人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 单元复习导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 单元复习导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 28.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-10 18:09:47



Book2 unit 5
classical [ kl s kl] adj.________ energy [ en d i] n. __________
soul [s l] n. ___________ bagpipes [ b ɡpa ps] n. ____________
stringed [str d] adj. ______________ virtual [ v t u l] adj. _____________
composition [ kɑmp z n] n. _____________
opportunity [ p tju n ti] n.__________
perform [p f m] vt./vi. _____________
performance [p f m ns] n. __________
performer [p f m ] n. _____________
onto [ nt ] prep. _____________ studio [ stud ] n. ___________
ordinary [ rdn ri] adj. _____________ enable [ neibl] vt. ____________
prove [pru:v] vt. _____________
award [ w rd] vt. _________ ;n.__________
composer [k m p z ] n. _______________
conductor [k n d kt ] n. ____________
original [ r d nl] n. ____________;adj.__________
phenomenon [f nɑ m n n] n. ___________ stage [steid ] n. _____________
altogether [ lt ɡ ] adv. _____________ thus [ s] adv. ______________
band [b nd] n.____________;___________
rap n.__________ __________ vi &___________;___________
nowadays [ na deiz] adv. ___________ gradual [ ɡr d u l] adj. ___________
capable [ keip bl] adj. _____________ relief [r li:f] n. ___________
cure [kj r] vt. ______________ n.______________
previous [ priv s] adj. ___________ unemployed [ n m pl d] adj. ________
romantic [r m nt k] adj. ____________n.___________
album [ lb m] n. _________ impact [ m p kt] n. ____________
aim [em] n. _________ vi./vt.__________ __________ vt._________
equipment [ kw pm nt] n. _____________ talent [ t l nt] n. ____________
piano [pi n ] n. _________ assume [ su:m] vt. ___________
addition [ d n] n. _____________ disease [d zi:z] n. _____________
26. ache [eik] vi & n. ____________ treatment [ tri:tm nt] n. _________
27. lean [li:n] vt (leant/leaned,learnt/leaned) __________
28. moreover [m r ov ] adv. ______________
29. satisfaction [ s t s f k n] n. _________
30. being [ bi ] n. ________ various [ v r s] adj. ____________
31. somehow [ s mha ] adv. _____________;_____________
32. personification [p r sɑ n f ke n] n. _________
33. repetition [ r p t n] n. ___________ simile [ s m li] n. ____________
34. outline [ a tla n] n./vt. _____________
35. reaction [r k n] n. ___________
Book2 unit 5
1. 能源;能量;精力n._____________ adj. ____________
2. 灵魂;心灵 ___________
3. 很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的 _____________
4. 成分;作品n. ______________
5. .机会;时机 _________________
6. 表演;履行;执行v. _________ n. ____________ n. 表演者;演员_________
7. (朝)向 prep. _________ 8. 演播室;(音乐的)录音棚;工作室_________
9. 普通的;平凡的____________ 10. 证明;展现 v. _____________
11. 使能够;使可能v. _____________
12. vt. 授予;/n.奖品 ____________
13. n. 作曲者;作曲家 ____________ v. _____________
14. n. 指挥;售票员_____________ v. _____________
15. 原来的;独创的;原作的;/心原件;原作___________ n. 起源__________
16. 现象______________ (复数) _______________
17. 时期;阶段;舞台___________ 18. 全部;总共 _______________
19. adv. 如此;因此____________
20. 乐队;带子; ___________
21. adv. 现在;目前_______________
22. adj. 逐渐的;渐进的___________ adv. ___________
23. adj. 有能力的;有才能的_______________ adv. _______________
24. n. 减轻或消除;宽慰、轻松或解脱_____________ v. ___________
25. vt. 治愈;治好(疾病);n./治疗方法、措施____________
26. adj. 先前的;以往的____________
27. adj. 浪漫的; n./浪漫的人___________
28. n. 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力______________
29. n. 目的;目标;/vi./vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准;/vt.目的是;旨在 _______
30. n. 设备;装备______________ v. _____________
31. n. 天才;天资;天赋____________ adj. ____________
32. n. 钢琴_____________ n. 钢琴家 _____________
33. vt. 以为;假设_______________ n. ________________
34. n. 添加;加法;增加物________________ v. _____________
35. n. (疾)病____________
36. vi & n. 疼痛__________ adj. ____________
37. n. 治疗;对待;处理_______________ v. ______________
38. adv. 而且;此外__________________
39. n. 满足;满意;欣慰______________ v. ____________ adj.____________ _____________
40. n. 身心;存在;生物________________
41. adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的____________ v.___________ n.________
42. adv. 以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地______________
43. n./vt. 概述;概要_______________
44. n. 反应;回应 ________________
Book 2 Unit5 短语背诵
1. full of energy 充满活力
2. the opportunity to do/ of doing/ for… 做…的机会
take this opportunity to do sth 借此机会做…
3. perform an important role in 在…中发挥重要作用
give performances/ a performance to 给…表演/演奏
put on performances/ a performance 举行表演,进行演出
4. award sb sth = award sth to sb 为某人颁发奖品
the first award 一等奖,第一名
win/ get/ receive an award for sth 因…而获奖
5. it is a relief (for sb) to do sth (对某人来说)做某事是一个解脱
in relief 如释重负
to one’s relief 令某人感到宽慰的是
relieve sb of … 帮助某人减轻…
6. a cure for sth 医治某种疾病的方法
cure sb of sth 治愈某人某种疾病,改掉某人的坏习惯
7. without aim 漫无目标
with the aim of 以…为目标,意在…
take aim at/ aim at 向…瞄准,力求达到
achieve one’s aim 达到目标
aim to do sth 旨在做某事,目的是做某事
be aimed at (doing) sth 旨在…, 目的在于…
8. assume sb/sth to be ` 假定/假设某人/某物为
It is assumed that… 据认为…
assuming (that) … 假定…,设想…
9. in addition 另外(相当于副词)
in addition to 除…之外 (介词短语)
10. to one’s satisfaction = to the satisfaction of sb 令某人满意的是
with satisfaction 满意地
be satisfied with 对…满意
11. be absorbed in sb/sth 被…吸引住,专心致志
absorb oneself in 专心于,全神贯注于
absorb …into… 把…吸收进…
absorb …from… 从..中吸收…
12. set up 安装好(设备或机器),建立,设立,创办
set off 出发,使爆炸
set out 出发,动身
set out to do 开始做某事
set about doing 开始做某事
set down 写下,记下
set aside 搁置,把…放到一边
13. get through(设法)处理,完成,设法联系(尤其指打电话),通过,度过,用完,耗尽
get down to 着手认真做某事
Book 2 Unit5 短语默写
1. 充满活力 _________________
2. 做…的机会___________________________________________
借此机会做… ________________________________________
3. 在…中发挥重要作用 ________________________________
4. 为某人颁发奖品 ________________________________________
一等奖,第一名 ____________________________
如释重负 ____________________________
令某人感到宽慰的是 ___________________________
帮助某人减轻… _______________________________
6. 医治某种疾病的方法 ________________________
治愈某人某种疾病,改掉某人的坏习惯 ___________________________
7 漫无目标 __________________________
以…为目标,意在… ____________________________
向…瞄准,力求达到 _____________________________
达到目标 ___________________________________
旨在做某事,目的是做某事 _______________________________
旨在…, 目的在于… _____________________________________
8. 假定/假设某人/某物为 _______________________________
据认为… ____________________________________
假定…,设想… ________________________________
9. 另外(相当于副词)_______________________
除…之外 (介词短语)______________________________
10. 令某人满意的是 __________________________________________
满意地 ________________________________
对…满意 ________________________________
11. 被…吸引住,专心致志 ______________________________
专心于,全神贯注于 ________________________________
把…吸收进… ______________________________________
从..中吸收… _____________________________________
12. 安装好(设备或机器),建立,设立,创办 ___________________
出发,使爆炸 ______________________
出发,动身 ___________________________
开始做某事 ___________________________
开始做某事 ___________________________
写下,记下 ___________________________
搁置,把…放到一边 ___________________________
着手认真做某事 _____________________
Book 2 Unit5练习
1.I do hope that (普通的) people can live a rich and happy life.
2.You should encourage your children to make use of the (机会) to join sports teams.
3. (现在) more and more people would rather not live in big cities.
4.The entire village was destroyed. It now looks different from the __ (先前的) one.
5.Seeing such a crowd of audience below the (舞台), he was too nervous to know what to say.
6.He borrowed a book to help (治愈) him of his reading problem.
7.We're very proud of the five students from this school who were __ (授予) scholarship.
8.She showed a great (天赋) for acting at an early age.
9.①I find that doing physical exercise a couple of times a week makes me feel more _____________(energy).
②You'll need to devote all your (energy) to his job.
10.I wanted to know how the students to my words as well as your .(react)
11.This will (able) the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.
12.①The wonderful made the audience moved.(perform)
②To make a team (performance) better, the coach has to know their strengths and weaknesses.
13.The new labs are with advanced .(equip)
14.①I didn't see your car, so I (assume) you'd gone out.
②Many people made the (assume) that the poverty only exists in the Third World.
15.As is known to all, education is a process, and people are aware of its importance.(gradual)
16.The patient got careful (treat) in the hospital. Finally she was cured of the disease.
17.①When finishing her meal, she gave a (satisfy) smile.
②My mother gave me a hug and I could see (satisfy) in her eyes.
18._______________(satisfy) with the result, he left _____________(happy).
19.__________________ (bury) in novel, he didn’t notice my stay in the room.
20.____________ (interest) in what the teacher said, he ______ (lose) in thought.
21.______________ (devote) to teaching, he had little time for his family.
22.____________ (occupy) in doing his own business, he didn’t pay attention to ____________ (clean) his room every day.
23.______(addict) to playing computer games, he was absent-minded in class.
24.______(disappoint) at the result of the exam, he decided to give it up.
25._____________ (judge) from his accent, he is from Hongkong .
________________________ , grammar is not a set of dead rules.
2. what he did, the teacher praised him in class.
3. my opinions on how to learn English well.
4.In my opinion, Tom is .
5. __________________________, the bell rang.
6. Mike is tall___________________________.
7.___________________________,he is very strict with them..
8. ____________________________________. 趁热打铁。 (while)
9._______________________________________________ .
10. ______________________________________________________ .
11. _______________________________________________________________
12. _________________________________________________________________
With music , I become someone else .
Moved by the music , he said , “It was like seeing color for the first time .”
It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life .
Music is the medicine of the mind .
Music spoke words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being .
Her eyes twinkled like stars.
All the world is a stage .