人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money单元课件(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money单元课件(6份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-17 22:41:40


Unit 5
The Value of Money
Discovering Useful Structuires
Express modality and talk about future events in the past
1Modal verbs have many functions, including the following (A-F). Find modal verbs in previous sections and discuss their functions.
A necessity B possibility C obligation
D request E advice F intention
②Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs in the box.
In the film The Million Pound Bank Note, Henry Adams is stuck in aforeign country withoutmoney and friends, and with nowhere to stay.
may must can ought to might had better would should
While this situation ____________seem unusual,it can sometimes happen to travellers.
In case it happens to you on a trip abroad, what___________you do First, and most importantly,you __________stay calm.
Fear ________cause you to become confused. You need to think clearly. Second,you should go to yournearost consulate. They _____________be able to holp to some extent. Third, you_______do well to check with some local charities.
They_______ offer help to travellers in need. Fourth,you_____________avoid getting into trouble. You_______ think that stealing some money orfood wouid help you, but you should not do so. Getting caught_______ruin your life.
③Both "would do" and "was/were going to do" can be used to talk about future events or intentions in the past, Complete the following sentences that describe the future using either farm of the given verbs.
1.Philip bought two tickets for The Phantom of the Opera. He ______________________(watch) this musicalwith his girlfriend on the weekend.
2.I was so surprised at the news that David_____________ (play) the role of the dinosaur in the play that I gave him a hug out of joy.

3.Lily decided that she___________________________ (settle) in New York and pursue her dream of becoming an actress.
4.Hey, Timmy. I________________ (call)you. But how that you are here, I don't have to.
5.The competition was so ckose that no one was sure who___________ (win) the Best Actor award.
6.Jim is not here right now. He said he_________________(be) on duty at the library this afternoon.
④Work in pairs. Discuss the scene from The Million Pound Bank Note on page 52and share your understanding of the story. Use modal verbs when necessary. The example below may help you.
A: I think it's kind of Roderick and Oliver to give Henry the money .
B: I'm afraid I disagree. They shouldn't be making a bet on him.
A: But Henry might get into trouble if they didn’t offer him the money.
B: Well, if they really wanted to help Henry, they could offer him a job.
A: Maybe you're right. But I guess that would be a different story ...(共43张PPT)
Unit 5
The Value of Money
Reading for Writing
maintain v. 维持;保养;维修
He wanted to maintain a good relationship.
maintain, conserve, preserve, save, store
maintain: 指保持原样,不增不减
conserve: 较正式用词,指小心地使用难以补充的资源或贵重物,免遭浪费或毁坏,以备不时之需。
preserve: 侧重将物品完好无损地保存下来。
save: 普通用词,指尽量少用,以争取数量上有所增加。
store: 普通用词,指将物品存放,以备将来使用。
2. permit v. 允许;准许;使有可能
教材原句:I’d love to ..with your permission.
permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
without permission 未经许可
allow, let, permit, leave, authorize 均含"让,允许"之意。
allow: 普通用词,侧重听任、默许或不加阻止。在正式场合可用来表客气的请求。
let: 常用词,用于各种非正式场合,语气最弱,指允许或无力阻止某事,暗示漠不关心或听之任之。
permit: 正式用词,在多数场合可与allow换用,语义最强,指准许某人做某事,含权威或正式的意味。
leave: 侧重不加干涉。
authorize: 语气最强,指权威性的允许与认可。
3. external adj. 外面的;外来的
The value of something based on its external appearance.
词义辨析:external, exterior, outer, outside, outward 均可表示"外部的"之意。
external: 指与其他物体分离或没有关系的外部,不涉及内容,只说明全然是外部的。
exterior: 强调位于事物的外表以上,但仍是该事物的一部分,较正式。
outer: 主要提离开中心或内部较远的,或指比较在外的。
outside: 指超出某种界限之外的。
outward: 多指空间关系或方向上向外的。
4. willing adj. 乐意的;愿意的
教材原句:Why would the owner be willing to wait for long time to be paid
be willing to do 乐意做某事,愿意做
god willing 如果情况允许的话
a willing horse 心甘情愿努力干活的人
show willing [口语]愿意做,同意
5. element n. 要素;基本部分
Find an example for each of the following elements. 为下列部分找一个例子。
component, constituent, element, ingredient
component: 指一个整体的组成部分。
constituent: 常可与component换用,指某一整体不可少的部分或成分。
element: 指一个整体必不可少或固有的部分,强调一个复杂整体中最基本、最简单的元件、元素或成分等。
ingredient: 普通用词,含义笼统。既可指混在一起而本身没有变化的物质,如配料,又可指与别的物质混在一起,发生了变化的成分。
make sb do sth
What made people in the store change their attitude towards Henry
make sb do sth The teacher makes me like English.
make sb +adj It makes me very happy
make sb +n. We make him our monitor
Write a dramatic scene
①Read the scene and answer the questions.
Narrator: Henry is walking along the street holding the bank note in his hand, His coat is worn in several places. He sees a sign for a tailor's shop.
Henry: (entering the shop) I'd like to have coat a suit
1st Clerk: ( in a rude manner)See him there (pointing to another clerk)
2nd Clerk: Ready-made suits Downstairs
Henry: ( after going down-some stairs)Can you show me a suit, please
3rd Clerk: Yes, I can, sit, This way, please. Ah, here we are, the very thing you need.
1st Clerk: (puling the 3rd clerk aside and whispering) Mr Reid says you'd better serve him quick and get him out quick!
3rd Clerk: I know what I'm doing. I've got eyes haven't I
Henry: It's a little too bright, isn't it
3rd Clerk: (looking at him with a frown) lt's all we have in your size.
Henry: Well, I suppose it ought to do for now. I’ll take it.
3rd Clerk: Good Shall I put it in a box
Henry: No. I'll wear it. Oh, I'd rather not pay you now. I'd like to pay in a month. You see I don't have any small change
3rd Clerk: ( trying not to show he's angry)I suppose a gentleman like you only carries very large bills
Henry: Now, you shouldn't judge people by their cloths. I Just don't want to cause you trouble with a large note.
3rd Clerk: It's no trouble at all
Henry: In that case, there's no problem. (He gives the clerk the bank note. he clerk drops Henry's coat. Then he folds the bill and slowly unfolds it again, as if looking at something he can’t believe is there.)
Owner: Well, what seems to be the trouble
Henry: I'm just waiting for my change
Owner: Give him his change, Todd. Get going ...(after getting the bank note from Todd) Would it ... could it be the one I saw in the papers last week I remember thinking that never would l hold such a not as this ... (to Henry)Oh, take off this coat, sir, (to Todd) Go get the others, Todd! to Henry again) Allow me, sir! This way, sir.
lin another part of the shop, where there is a wide range ofoptions for Henry to choose from.
Henry: This is nice, but I really don't need it.
Owner: Never mind. (with a broad smile) Oh, it's perfect! it was made for some king but he'll just have to wait. You'll need many suits form any occasions. Yes, indeed you will.
Henry: Wait a minute. I only came here to get a suitcoat to wear today: I dare not buy all these things. You would have to wait a long time to get paid.
Owner: A long time, sir Why you don't have to worry about that!
3rd Clerk: Yes, we can wait forever!
Henry: Well, all right. I'll take the suit coat for now and get the others later.
Owner: Fine, fine. Your address, sir
Henry: I don't have one. Er ... I'm moving
Owner: Of course you are! That's very normal! A busy man, I'm sure.
①Where does Henry go What does he want
② What do the clerks show Henry at first Why
③What makes the people in the store change their attitudes towards Henry
④Why would the owner be willing to wait for a long time to get paid
⑤Is it right to judge people by their clothes Why or why not
2 Study the language features.
①Underline the sentences that show how people's attitudes change towards Henry.
②Read the scene again and find an example for each of the following elements. Then discuss with your partner how to write each element.
character names lines of dialogue
narration scene
stage directions title of play
③Use what you have learnt to write a new scene for the play where Henry will try to use the bank note.
1.Work in groups. Brainstorm a place that Henry will go to, and what difficulties he might face.
In your group:
A. Make a list of the characters.
B. Make an outline of the events in the scene.
C. Decide how the characters' feelings change during the scene.
D. Think of an exciting ending.
E. Write the dialogue.
F. Write the stage directions which tell the actors what to do or how to say something.
3.In your group, use this checklist to help you revise the draft.
√ Are all the elements of a play included and in good order
√ Do the characters use suitable language
√ Are the stage directions clear and useful
√ Is the plot clear and exciting enough
√ Are there any grammar, spelling. or punctuation errors
4.Perform your scene before the class.
Unit 5
The Value of Money
Listening and Speaking
v base be based on
On the basis of
take out a loan
a塑料的,塑料制的 n 塑料
Plastic bags
apologize to sb for sth
make an apology to sb for
in return
ignorant ignorance
作为回报,作为回应 in return for
vt&vi 评价,评判,判断 n 法官
Judging from/by
We know money is very important. Is money the basis of a happy life Why or why not
Discuss the good deed of returning lost money
①Before you listen, discuss these questions in pairs.
1.What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life
2.What can people not buy with money
3.ls money the basis of a happy life Why or why not
Listen to the news report and match the people with the correct information.
1. Chen Liyan A. the owner of the lost money
2. Wang Zheng B. a cleaner at Taiyuan railway station
3. Ma Dongbao C. a police officer living in Chen’s apartment building
4. Liu Xia D. Chen’s 16-year-old daughter
Listen again and put these events in the correct order.
_______ Chen Liyan found Wang Zheng’s money and returned it to him.
_______ Chen gave an interview to the local newspaper.
_______ Wang built a website to help raise funds for Liu Xia.
_______ Ma Dongbao shared Chen’s story with Wang.
_______ Chen spent all her savings and took out a large loan.
_______ Wang offered Chen 5, 000 yuan.
Listen again and decide if the following statements are true(T) or false (F).
1. It was the first time Chen Liyan’s story was reported. □ T □ F
2. Chen found 10,000 yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railways station. □ T □ F
3. Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldn’t offer her more money.□ T □ F
4. Chen took out a large loan to cure her daughter.
□ T □ F
5. Wang set up a fundraising website for Chen’s daughter after Chen told him about her situation.□ T □ F
Recently, a cleaner by the name of Chen Liyan has made the headlines for her generous and honest act.
The 45 year old Chen was sweeping the floor at Taiyuan Railway Station early last Tuesday morning when she found a small plastic bag near a Chair and discovered 100,000 yuan inside.
最近,一位名叫Chen Liyan的清洁工因其慷慨和诚实的行为登上了新闻头条。上周二凌晨,45岁的陈在太原火车站扫地时,在椅子附近发现了一个小塑料袋,并在里面发现了10万元人民币。
Chen was shocked but she was determined to return the money to its owner.
When interviewed by the local paper yesterday, Chen said, "I would have felt bad if I had kept the money. After all, the owner might have needed it badly."
While working, Chen watched carefully for anyone who might have been the owner. She waited for over two hours, but having no luck, she went to the nearest police station to tum the money in. There, it was finally returned to its owner, Wang Zheng.
在工作中,陈仔细地观察着任何可能是主人的人。她等了两个多小时,但运气不好,她去了最近的警察局把钱放了进去。在那里,钱终于还给了主人Wang Zheng 。
Wang thanked Chen repeatedly and apologised for the inconvenience, even offering her 5,000 yuan as a reward. To his surprise, however, Chen refused, believing that it would be wrong to accept money that she had not earned.
But what is even more surprising, perhaps, is that Chen's daughter, 16-year-old Liu Xia is currently seriously ill.
Chen had already spent the last of her savings on the ongoing treatments and has also takeout a large loan.
Fortunately, Ma Dongbao, who works at the police station, stepped in. Living in the same apartment building as Chen's family, Ma was well aware of Chen's difficulties.
When Wang was told about Chen’s situation, he decided to set up a fundraising website to pay for Liu's hospital bills.Chen Liyan’s example shows a different way of thinking about money. Money is important, but to people like Chen, it definitely isn't everything. And that's a great attitude to take.Now, in other news, one city in … [Fade out.]
⑤Discuss your answers to the questions with your partner and explain your reasoning.
1. What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is
She is honest and determined.
2. Did Chen return the money because she didn’t need it
No, she didn’t. Because her daughter had a serious illness.
3. Is it common for people to do what Chen did
Yes, it is.
4. How did Wang Zheng feel about the return of his money
5. Why did Ma Dongbao tell Wang about Chen’s family
Because he was moved by Chen’s action.
6.How did the news reporter feel about Chen's actions
The reporter feel Chen Liyan’s example shows different thinking about money. Money is important, but people like Chen’s differently isn’t everything.
A: What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is
B: I think she must be an honest person because ...
A: I bet she's really determined too. You can tell this by how ...
⑥Work in groups of four. Discuss the following questions.
1.Do you agree with Chen Liyan What would you do if you were in her situation
2. When we help someone, should we expect to get something in return
3.What do you think is the best way to get money
4.Shouid we judge people based on how much money they have
A: I think that Chen Liyan did the right thing by returning the money and refusing to take a single cent from Wang Zheng.
B: Well, I think that Chen Liyan was correct in returning the money, but she should have accepted the money Wang offered.(共35张PPT)
Unit 5
The Value of Money
Assessing Your Progress
Should you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me.
I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying, and eventually I lost concentration.
Food is necessary to maintain life.
The upper classes had their discontents.
more important
more distant
make sth. continue
keep sth. in working order
provide sb. with financial support
Working here without a work permit is not permitted.
allow sth.
make sth. possible
①Complete the script below using the words in the box.
bet case downstairs duty occasions ought to settle tailor
N = Narrator A= Ambassador P= Portia H= Henry
N: After that, it seemed like everyone in London was talking about Henry. The American ambassador to Britain invited Henry to an upper-class party. Henry felt it was his_______to go.
He wanted to maintain a good relationship with the ambassador in _________others found out just how poor he really was.
A: Ah, there you are.
P: (to Henry) How do you do
A: Mr. Adams, my special guest, Miss Portia Langham.
H: How do you do
A: If you'll excuse me, I must go______________ to see the other guests. (He leaves.)
P: Won't you sit down, please
H:Yes, I'd love to , with your permission. Thank you, Miss.
P:That poor, dear ambassador.
He hates these____________almost as much as I do Nothing but talk, talk, talk. And no one says anything anyone wants to hear, do they
H: No,I__________they don't
P:The ambassador tells me you are a rich man.He tells me you ane the talk of London. Why.it seems that every banker and ___________the city is eager to meet you.
H:Yes, I've heard. I can't understand why, really. I'm not so special as that.
P:Are you planning to___________ in London
H:Well, I hadn't really thought about it much.
P:You__________think about it
②Complete the passages with suitable modal verbs or the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Add not if necessary.
The saying “Don't judge a book by its cover" means that we ___________judge the value of something just based on its extemal appearance. This is a useful principle to remember when we meet new people. We __________________treat everyone we meet for the first time nicely, no matter how they look.
Most of us__________like to be judged an our appearance, because it________be unfair to us. So we__________________________remind ourselves to give new people we meet a fair chance. Anybody _______________be someone who is worth getting to know.
In fact, this person ________________ end up becoming your good friend if you _________________________________take a chance and get to know him or her!
Three rich men talked about their ideas for next year, One said he ______________________________(make) even more money and keep it in the bank .Another said he______________________________(give) half of all his money to the government to help poor people.
The third man said he also_________________________ (make) more money, but he_______________________ (use) half of this new money to build a new hospital for his hometown. Which of these ideas do you think is the best and why
What did you learn about plays and scripts that you did not know before
What did you learn about the value of money and wealth in society
What part of this unit was the most difficult
What part was the most interesting
Overall, I thought this unit was
□interesting □ meaningful □ so-so □ dificult
*Project: Give a performance of a scene from the play
You are going to perform one of the scenes from The Million Pound Bank Note, or one that you wrote yourself.
Step 1 Choose a scene to perform.
Step 2 Choose the producer and the director.
○ The producer is the organiser of a play. He or she hires people, and makes sure that everyone has what they need for their jobs.
○ The director guides the actors.
步骤1 选择要执行的场景。
Step 3 (The producer) Decide on:
○ the main actors, including the narrator
○ the extras (actors without speaking parts)
○ the set decorator (the person who makes the set)
○ the prop person (the person who provides or makes the props)
○ the costume manager
Step 4 Have a rehearsal.
○ The actors should practise and remember their lines. They should pay attention to their facial expressions, gestures, intonation, and actions. The director should help the actors.
○ The producer should help the set decorator, the prop person, and the costume manager to get everything they need.
Step 5 Have a dress rehearsal.
The actors perform together dressed in their costumes.
The set, props, music, etc. should be ready at the same time.
Step 6 Perform your scene for the class.
Step 7 After all the scenes have been performed, the class should then give awards for the best scene, best producer, best director,best actor, best costumes, etc.
Video Time
At the Hotel
In this scene from The Million Pound Bank Note, the owner of the tailor's shop has called the Bumbles Hotel and told them that a rich American, Henry Adams, is com ng and that they should give him their best room.
《百万英镑钞票》中的这一幕中,裁缝店的老板打电话给Bumbles酒店,告诉他们一位富有的美国人Henry Adams来了,他们应该给他最好的房间。
1.Look at the characters listed in the box and predict who will appear in the film clip.
bellboy manager tailor police officer maid
waiter/waitress doorman driver secretary chef
2 What do you think this scene is about Choose the best answer.
A. Henry Adams lost his bank note at the hotel.
B. Henry Adams fell in love with Portia at the hotel.
C. Henry Adams received a warm reception at the hotel.
1.Check your answers in Before You Watch.
2.Put the events in the correct order.
_______The real Henry Adams appears.
_______ Henry makes friends with the man.
_______ The doorman thinks the man is Henry, and so he invites him inside.
_______ A man appears wearing a hat.
_______ The hotel manager realises he has made a mistake
3.Answer the questions.
①Why do the people at the hotel mistake the man for Henry Adams
②The man seems odd to the hotel workers. Why are they so nice to him
③How do the hotel workers treat the man when they discover that he is not Henry Why
④What does the man do for a job
⑤Why does Henry want to make friends with the man
Discuss the following questions with your classmates.
①Why do people treat Henry and the man differently at the hotel
②Do you think "money makes the world go around" Why or why not
Unit 5
The Value of Money
Reading and Thinking
He is mainly known for his witty humour and his novels, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He died in 1910.
The Million Pound Bank Note is one of his masterpieces.
Narrator: Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver have made a bet. Oliver belives that with a million pound bank note a man could live a month in London. His brother Raderick doubts it. They see a poor young man walking outside their house. It is Henry Adams.
Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please
Henry: Who Me, sir
Roderick: Yes, you.
Servant:(opening a door )Good morning, sir. Would you please come in
(Henry enters the house.)
Roderick: How do you do, Mr ... er ...
Henry: Adams.Henry Adams.
Oliver: Come and sit down, Mr Adams.
Henry: Thank you.
Roderick: You're an American
Henry: That's right, from San Francisco.
Roderick: May we ask what you're doing in this country and what your plans are
Henry: Well. I can't say that i have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.
Oliver: How is that possible
Henry:Well, I had my own boat. About a month ago, I was sailing and towards nightI found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. The next morning I was spotted by a ship.
Oliver:And it was the ship that brought you to England.
Henry:Yes.I went to the Amencan cansulate toseek help, but .. Anyway, I didn't dare to try again. (The brothers smile at each other.
Roderick: Well, you mustn't worry about that. It's an advantage.
Henry:I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.
Roderick: Tell us, what sort of work did you do in America
Henry:I worked for a mining company Could you offer me work here
Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.
Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brother, what luck!
Henry: Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, l don't think it's very funny. Now if you'll excuse me, l ought to be on my way.
Roderick:Please don't go. You mustn't think we don't care about you. Oliver, give him the letter.
Oliver:Yes, I was about to go get the letter. Wait! (getting it from a desk and giving it to Heny) The letter.
Henry:(taking it carefully) For me
Roderick:For you. (Henry starts to open it) Oh, no.you'd better not open it. You can't open it until two o'clock.
Henry:Oh, this is silly.
Roderick:Not silly. There's money in it.
Henry: Oh, no. I don't want your charity. I just want a job that earns an honest income.
Roderick: We know you're hardworking. That's why we've given you the letter. (to the servant) Show Mr Adams out.
Henry:Well, why don't you explain what this is all about
Roderick:You'll soon know. In exactly an hour and a half.
Servant:This way, sir
Roderick:Not until 2 o'clock. Promise
Henry:Promise. Goodbye.
②Read the scene and answer the questions.
1.What bet did Roderick and Oliver make
2.How did Henry come to England
3.How does Henry want the brothers to help him
4.Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers’ charity
5.Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet
While Reading
1.What bet did Roderick and Oliver make
They made a bet about whether or not a man could live a month in London with a million-pound bank note.
2.How did Henry come to England
A ship brought him to England. He was carried out to sea by a strong wind and then spotted by a ship.
3.How does Henry want the brothers to help him
He wants them to offer him a job.
4. Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers’ charity
Because he wants a job that earns an honest income.
5. Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet
Because Henry looks poor and he eagers to live. He meets all the requirements of their bet.
③Read these sentences and describe Henry’s feelings using suitable adjectives.
1. Who Me, sir
2. Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.
3. I’m afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.
4. Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny.
5. Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about
④Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.
①I went to the American consulate to seek help, but ... Anyway, I didn’t dare to try again.
no one would like to help me
2. You mustn’t worry about that. It’s an advantage.
You are more in line with our requirements.
3. What luck! Brother, what luck!
He totally meets our requirements.
4. Oh, this is silly.
Don’t make fun of me.
Read between the lines
Some sentences have an implied meaning which is not clearly stated. This implied meaning often indicates people’s feelings, attitudes, or motives. You can find this implied meaning by looking at the context. You have to read between the lines because the real messages are often hidden beneath the literal meaning.
Henry’s words Henry’s personality
Thank you./ If you will excuse me…
Well, to be honest, I have none.
I don’t want your charity, I just want an honest job.
It may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll be on my way.
Straight forward/ direct
1.What else do we know about Henry
In a difficult situation with a different nationality.
2.Why did Mark Twain design such a bet in the play
To criticize money worship (拜金主义) by showing ironic humor.
They saw many honest faces go by that were not intelligent enough; many that were intelligent but not honest enough; many that were both, but the possessors were not poor enough, or if poor enough, were not strangers.
There was always a defect(缺陷),until I came along; but they agreed that I filled the bill(符合要求)all around; so they elected me unanimously(全体一致地)and there I was now waiting to know why I was called in....
--Adapted from The Million Pound Bank Note by Mark Twain
Despite the fact that Henry was hungry, penniless jobless and helpless, the two wealthy brothers reacted rudely, showing no mercy(毫无怜悯之心) What they cared about was the success of the bet . In a world of “Money talks”, Henry's misfortune was nothing but a game for the rich(只是有钱人的游戏).
⑤Complete the passage with words from Act 1, Scene 3
The two gentlemen had been having a heated argument for a couple of days, and had decided to make a ________ which would settle their argument. They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw Henry walking on the street outside.
They invited him into their house, where Henry told them he had landed in Britain by _______. Although he had gone to the American consulate to ________ help, he had not received any.
Henry hoped that the brothers would offer him some ________ of work because he had no money. Henry got upset with the brothers when they seemed too happy about his bad luck. They quickly told him not to feel that way and they gave him an envelope with money in it.
They said the letter inside would explain what it was all about, but he had to postpone opening it until 2 o' clock. Henry felt that was odd. The ________ ended with Henry leaving their house and promising that he would not open the letter until 2 o' clock.