人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Opening page, Reading and Thinking 教学设计-


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Opening page, Reading and Thinking 教学设计-
格式 docx
文件大小 41.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-14 17:31:37



人教版必修二Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 第一至二课时
Opening page, Reading and Thinking教学设计
课时 主要内容
第一至第二课时 Student Book : Opening Page , Reading and Thinking , Learning About Language ( Build up your vocabulary )Workbook : Reading and Writing
第三课时 Student Book : Learning About Language ( Discover useful structures )Workbook : Using Structures
第四课时 Student Book : Using Language ( Talk about Chinese language learning abroad ), Pronunciation
第五至第六课时 Student Book : Using Language ( Express your opinions on studying abroad )
第七课时 Student Book : Assessing Your Progress Workbook : Using Words and Expressions , Using Structures ,* Expanding Your World
第八课时 Student Book :* Video Time ,* Project
通过阅读 Xie Lei 作为交换学生的留学经历,思考留学生如何适应国外生活、如何应对文化冲击,并探讨留学生在跨文化沟通和文化传播中的特殊身份和作用。
I .教学内容
Student Book : Opening Page + Reading and Thinking + Learning About Language ( Build up your vocabulary ) Workbook : Reading and Writing
II .课时目标
4.通过阅读文章梳理 XieLei 在国外留学的经历,包括她在适应国外学习和生活的过程中经历的情感变化、遇到的挑战以及应对这些挑战的方法。
通过讨论 Xie Lei 的留学经历,了解留学生遇到的常见问题和挑战,以及留学生在跨文化沟通和文化传播中的特殊身份和作用。
通过阅读练习册部分 Jim 在中国留学的经历,加深对跨文化交际和文化交流的双向性的理解,增强文化自信。
III .教学思路
第一课时聚焦文本理解和信息梳理。教师首先引导学生关注单元标题,理解单元主题内涵;然后让学生观察主题图,思考国内外学习环境的差异,理解单元引言的含义,思考出国留学的挑战与收获。在阅读前,首先激活学生关于 exchange programme 的背景知识,接着引导学生通过标题、插图预测文章内容,并利用表格等方式梳理 Xie Lei 的留学经历。本课时的作业要求学生回顾和概述 Xie Lei 的留学经历,以巩固本课时的学习效果。此外还让学生将课文中画线的长难句翻译成中文,为下节课作准备。
IV .教学过程
Activity 1: Discuss the Opening Page .
Read the title of this unit and answer the questions .
● What do you think " bridge " means here
● What are some ways to " bridge cultures "
● What do you think the unit is about
Look at the theme picture and answer the questions .
● What are the young people doing in the picture
● How is the girl on the left different from the others
● Where do you think the photo is taken In China or in a foreign country
● How do you think the girl ' s life differs from that in her home country
Read the quote and discuss the questions .
● What do you think " see the moon shine on the other side of the world " means
● Do you agree with the quote Why
● What kind of people may have such an experience
Activity 2: Talk about exchange programmes .
Fill in the form . Then share what you know about exchange programmes .
What do you already know about exchange programmes What do you want to know about them What have you learnt about them
设计说明:利用 KWL 表格引导学生探究交换生项目,以激活学生的背景知识,激发学生的阅读兴趣。
Activity 3: Make predictions about the reading passage .
Look at the title of the article and the picture. Then answer the questions .
● Where is the girl in the photo Is she in China or abroad
● Who is Xie Lei Who do you think is saying " Welcome , Xie Lei !" ● Who is the business student building bridges How do you think she is building bridges
● Where is the article from and what is it about
Activity 4: Read for the gist .
Read the article for the first time to check whether your predictions are correct. Then list the things mentioned about Xie Lei ' s life as an exchange student in the UK .
设计说明:让学生快速阅读全文,判断读前预测是否正确。然后,教师引导学生说一说文章介绍了 Xie Lei 留学生活的哪几个方面。该步骤旨在训练学生的整体理解能力。
Activity 5: Understand the main idea of each paragraph and summarise the main idea of the article.
1.Skim through the article and complete the table .
Paragraph Main Idea
1 Xie Lei boarded a plane for six months ago , feeling .
2 In order to , Xie Lei chose the year-long exchange programme .
3 Xie Lei had to a whole new life in a different country .
4 Xie Lei chose to live with instead of , which helps her adaptation to the new environment .
5 Xie Lei ' s tutor explained to her how to .
6 Xie Lei got used to participation in class. Her presentation on was a great success .
7 Xie Lei feels now. She is not only learning , but also acting as .
8 The ' s wishes for Xie Lei.
2.Summarise the main idea of the article .
Sample answer : The article is about how a Chinese girl , Xie Lei , manages to adapt to a new life in the UK and meet the academic requirements as an exchange student . Apart from that , the article also talks about how Xie Lei acts as a cultural messenger building a bridge between China and the UK .
Activity 6: Trace Xie Lei' s feelings during her exchange year.
Scan the article and underline the words that show Xie Lei ' s feelings and the reasons why she feels that way . Then complete the chart .
excited comforted surprised feel at home
Reason Reason Reason Reason
nervous confused confident
Reason Reason Reason
Talk about the information above using the structure " Xie Lei felt … because .".
设计说明:本活动引导学生关注文章中的情感信息,梳理主人公 Xie Lei 在国外学习和生活过程中经历的情感变化。作为文章的一条主线,"情感线"体现了 Xie Lei 在跨文化交际中所做的积极努力。本活动还可以培养学生的文化意识和跨文化交际中的积极心态。
Activity 7: Read for details .
Fill in the table in Activity 4 on page 15 without referring to the article .
Scan the article again and check your answers .
Retell Xie Lei ' s experience in the UK with the help of the table you finished .
设计说明:本活动让学生梳理文章的另一条主线: XieLei 在学习和生活方面遇到的挑战,以及她如何应对这些挑战。第一步预填信息是为了激活他们的思维,并帮助他们有针对性地从文中筛选信息。第三步复述表格信息是为了加深学生对课文的理解,锻炼他们的口头表达能力。
Write a short passage to tell Xie Lei ' s experience in the UK .
Read the four underlined sentences in the article and translate them into Chinese .
设计说明:第一项作业让学生写出 Xie Lei 在英国的留学经历,这是口头复述环节的延续,也是对课文信息的再次梳理。第二项作业让学生将课文中画线的四个长句译成中文,其目的是为下一课时"分析长难句"活动作铺垫和准备。
Activity 1: Share your translation of the underlined sentences from the article .
Activity 2: Analyse the long sentences underlined in the article .
Read the tip on page 14 about how to understand long sentences . Then answer the questions .
● Do you often come across long sentences in English
● Why do you think long sentences are difficult to understand
● What are the procedures to analyse a long sentence according to the tip Do you think it ' s helpful
Go through the four sentences underlined in the article and answer the questions .
● What kinds of sentences are they
● How do you decide the main clause and the subordinate clause in a complex sentence
● What are some modifiers you usually find in long sentences
Analyse the four sentences with a partner and then fill in the form .
Sentence Compound Sentence Complex Sentence Modifier Chinese Meaning
设计说明:本活动的目的是教会学生分析长难句的方法,从而提高他们的阅读理解能力。教师通过提问引导学生逐步理解英语中长难句的结构和难点,然后让他们通过分析四个长句体验该方法的运用。Activity 3: Complete the sentences in Activity 2 on page 16.
Read the sentences and fill in the blanks .
Check the answers with the whole class .
Underline the lexical chunks (词块) in the sentences and share your understanding of them with a partner .
Activity 4: Complete the passage in Activity 3 on page 16.
Read the passage and fill in the blanks .
Check the answers with the whole class .
Read the passage again and discuss the questions in pairs .
● How did the student ' s life change when studying abroad for the first time
● How is the student ' s experience different or similar to that of Xie Lei
设计说明:本活动通过语篇填空进一步巩固阅读课文中的重点词汇,同时通过问题再次聚焦 Bridging Cultures 这一主题,帮助学生深化对该主题的理解。
Activity 5: Group discussion .
Work in groups and discuss the questions in Activity 5 on page 15. Then share your ideas with the whole class .
Answer more questions about the article .
● What may Xie Lei have talked about in her presentation about Chinese culture
● Why do you think Xie Lei ' s host family and many other British people are eager to learn about China
● Why does Xie Lei need to act as a cultural messenger
● What makes a good cultural messenger
Raise more questions about the article and see if your classmates can answer them .
设计说明:本活动通过问题引领学生思考和探究文章的主题意义,帮助他们超越文章的字面意义,深入理解文章的内涵,实现深度阅读。本活动还有利于培养学生的思维品质,特别是批判性思维能力。对课文自主发问能够激发学生的主体意识,提升学生探究的欲望。 Activity 6: Role - play an interview with Xie Lei .
Work in pairs . One student acts as a reporter of the school newspaper and the other acts as Xie Lei . Use the information from the article and add details as necessary .
Present your interview before the whole class .
Activity 7: Read about Jim ' s experience in China .
Read Jim ' s email on pages 71-72 and finish Activity 2. Then summarise the main idea of the email in your own words .
Answer the questions in Activity 3 on page 72.
Finish the writing task on page 72. Write a reply in response to Jim ' s ad , inviting him to stay in your home .
设计说明:本课时已将练习册 Reading and Writing 部分的语篇融入教学,让学生课上阅读 Jim 的电子邮件,课下给 Jim 回信,完成此部分的写作任务。这种以读促写的方法有助于激发学生的写作兴趣,并有效提高他们的阅读理解和语言表达能力。