人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 单元复习与提升练习-(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 单元复习与提升练习-(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 27.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-13 21:26:26



Book 3 Unit 2 单元复习与提升
2.在独立思考和小组合作中, 灵活运用所学知识进行读写练习;
3.学生主动积极合作,组织讨论并展示成果 。
I.Review words
I ) 【自主学习一】核心单词
  adj. 道德的;道义上的;2.   n. 高尚品德,美德
3.     adj. 珍稀的,宝贵的 4.     n. 结婚;婚姻
5.   vi.&vt. 抱怨,发牢骚 6. vt.回答;回复vi. 做出反应;回应
7.   vt. 拒绝接受;不录用 8.   vt. 任命;委派
9.   vt. 选举,推选,当选 10.     adv. 去别处,在别处
11.   vt. 发表作品;出版 12.   adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的
13.   vt. 接替;取代;更换 14.   vt. 帮助;援助
15.   n. 记忆力;回忆 16.   n.&vt. 伤害;损害
17.   n. 绝望 18.   adj. 灵活的;可变通的
19.   n. 收入,收益 20.   adv. 因此,所以
21.   n. 事故,车祸,失事 22.   vt.&vi. 退休,退却
23.   vt. 照顾,照料vi. 倾向,趋于
II.Word extensions
1.marriage n.结婚;婚姻→ vt.(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶
2.majority n.大部分;大多数→ adj.主要的 vi.主修 n.主修课程
3.complain vi.& vt.抱怨;发牢骚→ n.抱怨;投诉
4.respond vt.回答;回复 vi.做出反应;回应→ n.反应;回答;回复
5.scholarship n.奖学金→ n.学者
6.reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用→ n.拒绝接受;否决
7.appoint vt.任命;委派→ n.约会;任命;委任→ adj.约定的;指定的
8.elect vt.选举;推选→ n.选举;推选;当选
9.scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的→ vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓
→ adj.令人恐惧的
10.energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的→ n.精力;活力;能量
11.accident n.事故;车祸;失事→ adj.意外的;偶然的→
12.operation n.手术;企业;经营→ vt.& vi.做手术; 经营;操作;运转
13.assist vt.帮助;援助→ n.助理;助手→ n.帮助;援助
14.harm n.& vt.伤害;损害→ adj.有害的→ adv.有害地→ adj.无害的
1._______ majority of Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating Laba porridge during the Laba Festival.
2.All the tourists complained __________ the bad service in that restaurant.
3.Encourage people to vote.Sometimes the hardest thing is actually getting people to take part in the ________ (elect).
4.During the last ten years, the number of people participating in physical fitness programmes has been increasing __________ (sharp).
5.We have made an __________ (appoint) to see the flower show in the botanical garden this weekend.
6.He studied his map, trying to ________ (memory) the way to the museum.
7.With time ________ (go) by, the examination is drawing near.
8.Boys of five to eight years old are very _______and they seem to have limitless _______.(energy)
9.Tom buried his face in his arms as if _______(cry).
10.A primary school teacher who left a class of 25 pupils ______tears after she told them Santa Claus did not exist has been fired.
11.We kept the fire_________(burn) all night long.
12.We met at the airport __________ accident, which surprised us all.
13.Don't stay up late to study at night, otherwise it will be ____(harm)to your health.
14.The couple from America stayed in China for about two_________ (decade).
15.She immediately became the first woman_________(hire) as a resident physician.
16.The nylon has extensively been used for_________ (replace) the cotton now.
17.She majors in history. However, the_________ (major)of her friends major in science.
18.She had a number of jobs at different times, _____(range) from chef to swimming instructor.
19.I'm sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept________(assist) from.
20.It is impossible to tell who will win the next ____________(elect).
21.It’s no use ________ (complain) about the result.
22.It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be replaced_____ a modern hotel or not.
23.My brother always keeps calm and never _____(scare) when he meets whatever urgency.
24.Based on the ________ (respond) of 625 questionnaires, we know that nearly 90 percent of the people are familiar with driverless cars.
25.This is the first full moon of the new year, ________ (represent) unity and perfection.
26.My parents are celebrating 30 years of ________ (marry) in the local church.
27.It would be difficult to find a man to take the place_____ the present manager.
28.People hold dragon boat race on Dragon Boat Festival____ memory of Qu Yuan.
29.With the_____ (assist) of his teacher,he gradually adjusted to the school life.
30.I am now writing to make a________ (complain) against the service of your hotel.
III.【课堂探究二】Review phrases
1.    受到追崇 2.     陷入困境
3.   紧挨着,仅次于 4.     面临……;面对……
5.     选择做 6.     帮助某人渡过难关
7.     大多数…… 8.   被聘为
9.   需要…… 10.   对……负责
11.    在随后的几十年里12.   关心,关爱
13.   (某人)自己的 14.   想起,考虑到
15.     决定做…… 16.     毕业于……
17.   急救 18.   去世
19.     作为对……的纪念20.   付……的钱
21.     站起来;恢复健康22.   哭着,流/含着泪
23.     许多的;大量的24.     根据
IV. 【合作学习】Complete the sentences
1. A moral dilemma is a situation _____________________ two or more difficult choices to make.
2. ____________________ with his schoolwork 为什么不帮他做作业呢?
3. She responded, “______________single to study all my life!”她回答说:“我宁愿保持单身学习一辈子!”
4. To a person _____________________________ their life...对一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵了……
5. She immediately became ________________________________ as a resident physician in the OB GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.她很快成了第一个被聘为北京协和医学院妇产科住院医师的女性。
6. The new People's Republic of China _______________________________________.
V.【课堂检测】 补全句子
1. _______ her family members' love and care ______________________ those tough years/times.
2. We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than ____________________________________.
3. The scholarship money she won helped her attend Cornell University, _______________ zoology.
4. Present at the meeting were almost experts on DNA, ___________ the USA.(用定语从句改写)
VI.Fill in the blanks with the grammar of the passage
As Dr Lin Qiaozhi said “To a person nothing is 1.__________________(precious) than their life.” These words of her give us a look into the heart of the amazing woman and 2.______ carried her through a life of hard choices.
At age 18,she chose to study medicine instead of following the traditional path of 3.____________(marry) like the majority of girls. Once she responded 4.____ her brother's complaint,“I would rather 5.______(stay) single to study all my life.” At age 26, she 6.____________ (hire) as a resident physician in the OB GYN department of the PUMC Hospital immediately when she graduated. After 7._______(work) for a few years,she was sent to study abroad,where she 8.__________(reject) the offer from her foreign colleagues. So he wanted to serve the women and children at home. In 1941,she was appointed director of the OB GYN department of the PUMC Hospital, 9.____ later,the department was closed because of the war. So she 10.________(open) a private clinic to help the people in need.
Think about this passage learning and complete the following form. Rate yourself on a scale of five: one being low and five being high, and put it into your portfolio.
Things I can do Evaluation
I can concentrate on the lesson 5 4 3 2 1
I can think actively 5 4 3 2 1
I can understand the words and expressions in this unit. 5 4 3 2 1
I can remember the related words of these words and expressions. 5 4 3 2 1
I can learn to use the words and expressions correctly and apply them to the writing. 5 4 3 2 1
I still need more practice in __________________________________. (words, expressions, sentences )