安徽省芜湖市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)


名称 安徽省芜湖市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 48.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-11 22:46:32



(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Why does the man like his new job more
A. He can use what he learned.
B. He can learn a lot from the new job.
C. He has more free time.
2. What does the woman want the man to do
A. To buy her a dress. B. To give her his address. C. To deliver her dress.
3. Where is Sue now
A. At home. B. At Bill’s home. C. At the office.
4. What does the woman think of herself
A. Careless. B. Unfortunate. C. Hopeless.
5.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers
A. A boss and an employee. B. A teacher and a student. C. A father and a son.
6. Why is Ken so early this morning
A. He is on duty. B. He has to do his homework. C. He often does this.
7. What do we learn about Ken’s mother
A. She is very strict with Ken.
B. She is very friendly.
C. She always makes Ken do a lot of homework.
8. Did Ken’s favorite team win last night
A. Yes, it did. B. No, it didn’t. C. We don’t know.
9. Where does the conversation probably happen
A. At the doctor’s office. B. At the police station. C. In the street.
10. What is the man who asked the time like
A. He is tall and thin. B. He is tall and fat. C. He is short and thin.
11. How many people robbed the woman
A. Two. B. Three. C. We don’t know.
12. What do we know about Elizabeth
A. She’s too busy to see a doctor.
B. The doctor’s advice does her no good.
C. She hasn’t got well though she’s seen a doctor.
13. Who will see Elizabeth
A. The man. B. The woman. C. Neither of them.
14. Where does this talk take place
A. In a school. B. In a classroom. C. In an office.
15. How many computers do they have all together
A. 80. B. 168. C. 208.
16. What is the use of the computer in class
A. It is used to help teachers teach.
B. It is used to learn new words.
C. It is used to save time.
17. Why do they use the computer in class
A. They use it to make the work easier and save a lot of time.
B. They have to.
C. They like to use it.
18. What did the speaker want to tell the listeners about
A. The kinds of things which will serve as money in the future.
B. The money used in the early days.
C. The fact that the Chinese people were the earliest users of money.
19. Which might have been used for money by early Japanese
A. Tea. B. Salt. C. Nuts.
20. What was the common character of the things used for money
A. They were difficult to get.
B. They had some practical use.
C. They were considered valuable by all people.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分45分)
Food Parts You Should Never Throw Away in the Garbage
Pineapple Core
When you carve out the core of a pineapple, don’t throw it in the garbage. You can use the pineapple core for all kinds of recipes, and there are tons of vitamins and minerals hiding within. To use the pineapple core: chop it and add it to fruit salad, blend it into smoothies, cut it into cubes and freeze for later use, or simply add it to water or even tea to improve flavor.
Kiwi Skin
If you never thought you could eat kiwi in the way you eat a peach, think again. That skin really is good for you and contains a lot of vitamin C, and in fact, it’s also higher in fiber than the rest of the fruit. Of course, that rough, ugly skin isn’t for everyone, so if you don’t like it, try adding a whole kiwi to a smoothie to hide the taste of the skin.
Banana Peel
Most of us eat the banana without giving the soft peel a second thought. Here’s why that’s a mistake: banana peel contains tryptophan (色氨酸), which increases “the happiness hormone” to help with mood regulation and nerve system. There are a few creative ways to use the peel. Cook or boil for at least 10 minutes to soften. You can add it to smoothies, stir-fries, or soups. And, for a treat, simply slice and bake a banana with the skin on.
Watermelon Skin and Seed
The delicious, red inside makes for a refreshing snack or juice, but you’re able to get some powerful nutrients in the skin and seeds as well. Cut out the white part under the green outside and use it in your cooking. It has vitamin C and B6, to keep you healthy. As for the seeds, you can roast them in the oven. Then add them to salads or to nut snacks.
21. Which of the following has a larger amount of fiber than its other parts
A. Pineapple cores. B. Kiwi skin.
C. Banana peel. D. Watermelon skin and seeds.
22. Which of the following statements is TRUE
A. All the food above can be added to smoothies.
B. Kiwi skin can be roasted in the oven.
C. Banana peel can help lift people’s moods.
D. The green part of watermelon has vitamin C and B6.
23. Where can we most probably read this text
A. In a botany instruction. B. In a medicine brochure.
C. In a fruitarian’s recipe. D. In a nutrition report.
One of the most important ways to learn and master the English language is to read, read, and read. It is said that a good reader is also a good writer and a good speaker. However, in today’s world, reading is something that most children dislike doing.
There are simply so many distractions (分心的事物) that books, magazines, and newspapers are often ignored and they are in favor of video games and movies. And while video games and movies also play a role in helping the child learn the English language, they still can’t quite compare to reading.
And as a result, kids are learning less and less. Take a look at an elementary level text book. You’ll notice that the books for elementary students are filled with pictures and colours. Those pictures and colours in the elementary level text books aren’t there just for the sake (缘由) of design. Colours and pictures make us more engaged in the act of learning grammar. They catch our attention and help us retain (保留) more of what we read. This is especially true for little children who enjoy fun English.
Children are quite easily distracted. When you ask them to sit down and read quietly, their minds will often wander and it won’t take long before you find them doodling (涂鸦) and not doing what you told them to do. But if a book is colourful enough to catch a kid’s attention, then you’ll have a better chance at getting the kid to sit down long enough to learn English.
The same principle holds true for interactivity (互动). Like colours and pictures, interactive reading materials like English songs for kids also get the child engaged in what he or she is learning. Interactive reading materials get the child to focus since using them is almost like playing.
24.Why do children dislike reading
A. They prefer newspapers. B. They prefer films.
C. They prefer magazines. D. They prefer books.
25. Children will be interested in books that are ______.
A. full of pictures B. explained clearly C. written clearly D. not very hard
26. Colorful books can help the children ______.
A. do what they prefer B. have a good time
C. fix their attention for a longer time D. sit still and quietly
The U.S. Thanksgiving holiday is symbolized (象征) by its traditional food-roast turkey. But turkey is certainly not from Turkey. In fact, its English name is based on one big mistake. We could say it is a case of mistaken identity. The word “Turkey” has meant “the land of the Turks” since ancient times. In the mid-1500s, the word “turkey” was first used to refer to the bird in the English language.
The misunderstanding over the word happened because of two similar-looking kinds of birds.
There is an African bird called the guinea fowl (珍珠鸡). It has dark feathers with white spots and a patch of brown on the back of its neck. Traders brought the guinea fowl to Europe through North Africa. This foreign bird came to Europe through Turkish lands. So, the English thought the bird as a “Turkish chicken”.
When Europeans came to North America, they saw a bird that looked like the guinea fowl. This bird was native to the North American continent. But they thought that it was the guinea fowl, which, at that time, was called the “turkey cock”, so they gave it the same name.
Hundreds of years later, we continue to call this North American bird “turkey”, even though it has no connection at all with the country Turkey, or even with Europe.
But English is not the only language with interesting names for this North American bird.
The Turkish call turkey “hindi”, the Turkish name for India. The reference (涉及) to India probably comes from the old, wrong idea that the New World was in Eastern Asia.
The French call it “dinde”, a name that also connects the bird to India. “Dinde” means “from India” in the French language. “Turkey” has similar names in several other languages.
27. What can we know from paragraph 1
A. The word “turkey” appeared in modern times.
B. Turkey’s English name is based on correct identity.
C. Americans like eating turkey in Thanksgiving holiday.
D. Both Turkey and turkey have similar meanings in English.
28. What does “it” in the last paragraph refer to
A. Eastern Asia. B. The French language.
C. The New World. D. The bird turkey.
29. What can be the best title for the text
A. How did Thanksgiving “turkey” get its name
B. How did Americans spend their Thanksgiving holiday
C. Why was the guinea fowl so popular with Americans
D. Why was the guinea fowl different from American turkeys
New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has found being confident in the kitchen is not only good for your taste buds, it’s also good for your mental health.
In total, 657 participants undertook the seven-week healthy cooking course. Researchers found those who participated in the program saw significant improvements in general health, mental health and subjective vitality immediately after the program which remained six months after completing the course, when compared to the study’s control group.
“Improving people’s diet quality can be a preventive strategy to stop or slow the rise in poor mental health, obesity and other health disorders,” Dr Joanna Rees said. “Future health programs should continue to prioritise (给予…优先权) the barriers to healthy eating such as poor food environments and time restrictions, while placing greater emphasis on the value of healthy eating via quick and easy home-cooked meals, rich in fruit and vegetables and avoiding processed convenience foods.”
The Institute has previously found a link between eating more fruits and vegetables, and improved longer term mental health in a larger study collecting more complex dietary data, implying the participants in the current study may have felt better due to improved diet. However, the study showed participants’ mental health improved despite their reported diet not being found to have changed after completing the program.
At the start of the program, 77 per cent of participants who identified as female claimed to be confident about cooking, compared to just 23 per cent of those who identified as male. But at the end of the program, cooking confidence and cooking skills were equal across both groups.
This change in confidence could see change to the household food environment by reducing the gender prejudice and leading to a gender balance in home cooking. This in turn may help to overcome some of the barriers presented by not knowing how to cook, such as easing the time limits which can lead to ready-made meals which are high in energy but low in nutritional value.
30. What can we learn from what Dr Joanna Rees said
A. Processed convenience foods benefit people.
B. Time restrictions lead to healthy eating.
C. He thinks it urgent to improve people’s diet quality.
D. Home-cooked meals are better choices.
31. What is the benefit of eating more fruit and vegetables
A. Better mental health. B. Improved memories.
C. Losing weight. D. Increasing creativity.
32. How did researchers know cooking can increase confidence
A. By answering questions. B. By making contrasts.
C. By giving examples. D. By analyzing causes.
33. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Is the Kitchen Revolution Important
B. Learning Cooking Course Turns Popular
C. Healthy Home Cooking Equals a Healthy Mind
D. Being Confident in the Kitchen Benefits Confidence
A role model is a person who others lookup to. A role model provides inspiration and motivation for others. Role models send messages about their beliefs by what they do and say. 34
Role models are self-confident and happy with who they are. If role models show that they have great confidence, those who look up to them will, too. 35 They are proud of who they are, but not overly self-confident.
Role models handle stress positively. Being humans means having to constantly deal with stress and overcome difficulties. 36 While athletic role models may not win every game, they attempt to survive all kinds of pressure and learn from their mistakes when they fail.
37 A role model is honest and doesn’t lie. A role model possesses integrity (诚实正直) and does the right thing even if no one is looking.
Role models show respect for others. How you treat others speakers volumes (充分说明) about who you are. 38 He treats others in the way that he would like to be treated and is considerate of others. A role model does not place the blame for mistake on others; he owns up to his own shortcomings.
A. Role models are always trustworthy.
B. A good role model also does what he says.
C. Role models have trust in being themselves.
D. Here are some qualities of positive role models.
E. A role model sets a good example of how to deal with pressure.
F. If you want to become a good role model, follow the tips below.
G. A good role model listens to others and also considers opposing points of view.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分35分)
I was visiting Costa Rica when I found myself in a bad situation: all my bank cards weren’t 39 and I only had $5 and a return ticket in two weeks. Back then, there were no cellphones or Internet. It was 40 who came to my rescue to get me home.
I thought the city dangerous and decided to find kind people in the 41 . With my remaining coins, I 42 to the bus station and found a countryside that I could 43 . Five hours later, I arrived at Santa Rosa. I went knocking door to door, 44 my situation with my very poor Spanish, 45 everyone pointed me to another house.
Finally, I 46 a Chinese restaurant. The owner was extremely 47 . She heard my story and felt 48 for me. She said her son had a similar 49 . At that time, some other people were very kind to him, and she remembered how 50 that made her feel. She invited me in, gave me food, and called the Red Cross to 51 me. I spent my remaining days in Costa Rica with the head of Red Cross.
I realized that being able to receive kindness is a 52 for other people as well. And kindness 53 more kindness in small ripples (波纹).
39. A. working B. paying C. travelling D. increasing
40. A. villagers B. tourists C. visitors D. strangers
41. A. streel B. town C. countryside D. community
42. A. drove B. flew C. headed D. slid
43. A. buy B. afford C. rent D. earn
44. A. explaining B. sharing C. exchanging D. exploring
45. A. or B. but C. and D. therefore
46. A. thought of B. heard of C. arrived at D. aimed at
47. A. rich B. kind C. busy D. serious
48. A. proud B. happy C. excited D. sorry
49. A. adventure B. experience C. failure D. strategy
50. A. warm B. curious C. cool D. strange
51. A. choose B. calm C. comfort D. rescue
52. A. gift B. trouble C. trap D. request
53. A. improves B. challenges C. encourages D. designs
What on earth does happiness mean I can’t give you its exact definition, but I’m sure if you love and help others you’ll get it.
I’ll never forget an old lady. She lives in 54 small house alone. It is said that her husband and her son 55 (die) in a road accident years ago. Her life is bitter, but she often helps others. 56 a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first 57 (clean) the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of 58 (laugh) and love.
But I’m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They talk 59 (noisy) in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, 60 they will never get true happiness because they 61 (lose) their personality already.
Now I know what happiness is. 62 means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, I have come to understand that 63 (bring) happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness.
第三节 单词或短语拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
请用选择性必修一unit 1-unit 3所学单词或短语的适当形式完成句子
64. Too much exposure to the sunlight is closely ______ (相关联) to skin cancer.
65. To make your wife happy, you’d better help do as much housework as you can and that often ______ ______ ______ (奏效).
66. This is a charming and ______ (令人振奋的) love story.
67. Over the past three ______ (十年), the company has made some efforts to improve the quality of its product.
68. We think critically, ______ ______ ______ (而,相对于) just copying from books.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
最近的一项调查表明,很多中学生都没有吃早餐的习惯。请根据表格内容用英语写一篇题为“The Top Meal of the Day”的短文。
原因 1.不吃早餐可以多睡一会儿; 2.女孩子为保持苗条身材常不吃早餐。
结果 1.整天感觉困倦; 2.记忆力下降; 3.学习效率低。
建议 早餐不可少,提供全天所需能量的30%,且有助于创造性思维的培养。
The Top Meal of the Day
A recent study shows that many students do not have breakfast. _________________________________________
Peter woke up early in the morning. He went downstairs in a hurry and started to have his breakfast as quickly as possible.
“Why are you in such a hurry, early bird ” Mum asked him. “We will have an English spelling test today, Mum,” Peter said. “Mr. White promised to offer prizes to those who get 100 scores. I’ve been studying the word list since last week. Although the words are difficult, I am well prepared for them.”
Peter reviewed the spelling of each word once more carefully when Dad drove down.
Thirty words later, the test papers were collected by Mr. White. “I am to mark your papers now,” he told the class. After marking the test papers, Mr. White said, “Three of you won a prize today for excellent test scores. Peter, David and Mary got 100 percent on the spelling test!” Mr. White praised them. Meanwhile, he gave the three students each a dictionary. Peter’s was an English-Chinese dictionary-the one he liked best. Peter was so excited that he held it high when his classmates cheered. “This is my happiest moment,” Peter thought.
After Mr. White gave the test paper back, Peter had a look at the words, feeling proud of his spelling. All of a sudden, the word “contribution” confused him. It didn’t seem right. Peter began to compare them after taking out the wordlist. “C-o-n-t-r-i-b-l-s-i-o-n,” he whispered. He had spelled it wrong.
“What am I to do ” Peter said to himself. “I expect my classmates to think I’m a master in spelling. If I tell Mr. White one of my spelling words is wrong, I’ll have to give my prize back, or I will become an example for telling a lie”. Staring at the red sign “100%” which was written at his test paper, Peter was lost in thought. After a while, he remembered a lesson Mum used to teach him, “We ought to be an honest person.”
Slowly, Peter raised his hand. ____________________________________________________________________
Peter looked around and found many of his classmates were smiling at him. _______________________________
第一部分 听力
1~5. ACCAB 6~10. BAABC 11~15. ACAAC 16~20. AABAC
第二部分 阅读
第一节 阅读理解
21. B
22. C
23. D
21. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“That skin really is good for you and contains a lot of vitamin C, and in fact, it’s also higher in fiber than the rest of the fruit.”可知,猕猴桃的果皮的纤维量比其他部位高。故选B项。
22. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,香蕉皮中含有色氨酸,能增加“快乐荷尔蒙”,帮助调节情绪和神经系统。故选C项。
23. D【解析】文章出处题。根据文章中反复出现的四种水果部位具有的维生素、矿物质和高纤维等营养物质,可知本文是介绍这些水果部位的营养价值,所以此篇文章应该能在营养报告上找到。故选D项。
24. B
25. A
26. C
24.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中“There are simply so many distractions (分心的事物) that books, magazines, and newspapers are often ignored and they are in favor of video games and movies.(有很多分心的东西,书籍、杂志和报纸总是被忽视,而电子游戏和电影则是他们的首选)”可知,孩子们不喜欢读书可能是因为他们喜欢看电影。故选B。
25.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中“You’ll notice that the books for elementary students are filled with pictures and colours. Those pictures and colours in the elementary level text books aren’t there just for the sake (缘由) of design. Colours and pictures make us more engaged in the act of learning grammar. They catch our attention and help us retain (保留) more of what we read.(你会注意到小学生用的书都是图片和颜色。那些初级课本上的图片和颜色不仅仅是为了设计。颜色和图片使我们在学习语法时更加投入。它们能吸引我们的注意力,帮助我们记住更多的内容)”可知,孩子们会对充满图画的书感兴趣。故选A。
26.【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段中“Colours and pictures make us more engaged in the act of learning grammar. They catch our attention and help us retain (保留) more of what we read.(颜色和图片使我们在学习语法时更加投入。它们能吸引我们的注意力,帮助我们记住更多的内容)”可推知,丰富多彩的书籍可以帮助孩子们长时间集中注意力。故选C。
27. C
28. D
29. A
27.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句The U.S. Thanksgiving holiday is symbolized by its traditional food-roast turkey. (美国的感恩节以传统食物烤火鸡为象征。)可知美国人喜欢在感恩节吃火鸡。故选C。
28.【解析】词义猜测题。根据下文 a name that also connects the bird to India. “Dinde” means “from India” in the French language. “Turkey” has similar names in several other languages.可知法国人将火鸡称为dinde这个名字也将这种鸟与印度联系起来。“Dinde”在法语中是“来自印度”的意思。“火鸡”在其他几种语言中也有类似的名字。可知it指代火鸡,故选D。
29.【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段中But turkey is certainly not from Turkey. In fact, its English name is based on one big mistake. We could say it is a case of mistaken identity. The word “Turkey” has meant “the land of the Turks” since ancient times. In the mid-1500s, the word “turkey” was first used to refer to the bird in the English language. (但土耳其肯定不是来自土耳其。事实上,它的英文名字是基于一个大错误。我们可以说这是认错人了。“土耳其”这个词自古以来就是“土耳其人的土地”的意思。16世纪中期,“火鸡”一词首次在英语中用来指这种鸟。)以及文章主要内容为感恩节“火鸡”名字的由来,故选A。
30. D
31. A
32. B
33. C
30.【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段中“Future health programs should continue to prioritise the barriers to healthy eating such as poor food environments and time restrictions, while placing greater emphasis on the value of healthy eating via quick and easy home-cooked meals, rich in fruit and vegetables and avoiding processed convenience foods. (未来的健康计划应该继续优先考虑妨碍健康饮食的障碍,如恶劣的食物环境和时间限制,同时更加强调通过快速和简单的家庭烹饪的健康饮食的价值,富含水果和蔬菜,并避免加工方便的食品)”可知,Joanna Rees认为家常菜是更好的选择。故选D。
31.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中“The Institute has previously found a link between eating more fruits and vegetables, and improved longer term mental health in a larger study collecting more complex dietary data, implying the participants in the current study may have felt better due to improved diet. (该研究所此前在一项收集了更复杂饮食数据的大型研究中发现,吃更多水果和蔬菜与改善长期心理健康之间存在联系,这意味着目前这项研究的参与者可能会因为改善饮食而感觉更好)”可知,多吃水果和蔬菜可以改善心理健康。故选A。
32.【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段“At the start of the program, 77 per cent of participants who’ identified as female claimed to be confident about cooking, compared to just 23 per cent of those who identified as male. But at the end of the program, cooking confidence and cooking skills were equal across both groups. (在项目开始时,77%的女性参与者声称自己对烹饪很有信心,相比之下,只有23%的男性参与者表示自己对烹饪很有信心。但在项目结束时,两组人的烹饪信心和烹饪技巧是相等的)”可推知,通过对比,研究人员知道烹饪可以增加信心。故选B。
33.【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段“New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has found being confident in the kitchen is not only good for your taste buds, it’s also good for your mental health. (伊迪丝科文大学的一项新研究发现,在厨房里保持自信不仅对你的味蕾有好处,对你的心理健康也有好处)”结合文章还介绍了研究开展的过程以及研究的发现。故C选项健康的家庭烹饪等于健康的心态最符合文章标题。故选C。
第二节 七选五
34. D
35. C
36. E
37. A
38. G
34. D根据后三段小标题内容可知均为模范人物的性格特点,所以本句应该是一个承上启下的串联句。D项“Here are some qualities of positive role models”很好地把第一段和后三段链接在一起,起到了串联上下文的作用。
35. C本段的主题为“Role models are self-confident and happy with who they are.”模范人物很自信,对自己非常满意。C项“Role models have trust in being themselves”符合本段中心思想。
36. E本段的主题为“Role models handle stress positively.”模范人物可以积极地处理好压力,可以为其他人树立榜样。E项“A role model sets a good example of how to deal with pressure”与本段中心思想一致。
37. A根据横线后句“A role model is honest and doesn’t lie.”可知模范人物诚实可信,值得信赖。与A项“Role models are always trustworthy”内容完全一致。
38. G本段的主题是“Role models show respect for others.”模范人物尊重他人,他对待他人的方式就可以说明他是一个什么样的人。G项“A good role model listens to others and also considers opposing points of view”模范个人愿意倾听他人意见并考虑不同的观点。与本段中心思想一致。
第三部分 语言运用
第一节 完形填空
39-43 ADCCB 44-48 ABCBD 49-53 BADAC
39.【解析】A 考查动词。句意:我所有的银行卡都不能在国外使用。A. working工作,起作用;B. paying付钱;C. travelling旅行;D. increasing增加。根据下文“and I only had $5 and a return ticket in two weeks”(我只有5美元和两周后的回程机票)可知,作者的银行卡在国外使用不了。故选A。
40.【解析】D 考查名词。句意:是陌生人来救我,把我带回家。A. villagers村民;B. tourists游客;C. visitors参观者;D. strangers陌生人。根据下文可知是一家餐馆的老板帮助了作者,他们并不认识,所以是陌生人,故选D。
41.【解析】C 考查名词。句意:我觉得城市很危险,于是决定到乡下去寻找善良的人。A. street街道;B. town城镇;C. countryside乡村;D. community社区。根据上文“I thought the city dangerous”可知,作者认为城市太危险,所以到乡下寻找善良人帮助。故选C。
42.【解析】C 考查动词。句意:带着剩下的硬币,我去了汽车站,发现了一个我能付得起车票的乡村。A. drove驾驶,开车;B. flew飞;C. headed出发,动身,前往;D. slid滑行。head to sp.前往某地,故选C。
43.【解析】B 考查动词。句意:同上。A. buy买;B. afford付得起;C. rent租;D. earn赚得,挣得。根据上文“With my remaining coins”可知,因为作者只剩下一些硬币,所以只能买付得起的车票,故选B。
44.【解析】A 考查动词。句意:我挨家挨户敲门,用我那蹩脚的西班牙语解释我的处境。A. explaining解释;B. sharing分享;C. exchanging交换;D. exploring探索。根据“with my very poor Spanish”可知,作者用蹩脚的西班牙语解释自己的处境,故选A。
45.【解析】B 考查连词。句意:但是每个人都指我到另外的一家。根据前后句可知,这里为转折关系,故选B。
46.【解析】C 考查动词短语。句意:最后,我来到了一家中国餐馆。A. thought of想到;B. heard of听说;C. arrived at到达;D. aimed at旨在。此处指作者到达一家中国餐馆,故选C。
47.【解析】B 考查形容词。句意:店主非常和蔼可亲。根据下文可知店主非常善良,主动帮助作者,故选B。
48.【解析】D 考查形容词。句意:她听了我的故事,对我感到同情。A. proud骄傲的;B. happy快乐的;C. excited兴奋的;D. sorry难过的。feel sorry for sb.同情某人,故选D。
49.【解析】B 考查名词。句意:她说她的儿子也有类似的经历。A. adventure冒险;B. experience经历;C. failure失败;D. strategy策略。 “a similar experience”表示相似的经历,故选B。
50.【解析】A 考查形容词。句意:她记得那使她感到多么温暖。A. warm温暖的;B. curious好奇的;C. cool冷漠的,冷淡的;D. strange奇怪的,陌生的。别人善待她的儿子,她的心里感到非常的温暖,故选A。
51.【解析】D 考查动词。句意:她邀请我进去,给我食物,打电话给红十字会来救我。A. choose选择;B. calm使镇静;C. comfort安慰;D. rescue拯救。根据上文“It was 40 who came to my rescue to get me home.”可知,店主打电话给红十字会来救作者,故选D。
52.【解析】A 考查名词。句意:我意识到能够接受善意也是给别人的礼物,故选A。
53.【解析】C 考查动词。句意:善意会在小小的波纹中激发起更多的善意。这里指善意会传递,激发起更多的善意,故选C。
第二节 语法填空
54. a
55. died
【解析】考查时态。根据时间状语years ago判断此处用一般过去时,故填died。
56. with
57. to clean
【解析】考查不定式作定语。be the first to do sth.表示“第一个做某事”,序数词后用不定式作定语,故填to clean。
58. laughter
59. noisily
60. but
【解析】考查连词。“Perhaps they feel happy at that time”与“they will never get true happiness”是转折关系,故用but连接。
61. have lost
【解析】考查时态。根据“already”判断此处是现在完成时,主语是they,故填have lost。
62. It
63. bringing
第三节 单词或短语拼写
64. linked
65. does the trick
66. uplifting
67. decades
68.as opposed to
第四部分 写作
第一节 小作文
The Top Meal of the Day
A recent study shows that many students do not have breakfast. One reason is that they want to have a few extra minutes in bed. In addition, a few girls want to stay slim and often go to school without having breakfast. These make them feel sleepy all day and have bad memories, so it is hard for them to focus on their study efficiently.
It is said that breakfast can provide 30 percent of the whole day’s energy needs. And in order to have a creative mind and better performance, all students should start their day with a regular breakfast. So, having breakfast plays an important part in people’s lives.
第二节 读后续写
【答案】Paragraph 1:
Slowly, Peter raised his hand. “Mr. White, I didn’t get 100 percent on the test. I missed a word” He stood up and handed his teacher the dictionary he liked best and his test paper. “I spelled contribution with ‘s-i’ instead of ‘t-i’.” Peter could feel his classmates looking at him with surprise as he walked back to his desk. Mr. White held up Peter’s test paper. “Class,” he said, “Peter did something even more important than spelling every word correctly on a test.” Mr. White smiled at Peter. “He taught us all a lesson on being honest.”
Paragraph 2:
Peter looked around and found many of his classmates were smiling at him. “Peter, I want you to have this dictionary because you set a good example for all of us,” Mr. White said. Peter took the dictionary from his teacher and expressed his thanks to Mr. White. Meanwhile, he couldn’t wait to show it to Mum and tell her one of his best days ever.
①举起:raise/put up
①感谢:express his thanks to/ showing his appreciation/ show his gratitude/ be grateful
②吃惊:surprise/ amazement
【点睛】[高分句型1]. He stood up and handed his teacher the dictionary he liked best and his test paper. (运用了省略that的定语从句)
[高分句型2]. Peter, I want you to have this dictionary because you set a good example for all of us. (运用了because引导的原因状语从句)