人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit4 History and Traditions 基础知识回顾练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit4 History and Traditions 基础知识回顾练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 23.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-17 21:28:55



Unit 4, Book 2 基础知识复习回顾
I 课文短语
1. 解开谜题;解决难题 2. 对……困惑
3. 把...和...连接或联结起来 4. 导致;造成
5. 脱离;背叛;逃脱 6. 简称
7. 称...为… 8. 属于
9. 合作;共同努力 10. 被...围绕/围住
11. 接管;控制;接收 12. 留下;抛弃
13. 成为...的一部分;影响 14. 留心;留意
15. 对......影响 16. 视觉盛宴
17. 由…点缀 18. 构成,组成
19. 吸入;呼吸着 20.顺路造访
II. 单句语法填空
1. ____________(locate) where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.
2. The hostels (旅社) in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you’ll often get to stay in a central ___________(locate) with security and comfort.
3. Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and ____________(achieve).
4. The _____________(announce)of their marriage would appear in the local newspaper next week.
5. When the little girl was asked such a ____________(puzzle) question, she stood there with a ____________(puzzle) look on her face.
6. You will be puzzled _________their meanings if you don’t learn about the background of these poems.
7. The mountain village I visited last week is made up of 30 families ___________(belong) to five nationalities.
8. Having sold most of his _____________(belong), he almost had nothing left in the house.
9. ______________(surround) yourself with people who’ll provide you with support can be very beneficial.
10. And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds ___________(surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears.
11. _____________(surround) by green trees, the farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school. There is a small river flowing through the farm.
12. I wonder how much you will charge us ________ the six week course.
13. We have enough evidence to charge you _________ abuse of power.
14. Large amounts of honey and butter _________(be) used to make this kind of snack.
15. China’s approach to __________(protect) its environment while feeding its citizens offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide.
16. The author’s reading of road signs indicates her __________(eager) to develop her reading ability.
17. Your wife as well as you _________(be) friendly to me, for which I am very grateful.
18. With too much work _________(do), I suffer from anxiety and can’t sleep well at night.
19. Tom threw himself into his mother’s arms, with tears of shame and embarrassment ___________(well) up in his eyes.
20. With more and more forests ____________(damage), some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out.
III. 错题重组
1. All happy families are similar ________one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
2. Paper-cutting __________(belong) to traditional Chinese art has a history of over 1,500 years.
3. There is some evidence __________ smoking can lead to lung cancer.
4. We were all surprised to see that he had his yard ___________(surround) with many beautiful flowers.
5. The teacher had the students ___________(practice) their multiplication tables the whole morning.
6. I have an important business __________ (approach) on Friday, so I can’t keep you company.
7. There is no need to worry. I’ll have Tom _________(pick ) you up at the airport.
8. In addition, I can speak English so fluently that I can make myself ___________(understand).
9. The Chinese music concert ____________(hold) in the school hall on Saturday will be in the charge of her.
10. Without your generous support and patient guidance, we wouldn’t ____________(achieve) such great success.
11. Standing on the top of the hill is an old castle, __________(date ) back to hundreds of years ago.
12. The southern part of the Ireland broke away from the UK, __________(result) in the full name we have today.
13. Even though the four countries which __________(belong) to the United Kingdom work together in some areas, they also have some differences.
14. On the bank of the river, we found him lying on bench, with his eyes _________(fix) on a kite in the sky.
15. When people are having meals or waiting for buses, you can always find them __________(addict) to their phone.
16. Addicted to computer games, he left much of his homework _____________(unfinish).
17. In the race Li Hong took part in, the cyclists ___________(involve) all longed to win medals.
18. Large amounts of time ____________(waste) on this project up to now.
19. With the Spring Festival ____________(approach), the shopping mall is crowded with people.
20. As the Spring Festival _____________(approach), the shopping mall is crowded with people.
IV. 熟词新意. (在横线上写出划线单词的词义)
1. I surround myself with people I want to be with, people of high quality. __________
2. Phones with GPS can be used to locate survivors lost in the forest. ___________
3. How can you defend such behaviour ____________
4. The helicopter landed near our camp and its loud noises scared the bear. He looked irritated and charged at us again. ___________
5. I positioned myself to take the best photo of the sea. _____________
6. When she opened the door, a terrible mess greeted her eyes. ___________
V. 语境填词
The Philippines is trying to stir up trouble and undermine regional peace in the South China Sea. People may __________________(对…感到困惑) why such a small country dares to provoke China, a superpower in the world. It is all because the Philippines wants to conquer Ren’ai Reef, _____________(以及) some other reefs in the South China Sea. The Philippines allies with the US, attempting to seize these reefs located off its coast. But ____________________(有明确的证据) these reefs _________________(属于) China. The Chinese government will never ever let these reefs ___________________(脱离) our motherland as they are treasures passed down from our ancestors.
On Saturday, the Philippines once again sent two coast guard ships and a supply ship in an attempt to transport construction materials to the disintegrating warship illegally grounded on the reef in 1999. In response, the Chinese Navy also sent a fleet of warships to _________________________(保卫仁爱礁水域免受 ) the intrusion. Now that the whole area _____________________(被包围) hundreds of civilian ships and warships, there is no slightest chance for the Philippines’ ships to approach. Thanks to the great ______________________(中国已取得的成就), it will never have an inch of its territory ________________(被带走). What the Chinese Navy has done recently _______________________(让我感到自豪) being a Chinese.
Ever since I entered YYHS, I have been struggling with the courses I take, in particular math. Although much effort has been put into math, I can’t see any sign of improvement. Every day, I sit in the classroom, looking at the math teacher ________________(困惑地). In a sense, I can ___________________(被称为) an idiot in learning math. Worse still, there are countless unknown fields ______________(来探索) in my spare time. Last weekend, we took a math exam and scored only 78, ___________________________(这使我很受挫和绝望). YYHS, originally known as the Eighth School, __________________(属于) the list of first provincial key schools in Hubei province. __________________(被包围) talented students here, I feel highly pressured all the time. At times, an idea pops up into my mind that I may as well __________________(摆脱) this renowned school. How I wish I could learn in a relaxed atmosphere, where I can have my learning schedule _______________(调整) a little bit _______________(如果可能). When I shared my idea with my parents the other day, they urged me to ________________(抛弃) all my troubles and ______________________(留心) in each class. Without their support, I had to stay and commit myself to my work. Whatever challenge comes my way, I will face it bravely. Should I fail in the future, I can _________________(接管) my family business. After all, just as the saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.”
_________________________(随着…的临近) Qingming, we students became restless as __________________________(已被宣布) that we would have a two-day break. On Qingming, it is ____________________(一个古老的中国风俗) to pay a visit to the family graveyard in memory of ancestors. It is also a good opportunity for us students to escape from the boring life at school. We waited and waited until the bell rang, indicating the class was over. We rushed out of the classroom like caged birds, ______________(渴望) get home earlier.
Since my parents had attended the family memorial service two days before the Qingming Festival, we decided to make a short road trip to Cherry Valley instead. The valley is just a stone’s throw from where we live. When springs comes, __________________(成群的人们) flock there, admiring cherry blossoms. My family is no exception. Every year, we drive there to __________________(大饱眼福). After about half an hour, we made it to the entrance to the valley. Having arrived there, we found huge numbers of people had gathered. Wherever I went, I was drowned in _________________(大量的) noise. No wonder tons of people rushed over to take a closer look at cherry blossoms, for the entry here is totally_________________(免费的). But people had to wait for their turn. After what seemed like two hours, finally it was our turn. Once inside, we _________________(受到问候) tweets of birds perching on cherry trees. It was like stepping into a fairyland with all those cherry blossoms__________________(bloom) around us. At the sight of this, we couldn’t wait to explore more together. The air was filled with sweet, intoxicating fragrance. Standing under the trees, I felt my skins ______________(caress) gently by the falling pink petals. Birds were jumping here and there among cherry trees, _______________(twitter) happily. Everyone was holding their phone, trying to capture the amazing view. Strolling with my family down the trails, I found myself in a totally different world. There was no worry, no trouble, and above all no pressure from study. It________________________(一点也不令人吃惊) such a small place is packed with so many visitors every spring. The scenery is amazing and impressive. Cherry Valley is also a paradise for foodies in spring. Local restaurants have a lot ______________(offer), which can suit different tastes.
Places like Cherry Valley are ideal destinations for visitors in spring, for they make life truly special and relaxing. It _______________________(大自然很慷慨) to provide us with such magical and charming places in the world.
1. solve a puzzle 2. be puzzled about/over; be confused by/about 3. join…to 4. result in 5. break away from 6. the shortened name 7. refer to…as 8. belong to 9. work together 10. be surrounded by/with 11. take over 12. beave behind 13. enter into 14. keep one’s eyes open (for) 15. have an influence on 16. a feast for eyes 17. be dotted with 18. make up 19. breathe in 20. stop by
1. Located 2. location 3. achievements 4. announcement 5. puzzling/puzzled 6. about/over 7. belonging 8. belongings 9. Surrounded 10. surrounding 11. Surrounded 12. for 13. with 14. were 15. protecting 16. eagerness 17. is 18. to do 19. welling 20. (being)damaged
1.to 2. belonging 3. that 4. surrounded 5.practicing 6. to approach 7. pick 8. understood 9. to be held 10. have achieved 11. dating 12. resulting 13. belong 14. fixed 15. addicted 16. unfinished 17. involved 18. have been wasted 19. approaching 20. is approaching/approaches
1. 结交 2. 定位 3. 辩解 4. 向……冲去 5. 安置, 使…..处于(位置) 6. 映入眼帘
A) 1. be puzzled about/over 2. as well as 3. there is clear evidence that 4. belong to 5. break away from 6. defend the waters around Ren’ai Reef from/against 7. is surrounded by/with 8. achievements China has made 9. taken away 10. makes me feel proud of
B). 1. in confusion 2. be referred to as 3. to explore/to be explored 4. which makes me frustrated and hopeless 5. belongs to 6. Surrounded by/with 7. break away from 8. adjusted 9. if possible 10. leave behind 11. keep my eyes open 12. take over
C).1. With the approach of 2. it had been announced that 3. an old Chinese custom 4. eager to 5. crowds of people 6. feast our eyes 7. large amounts of 8. free of charge 9. were greeted with/by 10. blooming 11. caressed 12. twittering 13. is not surprising that 14. to offer 15. is generous of nature