人教版(2019)选修第二册Unit 1 Relationships Expressing Your Ideas 课件(共29张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选修第二册Unit 1 Relationships Expressing Your Ideas 课件(共29张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-14 15:11:06



Express Your Ideas about Friendship
Watch the video. What is the song about
What do the lyrics convey
See my smile, my friend. We are with you, holding hands.
In this lesson, you will
1. build a word bank about friendship by using the word formation rules;
2. interpret some famous quotes to understand the deep meaning of friendship ;
3. analyze the features of the web posts, think critically about the nature of friendship and interview anecdotes of friends’ coping with dilemmas;
4. make a speech on the topic “What is a true friend ” through techniques such as quotes , anecdotes and rhetorical devices.
Project Learning objectives
roots: -tru-= true, sincere; -worth-=deserve
+ suffixes: -y
Build up vocabulary
The trait of being true and worthy of someone’s trust 值得信任,可靠
prefix: di- → double, twice
root: -lemma- → assumption
di + lemma:
a difficult situation between two assumptions
prefix: sym- → same
root: -path- → feeling
+ suffix: - ic
sympathetic: share another person’s feelings as if they were their own;be willing to support
prefix: em - → into
root: - path - → feeling
+ suffix: - ic
empathetic: have the same feelings with others
prefix: con-→ together
root: -tac(t)/g-→ touch
suffix: -ous
People touch together and are affected by it.
root: -flour - = flower
+suffix: -ish
grow well like flowers, become healthy and strong, develop successfully.
A word bank about friendship
Nouns: trustworthiness, dilemma, anecdote, uniformity, dependability, assurance, self-confidence, enthusiasm, optimism…
Adjectives: empathetic, sympathetic, contagious, generous; supportive, cooperative, innovative, indispensable, dependable, loyal, non-judgmental, thoughtful, insightful, serene…
A word bank about friendship
help … flourish使…健康成长
put oneself in others’ shoes换位思考
lend sb an ear倾听
take a hit for sb为某人受苦
stick up for sb支持某人
keep secrets for sb为某人保守秘密
keep…on track跟上轨道
spur sb to do sth…鞭策某人做某事
What does friendship mean to us
A great relationship is about two things: first, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences. —Unknown
The gentleman aims at harmony, and not uniformity. The mean man aims at uniformity, and not at harmony. —Confucius
君子和而不同,小人同而不和。 —孔子
What do you think of the quotes
Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. — Aristotle metaphor
Friendship is like a sheltering tree. — Samuel Johnson simile
友谊就像一棵庇荫的树。 —塞缪尔·约翰逊
Which rhetorical devices are used
True friends are always there for you. Fake friends only appear when they need something from you. — Unknown
Friendship is fit for serene days, and graceful gifts, and country rambles, but also for rough roads and hard fare, shipwreck, poverty, and persecution. —Ralph Waldo Emerson Metonymy
Read the post from Rose, and answer: What is Rose’s dilemma
Rose’s good friend often helps her, but yesterday she asked Rose to take a biology examination for her. Though she wants to help in return, she feels so stuck!
School Regulations
2. Read the three replies. Who do you think is right Why
Jim: Just do something for your closest friend!
Lisa: I firmly said no. I could help her prepare her make-up exam.
Micheal: Cheating is the stupidest thing that I have ever done. Don’t do it!
Lisa and Micheal are right. Cheating is violating regulations and principle of honesty. Jim should help friends in the right way.
3. Read the comment from the teacher. Then discuss the questions.
What's the teacher's attitude
How is this text developed
Students should not cheat.
Part 1 Move with emotions
Part 2 Enlighten with reasons
Part 3 Guide with actions
Listen to an interview and share your ideas about your classmates’ anecdotes. Use the Self & Peer Assessment Checklist to help you.
Self & Peer Assessment Checklist
Is your anecdote clear and to the point
Does your anecdote highlight a clear theme?
Is there a logical sequence of events
Have you incorporated the beginning-development-climax-ending structure
Is the anecdote interesting, amusing, inspiring, or thought-provoking
Have you used appropriate adjectives and phrases to bring your anecdote to life
Do you like the anecdotes
The anecdotes are clearly described with a clear theme, such as friend’s cooperation and classmate’s love. The sequence of events is logical, and you have applied the structure of beginning-development-climax-ending. Appropriate adjectives and phrases are used to make the stories more vivid and inspiring. The theme of the story echoes Confucius’ famous quote: The gentleman aims at harmony, and not uniformity. The mean man aims at uniformity, and not at harmony.
Through empathetic and cooperative dialogue, we compromised. We talked about it and agreed to rest. The next day, we crafted a plan and set out.…This journey deepened my appreciation for the value of friendship. …
It is worth noting that the language used in the underlined sentence is very strong. We would not normally use a word like empathetic to describe a discussion about a minor point. It is not an “empathetic” discussion. Empathetic would refer to something particularly unusual or out of the ordinary. Furthermore, while the discussion is cooperative, we would assume this so it would be unnecessary to use the word cooperative in this context. Remember to keep the language simple and to the point.
Your school is about to hold a speech contest titled “What is a true friend ” Please prepare a speech. Improve your speech with the following tips. Then deliver your speech to the class.
Tips for an inspiring speech
Use one theme only.
Support your speech with an engaging story or anecdotes.
Use a conversational tone with short sentences and simple structures.
Include quotes, and rhetorical devices.
Include a dilemma.
Make good use of humor and eye contact.
Ladies and gentlemen, today I am going to give a speech: What is a true friend
I choose a quote from philosopher Aristotle, “Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.” It‘s still true today. Social media makes “friends” and “likes” popular, but they may not be real friends. Adding a follower is easy, but they may not be truly close. Internet friendship can be anti-social, replacing real-life connections. True friends need time to share experiences and grow together. We must commit time and effort to flourish deep friendship. Aristotle’s simile is fitting: Friendship is like a fruit that needs nurturing, time, and essential elements. Only then can it become a rewarding, flavorsome (I would use fulfilling) relationship. Thank you!
Wendy’s Speech Manuscript
Teacher’s comment
First, she began her speech with a quote from philosopher Aristotle, which set the tone and was a great way to grab the audience’s attention. She also did a good job of including a dilemma, which is the question of whether social media friendship can truly replace deep, and meaningful relationships. This dilemma makes me think about my own friendship and the role of social media. Third, the comparison of friendship to a slow ripening fruit is very vivid that can help me visualize the idea of nurturing and growing friendship.
Overall, her speech is well-structured, engaging, and thought-provoking.
Hello,everyone! Today I am going to give a speech: What is a true friend
A true friend is someone who is always there for you, no matter what. They will always listen to your problems and be there to help you out. A true friend will never judge you, but instead will support you in whatever you do. They will never speak ill of you and will always be honest with you. Also, they will be there to celebrate your success and pick you up when you are down. Therefore, a true friend will be there for you through the good times and the bad.
True friends are like treasures, you know They’re hard to find, but when you find one, it’s like striking gold. They’re the ones you can trust, the ones you can rely on. Thank you!
I’d like to make a self-assessment about my speech. The advantages are as follows: Firstly, I can use one theme only. Secondly, I can use a conversational tone with short sentences and simple structures. Thirdly, if I can use a metaphor, I would compare true friends to treasures. However, I didn’t include a quote, or propose a dilemma in support of my speech. In doing so I may have created a greater emotional connection with the audience. I will try to improve these skills later. Thank you!
Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever wondered what a true friend is Let me share my story to illustrate this.
When I was in Senior One, I was drowning in a sea of homework and projects. I was overwhelmed by piles of assignments, and I was feeling very depressed and anxious. One night, I got a call from my friend, John. He asked me how I was doing, and I was honest with him about my struggles. Without hesitation, he came over to my home with his books and notes, offering emotional support and practical help. Thanks to John, I can keep up with my classmates and feel happy. From John, I understand a true friend is someone who always supports and encourages us, someone who brings out the best in us and helps us to achieve our goals.
So, let’s be grateful to our true friends and remember, as the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Thank you.
Hello, everyone. I’d like to give my comments on the second speech. First, the use of the question at the beginning triggers listeners’ thinking. Second, the story of John’s support is simple and moving, which can illustrate the importance of friendship. Third, the conversational tone, short sentences, and simple structures make the speech easy to understand. Fourth, the quote “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” adds depth to the meaning of the theme. However, If the speaker makes good use of humor, the speech will be more contagious. Thank you.
In this lesson, we have covered a project that mainly focuses on how to express ideas about friendship. Please remember to be a true friend because by being a true friend, you will gain a true friend in return.
Write a web post about a dilemma, or a reply post, or a comment post.