人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit1 Science and Scientists Discover Useful Structures表语从句导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit1 Science and Scientists Discover Useful Structures表语从句导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 35.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-18 10:42:05



Predicative Clause 表语从句
结构:主语 + 系动词 + 表语从句(引导词+其他)
be动词: ________________________ 感官动词: _______________________
“变得词”: ________________________“持续词”: _______________________
从属连词:that/ whether
连接代词: who/whom/ whose/which/what ...
连接副词: when/where/ why/ how...
其他词: as if/ as though/because...
从属连词:that/ whether
1.One theory was that bad air caused the disease. Another was that cholera was caused by an infection.
2.The question is whether we can finish it in such a short time.
3. The reason why he was late is that he got up late.
注意下面这个结构:The reason why ... is / was that ...
1.What surprised me most was she was the very person for the role .
2.The question is if we will go hiking next week .
3.The problem is that whether he can be equal to the job.
The reason ______ he didn’t arrive in time was _____ he get up late .
连接代词:who/whom/ whose/which/what ...
1. She is not who she was.
2. Exercise is what keeps us healthy.
3. What I want to know is whose name is Lili.
4. The question is which theory is better.
b.表语从句也必须用 陈述语序;
1.What makes me confused is ______ words are right.
2.The problem is ___________ we can ask for help.
3. 那就是他担心的事情。
That is ________________________.
4. 问题是谁能胜任这项工作。
The problem is _________________________.
连接副词:when, where, why, how ...
1. The house is where Lu Xun once lived.
2. The question is how much effort you can make.
3. That's why you should push yourself.
4. The time I will never forget is when we spent it together.
1.That’s __________ I can’t agree with you.
2.Jim was caught in a traffic jam this morning. That’s_____ he was late for school.
3.The last time we had great fun was ________ we were visiting the water park.
4. 这就是我们这里做事的风格。你很快就会习惯。
This is ____we do things here. You’ll soon get used to it.
连词 as if, as though引导的表从
1.It looks as if/ as though it is going to snow.
2. When a chopstick is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken.
as if / as though 引导表语从句时用陈述语气或虚拟语气,常置于look , seem ,sound 等词后。
At that time, it seemed _____________ he couldn’t think of the right word.
By Contrast
That’ why... /That’s because.../The reason(why...) is that...
I didn’t phone her. That ’s why she got angry with me .
2. I didn’t phone her .That ’s because I got angry with her .
3.She got angry with me ,and the reason was ____ I didn’t phone her .
The reason why she got angry with me was that I didn’t phone her.
a. That’s why … 那是…的原因 强调结果
b. That’s because … 那是因为… 强调原因
c. The reason is / was that … 不可用because或者why.
1.The reason why he failed is because he was too careless.
2.He drove to see his sick mother in hometown, and that’s because he had a few days off .
3.He had a few days off ,and that’s why he drove to see his sick mother .
如果引出表语从句的名词是一些表示 “建议”或者是“命令”之类的词如advice, suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea等, 那么从句中的动词用(should)+动词原形。
1. His advice to his son is that the fault___________________ (correct) immediately.
2. 船长的建议是尽量在天黑之前到达。
The captain’s proposal is_______________________________.
1. The fact is ______ different people have different opinions towards cloning.
2. What Alex really doubts is _________ his mother will recover from the disease soon.
3. The question is ______ we can do to solve the problem in such a short time.
4. The reason why he was late was ______ he failed to catch the first bus.
5. I want to be a teacher. That's ______ I want to be.
6. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That's _____ I got wet all through.
7. The question is _____ we can turn to for help if necessary.
8. The most exciting moment was _______ I was awarded the first prize.
1. The problem is _____to take the place of Ted.
A. who can we get B. what we can get C. who we can get D. that we can get
2. This is ____ my father has taught me---to always face difficulties and hope for the best.【2018 北京卷】
A. how B. which C. that D. what
3. By boat is the only way to get here, which is ____ we arrived. 【2018 江苏卷】
A. where B. when C. why D. how
4.Another possibility is _____when there is a lot of talent on a team, some players may make less effort. (2019北京卷阅读理解第二节)
A. how B. that C. what D. why
5. My suggestion is _________ meaures _____ as soon as possible.
A. that...take B. that.... be taken C. what... took D. that... are taken