人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Listening and Talking 教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Listening and Talking 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-18 10:13:13



学科 英语 年级 高一年级 学期 春季
课题 Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations
In this class, students will Identify specific language for showing feelings and emotions; Collect information about a family celebration through listening; Talk about their recent festival experiences with their partner.
教学重点: Learn to identify specific language for showing feelings and emotions. 教学难点: Learn how to talk about a recent festival experience.
Step 1. Warm-up Enjoy a short video and find out the dishes and activities mentioned in the video. Q: During what festivals do we enjoy the following dishes We have talked a lot about our traditional festivals, customs, as well as dishes. I will show you some following dishes. Can you name the following dishes served in western festivals [设计意图] 激活学生已有的关于节日的知识和经验,比如一些节日、节日食品以及一些传统节日习俗等,这既激发了学生学习英语的热情与兴趣,了解东西方节日文化的一些差异,同时也为后期听力以及日常交际做好铺垫。 Step 2. Lead in According to these dishes, can you predict what festival Max will talk about [设计意图] 根据已知图片相关信息对听力内容进行简单预测,唤醒学生对听力内容的期待,同时为听力做好准备。 Step 3. Listening activities Activity 1. Listen for key words. What festival is Max talking about What is the relationship between the speakers What is the best part on Christmas morning for Max What’s the meaning of the word “dessert” [设计意图] 学生通过听力,训练相关听力技巧。如学生通过关键词定位来来搜寻答案以及如何通过关键词猜测词义等;同时也获取了听力材料的部分事实信息以及对整体内容有了初步的了解。本节听力活动学生先整体听获取关键词,然后核对答案时,老师截取关键词所在部分再听,让学生具体感受如何从听力材料中获取关键词回答问题。 Activity 2. Listen for detailed information. How does Max feel about this Christmas Boring B. Tired C. Fantastic What dishes did Max’s mother cook Roast turkey B. Mashed potatoes C. Christmas pudding Mooncake E. Pumpkin pie F. Apple pie G. Dumplings What did Max do during the festival He _______________ the Christmas tree and put _____________ under it. Then he helped his mum prepare for the family dinner on Christmas Eve. What did Max and his family do during and after the dinner During dinner, they ________________________. They also ________________ with the kids afterwards. Note: The conversation is mainly about Max’s ___________ about the festival, the _________ cooked by Max’s mother and the _____________ about Max’s recent festival. [设计意图] 先通过对具体事实信息的把握,锻炼学生听记关键细节信息的技巧与能力,同时也通过note的总结学会提炼信息,归纳的能力。 Activity 3. Listen for expressions. Read the phrases below and then listen to the conversation to tick what Max or Song uses. ( ) It was fantastic! ( ) How wonderful! ( ) How exciting! ( ) That’s amazing! ( ) It was great fun! ( ) It’s very exciting! ( ) It was great to… ( ) I’m really happy that… ( ) I’m pleased to… [设计意图] 通过再次播放录音引导学生关注表达高兴或兴奋等情绪的句式,其中包括本单元目标语言结构——动词-ing形式用作表语,既从听力中学到了相关的情绪功能表达句式,同时也锻炼了学生从听力中提取情绪和感受的表达。 Step 4. Talking activities Activity 1. Read for expressions. Underline the phrases that Song Lin and Joe use to express feelings about festivals. Critical thinking----the feelings can not only be bad, but also boring or tiring. Summarize the phrases that express feelings! Activity 2. Share your recent festival experience. An American exchange student wants to know something about Chinese traditional festivals. Please make a conversation about one of your recent festival experience with him. [设计意图] 通过朗读对话,引导学生理解动词-ing形式在表达情绪方面的用法;除了表达喜悦和兴奋,同时还包含了乏味和厌烦的情绪表达,贴近学生的生活实际;并且掌握回应他人的交际用语,培养学生交际能力。通过听力后的语言训练,使得学生在语言实践活动中运用语言技能内化语言;学生口头描述自己的经历,表达个人观点、情感和态度;加强学生对主题意义的理解。 Step 5. Discussion Critical thinking: what can we learn from these traditional festivals [设计意图] 通过对中国传统节日的一些介绍,同时与教材的西方节日进行对比,引导学生思考我国传统节日的内涵和意义,深化学生对我国传统文化的理解,并且激发学生对传统节日和文化的热爱,同时将中国传统节日文化传向世界。 Step 6. Homework. Collect more information about different traditional festivals and make a speech about one traditional festival in your groups; Make a conversation about your recent festival experience in pairs. [设计意图] 通过学生口训练,运用所学知识表述自己的一次节日经历,既巩固了所学知识,同时也使得学生语言技能得到了内化。而Speech的输出使得本单元的主题意义得到了升华。既能照顾到普通学生的表达,又可以兼顾班级top student的输出。对于作业完成略微有点吃力的学生,老师也提供了适当的框架支持,有效做到分层作业设置,使每个学生都能有收获。