人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 80.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-18 10:46:02



Unit 2 Book 3:Reading and Thinking
Learning objectives of this class:
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
1. Identify the text type and features.
2. Figure out Lin Qiaozhi’s life experience, hard choices and learn from her good qualities.
3. Reflect your own choices and show your opinions about life choices.
【Autonomous learning; Think independently自主先学,独立思考】
一.Free talk
1. What hard choice did you once made
2. Why did you make such a choice
3. What impact has it made on you
二.Preview the new words
1. illustrate v. __________________ 2. precious v. ____________________
3. marriage n.__________________ 4. majority n.____________________
5. complain v.__________________ 6. respond v._____________________
7. physician n.__________________ 8. scholarship n.__________________
9. hire v. ______________________ 10. reject v.______________________
11.appoint v. ___________________ 12. decade n._____________________
13. principle n. _________________ 14. tend v._______________________
15. publish v. __________________ 15. staff n._______________________
17. retire v. ____________________ 16. savings n.____________________
三.Preview the passage (P16-P17) and finish the tasks.
Task 1 Read and finish the table.
Time Important events
In 1901
In 1906
At age 18
At age 26
From age 26-age 27
In 1939
In 1941
During the war
From 1954-1983
On 22 April 1983
Task 2 Read again. Think about the following questions and try to fill the table and draw a mind map.
Q1: What hard choices did she make
Q2: Why did she make such choices
Q3: What qualities did she have
Choices(Q1) Reasons(Q2)
Make a mind map to show Lin Qiaozhi’s qualities.(Q3)
Contain the qualities and supporting evidence.
Draw clearly and beautifully.
完成情况 Task 1 Task 2 (Q1) Task 2 (Q2) Task 2 (Q3)
Lead in
What choice have you made before
Why did you make such a choice
What impact did it make on you
Activity 1 Read for text type
What type of writing is this passage
A. Argumentation (议论文)
B. Exposition (说明文)
C. Biography(传记)
Activity 2 Read for Dr. Lin’s life experience
Revise and polish the time table. (修改完善预习任务一
Activity 3 Read for Dr Lin’s choices and qualities.
Work in groups and analyze the following questions. (合作探究预习任务二)
Q1: What hard choices did she make
Q2: Why did she make such choices
Q3: What qualities did she have
※ Discuss in groups.(5min)
※Three representatives show views in front of class.
※One explains, two write.
※Speak and write clearly.
Activity 4 Further thinking
Q1: If you were in the same dilemma as Dr Lin, what choices would you make Why
Q2: What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life
Q3: What can you learn from Dr Lin
Activity 5 Critical thinking
Assuming that you are facing two choices after your graduation:
① You will be employed by company A located in Beijing, which offers qualified education and life resource.
② You will be employed by company B located in Gaomi, where your parents live.
Which company will you choose and why
Can you identify a biography
Can you summarize Lin Qiaozhi’s life experience, choices and qualities
Can you reflect your own choices and have your own views about life choice
Make a mind map to summarize what have you learned in this period
The 2023 "Moving China" Annual Person of the Year ceremony was held on April 8, announcing a series of people who have made outstanding contributions in different fields and life. The deeds of these figures not only inspire the Chinese people, but also provide valuable spiritual wealth for the whole world.
Now please choose one from them and write a passage to introduce their achievements, choices and qualities.