人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 22.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-16 22:56:37



Unit 3 Environmental Protection
Section A Reading and Thinking
Teaching plan
Subject:English Title:Section A Reading and Thinking
Period:1 class
Teaching objectives and core literacy:
Language ability:Understanding the global environmental problems caused by climate change
Learning ability:Improve students' ability in reading, such as generalization, skimming, etc.
Cultural awareness:Let students be interested in English.
Thinking quality:To guide students to understand the causes behind extreme climate change, to understand the tremendous impact of human activities on the global climate, to reflect on their own actions, and to know how to mitigate the process of climate warming, starting from their own, be a responsible and responsible person with a global vision.
Teaching key points and difficulties
Teaching key points:Improve students' ability in reading, such as generalization, skimming, etc.
Teaching difficulties:To guide students to understand the causes behind extreme climate change, to understand the tremendous impact of human activities on the global climate, to reflect on their own actions, and to know how to mitigate the process of climate warming, starting from their own, be a responsible and responsible person with a global vision.
Teaching media:Multimedia, Blackboard, chalk
Teaching process:
1. Greeting
2. Leading-in
Student Activities: (1) observe the line chart, understand the information of the chart. And discuss the first issue of activity 1.What is the graph about What information can you get from it
Look at the photos, predict the text content, and discuss the second question from activity 1 and the teacher's presentation on the PPT.
Have you ever seen the photo before What might be the story behind it
What happened to the polar bear?
How do you feel when you see the photo?
What do you think might have caused the polar bear's death?
Do you think it is related to the global temperature rise?
Objective: Activity 1 is a link of thinking and discussion in reading pictures, to activate students' knowledge about climate change and to cultivate students' reading skills. The line chart on page 26 is rich in information: the line is plotted on the horizontal axis of the year, and the vertical axis is the temperature anomaly, which is the difference between the average global surface temperature and the total annual average An increase in the mean temperature anomaly indicates an increase in the difference and an anomaly in the corresponding year; the broken line in the middle indicates the trend of the anomaly in each year, and the broken line extends to the upper right, it shows that the annual average temperature is rising year by year, and the broken line has risen steeply in recent years, indicating that the trend of temperature rising is more violent and the trend of global warming is more obvious. Let the students look at the line chart and the picture on the right, on the one hand, in order to train the students' “Look” skills, on the other hand, they were encouraged to guess what was going on behind the picture and then to test their guess as they read, and to think further about the connection between the line graph and the picture.
Student Activities:(1)skimming
Read the full text and master the structure and general idea of the text. Read the text quickly, find out the topic sentence of each paragraph, then discuss with your partner, divide the structure of the passage, and sum up the main idea of each part.
Part Paragraph Main idea
1 1-2 The evidence of dramatic climate change that had an impact on Earth's ecology
2 3 The cause of the increase in the global average surface temperature
3 4 The consequences of the rise in temperature
4 5 The solutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Read the first and second paragraphs to summarize the main idea of the paragraph and to learn about the evidence on climate change. Then answer the first question in activity 2.
Para. 1 introducing the topic
a dramatic change in the global climate
Para. 2 finding a dead polar bear
the reason for its death
Global warming affected Earth's ecology.
Question:What happened to the polar bear in the photo Why did the writer write about it
Answer:The polar bear died from lack of food.
The writer wrote about it to show how the increase in temperature had an impact on Earth's ecology.
Teacher's activities: add the following questions for students to discuss.
What evidence of climate change can you find in these two paragraphs?
What is the author's purpose of using the graph and the photo?
Can you use your words to describe how climate change have influenced the polar bears life?
Student Activities: read the third paragraph to understand the principle of“Greenhouse effect”. Summarize the main idea of the paragraph and answer the second and third questions of activity 2.
Para. 3 reasons for the increase in temperature
the"natural"greenhouse effect
the"man-made" greenhouse effect-producing huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases
Why is the "natural "greenhouse effect important and necessary
What are the consequences of high greenhouse gas emissions
Because greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of the heat, keeping Earth's climate warm
and habitable. Without this process, Earth could not sustain life.
More heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere, which causes Earth's surface temperature to rise
Student Activities: browse the requirements of activity 3 and related strategy tips, draw a diagram of the greenhouse effect. Student Activities: read the fourth paragraph to understand the possible serious consequences of global warming. Summarize the general idea of the paragraph and then answer the fourth question in activity 2.
Para. 4 results of the rise in temperature
an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide
climate scientists calling on people to take appropriate actions
Question:Why did the author mention the climate scientists' warning
Answer:Because the warming trend will cause great damage to human beings.
Student Activities: read the fifth paragraph to summarize the author's writing goals and attitudes. Answer the fifth question in activity 2.
Para. 5 how we react
Governments need to make policies and take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Individuals restrict the amount of carbon dioxide their lifestyles produce.
Question:What is the author's purpose of writing this text
To attract the attention of people all over the world to focus on climate change and take actions to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint.
AIM: Activity 2 is a reading comprehension activity, which will lead the students to pay attention to the details in each paragraph of the passage and think about the purpose of the author's material selection. Activity 3 was designed to train students' reading skills by drawing a diagram showing the greenhouse effect process described in the text. Drawing schematics not only tests students' comprehension ability, but also the ability to abstract, generalize and generalize. It also reflects the process of internalizing language information and doing things in English. In addition, drawing schematics can stimulate students' interest in learning, active classroom atmosphere.三、After-class
Panel discussion on the issue of activity 4. Activity Purpose: activity 4 designed three text-based and beyond the text of the task, causing students to reflect on the text theme. Task 1 asked students to identify more examples of extreme weather and disasters that they knew about, thereby increasing their awareness of the severity of the consequences of climate change. Task 2 asked students to think about the relationship between climate change and human activities and give reasons. Task 3 asks the students to think about who is responsible for dealing with climate change and what they can do for the global climate change, so as to cultivate the students' sense of community of human destiny, let students think from a global perspective and understand their responsibilities and responsibilities. Activity 4 designed three text-based and beyond the text of the task, causing students to reflect on the text theme. Task 1 asked students to identify more examples of extreme weather and disasters that they knew about, thereby increasing their awareness of the severity of the consequences of climate change. Task 2 asked students to think about the relationship between climate change and human activities and give reasons. Task 3 asks the students to think about who is responsible for dealing with climate change and what they can do for the global climate change, so as to cultivate the students' sense of community of human destiny, let students think from a global perspective and understand their responsibilities and responsibilities.
Summarize what you have learned in class.
五、Assignment: search the Internet or read English newspapers and magazines in small groups to find news related to the topic of this unit, such as the latest policies of different governments on environmental protection, etc. , organize them into news bulletins and share them with the whole class.