人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Using Language1听说课教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Using Language1听说课教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 15.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-19 22:14:19



Using Language1 听说课教学设计
基本信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高二选择性 必修二 Unit 5
姓名 学校
教材分析 Learn to call emergency services 主题语境:人与自然 主题群:灾害防范 子主题:安全常识和自我保护 语篇类型:听力、对话、图片 [What]本节课为听说课,学习拨打急救电话。首先学习世界范围内几个国家的急救电 话,接着设置看图让学生识别几种不同突发疾病或事故的名称,并就如何拨打急救电话 展开讨论, 然后听一段关于拨打急救电话的对话, 获取急救的指令、对病人进行急救 等信息。最后分角色扮演模拟拨打急救电话的对话,学习发布急救的指令,内化语言, 深化对主题的理解。 [Why] 学习急救的指令语言,开展恰当的急救。 [How]将英语语用目标和本单元的主题语境结合起来,设置听说活动,让学生在主题语 境的探索中提高英语运用能力,深入对主题的探究。
学情分析 本节课为听说课, 学习拨打急救电话。学生对中国的各种紧急求助电话非常熟悉并且 能够在紧急情况中积极运用。在本节课中教师应该积极引入介绍世界范围内一些国家 的急救电话, 并且要帮助学生培养打紧急求助电话时沉着冷静的理性态度, 严谨描述 求助信息以便及时有效求助相关部门获得积极准时的救助。
教学目标 1.掌握急救电话的特点和拨打急救电话的要求。 2.在日常生活中学会急救的方法,提高帮助他人的意识。
教学重难点 .获取听力中拨打急救电话的方式的信息。 2.识别急救电话的语言特征和注意事项。难点:
教学资源 多媒体;学案;黑板;粉笔
Before listening Step1 Lead-in Look at the pictures and fill the phone number In China,when dialing you are asking for help. In China,when dialing you are asking for help. In China,when dialing you are asking for help. Step2 In groups,try to match the countries with the emergency numbers in textbook . Australia America/Canada Japan South Korea Step3 Match the group below to the medical emergencies,and then discuss the questions in group. Heart attract drowning sprained ankles Poisoning bad cut/bleeding Step4 Have you ever called 120 If so,what happened
Would you call 120nfor the medical emergencies above How wold you describe the situations What are some other medical emergencies that you would call 120 for While listening Step5 Listen to a 999 call in England and answer the questions Why did the boy call 999 Who else was in the room with the boy and his grandfather How did the boy describe the old man ’s condition Among the medical emergencies in Actvity2,which do you think the boy ’s grandfather suffered from Step6 Listen again Number the following instructions the operator Press down,twice a second. Check to see if there is food in his mouth. If your mother needs a break,change places. Put him on his back. Remove any pillows. Tell your mum to put her hand in the middle of his chest. Step7 In group,discuss the following questions. How did the operator keep the boy calm What did the operator do to make this call a success What do you think happened after the ambulance arrived? After listening Step8 The pictures below show what to do rescue someone from drowning.In groups,discuss what is going on in each picture.Use the words given below. Step9 Giving first-aid instructions for rescuing a drowning victim lay the victim on his back check to see if he is breathing lean his head back
remove any grass or sand from his mouth perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing blow air in check for response shout for help;call 120 lift his chin perform CPR cover his mouth push down on the centre of his chest
Assignment 1.Role-play 小组合作模拟在国外拨打紧急求助电话,下节课派小组代表课前展示 2.完成本课的同步练习
Blackboard Design UNIT5 FIRST AID Using Language1 听说课 In groups,try to match the countries with the emergency numbers in textbook . Australia America/Canada Japan South Korea
lay the victim on his back check to see if he is breathing lean his head back remove any grass or sand from his mouth perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing blow air in
check for response shout for help;call 120 lift his chin perform CPR cover his mouth push down on the centre of his chest
Teaching Reflection 不同的国家有不同的紧急求助电话。本节课学习紧急求助电话时介绍了不同国家的 具体情况, 有助于学生拓展知识面与生活常识。在课上作为教师必须提示学生紧急救助 服务是社会部门提供的公共资源,应妥善使用,不得造假伪报,滥用宝贵的社会资源。