

名称 湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三月考试卷(八)英语试卷讲评课件(共83张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 33.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-16 15:56:35



Text 1
W: Do you think the staff manager could see me tomorrow before 9:30
M: He won't be in till 10:45, so the earliest would be 11.
W: Is 12:40 any good
M: Yes, I'll make a note of it.
1. When will the woman meet the staff manager
A. At 9:30. B. At 11:00. C. At 12:40.
Text 2
W: We haven't seen you for ages. Have you been ill
M: No, I've been up north for a month.
W: Where was that
M: Glasgow. I got back the day before yesterday.
2. Why hasn't the woman seen the man for a long time
A. He went to Glasgow. B. He moved abroad. C. He was ill.
Text 3
M: Good morning. What's for breakfast
W: Morning. The usual. Eggs, toast, and bacon. Coffee, if you want. The sugar is on the table. The milk's in the refrigerator.
3. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a restaurant. B. At a supermarket. C. At home.
Text 4
W: Why are you not energetic
M: I shouldn't have stayed up so late watching the exciting game. I guess I'll just have to pay the price and be sleepy.
4. How does the man feel now
A. Excited. B. Regretful. C. Refreshed.
Text 5
W: Sorry, but I didn't quite catch that.
M: I said, Do you want a lift ”
W: Isn't it out of your way
M: No, it's on my way home.
5. What is the man doing
A. Offering a favor.
B. Serving a customer.
C. Showing the way.
want a lift 搭便车
Text 6
W: Don't forget, Jim-and Adrian are coming over tonight.
M: I thought they were coming next week.
W: No. Tonight's the night. I told you at least half a dozen times!
M: Well, I forgot.
W: You forget all too easily if you ask me.
M: Anyway, I've made other plans.
W: Like what
M: I told Frank I'd help him work on his car.
W: Then, you'll just have to tell him you can't come.
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. An outing plan. B. A scheduled activity. C. A car repair.
7. What does the woman ask the man to do
A. Cancel his plan to meet Frank.
B. Invite Frank to join them.
C. Ignore their guests.
Text 7
M: Hi, welcome to Royal Stationery. How may I help you
W: Well, I was wondering if you could help me find something. I have to mail some photographs, so I need some large envelopes that won't bend.
M: Yeah, we do. It's on the 3rd floor, right by the art supplies. Let me show you. Follow me, please.
W: Oh, great. And do you know if there's a post office nearby I need to send the photos today.
M: Actually, we offer shipping service here.
W: That's perfect. By the way, how can I track my order then
M: We'll give you a track number, and you can check it online.
8. What is the woman shopping for
A. Envelopes. B. A camera. C. Art supplies.
9. What additional service does the man mention
A. Photo printing. B. Online purchasing. C. In-store mailing.
W: Good morning, Jack. Can you photocopy these reports for me, please I need them for the staff meeting tomorrow morning.
M: Hi, Grace. Unfortunately, the copy machine is out of order. The repairman is supposed to be coming this afternoon to look after it, but this is the second time it has broken down in the past two weeks, so it may not be fixable.
W: Oh, man! Would you be able to run to our office in Marple It is only a ten-minute drive. I just need to make sureI am prepared for this meeting.
M: Yeah, I can do that. I actually did my training at the Marple office, so I am familiar with it. I can leave right now.
10. What does Grace need Jack to do
A. Fix the copy machine. B. Attend a staff meeting. C. Print some documents.
11. What do we know about the copy machine
A. It is under repair. B. It is in poor condition. C. It has broken down three times.
12. Where is Jack heading next
A. A branch office. B. A copy shop. C. A repair shop.
13. What is the job about
A. Guest reception. B. Hotel decoration. C. Building construction.
14. How long will it take to finish the job
A. Five days. B. Four days. C. Three days.
15. Who will tell the client about the update
A. Richard. B. The man. C. The woman.
16. Why does the woman want the job to go smoothly
A. To attract more workers.
B. To get more job opportunities.
C. To shorten the working period.
Text 9
W: Hello. I'd like an update on the Mondvale Hotel job. Are we still on schedule to begin on Monday
M: No, I'm afraid that there has been some delay in getting the decoration materials. It looks like we may be held up until Wednesday. Oh,I forgot it. Richard just got off the phone with the supplier. It looks like everything will arrive on Monday afternoon, so we could actually begin the job on Tuesday.
W: That's good news. I'll call the client this morning and let them know.
M: You should also remind them that we will begin working on the guest rooms first and work our way toward the hall and first-floor reception areas last. We'll send a large crew so the work can be finished quickly.
W: How long do you think it will take to complete the job
M: We can probably be finished on Friday, as we originally planned.
W: Excellent. They're a new client with several locations in our city, so I want things to go smoothly. I'm sure there will be more work with them in the long run if all goes well.
13. What is the job about
A. Guest reception. B. Hotel decoration. C. Building construction.
14. How long will it take to finish the job
A. Five days. B. Four days. C. Three days.
15. Who will tell the client about the update
A. Richard. B. The man. C. The woman.
16. Why does the woman want the job to go smoothly
A. To attract more workers.
B. To get more job opportunities.
C. To shorten the working period.
17. When did Britt want to build a website originally
A. After university. B. At university. C. At high school.
18. Why did Britt change the name of her website
A. The original name wasn't suitable.
B. She wanted to include other games.
C. The website wasn't successful at first.
19. What can we learn about the content of the website
A. It's wide-ranging. B. It's old-fashioned. C. It's student-targeted.
20. What is the main focus of the website
A. Make-up. B. Computer games. C. Team sports.
Text 10
W: Hi, my name's Britt Foxton, and I'm the founder of a website devoted to women's basketball, and I've also just written a book on the same subject. But first up, let me tell you how I got started with the site.
Althought got going once I was at university, it actually started out as a high-school project——you know a“design a website”kind of thing—but it wasn't like anyone expected it to become real or anything. I designed a site about girls basketball,which I was passionate about,and called it female . I knew the name wasn't right,and before it got, really successful I changed it to and that was a really good move.
And although it started with basketball, the site's grown to include other games as well. It features a variety of articles and reviews on everything ranging from basketball to computer games, plus some more traditionally“girl”material as well. But the coverage of team sports is at the heart of it, anything about make-up or fashion is just secondary to that.
para 4: Smiling Mind
It is an evidence-based, not-for-profit mindfulness app with over 300 totally free meditations and mindfulness programs for both adults and children. Its mission is simple: “To provide accessible, life-long tools to support healthy minds” in schools, at home, and in the workplace. ……
21. Which app is completely free of charge
A. The Mindfulness. B. Insight Timer.
C. Smiling Mind. D. Breethe: Meditation& Sleep.
para 2: The Mindfulness
Meditation beginners and experts alike will find lots of options with The Mindfulness. A 5-day guided practice and introduction to mindfulness can help you get started, and silent meditations from 3 to 30 minutes can suit a busy lifestyle. The app also offers personalized meditation options, reminders to keep you mindful throughout the day, and statistics to track in your meditation journal. This app offers free contents. Premium access(高级会员) costs about $10 per month or $60 per year.
22. What is special about The Mindfulness
A. It provides courses for beginners. B. It provides calming music.
C. It has a special section intended for kids.
D. It keeps records of your meditation practice.
文章介绍了A. C. Gilbert创造立体拼装玩具,助力儿童学习与娱乐,其发明创新深受大家喜爱并影响深远。
As a small boy, Gilbert couldn't sit still for long. When he was 12, he started a sports club for his friends and got their school to have a field day. After watching pole vault(撑杆跳), Gilbert took a cedar rail from a farmer's fence, shaped it, and began to practice.
Gilbert won a gold medal in pole vault at the Olympic Games in 1908. By that time, he had a diploma in physical education and had nearly finished medical studies. However, he later started his first business: making and selling magic kits, with which Gilbert had amused friends and earned college money.
24. What do we know about Gilbert according to paragraphs 2—3
A. He was unwilling to sit down as a small kid.
B. He convinced his school to establish a sports club.
C. He absorbed himself in coming up with new ideas.
D. He demonstrated his interest and gift in various fields.
demonstrate v. 表现,显露;证明,证实;示范,演示
gift n. 天才;天赋 talent
para 4: One day, Gilbert saw workers using steel girders to build towers for power lines. That gave him the idea for the erector set.
25. What inspired Gilbert to make the erector set
Asking workers for assistance.
Observing a construction work.
C. Designing towers for power lines.
D. Selling magic kits in previous years.
para 6: This meeting was at the end of a long, hard day. Gilbert exclaimed how toys helped children learn while his helpers brought out the toys. Soon, tired government men were on the floor, playing with building sets, models of navy ships, and other toys. The time limit was forgotten; so was the Christmas toy ban.
26. The officials cancelled the plan to ban Christmas toys because____.
A. they were impressed by Gilbert's words
B. they forgot the time limit arranged earlier
C. they were exhausted after playing on the floor
D. they experienced the pleasure of playing toys
Para.7: Gilbert spent the rest of his life improving erector sets…….
27. Which words can best describe Gilbert's personality
A. Talented and committed. B. Friendly and considerate.
C. Brilliant and cold-hearted. D. Generous and strong-willed.
As a small boy, Gilbert couldn't sit still for long. When he was 12, he started a sports club for his friends and got their school to have a field day. After watching pole vault(撑杆跳), Gilbert took a cedar rail from a farmer's fence, shaped it, and began to practice.
Gilbert won a gold medal in pole vault at the Olympic Games in 1908. By that time, he had a diploma in physical education and had nearly finished medical studies. However, he later started his first business: ……
committed adj. 尽心尽力的,坚定的
strong-willed adj.意志坚强的,坚持己见的
C 篇
28. What does the underlined word“deter”mean in paragraph 2
A. Identify. B. Ignore. C. Prevent. D. Preserve.
It has long been known that plants communicate when stressed. You need only observe a houseplant to realize that a plant wilts(枯萎) when it needs water, or turns yellow at the edges when it has
been watered too much. Some plants may also emit a bitter taste to deter insects from capitalizing on their stressed state; while
others may emit organic compounds to alarm other plants in
the area.
29. What can we know about the new study according to the passage
A. The sounds emitted by plants always remain the same.
B. All animals are not able to hear the sounds produced by plants.
C. Previous experiments suggested similar findings to the new study.
D. Researchers have made sense of how plants exactly make sounds.
Para.4 According to the study, plants emit sounds at frequencies between 40 to 80 kilohertz—beyond the range of human ears—but within the range of some animals….
30. What is paragraph 6 mainly about
A. The new study's benefits to farmers.
B. The new study's limitations in agriculture.
C. The new study's impact on further studies.
D. The new study's insight into relevant research.
Para.6 This type of information could be vital for agriculture.
Knowing what sounds their plants are making could help
farmers determine whether their crops are in danger or
drought or disease and allow them to make the necessary
changes to let their plants to thrive.
31. What is the author's attitude towards the scientific value of the new study
A. Indifferent. B. Skeptical.
C. Ambiguous. D. Favorable.
Para.8 Whatever the case, this is still a game-changer for plant science, and potentially for the future of agriculture. One day soon your plants may be able to tell you if they
are hungry, thirsty, or just feeling lonely.
本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一款最新研发的能够帮助用户做清醒梦的头戴式设备 Halo
32. How does Halo aim to impact users’ dreams
A. By keeping a clear track of dreams.
B. By enabling more conscious dreams.
C. By producing more frequent dreams.
D. By increasing the duration of dreams.
Para.2 Planned for release in 2025, Halo aims to allow you to
have more lucid dreams—dreams where you are aware that
you're dreaming. In some cases, you might also exert(施加) a degree of control over what happens in these dreams, perhaps in
ways that benefit your waking life, such as solving work
problems, visiting faraway lands, practising guitar and much
33. Which of the following is mentioned as an issue with Halo
A. Too much control over dream content.
B. Known long-term impacts on the brain.
C. Privacy concerns about collecting brain data.
D. Interference with the basic functions of dreams.
Para.4 ….One issue is that ….A second issue is that …. One potential concern is that by using a device to alter(更改) the nature of your dreams, you risk interfering
with the usual purpose of your dreams. ….
34. What can be inferred from paragraph 4
A. Dreams altered by Halo would lose all usual functions.
B. Other established techniques are less effective than Halo.
C. Halo is the most advanced device for lucid dreams so far.
D. High-frequency sounds cause permanent damage to the brain.
Para.4…. A final consideration is that there are already
several established techniques for inducing lucid dreams
that do not involve cutting-edge technology, such as
training by repeatedly pairing a sound with deliberate
thoughts of self-awareness, which are cheaper than the
Halo headset.
35. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A. The Basic Functions of Lucid Dreams
B. The Promising Future of Halo Headband
C. The Pros and Cons of Dream Controlling
D. Halo Headband: a Device for Lucid Dreams
本文的主体对象是头戴式设备Halo,讨论了其能够帮助用户做清醒梦的功能、采用的技术及目前所面临的问题,所以答案关键词是Halo Headband
A. their defense mechanisms kick in
B. But the sad reality is that we can never win
C. There can be various obstacles in our way of doing what is right
D. taking responsibility for their mistakes can actually be seen as a
sign of strength
E. That's because outwardly they appear to be tough individuals
who refuse to back down
F. Admitting that we're wrong is emotionally uncomfortable and
painful to our sense of self
G. It means acknowledging they’ve hurt someone, potentially
triggering feelings of shame after all
What prevents certain individuals from acknowledging their mistakes, regardless of the situation Why do they struggle to apologize, even when it's clear they're at
fault For them, the act of admitting
wrongdoing and apologizing poses a significant psychological threat. 36 .
A. their defense mechanisms kick in
B. But the sad reality is that we can never win
C. There can be various obstacles in our way of doing what is right
D. taking responsibility for their mistakes can actually be seen as a sign of strength
E. That's because outwardly they appear to be tough individuals who refuse to
back down
F. Admitting that we're wrong is emotionally uncomfortable and painful to our
sense of self
G. It means acknowledging they’ve hurt someone, potentially triggering feelings
of shame after all
People who cannot apologize often have deep feelings of low self-worth. When their delicate ego(自我) cannot absorb the blow of admitting they were wrong,
37 —they may place blame on others and even argue about basic facts to
prevent the threat of having to lower themselves by offering an apology.
A. their defense mechanisms kick in
B. But the sad reality is that we can never win
C. There can be various obstacles in our way of doing what is right
D. taking responsibility for their mistakes can actually be seen as a sign of strength
E. That's because outwardly they appear to be tough individuals who refuse to
back down
F. Admitting that we're wrong is emotionally uncomfortable and painful to our
sense of self
G. It means acknowledging they’ve hurt someone, potentially triggering feelings
of shame after all
Unfortunately, many of us mistakenly interpret these people's defensiveness as a sign of psychological strength. 38 . But this doesn't show that they’re strong—it shows that they're weak.
A. their defense mechanisms kick in
B. But the sad reality is that we can never win
C. There can be various obstacles in our way of doing what is right
D. taking responsibility for their mistakes can actually be seen as a sign of strength
E. That's because outwardly they appear to be tough individuals who refuse to
back down
F. Admitting that we're wrong is emotionally uncomfortable and painful to our
sense of self
G. It means acknowledging they’ve hurt someone, potentially triggering feelings
of shame after all
39 . In order to take responsibility and apologize, our self-worth needs to be strong enough to absorb that discomfort. Indeed, if our self-worth is higher and more stable, we can tolerate the temporary discomfort without the walls around our ego falling down.
A. their defense mechanisms kick in
B. But the sad reality is that we can never win
C. There can be various obstacles in our way of doing what is right
D. taking responsibility for their mistakes can actually be seen as a sign of strength
E. That's because outwardly they appear to be tough individuals who refuse to
back down
F. Admitting that we're wrong is emotionally uncomfortable and painful to our
sense of self
G. It means acknowledging they’ve hurt someone, potentially triggering feelings
of shame after all
The mistake we often make when faced with someone who's habitually
incapable of apologizing is to become angry and try to win our argument with
them. 40 . In these situations, the best we can do is make our points as calmly and convincingly as we can and then disengage from the argument when it
becomes unproductive—like when they disagree with the facts, come up with
silly excuses or turn to mean remarks.
A. their defense mechanisms kick in
B. But the sad reality is that we can never win
C. There can be various obstacles in our way of doing what is right
D. taking responsibility for their mistakes can actually be seen as a sign of strength
E. That's because outwardly they appear to be tough individuals who refuse to
back down
F. Admitting that we're wrong is emotionally uncomfortable and painful to our
sense of self
G. It means acknowledging they’ve hurt someone, potentially triggering feelings
of shame after all
3. 其他词的复现
4. 逻辑关系
wrongdoing 美 / r du /
psychological threat/strength
low self-worth
delicate ego
absorb the blow
mistakenly interpret
n. 坏事;不道德的行为
pose a threat 构成威胁;形成一种威胁
n. 自我价值;自尊;自负
be incapable of
disengage from
mean remarks
defense mechanisms
kick in
back down
our sense of self
不会..., 不能...
n. 防卫机制,自卫机能
adv. 外表上;表面上
vt. 承认
vt. 触发;引发,引起
Every weekend in the summer, my father would take us to one of the splendid lakes. One 41.trip/hike/voyage/adventure that I would never forget was a visit to Oneida Lake. After arriving there, we 42. loaded/cleaned/ repaired/ emptied the car of our picnic supplies and located the perfect picnic spot. Then my dad, sister and Iran into the splashing waves, leaving my mother behind to 43. put off/ plan for/ prepare for/ contribute to the picnic.
My sister loved synchronized swimming(花样游泳) and started 44.leaning/acquiring/practicing/mastering skills. My father, being an
athlete himself, was 45. talented/absorbed/specialized/experienced in her show.
With no one 46. knowing/watching/bothering/recognizing me, I
became bored and decided to swim by myself in deeper water. The
waves were getting 47. softer/colder/warmer/stronger, but I didn’t care. As I took a breath to try a dive, a huge wave 48. caught/soaked/refreshed/swallowed me. I choked and then a huge undercurrent swept me deeper beneath the waves. With the very thought of dying, a great sense of 49. panic/upset/anger/sorrow flooded over me. I kicked my legs
50. gently/slowly/wildly/steadily, but in vain, losing any hope for a breath.
Suddenly, I felt a firm 51. touch/press/grasp/strike on my arm and a
pull to safety. It was my dad! He hugged me tightly and carried me
back to the 52.shore/coast/field/border where I could stand.
There was no 53. scolding/response/evaluation/explanation, just a
big smile because he knew I was all right. It turned out that my
father had never taken his eye off me, 54.then/only/still/even as he had the other eye on my sister! 55.Despite/Without/Because of/Instead of his watching over me, protecting me and loving me, I would not become the strong woman I am today.
run into the splashing waves
n. 潜流;暗流
Yingge Dance
Literally(字面上) translated as the“Songs of Heroes”dance, Yingge Dance is 300-year-old folk dance that originated from the Chaoshan area of South China's Guangdong Province. 56 (dress) in colorful costumes(服装), performers wave wooden sticks in their hands 57 ___ dancing in orderly(有秩序的) formations(队形) to the music.
56.由 be dressed in 穿着----,确定此空为 dressed
57.由句意得知,wave 与dance 同时进行,while/when +doing 结构,考查状语从句中的省略现象
Based on the stories of the 108 Heroes of LiangshanMountain from the classic novel Outlaws of the Marsh, it is a folk art combining a variety of forms, 58 martial arts and Chinese operas to dance.
In recent years, Chaoshan Yingge Dance has 59____ (gradual) come into the public eye through ...
58.由句意:英歌舞里糅合了从中国武术、戏剧到舞蹈的各种艺术形式, from----to 结构
59. adv.修饰v.
In the Spring Festival of the Dragon Year, Yingge Dance once again 60_______ (dominate)支配,控制 the screens, 61.______ (it) dazzling炫目的 and fiery火的 wave of popularity continuing throughout the holiday, even sparking 引发 62. ______ brilliant cultural passion overseas.
60.In the Spring Festival of the Dragon Year 为过去时间
61. its ....wave of popularity得知
62. spark a passion 激发热情
On the first and second days of the Lunar New Year, the Nanshan Yingge Team fromGuangdong’s Puning made appearances at 63._______ (icon) 图标;偶像British landmarks地标—the BurlingtonArcade and Trafalgar Square— 64.______ (bring) New Year greetings from Guangdong to overseas Chinese and foreign friends alike.
63. adj.+n.
64. bringing New Year greetings from Guangdong to overseas Chinese and foreign friends alike 为结果状语
The performances attracted over seven hundred thousand spectators and received 65._______ (cover) from over a hundred media outlets.
marry---marriage store---storage
pack---package short---shortage
文章可分三段写作: 劝慰信
第一段: 就对方遇到的苦恼给予安慰,并引出相关建议;
Dear Alice,
Sorry to hear that you are having difficulty in fitting into the new environment, I'm writing to express my heartfelt concern to you.【表示理解和安慰】
It is normal that you find it challenging to adapt to new surroundings quickly, and here are some useful suggestions for you. Firstly, take a day to appreciate your environment. You won't fit in at school if you don't know the school well yet. In addition, talk to your teachers. So experienced are the teachers that they can provide some practical advice for you. Last but not least, join a few clubs or sports. You can not only spend time with peers who have similar interests with you, but also get yourself involved in new things.【提出建议】
Wish you a happy school life. Should you need any help, don’t hesitate to let me know.【表达愿望】
Li Hua
(原创)假定你是李华,你的美国笔友 Mike来信说他现在心情很不好,因为在上赛季橄榄球比赛中,他所在的球队以一分之差负于对手。请你给他写一封信,
Late graduation ceremony
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Para1: As I left him, he said,“Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom.”
第一段首句:这里我们需要考虑的是“我”有没有凭借一个姓氏就认出这是Jef的爸爸,所以有两种情况:(1)立马认出这个人作出反应;(2)起先觉得疑惑,但是后来反应过来这个人就是 Jeff的爸爸.
首句1:如果认出: At that moment, my pace slowed and my former smile firoze. It did shock me that the gentle and polite man was actually the cold and strict physician in Jeff's words.
首句2:如果没有直接认出:A vague familiarity halted my steps, inviting me to examine that face once more.
首段尾句:第二段的段首句暗示毕业典礼已经开始了,而且已经轮到Jeff上台去领毕业证书。因此我们在第一段最后一句要提到,毕业典礼正式开始。可以对场面进行一定描写,也可以把镜头拉回 Jeff爸爸本身去写他多么“翘首以盼”自己女儿的惊喜。
首段尾句:Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
Para 2. Afterwards, the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Para 2.Afterwards, the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas.
第二段首句:这里的镜头其实给到了 Jeff,因此我们可以对 Jeff 上台领毕业证书做一个“特写”,以便于与后文看到爸爸的出现做一个对比。考虑到他的年龄(27岁,大于其他应届生)和他为自己读书的决心,我们可以这样写:
二段首句:Jeff was the last person to cross the stage. His steady strides contrasted with other students.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Para 2.Afterwards, the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Para 1 As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
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Para 2. Afterwards. the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas. I kept observing Dr. Holstrom, wondering how he would react to the unexpected situation. Apparently, Jeff's appearance caught him off guard. His son, who years ago declined to attend college, was now holding a college diploma in his hand! He fixed his eyes on the familiar figure on the stage. eager to have Jeff clarify all the confusions hovering in his mind. Jeff, as if guided by magic, recognized his father among the large crowd. Overwhelmed with astonishment and excitement, Jeff dashed all the way towards him, who opened his arms to embrace his son and offered hearty congratulations. Though he had no idea of what it was about, he was glad that his son did attend college and lived up to his wish.
Jeff, my best friend in college, and I had many conversations during the year, but I will always remember the time he told me about his family. His father, a successful physician, was cold and strict in Jeff's words. His father had even paved the way for Jeff to attend the same college from which he had graduated.
However, Jeff had a strong passion for skiing. When he graduated from high school, he decided to decline his father's offer and, instead, to work with a ski patrol(滑雪巡逻队).With pain in his eyes, Jeff told me he still remembered the day when he told his father he was going to give up college and take a job at a ski resort.
As Jeff recalled, upon hearing Jeff's decision, his father looked off into the distance.Then came the words that still echoed in Jeff's mind:“You lazy kid. No son of mine is going to work with a ski patrol and does not attend college. I should have known you'd never amount to anything!”The two had not spoken since that conversation.
At the age of twenty seven, Jeff became a successful business planner at a company, but without a degree. To further his career, he decided to come back to the area near where he grew up to attend college, but he certainly did not want his father to know what he was doing.He said he was doing this for himself, not for his father. He said it over and over again.
Jeff's sister had always remained supportive of Jeff's decisions. She stayed in contact with their father, but Jeff had made her promise that she would not share any information about his life with him.
The day when the graduation ceremony came, I, as the president of Students’ Union,took charge of seating the guests before it started. Suddenly, I noticed a man with a confused expression.
“Excuse me,”he said as he politely approached me. “What is happening here today ”
“It's graduation day,” I replied, smiling. “Well, that's odd,” he said, “my daughter asked me to meet her at this address.”His eyes sparkled and he smiled.“Maybe she completed her associate’s degree and wanted to surprise me!”I helped him find a seat.
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Jeff, my best friend in college, and I had many conversations during the year, but I will always remember the time he told me about his family. His father, a successful physician, was cold and strict in Jeff's words. His father had even paved the way for Jeff to attend the same college from which he had graduated.
However, Jeff had a strong passion for skiing. When he graduated from high school, he decided to decline his father's offer and, instead, to work with a ski patrol(滑雪巡逻队).With pain in his eyes, Jeff told me he still remembered the day when he told his father he was going to give up college and take a job at a ski resort. As Jeff recalled, upon hearing Jeff's decision, his father looked off into the distance.Then came the words that still echoed in Jeff's mind:“You lazy kid. No son of mine is going to work with a ski patrol and does not attend college. I should have known you'd never amount to anything!”The two had not spoken since that conversation.
Q2.What’s the key reason that causes the breakdown between Jeff and his father
Q4 S0, did “I” recognize the identity of Dr. Holstrom
Q1 What’s the image of Jeff’s father
Q3 Where does Jeff’s passion lie in and why it is his passion
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At the age of twenty seven, Jeff became a successful business planner at a company, but without a degree. To further his career, he decided to come back to the area near where he grew up to attend college, but he certainly did not want his father to know what he was doing.He said he was doing this for himself, not for his father. He said it over and over again. Jeff's sister had always remained supportive of Jeff's decisions. She stayed in contact with their father, but Jeff had made her promise that she would not share any information about his life with him.
The day when the graduation ceremony came, I, as the president of Students’ Union,took charge of seating the guests before it started. Suddenly, I noticed a man with a confused expression.
Q1 Is Jeff the same as to other ordinary graduates Did he changes his mind towards his father
Q2 What is Jeff’s idea of doing this for himself
Q3 What is the role that Jeff’s sister played on the family conflict Does Jeff’s sister never share something about Jeff’s situation with his father
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“Excuse me,”he said as he politely approached me. “What is happening here today ”
“It's graduation day,” I replied, smiling. “Well, that's odd,” he said, “my daughter asked me to meet her at this address.”His eyes sparkled and he smiled.“Maybe she completed her associate’s degree and wanted to surprise me!”I helped him find a seat.
Q1 What is the function of ‘I’ on the graduation day
Q1 What is the function of the word “politely”
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Read for information
Jeff’s graduation day
Jeff , Jeff’s best friend “I”, Jeff’s father, Jeff’s sister
at the same collage that his father graduate from
Jeff wanted to step on a path designed by himself not by his father
Jeff declined his father’s arrangement and there was no conversation between them.
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Read for possible plots
As I left him, he said,“Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom.”
Afterwards, the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas.
Q1: Did Jeff’s father change his mind towards his son’s career choosing
Q2: What is the father’s feeling when he saw his son Jeff on stepping on the stage
Q3: Would Jeff and his father have a carefully and thought-out ice broken conversation ...
Q1: What was my reaction Did I recognize the identity of Dr, Holstrom
Q2: Did Jeff see the arrival of his father Or Would I tell Jeff that his father was on the spot
Q3: How’s the feeling of Dr.Holstorm when the graduation ceremony came which part did the ceremony go on at the end of the Para1 ...
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As I left him, he said, “Thank you. By the way, my name's Dr, Holstrom." A vague familiarity halted my steps, inviting me to examine that face once more. “Madam ” Noticing my unnatural gaze, he offered a smile, a smile that suddenly overlapped with Jeff’s! Knowing their awkward situation, I uttered Jeff's sister's name. lt was Jefr's father! Realizing Jeff's sister's efforts, I decided to give them a push. Seating myself, I explained that I was a friend of his daughter and, coincidentally, acquainted with a “Holstrom”.“He's an extraordinary business planner, pursuing his dreams despite facing opposition from his father.” Jeff's father's smile subtly froze. Well, now his father must be proud, like I am proud of my daughter now.” Then he gestured that the graduation ceremony started. Afterward, he stared at the stage, waiting for something to happen.
As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
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Para 2. Jeff was the last person to cross the stage. His steady strides contrasted with other students. Spotting him,I called his name. As he turned toward me, his face revealed a momentary puzzlement. An tension seemed to envelop both father and son. Dr. Holstrom instantly rose up and turned away, but I stopped him. “Aren't you curious ” Jeff, seemingly determined to seize this moment, started his graduation speech immediately. “If my dad were here, he'd say, 'the lazy skiing kid finally bows to college,” Jeff maintained a light-hearted tone. “But l pursued this for myself, just as I ski for myself.” The father turned back, locking eyes with his son. “He should know that the world isn't a pre-paved road, it's a snowy mountain. Everyone holds their own direction. So, are you ready to ski ” Cheers erupted from the graduates. Amidst the noise, I saw the old man slowly made a skiing gesture --his pride in his son.
As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Para 1 As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Para 2. Afterwards. the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas. I kept observing Dr. Holstrom, wondering how he would react to the unexpected situation. Apparently, Jeff's appearance caught him off guard. His son, who years ago declined to attend college, was now holding a college diploma in his hand! He fixed his eyes on the familiar figure on the stage. eager to have Jeff clarify all the confusions hovering in his mind. Jeff, as if guided by magic, recognized his father among the large crowd. Overwhelmed with astonishment and excitement. Jeff dashed all the way towards him, who opened his arms to embrace his son and offered hearty congratulations. Though he had no idea of what it was about, he was glad that his son did attend college and lived up to his wish.
As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
As I left him, he said, "Thank you. By the way, I'm Dr. Holstrom." The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. “Holstrom! Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, strict father Jeff mentioned " Curiosity and doubt welling up, I turned around to take a closer look at the man's appearance to confirm my assumption. Smiling and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Shocked by the resemblance, I instinctively wanted to reveal the long-kept truth to him. However, after thinking twice, I roughly guessed Jeff's sister was planning a big surprise. Hence, I did nothing. Soon, the principal announced the opening of the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech.
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