人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit3 Diverse cultures Language Points课件(共59张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit3 Diverse cultures Language Points课件(共59张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-12 10:30:22



Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Language points
P25: The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.
lie in: (兴趣,困难,计划、想法、问题、特征等)存在;在于
1. diverse adj. (various /varied/ different ) 不同的;多种多样的
diversely adv. 不同地;各色各样地 
diversity (variety/ difference) [u] 差异(性);不同(点);多样性
a great/ wide/ rich diversity of... 多种多样的...
diverse/ various/ varied/ different opinions
= a diversity/ variety of opinions = varieties of opinions
2) 我的兴趣非常广泛,从运动、旅游,到音乐。
My interests are very diverse, ranging from sports, travel to music.
= I have diverse / a diversity of interests, ranging from...to music.\.
3) One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to read widely and ________, involving many different subjects and styles of writing.
1)Lily has    great diversity of interests; she likes sports, travel and photography.
2)Forslan’s object is to gather as great a     ________(diverse)of genetic material as possible.
3)One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to read widely and (diverse), involving many different subjects and styles of writing.
Listening and Speaking
P26 L3: fortune cookie 幸运曲奇
2. fortune n. n. 机会(chance / opportunity) ; 命运;财富(money);
seek one’s fortune (离家)寻找发迹的机会
try one’s fortune 碰运气
make a/ one’s fortune 发财;赚大钱
tell one’s fortune / tell sb. his fortune 给某人算命
---fortunate adj. 幸运的 fortunately adv. 幸运地
unfortunate adj. 不幸的 unfortunately adv. 不幸地(unluckily)
---misfortune [c/u] 不幸,厄运
be fortunate in doing sth. = be fortunate to do sth.
1. He felt     (fortune)that the interviewer spoke highly of him during the interview.
2.       (fortunate), she promised me an interview chance.
3. We're fortunate in ________(have)these opportunities. = We're fortunate __________(have) these opportunities.
4. Knowing that it was easy to find diamond in the desert,he went there to (碰运气).
5. After ______________________(赚了很多钱) , he bought a new house and new car.
try his fortune
to have
making a/his fortune
6. Fortune smiled on me.
7. This dress cost a (small) fortune.
8. For once, fortune was on our side(命运之神站在我们这一边。): the sun shone that day.
9. Fortune favors the prepared mind.
P27/5/1: 3. ethnic adj. 具有民族特色的;异国风味的;民族的;种族的
ethnic groups/ communities 族群;种族社区
ethnic minority 少数民族
ethnic clothes/ jewellery/ cooking
Reading and Thinking
P28 L1: Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting the wine country of Napa Valley.
P28 L2: I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again. 我得承认,再次回到城里的感觉实在太棒了。
4. admit (admitted/ admitting)---学案P.26/ 1
1) admit sth/doing /having done sth. 承认做(了)某事
2) admit to sb. (that) ... 向某人承认…
3) be admitted to/into... 被允许加入
4) admit of sth 容许有(答案或方案等); 有…余地
---admission n. [C]承认,供认;[U,C]准许加入; [U]入场费 
(1) His son      (admit)to a famous university,which made the whole family very pleased.
(2) He has admitted (cheat)in the examinations after all,so you had better give him a chance.
(3) Many students apply for (admit)to more than one university.
was admitted
cheating/ having cheated
(4) Only ticket-holders will ________________(可进入)the stadium.
(5) The question admits of two possible answers
be admitted to/ into
5. definitely 肯定,确实 certainly ; 明确地/清楚地
definite adj. 明确/肯定的;确定的;不会改变的
definition n. 定义;清晰度
“Will you come over on Saturday ” “Definitely!” [=Yes]
Please say definitely whether you will be coming or not.
I need a definite answer.
I am definite/ sure /certain that we will win.
P28 L3: And what a city — a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906.
6. occur (occurred/ occurring)---学案p.27/ 2
occurrence n. [C] 发生的事情 [U] 发生;存在
1) (formal) to happen 发生;出现 2) 存在于;出现在
The accident happened/ occurred while she was at school.
Sugar occurs naturally in fruit.
3) occur to = It strikes/ hits sb. that... (主意或想法突然) 浮现于脑中
It never seems to occur to me to contact him.
4) Getting headaches has become a common occurrence for her.
happen; occur; break out; take place
1. She _____________ be out when we called.= It happened that…
2. ________________ that we could use a computer to do the job.
3. As we know, the Olympic Games____________ every four years.
4. Armed conflict may __________ at any moment.
5. The food queues have become a daily ___________ across the country.
happened to
It occurred to me
take place
break out
P28 L4: There are so many beautiful old buildings —— many sitting on top of big hills, offering great views of the city, the ocean, and the Golden Gate Bridge.
这里有众多美丽的古建筑——不少坐落于大山之巅, 城市、大海和金门大桥美景尽收眼底。
=…many (of them) sit on top of big hills
1) The exam __________ (hold) tomorrow, I can’t go to the cinema tonight.
2) Much work _____ (do), they had to work for extra hours.
3) He was listening attentively in class, his eyes _____ (fix) on the blackboard.
4) The guide _______ (lead) the way, we had no trouble getting out of the forest.
5) He entered the room, his nose _____ _____ _____ (鼻子冻得通红).
6) He was lying in bed, _____ _____ (灯开着).
to be held
to do
light on
red with cold
P28 Para.2 L1: My hotel is near downtown, in the Mission District.
8.downtown adv. 在市中心;往市中心
a. 商业区的/中心区的/闹市区的 n. 商业区/中心区/闹市区
go downtown shopping = go shopping downtown. 去商业区购物
I live close to downtown. 我住在市中心附近。
9. mission 传教地;布道场所; 任务;使命
In the new era, our young people should make it their mission to contribute to national rejuvenation.
P28 Para.2 L3: This district used to be a poor area of town, but is now a centre for art, music, and food.
10. used to do / be 过去常常做/是… ---学案p.27/ 3
否定式常用:didn’t / did not use to
= used not to do(在正式的英国英语中)
usedn’ t to 有时也使用, 但听上去相当正式和过时。
疑问句:Did you use to.. (常用)
Used you to ... (过时且非常正式);
They ______________________allow shops to be open on Sundays.
be / get /become (very/ quite) used to (doing) sth习惯于;适应
be used to do sth 被用来做某事
didn’t / did not use to
used not to
P28 Para.2 L5: In fact, an art movement called the “Mission School” started here.事实上,一场名为“教会派”的艺术运动就发源于此。
11. school n 学派;流派:
a new school of painters 新派画家
a school of fish/ sharks/ dolphins
P28 Para.2 L5: In fact, an art movement called the “Mission School” started here.事实上,一场名为“教会派”的艺术运动就发源于此。
11. school n 学派;流派:
a new school of painters 新派画家
The Mission School is an art movement of the 1990s and 2000s, centered in the Mission District, San Francisco, California.
Artists of the Mission School are strongly influenced by mural and graffiti art, comic and cartoon art, and folk art forms. Street art has always been an important part of the Mission School aesthetic.
“教会派” 艺术
P28 Para.3 L1: In the afternoon I headed to a local museum that showed the historical changes in California. 下午,我前往当地一家博物馆参观,博物馆展示了加利福尼亚的历史变迁
12. head v. to go or travel towards a particular place (朝…)前进
head for / to... 朝…前进
The ship is heading for/ to China.
She turned around and headed (for) home.
P28 Para.3 L1: In the afternoon I headed to a local museum that showed the historical changes in California. 下午,我前往当地一家博物馆参观,博物馆展示了加利福尼亚的历史变迁
12. head v. to go or travel towards a particular place (朝…)前进
head for / to... 朝…前进
The ship is heading for/ to China.
She turned around and headed (for) home.
head + prep./ adv.
I hopped in the car and headed down the street.
She headed out early this morning.
P28 Para.3 L1: In the same year, gold was discovered near San Francisco, which started a gold rush.
同年,旧金山附近发现黄金,引发了淘金热。---Text p94/3
P28 Para.3 L4: Over 300,000 people came from all over the world to seek their fortune, and San Francisco quickly became a big city.
13. seek vt. & vi. (sought, sought) 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
seek (for) sth/sb寻找(英语口语中更常用 look for 或 try to find)
seek to do sth.=try/ attempt to do sth.试图/设法做某事
seek (sb's) advice/ help/ assistance/ ...= to ask sb.for advice ... = seek advice/ help/ assistance from…寻求帮助/建议/援助等
hide-and-seek 捉谜藏
1) The answer to the problem must be ____________ elsewhere.
2) The farmers have been ____________higher prices as better protection from foreign competition.
3)The farmers seek ____________(harvest) all the crops before it rains.
4) When in trouble,you can _______________________________(向你的老师征求建议).
seeking (for)
to harvest
seek advice from your teacher
P28 Para.3 L7: To earn a living, some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.为了谋生,有些人在唐人街开商店、开餐馆。
14. earn a/ one’s living = make a living 谋生
earn vt.vi.挣得;赚得;赢得;博得 earn sth.; earn sb. sth.
earnings n.收入,工资,利润
earn a fortune 挣大钱
earn fame/a reputation/ the respect of sb 赢/应/获得
=gain/ win .... 名声/ 某人的尊敬
After graduation, he did all he could do _______ (earn) money to support his family.
Her honesty ____________________________trust/ respect.
to earn
earned/ gained/ won her their
P28 Para.3 L-2: When these immigrants left their countries, they carried a bit of home in their hearts, and built a new home here.这些移民离开他们的祖国时,心中装着一片故土,最终在这里建立了新家园。
P28 Para.4 L1: There were so many good cafes and restaurants to choose from. 这里有很多不错的咖啡馆和餐馆可供选择。
P29 Para.4 L2: I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china plates.
15. select
selection n. [U] 挑选;选择[C] 被挑选的人(物)
1) vt. (经过认真思考而)挑选,选择,选拔 choose (sb./ sth) from a group
We selected Tom ____ the team leader because he was very responsible.
He _________________________(被选去参加) the English contest.
Only a few select students attended the meeting.
It was not easy to make our ___________ .
was selected to take part in
select, choose, elect, pick
单词 含义及用法 例句
select 强调“精心挑选”,指选出好的或者优良的。 Simon’s been selected to go to the conference.
choose 指一般意义上的“选择”。 It took us ages to choose a new carpet.
elect 常用于比较正式的“选举”,比如选举政府官员等。 He was elected to a US state governorship.
pick 强调仔细分辨“挑选出”或者“苛刻的选择” Can you pick out the three deliberate mistakes in this paragraph
P29/6/1: Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that occurred after that.
在1906年的旧金山地震中有3 000多人被夺去生命,并且震后还发生了一系列的火灾。
16. claim ----学案p.28/ 5
1)vt. (灾难、事故等)夺去生命; 索赔/要; 认领/拿回; 声称/断言
He claims to be an expert.=
She claimed her baggage and left the airport.
They intend to claim damages against the three doctors.
He claims (that) he is an expert.
n.[c] 宣称/断言; 索赔; 所有权/要求权
I make no claim to be an expert. [=I don't claim to be an expert]
After her bike was stolen, she made a claim on = claimed on her insurance.
1) They __________________ a 40% worldwide market share.
2) The civil war ____________ the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday. 昨天内战夺走了一位联合国译员的生命。
3) With five previous ____________, he's now a bad insurance risk.
4) He ______________ about being able to cure cancer.
claim to have
made wild claims
The series of events led to the outbreak of the war.
17. series of 一系列,一连串,一套,连续;接连
Then came a series of rainy days that spoiled our vacation.
My grandparents enjoy watching TV series. 系列节目
means, sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese,fish...
P29/6/2 L2: Apart from being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many ethnic minority groups.
18. apart from... = (NAME) aside from... : besides/ except (for)
除了…外(还); 此外
We had a pleasant time, apart from the weather.
= except for
Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa (别墅) in Spain.
= besides/ in addition to
Everyone was tired apart/ aside from John.
= except
19. minority n. 少数民族;少数派;少数人
be in a/ the minority 占少数
Only a small minority of students is/ are interested in politics these days.
The minority agree(s) with me.
P29/6/2 L3: I have to admit that it is the best region of China to escape the cold winter. 我不得不承认,这是中国最好的避寒地区。
have a narrow escape = narrowly escape 死里逃生;幸免于难
the name/ date / title/... escapes sb
escape from...从...逃走
escape doing sth. 逃脱/避做某事
He narrowly escaped_____________(kill ).他险些丧命。
We should try to help people to ____________poverty(脱贫)
3) The hit-and-run driver didn't escape __________________________ (punish) he deserved because his car number had been copied down.
being killed
escape from
being punished/ punishement
P29/5/1: What do you think brought about the cultural diversity
21. bring about: to cause it to happen 带来;导致;引起;发生
The war brought about huge social and political changes.
(1)In spite of tourism bringing _________ a lot of money to the locals,it brings_________ more than one problem in turn.
(2) In the discussion,Jack came up with an idea that they should bring_________ the price of the bicycles.
(3) The Smiths are praised for the way they __________________.       (抚养孩子).
(4) Can you _________________(使……终止)this kind of gossip
bring up their children
put/ bring an end to
bring out 取出;出版;使显现;使出现
bring in 推行;赚到;吸引;请来
bring back 带回;使想起
bring up 抚养;抚育;呕吐;提起
bring down 降低;减少
bring an end to sth. 使某事结束
Discovering Useful Structure
P30/2/5: 22.poisonous adj. 有毒的
poison n.毒药,毒物,毒; vt.毒害,使中毒
(1)__________ must be put out of children's reach.
(2)He was nearly ____________ to death after being bitten by a ______________ snake.
(3)One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜 /一个人喜欢的另一个人未必喜欢
P30/2/6: 23. that paper folding book 那本折纸书
fold vt./vi 折叠,对折 n. 褶
unfold 展开,打开,摊开
fold (up) the chair
a folding chair
= a chair that can fold可折叠
He folded (双手/臂交叉相叠) his arms around her.
the folds of her dress
P30/2: Read the conversation. Find out which words are left out.
24. leave out:omit 省略;遗漏;排除
She ________________________in her account.
2)He hadn't been asked to the party and was feeling very left out.
3) Fans were shocked that Giggs had been left out of the team.
left out an important detail
Reading for Writing
P32 L1: It is a very popular tourist draw that receives more visitors each year than even the Golden Gate Bridge.
25. draw : attraction 有吸引力的人/事物
The festival is always a big draw.
a popular tourist draw/ destination/ attraction
P32 L3: The climate is mild all (the)year round, meaning(=which means)it is always a good time to visit.
26. mild 温和的,暖和的 mildly adv. 轻微地;温和地
mild cheese a mild woman
淡味奶酪 随和的女人
a mild punishment/ criticism
mildly surprised/ irritated/ interested
*the mildness of a sunny spring day
P32 Para.2 L1: Historically, Chinese immigrants settled in the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period.
27. settle vt.&vi.定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷) ---学案p.34/1
settle into.../ in (迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来
I haven’t yet ______________________my new job.
2) He settled back into his chair.
3) It's settled then. I'll go back to the States in June.
那就这么定了,我 6 月份回美国。(settle确定,决定---一般用被动态)
settled in in/ settle into
1) It's time you ____________ your differences with your father.
2) 他们终于开始认真讨论一些主要问题了。
They finally _____________________________ the main issues.
3) ______________, children.孩子们,静一静。
4) With all the problems ___________,the boss went abroad for a trip.
5) They hope for a peaceful ____________ of the dispute(争端).
settled down to a discussion of/ settled down to discussing
settle down (使)安定;定居;习惯于某种生活/工作
settle into.../ in 安顿下来;习惯于;适应
settle down to doing 着手认真做某事
settler n. 殖民者, 移民
settlement n. 解决;定居点;移民
Settle down
28. construction n.建筑 /建造[u]; 建造物[c]; (句子/短语等的)结构[c]
construct v. 建筑;建造
constructive adj. 建设性的; 有益的
The dam is still ______________________(在建造中).
2) After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly, and ________________.
under construction
being constructed
P32 Para.2 L2: What (=The place that) started as a residental area for Chinese immigrants then turned into a centre for Chinese culture.
P32 Para.5 L1: But perhaps what many tourists and San Franciscans treasure most about Chinatown is its food.—Para.5
P32 Para.3 L1: Most of Chinatown was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it, taking care to include lots of Chinese architecture.
29. take care to do sth. 确保做某事 ( take care担心,保重)
He would take care to provide himself with an escape clause.
P32 Para.3 L7: 30. Other famous sites include the Tin How Temple and Bank of Canton, to name (but) a few.
In the Tang Dynasty, there were many great poets like Li Bai,
Du Fu and Li Shangyin, to name but a few.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer.
His most famous works are:
Treasure Island(金银岛),
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde(化身博士)
A Child's Garden of Verses(儿童诗园).
P32 Para.5 L2: 31. There is Chinese food to suit everyone’s taste, with…
suit v. 适合;满足…需要;相配;合身; 对(某人)方便
eg. The mild climate in San Francisco suits you all year round.
It suits me to start work at a later time.
suit n. 西服;套装;
eg. She was wearing a black suit.
be suitable for... 适合于.....;
be suitable to do... 适合做.....
suit, fit & match
单词 含义及用法 例句
suit 多指衣服、鞋等的颜色、款式、美观上的“适合”,暗指漂亮;还可指事物合乎需要、口味等 Jill’s new hairstyle doesn’t really suit her.
fit 多指衣服、鞋等的形状、尺寸等方面的“合适”,通常意为“合身;适合” The uniform fitted her
match 多指大小、色调、形状或图案上的相似、“相配、相称”之意 We painted the cabinets green to match the rug.
1)This programme isn’t __________ for children.
2)Red and blue are colours that ________me very well.
3)The curtains and carpets _________ perfectly.
4) She had the ability __________________________the audience.她有能力使自己的表演迎合观众的口味。
5) I’ve gained weight;my clothes do not _____me.
6) The key doesn't _____ the lock.
7)She gave a serious speech that _______the occasion.
suit, fit & match
to suit her performances to
They allow visitors who have never been to China to experience traditional Chinese culture first hand.
32. first hand adj. 第一手的;直接的;亲身的
adv.=at first hand直接地;亲自地
We've been through China and seen first hand what's happening there.
我们走遍了中国, 亲眼目睹了那里所发生的一切。
(at) second, third, etc. hand经过二手三手地;间接地;非亲身经历
I heard about the news second hand.
P33/3 L3 : Does the city / town introduction contain all the important information 这个城市或城镇介绍是否包含所有重要信息?
33. contain vt. 容纳/包含hold/ include;含有(成分);克制/控制control
container n.容器 ;集装箱 ---学案p.36/ 5
1) She could no longer _______________and shouted at him uncontrollably.她再也无法抑制自己的愤怒,不由自主地向他大叫起来。
When she saw that they were all safe, she could not ________________ [= control her feelings] and broke into tears of relief.
2) Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat.
3) His school bag __________ a lot of books, ___________ a cartoon book.
contain herself
contain her anger
=a cartoon book included.
Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words.
After _____ (live) in America for many years, they came to China and _______ (settle) in Beijing. The city _____ (suit) their taste. There are many places of interest in Beijng, _________ (include) the Forbidden City, the Great Wall,
_______ (name) but a few. Beijing ________ (contain) people from all over the world. You can know their different culture ______ (one) hand.
to name