I decided to visit her more often.
I felt my eyes going misty and there was a lump in my throat.
I was touched _____________________ (无言以表).
11. 孩子们的转变怎么体现
1) with 复合结构:_______________________________ (眼里涌起同情的泪水), I shared her sad story with other kids, who ___________________________________ (立刻陷入沉默).
2) From then on, I found myself not the only kid visiting her. Hearty laughter of the lady and us kids often floated out of the small cottage. (此处,可以自然结尾)
12. 如果要点题,如何点?
1) (直白) This experience taught me that sometimes, __________________________ (我们最害怕事情可能原本非常美好。)
2) (倒装)I swore to myself that ________________________________ (我绝对不会再以貌取人)。
3) (快进到将来) Even today, the laughter ___________________________(经常在耳边响起)/the wonderful taste of the blueberries still stays with me/lingers, reminding me to see through the heart, not the eyes./ reminding that something seemingly scary may be actually beautiful.
4) Looking back to those days, I _______________________________ (觉得回家路上有她的小屋是一件幸运的事情) and to build a close bond with the wise and loving woman.
1. 乘电梯到最顶端
2. 得到壮丽景色的奖赏
3. 在高峰期
4. 好好锻炼一下
5. 乘坐电梯之上峰顶
6. 全额退款
7. 防止他心爱的稀有鸟类灭绝
8. 成功飞越山峰
9. 这个大胆而非常规的计划
10. 有很强的联系/纽带
11. 大受欢迎
12. 经过多年的试错
13. 不可避免的风险
14. 领着第一群鸟儿
15. 重新野化/把动物放归自然栖息地
16. 一个明显的标示
17. 提高我们对某事的欣赏能力
18. 享受期待
19. 花时间在…上
20. 即时满足以及延迟满足
21. 与……矛盾
22. 被看作……的迹象
23. 等待的能力
24. 释放强烈的欲望
25. 富裕;贫困
26. 给某人贴上……的标签
27. 不公正
28. 故意阻止改变
29. 微型芯片
30. 灵感来自于
31. 拉升开来的橡胶底座
32. 旋转着落地
33. 绘制出污染物地图
34. 无法避免地遭遇到困境
35. 倾吐心中的烦恼
36. 一段不玩电子产品的时光
37. 作为理想的做法
38. 预算紧张
39. 不可能
40. 招致问题
41. 一件幸运/幸福的事情
42. 尊严
43. 手工艺品
44. 繁荣
45. 神话
46. be depicted as被描述为
47. 被认为有做某事的功劳
48. 好的力量
49. 使A有别于B
50. 怀孕的
51. 祖先
52. 将……称作
53. family reunion/gathering
54. a memorable/unforgettable experience
55. decorate our home
56. couplets and lanterns
57. symbolize fortune/luck and prosperity
58. Chinese New Year’s Eve
59. prepare a tasty feast together
60. watch the Spring Gala
61. set off fireworks and crackers
62. exchange good wishes
63.. lucky money/ red packets
64. engage in/participate in / be involved in diverse/various traditional activities
65. lion dances
66. add to the festive atmosphere
1. particularly memorable, engage in, every moment was filled with joy and warmth.
2. lies not only in;cherishing the togetherness with loved ones, brought us closer, kept the essence of Chinese culture alive
3. to celebrate, to be grateful, and to look forward to the new year with hope and optimism
4. cherish our traditions and culture, create lasting memories together, for many years to come.
5. love, laughter, and cherished moments with my family, bringing a sense of gratitude and happiness.
1. stood the scary “witch”
2. my heart pounded wildly and my hands went sweaty.
3. unexpectedly tender/soft/gentle and loving
4. smiled, stretched out her hand and explained
5. 无
6. Nothing could describe; fell short
7. which proved her quite wise and caring
8. with twisted fingers and unbearable loneliness
9. was the voices and laughter of us passing kids that
10. beyond words
11. With tears of sympathy welling up in my eyes, sank into silence instantly
what we are scared of most may turn out to be pretty wonderful.
12. never would I judge a person merely by what he/she looks.
often echoes in my ears,
I feel blessed to have her cottage on my way home// I feel it a blessing to have her cottage on my way home