

名称 2024届高三英语二轮复习应用文预测讲义
格式 docx
文件大小 26.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-18 21:51:16



Dear James,
I’m excited to introduce “My Hometown”, a website I’ve launched to highlight the economic and environmental transformation of our hometown. It features our history, economic growth, environmental efforts, cultural heritage, and future visions. These aspects have significantly shaped what we are today and what we seek to become. In this way, I intend to document/record our progress and inspire a broader audience to/make many people appreciate the journey of our hometown.
I hope the website shows you the changes we’re proud of. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Li Hua
我很高兴向大家介绍“我的家乡”,这是我推出的一个网站,旨在突出我们家乡的经济和环境转型。它以我们的历史、经济增长、环境努力、文化遗产和未来愿景为特色。这些方面极大地塑造了我们今天的样子以及我们寻求成为的样子。通过这种方式,我打算记录我们的进步,并激励更广泛的观众欣赏我们家乡的旅程。 我希望这个网站能展示给你我们引以为豪的变化。您的想法将不胜感激!
I’m excited to introduce…… 我很高兴去介绍……
excited [ k sa t d]兴奋的/高兴的 introduce [ ntr dju s] (v)介绍
a website I’ve launched 定语从句 website[ web sa t]网站 launch [l nt ] (v)开展/发布
现在完成时:have/has+ done
to highlight the economic and environmental transformation of our hometown. to do 不定式表目的
highlight [ ha la t] (v)突出 economic[ i k 'n m k]经济的 environmental [ n va r n mentl] 环境的
transformation[ tr nsf me n]转换/转型 hometown['h mta n]家乡
It features our history, economic growth, environmental efforts, cultural heritage, and future visions.
feature(n)特征/功能(v)以…为特征 history[ h st r ]历史 grow [ɡr ] (v)成长—growth (n) [ɡr θ]
effort [ ef t](n)努力 cultural[ k lt r l]文化的 heritage [ her t d ] (n)遗产
future[ fju t ] 未来 vision(n) [ v n]愿景/视觉/视力
These aspects have significantly shaped what we are today and what we seek to become.
aspect[ spekt]方面 significantly[s ɡ n f k ntl ]显著地/明显地 shape [ e p] (n)形状/(v)塑造/形成 today[t de ]今天 seek [si k] (v)寻求/寻找/追求 seek to do sth寻求做某事 become(v)变成/成为
in this way 用这种方法 in a/an+ adj+ way 用…的方式
I intend to document/record our progress and inspire a broader audience to appreciate the journey of our hometown.
intend [ n tend] to do sth打算/计划做某事 [ d kj m nt] document/record [ rek d] (v)记录
progress [ pr ɡres] (n)进步 inspire [ n spa ] (v)激励/鼓舞/启发 broader更广阔的[b'r d r]
audience [ d ns] (n)观众 appreciate [ pri e t] (v)欣赏/感激 journey [ d n ] (n)旅行
I hope the website shows you the changes we’re proud of.
hope [h p](v)希望 website[ we b sa t]网站 [ ] show sb sth展示给某人某物
change [t e nd ] (v)改变 be proud of= take pride in 对…感到骄傲
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated! 您的想法将不胜感激
think [θ k] (v)认为/考虑--thought [θ t] (n)思想/(动词的过去式/过去分词)
will将要—would greatly(adv)极大地
提示词:家训family motto
Dear Jim,
Learning that you take a great interest in/are interested in the Chinese family motto, I’m writing to share it with you.
The family motto makes all the difference to the formation of a family culture, which gives family members a deep insight into/makes family members konw family history, tradition and culture, and promotes their unity and belonging. My family motto is "honesty (and trustworthiness)". It is a motto that plays a significant/an important role in my study, life and interpersonal communication, helping me make more friends and becoming my passport/key to success.
I believe your family will also have a family motto or family rules. Looking forward to your sharing!
Li Hua
Learning that you take a great interest in/are interested in the Chinese family motto,
[te k] take a great interest [ ntr st] in… =be interested in对…很感兴趣 great [ɡre t]伟大的/非常
interest(n) [ ntr st]兴趣/利益 Chinese[ t a ni z]中国的/中国人 family ['f m li]家庭/家人
motto [ m t ] 格言/座右铭
I’m writing to share it with you. 我写信和你介绍一下相关情况
现在进行时:am/is/are+ doing [ra t] write to sb 写信给某人
[ e ] share(v)分享 share sth with sb和某人分享….
The family motto makes all the difference to the formation of a family culture,
make all the difference to 对…来说很重要/起重要作用 difference [ d fr ns] (n)差异/不同
formation [f me n] (n)形成 family culture[ k lt ]家庭文化
which gives family members a deep insight into family history, tradition and culture, and promotes their unity and belonging. (非限制性定语从句)
[ɡ v] give sb sth 给某人某物 [di p] deep深深的 insight [ n sa t] 洞察力/了解
history历史[ h st r ] tradition传统[tr d n] culture [ k lt ] 文化 promote [pr m t]促进/增进 unity [ ju n t ]团体/联合 belonging [b l ]归属感
My family motto is "honesty (and trustworthiness)".
honesty [ n st ]诚实 trustworthiness ['tr stw in s] 可信赖
It is a motto that plays a significant/an important role in my study, life and interpersonal communication, helping me make more friends and becoming my passport/key to success.
plays a significant/an important role in 起着重要作用 interpersonal [ nt p s nl]人际间的
communication [k mju n ke n]交流 make more friends交更多的朋友
passport [ pɑ sp t]通行证//护照 key关键/钥匙 success [s k ses] (n)成功
I believe your family will also have a family motto or family rules. 相信你家也会有类似的家训或家规,
believe [b li v] 相信 rule[ru l]规则
Looking forward to your sharing! 愿闻其详!
look forward to 盼望 share [ e ] 分享
The Benefits of Doing Housework
In a campus/school interview conducted recently/There was an interview in campus recently, students have shared how they benefit from doing housework.
The findings/studies suggest that students participating in housework are more likely to improve time management, relieve stress, and build a sense of responsibility. The interviews reveal/show that doing housework not only promotes family bonding but also fosters(/promote/improve) personal growth/can promote family bonding and make people grow. Some students believe that it even plays a significant/an important role in academic success/learning, for it helps strengthen self-reliance and confidence.
All in all, the benefits extend beyond home as long as they embrace the role of contributing to housework.
/All in all, there are many benefits as long as they can do housework.
In a campus/school interview conducted recently, 在最近进行的一次校园采访中,
campus [ k mp s]校园 interview [ nt vju ](n/v)面试/采访 conduct [ k nd kt](v)进行/处理/从事
recently [ ri sntl ]最近
students have shared how they benefit from doing housework. 学生们分享了他们如何从做家务中受益。
student[ stju dnt]学生 share[ e ](v)分享 现在完成时:have/has+ done
benefit [ ben f t](n)好处/益处(v)有益于/有助于 from来自 介词+doing do housework做家务
The findings/studies suggest that students participating in housework are more likely to improve time management, relieve stress, and build a sense of responsibility.
find[fa nd](v)发现 study [ st d ] (v/n)学习/研究 suggest [s 'd est]建议 [pɑ t s pe t] participate in参加
be likely to可能 improve [ m pru v]改善/改进 management [ m n d m nt] (n)管理
relieve [r li v](v)缓解/减轻 stress [stres](n)压力/(v)强调 build [b ld] (v)建立/建造
a sense [sens] of responsibility [r sp ns b l t ]责任感
The interviews reveal/show that doing housework not only promotes family bonding but also fosters(/promote/improve) personal growth/can promote family bonding and make people grow.
reveal [r vi l](v)透露/揭露/显示 show展示 promote [pr m t] 促进/改善 family bonding[b nd] 家庭关系
foster [ f st ](v)促进 personal[ p sn l]个人的 growth [ɡr θ](n)成长—grow(v)成长
Some students believe that it even plays a significant/an important role in academic success/learning, for it helps strengthen self-reliance and confidence.
believe[b li v]相信/认为 even甚至 plays a significant/an important role in 起着重要作用
academic [ k dem k]学校的/大学的 success [s k ses](n)成功 strengthen [ stre θn] (v)加强
reliance [r la ns](n)信赖/依靠 confidence [ k nf d ns] (n)信心
All in all, the benefits extend beyond home as long as they embrace the role of contributing to housework.
/All in all, there are many benefits as long as they can do housework.
benefit [ ben f t](v)有益于(n)好处 extend [ k stend](v)延长/伸展 beyond [b j nd]超过
as long as只要 embrace [ m bre s](n/v)拥抱 role角色/作用 [k n tr bju t] contribute to…对…做贡献