人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Language points 课件(共27张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Language points 课件(共27张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 611.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-14 20:18:43



Unit5 Language points of
Using language
Subject Clause 主语从句
(1) It makes no difference      you support my plan or not.
(2)      you do should do no harm to others.
(3) It is suggested    the work(should)be done with great care.
(4)             (谁将去接他)is not decided.
(5)                   (哪个班级会赢得这场足球赛)is not clear.
(6)                   (他能否买到飞机票)doesn’t matter much.
(7)             (我们将如何去那里)is a question.
(8)                (你刚才告诉我的)was really a surprise.
(9)              (他什么时候出国) is being discussed.
(10)        (他为什么哭)is not clear.
Who will pick him up
Which class will win the football match
Whether he can buy the plane ticket
How we will go there
What you told me just now
When he will go abroad
Why he cries
(1)     (一定的) we shall be late.
(2)      (明显的) that the driver could not control his car.
(3) Is it possible that they      (come)tomorrow
(4)       (很显然) he is telling the truth.
(5)        (令她有点担心的是)her hair was turning grey.
(6)       (使我震惊的是)me that Peter didn’t tell anybody where he was.
(7)          (都没有关系)whether he likes it or not.
(8)           (结果是) we were wrong.
It worried her a bit that
It turned out that
It was obvious
will come
It is clear that
It shocked me that
It doesn’t matter
It is certain that
Section C Using Language & Assessing
Your Progress
Chemical Versus (VS)Organic Farming
Chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers have been in widespread use in farming since the middle of the 20th century.
1. in/out of/use:〔机器、场所等〕不/在使用中
be in daily use被日常使用
Over time, however, what some scientists have found is that their long-term use can sometimes harm both the land and peoples’ health.
2. over time: 渐渐地,慢慢地 gradually; 随着时间的流逝
I've come to understand him better over the years.
经过多年, 我现在对他有了更深刻的了解。
This affects the crops grown on the land and, in turn, the animals and humans who digest them.
3. in turn 相应地;转而: as a result of something
依次;轮流following one after another in a particular order
in return (for) 作为回报;作为回应
by turns 轮流;交替: 〔表现某些情感或特质〕
take turns (doing sth./ to do sth. / in doing sth.) 依次;轮流
1) Theory is based on practice and ____________serves practice.
2) She laughed and cried _______________. 她笑一阵又哭一阵。
3) He helps out and expects nothing ___________.
4) The children called out their names ___________turn.
5) This book is,   turns,funny and sad.
6 )Two days after the operation,Dad took a turn    the worse.
in turn
by turns
in return
情况恶化(注意:the worse)
4. digest vt.&vi.消化 vt .领会;领悟 think over, understand
n.[c]摘要;文摘: Reader’s Digest《读者文摘(美版)》
She read everything, ______________ every fragment of news.
Some books are to be tasted ,others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
—— F.培根
In fact, some pesticides like DDT have been prohibited in most countries because of the damage they cause to people and the environment.
As for chemical fertilisers, crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition.
---as for : used to start talking about sb/sth 至于;关于regarding
--- be rich in / with 富含…的
He had a life rich with blessings.
They may look beautiful on the outside, but inside there is usually more water than essential minerals, and they often have less flavour as well.
5. essential (to/ for )adj.完全必要的;极其重要的important, necessary
1) It is essential (that )our pilots _____________________the best possible training
2) It is essential that you are sure what your goals are
. —现代英语也有人用陈述语气。
(should) be given
3) It is essential (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)
It‘s essential (for you) to arrive on time.
4) essentials n.必需品; 必不可少的东西
the essentials 要点,要素:
She packed a few essentials and headed for the airport.
As an alternative, some farmers have switched to organic farming, and many customers have turned to organic food when they shop at the local grocery.
6. alternative n. & adj. (学案P -3)
(1)n. 可供选择的事物
have no alternative/choice/option but to do...别无选择,只好做某事
can’t choose but to do...
alternative energy 替代性能源
alternative suggestions 可供选择的建议
The police     (别无选择只好释放他) without enough evidence.
had no alternative but to set the man free
Organic farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease through natural means.
7.(be) free of /from 免于;不遭受;没有
free of charge = for free免费地
free of worries 无忧无虑
For instance(for example), they may grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next.
8. instance n.[c] 例子;实例;事例 (case)---学案p.96/4.
instance where
instances ______________________________________
where safety regulations are observed
Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready again for the next batch (一批)of crops.
Organic farmers also plant diverse crops that use different depths of soil to help keep it rich.
9. depth n. 向下(或向里)的距离;深(度);
the depths 最深处;深渊;极限
to / at a depth of 500meters 到/在500米的深度
the depths of the ocean / countryside / forest etc
The memory lies hidden in the depths of her mind。
She was in the depths of despair.
in depth 全面,深入,详细
a metre/foot in depth 一米 / 一英尺深
I haven’t looked at the report in depth yet.
deeply adv. 很深地;深刻地
depth n.深(度)
deepen v.变深
adj deep high wide long strong broad
n. depth height width length strength breadth
v. deepen heighten widen lengthen strengthen broaden
(1) In this experiment the brave person had spent 130 days in a cave, 30 feet    depth.
(2) It is not     (long) of life,but depth of life that matters.
(3) Within a moment or two,its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into       (海的深处).
(4) The young man dived to      (深度)40 feet.
the depths of the sea
a depth of 
deep /deeply adv.
deep 可以用作副词,跟 deeply 在意义上没有多大的区别,作“深深的”解,但要注意:
go deep into the jungle
2. 在比喻的意味上要用deeply(=greatly) “非常”
deeply + adj./adv./ v-ed/ 介词短语; v. + deeply
deeply grateful非常感激 / be deep in thought;deeply shocked大为震惊
3. 习惯用法:
study / work deep into the night
Still waters run deep. 静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑
For example, peanuts grow on the ground's surface, but many other vegetables put down deep roots.
10. root n. [c]根;根茎;根部;根源;
vt. 使生根; 使(某人)无法移动
put down roots (植物) 生根; 扎根〔某地〕; 定居
get to the root of the problem 找到问题的根源
rooted to the spot / floor etc
〔震惊、惊讶或害怕得〕呆住不动; 呆若木鸡,一动不动:
She ______________________,___________________
stood rooted to the spot, staring at him.
What keeps them from doing so is the fact that(同位语从句
) chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world.
11. serve vt. 对…有用;能满足…的需要
How can we best _________________________________
His old bike has served him well.
serve the needs of future generations 
(1) When      (消息传来)the war broke out,he decided to serve in the army.
(2) Do you have evidence     this treatment works
(3) The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief     you are better than anyone else on the sports field.
(4)I heard (我们队赢得比赛的消息).
(5)He must answer the question _________ he agrees to the plan or not.
the news came that
the news that our team had won
Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet that need.
12.nowhere near(= far from; not at all : not nearly)
1) 远远不;完全不;远不及 2) 离〔某地方〕很远--Textbookp.102/6.
The house is ___________________.
He _____________________________on the night she died.
You can get nowhere without an objective in life.
nowhere near finished
was nowhere near her home
Therefore, there is still a long way to find a suitable solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the environment as healthy as possible.
13. a long way很长的距离;很远的路途(常在各种短语中用作比喻)
We've done a lot of work, but we have a long way to go. [=we still have a lot of work to do]
我们已经做了大量工作,但还有很多要做( 还有很长的路要走;还有很大差距) 。