人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 36.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-13 19:08:11



chat vi./ n.聊天,闲聊—chatted –chatted --chatting
chat with sb 与某人聊天 = have a chat with sb
chat about sth 谈论/闲聊…… chat room 聊天室
1). James likes ________ _______his classmates during breaks between classes______ their new school life.
2). On the net ,we can even do shopping ,have ____chat _____others and make friends with them.
3). I registered in a chat room.我在一个网络聊天室注册了.
2. convenient adj.方便的,近便的---conveniently adv.方便地---convenience n.[U] 方便, 便利,[C]便利的设施
be convenient for /to 对…..是方便的
it is convenient to do 方便做某事
It is convenient for sb to do sth 某人方便做某事
for convenience 为了方便起见
at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候
1). If it’s _________ _________you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.
2). Besides, on some occasions(在某些情况下/场合), it is more convenient _____ ________(use)English words.
3). Please send her the book ____ ______ ______________.在你方便的时候.
4). Nowadays ,it is very_______ ______us to communicate_____ our family members and friends.
3. keep sb company=accompany sb 陪伴某人 keep company with sb 与…在一起,
与…交往 in company with sb 和某人在一起
1). I’ll ______you _________as far as the end of the street.
2). You should not _______ _________ ________such people.(和…交往).
3). My aunt came _____ _________ _______her children. 我姑母和她孩子一起来的.
4). I have a good command of English , and also have some experience in ________
4. benefit n. 益处 vt. 使受益 vi. 得益于---beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的
benefit sb/sth 对…有好处= be of benefit to sb /sth =be beneficial to sb /sth
benefit from …. 得益于….; 从….中受益
for the benefit of ….为了….的利益
1). He raised his voice _____ _____ ________ of the other two women.
2). Exercise is______great __________ _____human health.
=Exercise is ____________ _______human health.
3). The plants benefited _______ the rain.
5. distance n. 距离----distant adj. 遥远的,远处的
in the distance 在远处 within walking distance 几步之遥
at a distance of 在….远的地方
1). Soon, it ran away off the road and disappeared _____ _____ _________(在远处)
2). Everything is __________ _________ __________(几步之遥).
3). The sound of the waterfall can be heard ______ ____ __________ ______20 miles.
4). It snows all the year round in that _________(distance) village.
6. inspire vt. 鼓舞,激励, 启发思考, 赋予灵感 inspiration n. 灵感,鼓舞
inspired adj. 受到鼓舞的, 有灵感的 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的
inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
inspire sb with sth/ inspire sth in sb 激起/引起某人…..
be inspired by … 受到….的启发, 由….得到灵感
1). She was so _________by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club. 她受到网友的启发,决定成立一个IT俱乐部
2). The students were all __________after they heard the _________story.
3). The failure __________her __________( work )harder.
4). The book inspired me ________hope.=The book inspired hope______me.
5). Such a life is an _______________(inspire) to us all.
7. access n. 通道,机会 ,权利 vt. 进入,使用,获得
accessible adj. 可接近得,可利用的, 可进入的
have/gain/get access to 有权接近/使用……
give access to …. 准许进入/接近
be accessible to….. ….容易接近的, ….容易进入的
the access to …. ….的通道, ….的机会
1). The access _______ the sea has been closed. 入海通道已经关闭
2). All the students ________ ________ _________school library.(有权使用)
3). For another ,the Internet gives us easy access to _________(make) friends.
4). Medicine shouldn’t be kept where it is___________(access)to children.
5). A manager should be _________to his staff.经理应该平易近人。
8. go through 经历,度过, 通读,通过,浏览,仔细查看
1). I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path.________
2). Having gone through the earthquake, he cared for nature more than before_______
3). I went through my homework to make sure I didn’t make any mistakes._________
4). Without their generous help, how could she have gone through the bitter period in her life _________
go against 违背,违反 go by 逝去,过去
go on 继续,进行,发生 go out 出去,熄灭
go over 复习 go up 上涨,上升,攀登
go in for 从事/喜欢…..
5). We should ______ ________the language points in time.(复习)
Teaching aims:
After learning Unit 3 ,students will learn the followings :
Grasp the words and phrases and learn how to use them
Grasp what is a headline .
Grasp the present tense used in a news report
4.Learn to write a headline of a news report, which is a very short summary of a news report.
1. tough adj. 艰难的,严厉的, 坚强的,坚韧的,健壮的,强壮的
1). They are very tough on drunk drivers. __________
2). He is having a really tough time at the moment. ___________
3). I think she will be all right because she is very tough. ____________
4). I know he plays the tough guy in the film. _____________
5). She is a tough lady but she has a tough luck. _____________
2. function n. 功能,作用,职责vi. 起作用,正常工作,运转
function as 起….作用, 具有…..功能
1). They have built a kind of new PC with more ____________(功能).
2). The machine doesn’t ____________(运转).
3). Firstly, my magic pen(魔笔)can function _______ a dictionary.
3. press vt. 按,压,敦促 n. 按,压, 印刷,新闻 pressure n. 压力
under pressure 在压力下 under the pressure of …. 在….压力下
press sb to do sth 督促某人做某事 ,强迫某人做某事
1). Members of the press were not allowed into the meeting.新闻界成员不允许参加会议
2). The boss pressed his staff ____________(work) late that night.
3). _________great pressure, they had to give in.
4. discount n.折扣vt. 打折扣
1). Full-time staff get a 20 percent discount.全职员工享受20%的折扣.
2). Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash.顾客若付现金,可获九折优惠
3). Do you give any discount 你们打折吗
4). They were selling anything at a discount. 他们销售的所有商品都打折.
5. account n. 帐户,账目 ,描述
open a bank account 开银行帐户 account number 帐号
account for 解释(某种事实或情况 ), 占.....
give an account of 描述.....
take sth into account /consideration =take account of sth = consider sth 考虑.....
1). Good financial accounts are very important to the success of any company.
2). How can I transfer money _________ my bank account to his
3).Taking everything __________account, we shouldn’t take him with us.
4). She gave the police a full ________ ______the accident.
5). Together they account for less than five per cent of the population. 翻译__________
6). The officials should account for their actions. 翻译________________
6. .particular adj. 特定的,特别的,讲究的 particularly adv. 特殊第,特别地
be particular about … 对. …挑剔 in particular = particularly 特杯别,尤其地
1). John was never ___________ ________ the food his wife served.约翰对妻子端上来的…..
2). Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging _______ ____________/_____________(尤其) .
3). Children _____________(particular)would burst into laughter at his behavior.
7. upset –upset-upset vt. 使烦恼,使生气,搅乱 adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,沮丧的
upset sb 使某人难过/不安 /烦恼 be/get upset about sth 对….. 不安/难过 /烦恼
1). Marta looked upset. 沮丧
2). There is no point getting upset about it. 犯不着为此事难过。
3). He arrived late an hour and upset all our arrangements. 打乱/搅乱
8. familiar adj. 熟悉,熟知
be familiar with (某人)对…..熟悉 be familiar to sb. 为/被….熟知
1). As far as I know, you are very ___________ _________Chinese culture.
2). He talked of other cultures as if they were more familiar ________him than his own.
9. case n. 盒,箱, 情况,案例
in that/this case 在那种/这种情况下 in case 以防万一
in case of 发生……时, 万一…… in any case 无论如何,不管怎样
in no case 绝不
1). _______ _________ ________(无论如何), you will be at the station by nine.
2). Take an umbrella with you ,in case of_________./in case it_________(rain).
3). _________ _______ _________ shall we give up.
Teaching aims:
Identify and outline verb form of present perfect passive.
2. Learn and grasp present perfect passive.
3. Grasp some useful structures.
1. so.....that ... 如此....以至于...,在句子中引导的是结果状语从句.
so +adj./adv.+ that 从句
so+ adj. +a/an+单数可数名词+that 从句
so+ many/few +可数名词复数+that 从句
so+ much/little(少)+不可数名词+that 从句
1). He ran ______ ______(如此快)that we couldn’t catch up with him.
2). She is so lovely ______girl that everyone likes her.
3). There was _____ _______(那么多)noise outside that we couldn’t hear
the teacher..
4). It is______________________________________(一个如此具有挑战性的工作),
I can’t finish it on my own.(so….that )
=It is _________________________________________ ,I can’t finish it on my own.(such......that)
2.now that “既然,由于”在句中引导原因状语从句.它是从属连词,表示原因,that
1). ______ ______my sons are more independent, I have more time for myself.
2). _____ _______we know each other a little better, we get along fine.
3. However, the more polite you are, the less likely it is you will be attacked.
the more ... the less....属于”the+ 比较级....the+比较级...”结构. 意为 “越.....就越....”
1). The longer she waited, the more impatient she became.
2). ______ _______(越努力)you study, _______ ________(越大)progress you will make.
4. 1).In the last 10 years ,many new buildings _______________________(build).
2).The book _________________________(translate)into many languages.
3).So far, his bikes ____________________________(sell)out.
4). ________this bridge ________ ________ (finish)
5). The blackboard ___________________________(clean),hasn’t it
6). The machine _______________________________(repair)for two hours.
Unit 3 phrases
1 chat with sb 与某人聊天 = have a chat with sb
chat about sth 谈论/闲聊……
2 be convenient for /to 对…..是方便的
It is convenient for sb to do sth 某人方便做某事
for convenience 为了方便起见
at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候
3 keep sb company=accompany sb 陪伴某人
keep company with sb 与…在一起, 与…交往
in company with sb 和某人在一起
4 benefit sb/sth 对…有好处= be of benefit to sb /sth =be beneficial to sb /sth
benefit from …. 得益于….; 从….中受益
for the benefit of ….为了….的利益
5 in the distance 在远处
within walking distance 几步之遥
at a distance of 在….远的地方
6 inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
inspire sb with sth/ inspire sth in sb 激起/引起某人…..
be inspired by … 受到….的启发, 由….得到灵感
7 have/gain/get access to 有权接近/使用……
give access to …. 准许进入/接近
be accessible to….. ….容易接近的, ….容易进入的
the access to …. ….的通道, ….的机会
8 go through 经历,度过, 通读,通过,浏览,仔细查看
go against 违背,违反 go by 逝去,过去
go on 继续,进行,发生 go out 出去,熄灭
go over 复习 go up 上涨,上升,攀登
go in for 从事/喜欢…..
9 be tough on 严格对待
10 function as 起….作用, 具有…..功能
11 under pressure 在压力下
under the pressure of …. 在….压力下
press sb to do sth 督促某人做某事 ,强迫某人做某事
12 open a bank account 开银行帐户
account number 帐号
account for 解释(某种事实或情况 ), 占.....
give an account of 描述.....
take sth into account /consideration =take account of sth = consider sth 考虑.....
13 be particular about … 对. …挑剔
in particular = particularly 特杯别,尤其地
14 be/get upset about sth 对….. 不安/难过 /烦恼
15 be familiar with (某人)对…..熟悉
be familiar to sb. 为/被….熟知
16 in that/this case 在那种/这种情况下
in case 以防万一
in case of 发生……时, 万一……
in any case 无论如何,不管怎样
in no case 绝不
17 develop a disease 患上一种疾病
18 quit one’s job 辞职
19 out of work 失业
20 get/be stuck in 被困在...中
21 raise money 筹款
22 so far /up to now /till now /untill now 迄今为止
23 in /during / over the past /last years 在过去的几年内
24 keep track of 掌握。。的最新信息; 了解..信息
25 post your comments below 在下面发表你的评论
26 give out your address or phone number 透漏你的地址或电话号码
27 in shape 状况好
Unit 3 phrases
1 与某人聊天_____________________= _____________________
2 对…..是方便的 __________________________
某人方便做某事 ______________________________________
为了方便起见 __________________________
在某人方便的时候 ___________________________
3 陪伴某人 ________________________=________________________
与…在一起, 与…交往 _______________________________
和某人在一起 _________________________________
4 对…有好处______________= ____________________=____________________
得益于….; 从….中受益
. 为了….的利益 ____________________
5 在远处 ____________________
几步之遥 ____________________
在….远的地方 ____________________
6 激励某人做某事 ____________________
受到….的启发, 由….得到灵感____________________
7 有权接近/使用…… ____________________
准许进入/接近 ____________________
.容易接近的, ….容易进入的 ____________________
的通道, ….的机会 ____________________
8 经历,度过, 通读,通过,浏览,仔细查看____________________
违背,违反 ____________________ 逝去,过去 ____________________
继续,进行,发生____________________ 出去,熄灭____________________
复习 ___________________ 上涨,上升,攀登___________________
9 严格对待 ___________________
10 起….作用, 具有…..功能___________________
11 在压力下 ___________________
督促某人做某事 ,强迫某人做某事___________________
12 开银行帐户 ___________________
帐号 ___________________
解释(某种事实或情况 ), 占.....___________________
描述..... ___________________
13 对. …挑剔 ___________________
14 对….. 不安/难过 /烦恼___________________
15 (某人)对…..熟悉 ___________________
16 在那种/这种情况下 ___________________
发生……时, 万一……___________________
无论如何,不管怎样 ___________________
绝不 ___________________
17 患上一种疾病 ___________________
18 辞职 ___________________
19 失业 ___________________
20 被困在...中___________________
21 筹款 ___________________
22 迄今为止 ______________________________________
23 在过去的几年内______________________________________
24 掌握。。的最新信息; 了解..信息______________________________________
25 在下面发表你的评论______________________________________
26 透漏你的地址或电话号码______________________________________
27 状况好 ___________________
Unit 3Book2
1 ________n博客 vi 写博客
3 ____________博客作者;博主
4______________引擎;发动机;火车头 。engineer 工程师
5 ___________________搜索引擎
6 ____________聊天;闲聊
7 ____________流播;流动 ;n. 小河;溪流
8 _____________n.身份;个性
9 __________________身份证
10___________adj. 方便的;近便的。Inconvenient 不方便的。Convenience/inconvenience n.
11 __________n. 现金;金钱 。Cashier n.收银员
12 ___________vt. 更新;向---提供最新信息。n .更新;最新消息
13 __________n .数据库;资料库
15 __________n.网络;网状系统;人际网。V. 联播;建立工作关系
16 ___________adj. 卡住;陷入;困于
17 ____________v, 浏览;冲浪
18 ___________n.益处; v. 使受益;得益于 adj, beneficial 有益的
19 ____________n.距离 adj, distant 远的
20 ___________v.鼓励;激励;启发思考 adj. Inspired 受到鼓舞的。Inspiring 鼓舞人心的 n inspiration 鼓舞;灵感
21 ________________既然;由于
22 __________ n.通道;机会. v 进入,使用,获取 adj. accessible 可接近的/进入的/使用的
23 ___________n. 慈善;慈善机构
24 ___________________经历;度过;通读
25 ____________adj. 艰难的;严厉的
26 ____________n. 省
27 ____________n. 会议;研讨会;正式会谈
28 ___________n . 居民, 住院医生,adj. 居住的
29 _____________ conj. 而且;此外。 n 加号;优势 prep . 加;另加
30 _____________n.功能;作用;机能
31 ______________n. 电池
32 ______________确认;使确信
33 ______________n. 无线保真
34 ______________v. 按;压; 敦促 n. pressure 压力
35 _____________n. 按钮;纽扣
36 ______________n. 文件;文件夹;档案
37 _________________状况良好
38 ____________________掌握----的最新消息;了解---的动态
39 ________________n.折扣 vt 打折
40 _________________n. 账户;描述
41 _________________v. 点击
42 _________________n.隐私;私密。 adj. Private 私人的;私下的
43 _________________n. 偷窃; 盗窃罪
44 _______________adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的。adv. rudely n. rudeness 五礼;粗鲁
45 ______________n. 目标;对象;靶子。 v 把----作为攻击目标
46 ________________n. 发挑衅帖子的人;恶意挑衅的帖子
47 ______________网霸 。 v . 网络欺凌
48 ________________adj. 假的; 错误的
49 _______________adj, 特定的; 特别的; 讲究的。 adv, particularly
50 _______________adj, 让人难堪的。 v. embarrass, 使----难堪。 adj, embarrassed 感到难堪的。 n. embarrassment 难堪
52 ________________adj 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的。V 使烦恼;使生气;搅乱
53 ______________n. 准则;指导原则
54_______________n . 作家;作者
55______________n. 忠告; 诀窍; 实用的提示
56 ______________adj. 熟悉;熟知 . n . familiarity 熟悉
57 ______________牢记
58 _______________v. 给---下定义;界定;解释
60 ____________________万维网;环球信息网
Unit 3 Book2
1 blog n. ___________vi.______________
2 blog post _____________;______________
3 blogger n. _____________:_____________
4 chat vi _____________________
5 stream v._______________________
6 identity n ._________________________
7 identity card ________________________
8 convenient adj ___________________inconvenient______________
9 cash n. _________________cashier _____________
10 update vt._______________n ._______________
11 datebase n . ____________________
12 software n. ___________________
13 network n. _______________v. _____________________
14 stuck adj . __________________________
15 keep pany ____________________
16 surf v._____________________
17 benefit n____________v.______________beneficial adj._________________
18 distance n._________________adj. Distant_____________
19 inspire v.________________adj. Inspired________________inspiring ________ n . inspiration_______________
20 now that _________________
21 access n . _______________v. ________________accessible adj._______________
22 charity n._______________
23 go through _________________
24 tough adj .__________________
25 province n ._____________________
26 conference n. _____________________
27 resident n.___________________adj.________________
28 plus conj.______________n .________________prep.____________
29 function n.______________vi.________________30 battery n. ______________
31 confirm vt. ___________________
32 WI-fI _____________________
33 press v ___________________n . pressure________________
34 button n .________________
35 file n ._________________
36 in shape _________________
37 keep track of ________________
38 discount n._______________vt.________________
39 account n.___________________________
40 click v .____________________
41 privacy n. ___________________adj. private _______________
42 theft n. ___________________
43 rude adj.____________adj . rudely________________n. rudeness ____________
44 target n .________________ vt.___________________
45 troll n. ____________________
46 cyberbully n.___________v._______________________
47 false adj. ____________________
48 particular adj ________________adv . partucularly _______________
49 embarrassing adj ______________embarrassrd ______________n. embarrassment____________
50 make fun of _____________________
51 upset adj. _______________________vt __________________
52 guideline n . _____________________
53 author n . _________________
54 tip n. _________________________
55 familiar adj .________________n. familiarity _________________
56 keep----in mind ________________________
57 define v. _______________
58 case n . __________________________
59 the World Wide Web ________________________________