人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions Assessing your progress & Video Time 课件(共22张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions Assessing your progress & Video Time 课件(共22张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 21.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-10 19:55:34



Unit 4
History And Traditions
Assessing Your Progress
& video Time
A people without the knowledge of their
past history, origin and culture is like a tree
without roots
—Marcus Garvey
1.Before use, your new smartphone must be fully_______ (充电).
2.A little bit of kindness will be rewarded with a large________(数量) of benefit.
3.He was offered a _______(职位)at the local school, after which when he went to the Cambridge.
4.A new a___________(方法,途径) offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.
5. The teachers make every effort to ______(保证,确保) that all students will be given an equal chance.
6. During the Pure Brightness Festival, people will go to clean the graves and show respect to their ________(祖宗,祖先).
7.Floral designers ( 花艺师 ) and_________ ( 风景 ) architects from 10 countries are set to show their talent with their arts and cultural creations.
8.The new supermarket has___________( 宣告) that the first to purchase goods on the opening day shall get a big prize.
9.She had her paintings displayed in the_______(画廊), which attracted a lot of people.
10. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself __________(remind) of his own dream.
Match the words with their English descriptions.
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to do s.th in order to protect sb or s.th
a man who rules a country
to find the exact position of s.th
to successfully complete s.th or get a good result, especially by working hard
to say what s.th or sb is like by giving details
to mention or speak about; to look at a book, map, piece of paper etc. for information
to state s.th in an exact and detailed way
to prevent s.th from having any effect
Combine the words with the endings to form words that you learnt in this unit.
achieve locate king defend negate specify describe refer
-ce -ive -ic -dom
-ment -ence -tion
Example: achieve + -ment = achievement
What is suffix
A suffix is a word ending added to a root word to make a new word. Adding the suffix often changes the part of speech, for example, act — action / active / acting.
Different suffixes depend on the ending of the root word and there are no simple rules.
Combine the words with the endings to form words that you learnt in this unit.
achieve locate king defend negate specify describe refer
-ce -ive -ic -dom
-ment -ence -tion
achievement, location, kingdom, defence,
negative, specific, description, reference
Combine the words with the endings to form words that you learnt in this unit.
-ment: movement, pavement
-ness: happiness, kindness
-ship: leadership, friendship
-er/or: driver, visitor
-tion, -ion: action, production
-al: arrival, refusal
-ess: actress, hostess
-hood: boyhood, childhood
-ism: idealism, impressionism
-able/ible: changeable, visible
-al: cultural, personal
-ful: useful, hopeful
-ic: historic, energetic
-ive: attractive, impressive
-less: harmless, hopeless
-like: dreamlike, lifelike
-ous: curious, cautious
Now use the words to complete the sentences.
achievement, location, kingdom, defence,
negative, specific, description, reference
Professor Grange made several __________ to the relationship between the two countries, and gave a lot of background information to explain the _________ situation they are facing.
For your homework this week, please do some research on the major
____________of Isaac Newton and give a full __________ of one of these in class.
After the war, the _________ was left in ruins, with all of its _________ completely destroyed.
That Shanghai restaurant has three different ________, so if you let me know where your hotel is, I’ll give you ________ directions to the closest one.
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Combine each pair of sentences into one using the past participle of the verb in the second sentence.
1. I heard the trip was to visit our sister school in Boston. That excited me.
I was excited to hear the trip was to visit our sister school in Boston.
2. I heard you had been chosen to join a cultural camp in Greece. That pleased me.
I was pleased to hear you had been chosen to join a cultural camp in Greece.
3. Dave could not find a seat in the room. It was very crowded.
Dave could not find a seat in the very crowded room.
4. The photo won the first prize in the competition. It was taken at Cardiff Castle.
The photo taken at Cardiff Castle won the first prize in the competition.
5. On the lab table, he found a lot of bottles. They were marked “caution”.
On the lab table, he found a lot of bottles marked “caution”.
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BEFORE YOU WATCH: Match the place names below with the photos from the video.
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An introduction to
Historic London
London sits upon the River Thames in the southeast of England. It is the capital of the United Kingdom , and—with almost nine million peoples—Europe's largest city.
blend 【混合】 negotiate 【通过,越过(险要路段)】 symbolize/embody/represent 【象征】hub 【枢纽;中心】
dock【使…靠码头】imprisonment 【监禁】coronation【加冕礼】 repository 【贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团】spectacular【壮丽的】sizable 【巨大的】 grab subways and trains 【挤地铁和火车】assemble 【聚集】rally 【集会】address the crowd 【向公众发表演讲】devastate 【毁灭;毁坏】dominate 【控制;支配;占优势】
BEFORE YOU WATCH: Match the place names below with the photos from the video
A Big Ben B Buckingham Palace
C Houses of Parliament D Tower of London
E National Gallery F Trafalgar Square
G Tower Bridge H Westminster Abbey 【修道院】
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WHILE YOU WATCH: 1. Complete the sentences below by writing 1-7 on the lines.
1. The Tower Bridge
2. Westminster Abbey
3. Buckingham Palace
4. The National Gallery
5. Trafalgar Square
6. The Houses of Parliament
7. Big Ben
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____ A. is a symbol of the city of London.
____ B. is also called the Palace of Westminster.
____ C. is where the king or queen lives.
____ D. is where all royal funerals and most coronations take place.
____ E. is in fact the name of the bell in the tower.
____ F. is a traditional place for public meetings.
____ G. contains a great art collection.
blend 【混合】 negotiate 【通过,越过(险要路段)】 symbolize/embody/represent 【象征】hub 【枢纽;中心】
dock【使…靠码头】imprisonment 【监禁】coronation【加冕礼】 repository 【贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团】spectacular【壮丽的】sizable 【巨大的】 grab subways and trains 【挤地铁和火车】assemble 【聚集】rally 【集会】address the crowd 【向公众发表演讲】devastate 【毁灭;毁坏】dominate 【控制;支配;占优势】
WHILE YOU WATCH: 1. Complete the sentences below by writing 1-7 on the lines.
1. The Tower Bridge
2. Westminster Abbey
3. Buckingham Palace
4. The National Gallery
5. Trafalgar Square
6. The Houses of Parliament
7. Big Ben
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____ A. is a symbol of the city of London.
____ B. is also called the Palace of Westminster.
____ C. is where the king or queen lives.
____ D. is where all royal funerals and most coronations take place.
____ E. is in fact the name of the bell in the tower.
____ F. is a traditional place for public meetings.
____ G. contains a great art collection.
WHILE YOU WATCH : 2. Answer the questions using information from the video.
What did Samuel Johnson say about London
Samuel Johnson said that when one is tired of London, one is tired of life.
2. What makes London a great city to walk in
It is a great city to walk in because there are no hills and many things to see.
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必修二 Unit4 workbook p79
using words and expressions
Using Words and Expressions /////////////
1 Study the words in bold黑体的. Circle the odd不同类的 one out in each group.
Group A
1 In 1801; the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” was formed.
2 The United Kingdom consists of four countries.
3 Ireland has 26 counties.
4 The ship spent four days in port
Group B
1 Does the writer use specific words and give examples
2 Try to adopt a positive attitude towards life.
3 Never hold a negative attitude towards people.
4 I dont mean to be rude; but I'd rather be alone.
Group C
1 Shall we go to the pub for a drink
2 No; thanks. Im not old enough for beer.
3 I dont drink wine; only spirits.
4 Bob hasnt lost his strong Irish accent.
2 Complete each sentence with the correct form of a word or phrase in the box.
chief battle join to
ensure aspect former
formal position generous
ancestor belong to military defence
1 The three airport terminals are__________ each other by a small train.
2 Ihe four countries ____________ the United Kingdom.
joined to
belong to
3 A huge amount of government money is spent on ________________.
4 The Normans ruled England after the_________ofHastings.
5 It is important to know the differences between ________and informal English.
6 Each generation will reap(收获)what the _______generation has sown (播种).
7 CEO means __________Executive Officer.
8 Is DNA testing a dependable way to learn more about ones_________
9 While taking pictures; ______ that the camera is _________at the eye level of the subject.
10 Being ___________without expecting something in return is an important _________of being a good person.
military defence
3 Add one word to make each sentence correct.
1 I need to go to the bookshop as well the bank this afternoon.
2 Far away our village the train whisdes sounded.
3 The Irish countryside offers a feast our eyes.
4 Keep eyes open for the unique landscape.
5 And above; keep your mind open as well while travelling.
4 Read and complete an interview with a detective novelist, using the correct forms of the words in the box.
legal greet gallery
(J:Journalist A: Arthur)
J: Congratulations; Mr Rogers! Ive been told that loud cheers ______________the news that your new detective novel would come out soon.
A: Thank you.
J: It was reported in the Annual Review that you did a lot of research into the English Channel Tunnel and the National ___________before you started to write. Why did you do that
A: In order to avoid _____ complications; I wanted to collect some truthful information
J: Would you please tell us the structure of your novel
A: Sorry, it s a secret.
J: Oh; I see. Anyway, thank you for speaking with us; Mr Rogers. And congratulations again on your new book.
5 Read and complete the passage with the correct forms of the words below.
roll description deer landscape surround
Behind a small cottage just outside the village lies the beautiful Twinflower Pond, whose name is a reference to a special wild flower in Scotland. It s a favourite with both locals and visitors. The pond is part of a rich natural _________________which is home to quite a few wild plants and animals. The area provides an ideal habitat and plenty of food for ________________wildcats; and various species ofbirds; such as blackbirds and coots. Moreover, two miles away and ________________by ___________ hills; there is a lake where otters and kingfishers (水獭和翠鸟)can often be seen. All in all; the appeal of this small quiet village is beyond________