人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet 复习导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet 复习导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 37.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-10 18:10:12



BOOK 2 Unit 3 单词识别
blog n. ___________vi.______________
blog post _____________;______________
blogger n. _____________:_____________
engine n ._______________
search engine n ._______________
chat vi _____________________
stream v._______________________
identity n ._________________________
identity card _____________________
convenient adj____________________
cash n. ___________
update vt.____________n ._________
database n . ____________________
software n. ___________________
network n. ____________v. ___________
stuck adj . __________________________
keep pany ____________________
surf v._____________________
benefit n_______v._____
distance n.__________
inspire v._________
now that _________
access n_____v. _____
charity n._______________
go through _________________
tough adj .__________________
province n ._____________________
conference n. ____________________
resident n.__________adj.____________
plus conj._____n ._________prep._________
function n._________vi._____________
battery n. ______________
confirm vt. ___________________
press v _____________n . pressure__________
button n .________________
file n ._________________
in shape _________________
keep track of ________________
discount n.__________vt.____________
account n.___________________________
click v .____________________
privacy n. _____
theft n. _______________
rude adj._______________
target n .__________ vt.____________
troll n. ____________________
cyberbully n._________v.______________
false adj. ____________________
particular adj _______
embarrassing adj_____________
make fun of ________________
upset adj. ____________vt __________
guideline n . _____________________
author n . _________________
tip n. _________________________
familiar adj .______________
keep in mind _____________________
define v. _______________
case n . __________________________
BOOK 2 Unit 3 单词默写
________n博客 vi 写博客
____________流播;流动 ;n. 小河;溪流
___________adj. 方便的;近便的
__________n. 现金;金钱 。
______vt. 更新;向...提供最新信息。
n .更新;最新消息
__________n .数据库;资料库
___________adj. 卡住;陷入;困于
____________v, 浏览;冲浪
_______n.益处; v. 使受益;得益于
__________n.通道;机会. v 进入,使用,获取
___________n. 慈善;慈善机构
____________adj. 艰难的;严厉的
____________n. 省
____________n. 会议;研讨会;正式会谈
___________n . 居民, 住院医生,adj. 居住的
__________ conj. 而且;此外。 n 加号;优势
______________n. 电池
_____________v. 按;压; 敦促
_____________n. 按钮;纽扣
______________n. 文件;文件夹;档案
________________n.折扣 vt 打折
_________________n. 账户;描述
_________________v. 点击
_________________n. 偷窃; 盗窃罪
_____________adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的。
_________n. 目标;对象;靶子。
v 把...作为攻击目标
________n. 发挑衅帖子的人;恶意挑衅的帖子
______________网霸 v . 网络欺凌
________________adj. 假的; 错误的
___________adj, 特定的; 特别的;讲究的。
_______________adj, 让人难堪的。
_______adj 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧
______________n. 准则;指导原则
_______________n . 作家;作者
_____________n. 忠告; 诀窍; 实用的提示
______________adj. 熟悉;熟知 .
_______________v. 给---下定义;界定;解释
BOOK 2 Unit 3 短语背诵
chat with sb 与某人聊天 = have a chat with sb chat about sth 谈论/闲聊……
It is convenient for sb to do sth 某人方便做某事
for convenience 为了方便起见
at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候
keep sb company=accompany sb 陪伴某人
keep company with sb 与…在一起, 与…交往 in company with sb 和某人在一起
benefit sb/sth使某人或某物获益 be of benefit to sb /sth =be beneficial to sb /sth对…有好处
benefit from …. 得益于….; 从….中受益 for the benefit of ….为了….的利益
in the distance 在远处 at/from a distance 隔一段距离;从远处
at a distance of 在….远的地方 keep sb at a distance对某人冷淡;与某人疏远
within walking distance 几步之遥
inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
inspire sb with sth/ inspire sth in sb 激起/引起某人…..
have/gain/get/obtain access to 有权接近/使用…… give access to … 准许进入/接近
the access to … ….的通道, ….的机会 be accessible to ….容易接近的, ….容易进入的
go through 经历,度过, 通读,通过,浏览,仔细查看
go over 复习 go out 出去,熄灭
go against 违背,违反 go up 上涨,上升,攀登
go ahead 前进 go without没有...也可以
go by 逝去,过去 go on 继续,进行,发生 go in for 从事/喜欢…..
be tough on 严格对待
function as 起….作用, 具有…..功能
under pressure 在压力下 under the pressure of …. 在….压力下
press sb to do sth 督促某人做某事,强迫某人做某事
open a bank account 开银行帐户
account for 说明;解释(某种事实或情况 );占.....(比例)
on account of=because of= thanks to=due to=owing to=as a result of= as a consequence of由于;因为
on no account=in no way=in no case=by no means=under no circumstances=at no time绝不
give an account of 描述.....
take sth into account /consideration =take account of sth = consider sth 考虑.....
be particular about … 对. …挑剔 in particular = particularly 特杯别,尤其地
be/get upset about/over/at sth 对….. 不安/难过 /烦恼
be upset to do 对做某事感到不安
what upset sb is that让某人心烦的是
It upsets sb to do sth/that做某事让人心烦、让某人心烦的是
be familiar with sth (某人)对…..熟悉 be familiar to sb. (物)为/被….熟知
in case 以防万一 in case of 发生……时, 万一……
in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in no case 绝不
as is often the case这是常有的事
quit one’s job 辞职
get/be stuck in 被困在...中
19 . keep track of 掌握...的最新信息; 了解..信息
20 . give out your address or phone number 透漏你的地址或电话号码
21 . in shape 状况好
BOOK 2 Unit 3 短语默写
陪伴某人 _____________________________________
与…在一起, 与…交往________________________ 和某人在一起_____________________
得益于….; 从….中受益_____________________ 为了….的利益 _______________________
在远处 __________________________隔一段距离;从远处_____________________________
激励某人做某事 _____________________________________
….的通道, ….的机会___________________容易接近的;容易进入的________________
经历,度过, 通读,通过,浏览,仔细查看____________________
复习_________ 出去,熄灭___________
违背,违反_________ 上涨,上升,攀登_________
前进_________ 没有...也可以_________
逝去,过去_________ 继续,进行,发生_________ 从事/喜欢….._________
起….作用, 具有…..功能_____________________________________
在压力下 _____________________________________ 在….压力下_________________________
督促某人做某事 ,强迫某人做某事___________________
说明;解释(某种事实或情况 );占.....(比例)_____________________________________
描述..... _____________________________________
对. …挑剔__________________________________特别地,尤其地________________________
对….. 不安/难过 /烦恼_____________________________________
以防万一______________________发生……时, 万一……__________________________________
辞职 ___________________
19.掌握...的最新信息; 了解..信息______________________________________
21.状况好 ___________________
BOOK 2 Unit 3 习题
The police are trying to discover the ______________(身份)of the killer.
It has been______________(确认)that the sports meeting scheduled for Tuesday is postponed.
I'lL take two. Can you give me a___________(折扣)
His words gave us the_________________(错误的) impression that he would lend us money, but he would not.
Let them know you are there to help in any way and respect the__________________(隐私)of your neighbor
Some companies find it not enough to simply donate money to____________________(慈善机构).
She is attending a three-day_______________________(会议) on AIDS education
He said his car had got_______________________(stick) in the snow.
Eating more fruit and vegetables will be_________________(benefit) to people's health.
Checking it on the official website is much more_________________(convenience).
_____________(inspire) by her new understanding, Emily spent the rest of her year in communications studies.
The magazine makes these ideas attractive and________________________(access) to children
I think a lot of people, women_______________ particular, pay attention to these sensitive issues.
Tom always goes jogging in the morning and does push-ups in order to keep___________shape.
But for a driver who isn't familiar____________the road conditions, the zebra crossing could easily influence his
judgement and make him stop in time.
The production and distribution of food account______ around a third of the world’s total greenhouse gas emission.
Don’t be rude online _______________ case you become a target for a troll or cyberbully.
She can keep herself _____________(update) with information from the Internet.
Without Lily keeping him company,her father _______________(经历)a particularly tough time.
He ________________________(取笑) for not having an account.
It is said that the purpose of the project being discussed in the meeting is________________(improve) the
traffic condition in this city.
All of her time____________(devote)to carrying out a further study on the cause of Alzheimer's disease since she
left scIhool.
So far about 40 works of art______________________(create)in the local parks.
She is ____________lovely a girl that everyone likes her.
There was __________ much noise outside that we couldn’t hear the teacher.
It is___________a challenging job that I can’t finish it on my own.
The more you learn, the_____________(good) equipped for life you are.
__________is often the case,humans are the primary cause of extinction.
The boy found himself in a situation_________it was hard to make a choice, so he asked his parents for advice.
I refused to accept the blame for something ______was someone else's fault.
This is the small little-known town________which I have been familiar since childhood.
It_________(give) out that Mary would be the leading actress in the new movie.
The lessons, provided by a company called Third Space Learning__________(target)at pupils struggling with
maths -especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
__________ upset me was that a man with a stick beat my beloved dog Poppy without mercy.
It was not until I experienced the event _________ I realized a small act of care can melt people’s loneliness.
I find_______ no use____________(argue) with him, because he is so stubborn.
I was searching the Internet for the relevant information________my cellphone rang.
Reading classics can enrich our life, this is_______we should read more classics.
If I had taken your advice, I_________________(make) progress.
_____________________________ he wasn’t the person who stole your bike.已经证实他不是偷车的那个人。
______________________________________________________everyone likes her.(她是如此可爱的女孩)
__________________________________noise outside that we couldn’t hear the teacher.(有那么多的噪音)
You should do moderate exercise,___________________________________________.(对你的健康有益)
In the last 10 years ,many new buildings _________________________________________________(build).
___________________you study, ________________progress you will make.你越努力,你的进步就越大。
______________________________________________________hasn’t been decided. (什么时候去野餐)。
With ____________________________________________, we will finish the task in time.(有你帮助我们)
The girl________________________________________________________ is Lucy.(那个正在上网的女孩)
The question is___________________________________________________.(太难而不能回答)
用网络和朋友保持联系是方便的。(it is convenient to do)
要记住,你的个人信息一定要保密。(keep in mind that )
由于互联网不总是健康和安全的,我们必须学会如何正确使用互联网以远离不健康网站。(now that)
同时,你在电脑前呆的时间越长,你的视力就越差。(the+比较级, the+比较级)
总之,上网的时候谨慎是必要的。(it is of great importance to do)
People’s lives have been changed by online communities and social networks.
There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient.
At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company.
She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to
use computers and the Internet.
She realizes that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists
between in people.
She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the
Internet and knows how to use technology.
7. However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.