Unit 5
Revealing nature
The Secret Language of Plants
To learn how plants communicate.
To learn ways of communicating between plants.
To learn some words and expressions.
How do you communicate with each other
body language
face to face
social media
How do animals communicate with each other Do you know
How do bees communicate
They can tell others by dancing.
How do ants communicate
Ants communicate by chemicals.
Can you believe plants “talk” to each other by their own ways
Look at the pictures and tick what plants can do.
Now talk about what else you think plants can do and give examples.
Listen and read the passage and find out the ways in which plants communicate.
Words and expressions:
myths and legends 2. fantasy
3. reveal 4. after all
5. chemical 6. say a bean plant
7. insect 8. detect
9. wasp 10. pesticide
Plants can communicate with each other by using chemicals, sound and “wood wide web”.
Organise information from the passage and complete the diagram.
Modern research is showing that plants can __________________________
communicate with each other
Using chemicals
The plant releases chemicals __________
______ that are being eaten.
When another plant detects the chemicals, it starts to _________
from the
release its
own, different
Using sound
Some plants make noises _______________.
A chili plant can ____________________________________________.
Some trees make ____________________________________________________________________________.
with their roots
tell if a neighbouring plant is helpful, or unfriendly
clicking noises when there is not enough water, indicating drought is arriving
Using the “wood wide web”
This fungal network links ______________________
Plants can _______
_____________________________ with each other.
Plants can _____________
_____________________ ______________to attack other plants.
the roots of different plants to each other
information and even food
steal food from each other, or spread poisons
Maybe one day we will be able to “talk” with plants.
1. What figure of speech is being used when the plants are described as calling for help What is its function
Personification. It can make descriptions more vivid.
Personification means giving human characteristics to something that is not human. By using human characteristics to describe an object, animal or even a place, personification can make descriptions more vivid.
What is personification
Can you tell from the appearance of the word
拟人personification:把无生命的物体、自然现象、抽象概念等拟作人,赋予事物以人的思想、情感或行为方式,使其人格化。拟人化的写作手法可使文章更生动、形象、具体,让读者感到所描写的事物更活泼、亲近,增强文章的感染力。首先Secret Language将植物赋予人类的语言和思想,Secret则生动地描绘出植物之间交流的方式,奠定了全文的情感基调。
其次,talk、communicate、listen等词赋予植物以人的感官功能。share information and even food、send food to smaller pine trees、steal food from each other等生动地描绘出植物之间交流方式的多样化。
最后,... a warning, or a call for help: “I'm being attacked! ” 、helpful, or unfriendly、its own version of “cybercrime”等栩栩如生地向读者勾勒出一副画面——植物在受到危害、攻击时的反击。作者虽没有具体描写植物在形态上的应激反应,但这样的描述使读者更容易将植物的行为与人类的日常生活相联系,便于理解。
2. What does “wood wide web” mean
“Wood wide web” means an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest. It is linked underground by fungi and this fungal network links the roots of different plants to each other. Using the wood wide web, plants can share information and even food with each other.
3. What do you think are the benefits of studying plant communication
4. What discoveries are described in the two reading passages in this unit and what do their meanings have in common
Passage 1 reveals the discovery of evolution and Passage 2 reveals the discovery of communication between plants. They all reflect that there are numerous secrets in nature that remain to be explored.
Give a talk about communication between living things.
1. Read the passage again and talk about how plants communicate.
2. Think about and discuss the following ways of communication in the animal world.
Bees “dance” to signal to other bees that they have found food.
Ants communicate with each other through touch, chemical signals, moving their bodies and even using their legs to make sounds.
What other ways can you think of
3. Organise your ideas following the steps below.
Begin with what living things you have chosen to talk about.
Explain how they communicate and give examples.
Conclude by explaining what we have learnt from their behaviour.
4. Give a talk to the class about communication between living things.
Now talk about how well you contributed to your group discussion and help each other to make improvements.
Check list
You know ways of communicating between plants.
You can describe the different ways of communicating between living things.
You can organise your ideas.
You helped your group members to make improvements.
You contributed to your group talk.
1. With us long believing that talking plants are fantasy, new research has revealed something amazing: it appears that plants can communicate after all.
We could also say
While we have believed for a long time that talking plants are unreal, new research has found out something amazing: it seems that plants can talk to each other after all.
2. When another bean plant detects the chemicals from its injured neighbour, it starts to release its own, different chemicals.
detect v. to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc.
eg Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.
detectable adj. 可觉察的;可发现的;可查出
detector n. 探测器,检测器
detective n. 侦探,警探
detection n. 察觉,发现; 侦察
3. Most surprisingly of all, plants have an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest.
link v. to make a connection between two or more things or people 把……联系起来
to physically join two or more things, people, or places
eg The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.
I have heard his name linked with that of a well-known person.
eg Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in weight problems. (翻译)
link n. a connection between two people, things or ideas
1) 在古代,古老的丝绸之路把中国和西方连接了起来。
2) 饮食与心脏病之间有直接的联系。
The old Silk Road linked China with the West in ancient times.
There’s a direct link between diet and heart disease.
1) 饥渴的土壤在雨中畅饮。
2) 花儿在微风中点头。
3) 月亮在天上赶路。
1. Thirsty soil drank in the rain.
2. The flowers nodded in the breeze.
3. The moon is riding in the sky.