主题语境:人与社会 — 饮食文化
语篇类型:说明文 Comfort food
名 称 Unit 1 Reading Comfort food 教学设计
科 目 英 语 作者 杜磊
作者单位 江苏省宿迁中学
一、Learning objectives
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. predict the content of the article based on the title and the picture;
2. summarize the main idea and function of each part of the article ;
3. grasp the writing technique of giving a definition;
4. understand the cultural elements behind the comfort food and analyze the purpose of writing;
5. know more about the impact of food having on us.
二、Teaching focuses and anticipated difficulty
本文体裁为说明文。学生如何在有限的时间里吃透文本,把握说明文的文体特征和语言特点是一大难点。 引导学生读出作者的写作意图,理解语篇所表达的主题意义,即了解治愈系食物背后的文化因素,从而建构结构化知识,自主表达观点是教学的重点。
三、Teaching procedures
教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图
Stage 1 Pre-reading (3 minutes) Activity 1 Warming up What’s your favorite food (T: Ask one student to answer the question and then introduce my favorite food: the hot pot to give an example to the students) 当教师提出这个问题,学生头脑中会立刻呈现出自己喜爱的食物,并能容易地回答这个问题。 问题切入口小,切入主题快,较容易地激发学生的口语表达欲,不会冷场,从而轻松地引入治愈系食物这个话题。
Activity 2 Prediction What do you think the article will talk about according to the title and the picture (T: As we know, food matters. In this period, we are going to talk about comfort food.) 学生对comfort food 的定义是不确定的,那么学生根据标题会期望课文中给与comfort food 一个明确的概念。 根据课文中的插图和标题预测课文内容,为阅读做铺垫。
Stage 2 While-reading (29minutes) Activity 1 Global reading Complete the chart with the main idea of each paragraph and analyze the function of each paragraph. 认真研读课文,画出每段的主旨句。分析每段的功能。 在语篇阅读中,对文本结构的把握是提高学生获得语篇信息不可或缺的关键。文本的结构是支撑文本的框架。给学生足够的时间让学生在略读课文后找出每一段的中心句。这里学生用到的阅读小技巧是:中心句主要出现在段首,有时会在段末,鲜少在段中。 通过让学生归纳各段大意引导他们理解文本的字面意义。 让学生总结各段落的功能目的,锻炼他们的抽象概括能力。
Activity 2 Close-reading Read each paragraph and answer the questions: Para.1 How does the author introduce the topic What do you think of this technique Para.2 How is the definition of comfort food given Why does the author give the definition in this way (T: What does the phrase “refer to” mean In its broadest sense,.... In a narrow sense,...) Para.3 What does positive emotions refer to Why does the author mention the chicken soup here Para.4 How does the author explain the relationship between comfort food and one’s sense of belonging (T: Quote experts’ beliefs, give examples and make a summary) Para.5 How do you understand the last sentence of this article “It is food for the soul.” (T: Find out the phrases about the positive mental effects of comfort food) 分析语篇结构,信息展开方式是学生在阅读方面的弱点。这一部分是整节课的难点所在,充分发挥教师的引领作用。 基于语篇分析的理念,分析语篇结构、衔接关系、信息展开方式,培养学生构建新概念的能力、归纳和概括能力、逻辑思维能力。(学习理解+应用实践+思维拓展)
Activity 3 Draw a mind map to grasp the structure and the genre of the article. 语篇结构的分析和架构是学生的弱点,这一部分根据班级学生的实际情况,可以让学生自由画出文本结构,也可以让学生通过讨论总结出文本结构。当学生总结不出的时候,教师给与引导。 让学生了解语篇的类型(记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文),根据文章的结构了解说明文的语篇特征,这篇文章用了列举结构。这有助于学生在说明文学习过程中知己知彼,迅速把握文章结构,透过表层文字,厘清文本脉络。 同时绘制思维导图是学生概括语篇的内容和结构的一种有效方法。
Activity 4 Further thinking What’s the author’s purpose for writing this article 作者的写作目的是阅读理解的常见题型,如果让学生自己概括,会有点难度。本人会给一些提示语:比如to educate us to warn us to inform us 通过对文本结构的理解和把握,学生应该能够理解作者的写作意图。
Stage 3 Post-reading (13minutes) Activity 1 Group work- Think and talk What foods can remind you of your happy memories Describe the memories they call. (T:My comfort food is Wa Wayu. It transports me to my sunny childhood spent in the rural countryside with my grandma. My kind grandma adored me a lot and she often cooked Wa Wayu for me to eat. Whenever I feel depressed, a bowl of it is enough to lift my spirits.) 学生四人一组,思考并分享自己的治愈系食物。 考虑到学生口语表达能力较弱,本人分享了一些有用的短语,降低了口语表达的难度。 基于文本的理解,和对治愈系食物概念的掌握,通过教师的示范,让学生内化语言,提高学生的表达能力。
Activity 2 Deep thinking What other functions does the food have 利用图片引导学生去思考食物的其它功效。 超越语篇,迁移创新,组织学生展开对“食物的功效”这一话题的讨论。
Activity 3 Reflection What do you learn from this class Do you still have some questions about the article 再次挖掘文本,善于发现问题并敢于提出问题。 留白
Assignment 1)Write a short summary of the article about 60 words. 2) Write a composition to describe your comfort food and the memories it recalls.
Reading Comfort food Key phrase: refer to definition Food is for the fort food