人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit4 Adversity and Courage Video Time教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit4 Adversity and Courage Video Time教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 365.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-12 08:59:04



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Video Time: Antarctic Challenge
教科书 书 名:英语选择性必修三 出版社:人民教育出版社
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.以具有坚毅品质的人物为话题作报告; 2.通过讨论,培养学生在面临困境时克服困难并坚持不懈的品质。
本视频介绍了专业登山员Jon Krakauer和同伴攀登南极大陆边缘“剃刀峰”的故事。他们攀登的过程充满了艰辛,视频从各组不同的数字、天气变化、岩石特征等多角度出发,描绘了攀登“剃刀峰”的高难度和挑战。 视频中的主人公Jon Krakauer在承受前期攀爬珠穆朗玛峰时队友失去生命的痛苦后,再次鼓起勇气接面对攀爬“剃刀峰”的挑战,这种在面对伤痛后重新振作的精神能鼓舞学生勇于面对,并坚持挑战自我。 教学重点:了解Jon Krakauer和同伴攀登南极大陆边缘“剃刀峰”的故事;
Activity 1:Lead in Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. What do you think they are doing They are climbing a mountain. 2. Can you guess where they are Mount Rakekniven. Rakekniven Peak is part of a mountain range in Antarctica. At about 610 meters high, the peak is very steep and difficult to climb. 设计说明:通过观看视频截屏,让学生对“剃刀峰”及其攀爬难度产生初步的了解。 Activity 2:Get prepared for viewing Read the lead part on P48 and find out some background information about Krakauer. What happened to Krakauer when climbing Qomolangma in 1996 He was climbing Mount Qomolangma when eight other climbers - some of his good friends - were killed by the bad weather. Read the following events and try to arrange them in the correct order. ___ The climbers wait in their tents for the bad weather to pass. _1_ The team travels 64 kilometres over the ice and snow. ___ The team begins the climb again. ___ The team spends the night in tents that hang about 450 metres above the ground. ___ The team reaches the top of the mountain. ___ Lead climber Conrad Anker begins climbing Mount Rakekniven. ___ Jon Krakauer puts a flag on the top of the mountain. ___ The weather changes. ___ The team is forced to climb down the peak. 设计说明:通过让学生阅读导入材料,了解主人公Jon Krakauer攀登“剃刀峰”的背景信息,并预测本次攀登的事件顺序,为第一次观看视频、完成相应练习做好准备。 Activity 3: Watch the video to check the answers. Watch the video for the first time to check the answers in Before You Watch. After watching it, check the answers. __5__ The climbers wait in their tents for the bad weather to pass. __1__ The team travels 64 kilometres over the ice and snow. __6__ The team begins the climb again. __7__ The team spends the night in tents that hang about 450 metres above the ground. __8__ The team reaches the top of the mountain. __2__ Lead climber Conrad Anker begins climbing Mount Rakekniven. __9__ Jon Krakauer puts a flag on the top of the mountain. __3__ The weather changes. __4__ The team is forced to climb down the peak. 设计说明:让学生观看视频,目的是验证看前预判是否正确。 Activity 4: Watch the video for key information. 1. Watch the video for the second time and fill in the blanks. The difficulties of Antarctic ChallengeNumbers LengthHeightDurationmust cross _________ to reach their goalstayed in tents about ___________ off the groundthe climb takes _______ in totalDetailed descriptionPeak RakeknivenWeatherRocks
2. After watching it, check the answers. The difficulties of Antarctic ChallengeNumbers LengthHeightDurationmust cross 64kms to reach their goalstayed in tents about 450m off the groundthe climb takes 10 days in totalDetailed descriptionPeak RakeknivenWeatherRocksthin, very steepsky darkens and storm clouds appearFall easily, very sharply
3. What is so special about Mount Rakekniven Mount Rakekniven is special because it had never been climbed before. 4.What did Jon do after he reached the top of Mount Rakekniven Jon put the flag which he brought to Mount Qomolangma on the top of Mount Rakekniven. 设计说明:让学生再次观看视频,目的是获取关键信息,了解“剃刀峰”的特别之处及其攀登过程中的艰辛。 Activity 5: Discuss in groups. Why did Krakauer bring the same flag he brought to Mount Qomolangma Because he wanted to succeed for the friends he lost in the previous climb. At the end of the video, Krakauer reached his goal. What do you think his goal was Was it only to reach the top I think his goal was not only to reach the top, but also to overcome his fear of challenging himself again after losing his friends. Have you ever faced any hardships when achieving your goals What have you learnt from your hardships When facing hardships, we may feel depressed with no desire to do anything. But overcoming a difficult challenge can help us grow much better. 设计说明:作为视频的观后活动,本活动引导学生尝试思考并讨论主人公Krakauer本次攀登“剃刀峰”与之前攀登珠穆朗玛峰之间的联系,并分析本次攀登“剃刀峰”的深层目标,并通过主人公Krakauer的故事激励学生正视困难,鼓励学生在面对伤痛后战胜自我,克服挑战。 Assignment Explore more information about Jon Krakauer and his story of Climbing Mount Qomolangma. Born in 1954, Jon Krakauer started climbing when he was eight years old. Into Thin Air, his best-selling memoir, records the tragedy on Qomolangma he experienced. When descending from the peak of the mountain, four members of his six-member team died of a sudden storm. He came back with major doubts about mountain climbing, which he wrote about in his book. Nevertheless, as shown in the video, Krakauer has continued to climb. In a bid to honor the twelve climbers died in the storm (there were other teams on the mountain in addition to Krakauer’s team), he set up the ’96 Qomolangma Memorial Fund to provide financial support for mountain climbers in the Himalayas. Apart from being a climber, Krakauer also works as an investigative journalist and a wide range of books has been authored. 设计说明:让学生进一步了解主人公Krakauer及其攀登登珠穆朗玛峰的经历,帮助学生更全面地了解视频背后的故事,从而更深层次地探究人物品质,并学习其面对伤痛仍重新振作、挑战自我的精神。