高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness课件(6份打包)


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness课件(6份打包)
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文件大小 93.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-20 12:48:32


Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Period 6 Reading for Writing
All sports for all people.
—Pierre de Coubertin
1. 归纳段落主旨大意和获取事实性信息;
2. 感知和注意文章结构和语言特征,总结并
3. 尝试在新语境中准确灵活的运用关于健康
Read and match
Para. 1 Kayla’s attitude towards herself now.
Para. 2 Kayla had a problem in the past.
Para. 3 Kayla’s attitude changed.
Going positive
1. What problem did Kayla have in the past
2. What made her change her thinking
3. In what kind way do Kayla become both happier and healthier
Read for detailed information
She worried about her weight and tried her best to be slim but went bananas.
An article.
By being positive about herself and her body.
The past
worried about __________ and tried _____________________
compared myself with ___________________
The present
think about _____________
Notice the organization
my weight
every new diet I read
about online
actresses and models
the things
my body
I liked about myself
be positive about myself and
I tried no-fat, low-fat, 5:2, only bananas, no bananas— I almost went bananas, too.
What’s the figure of speech
A. simile B. contrast C. parallelism
This sentence means: _________________
Study the language features
I was almost mad.
Find out the expressions to show similarities and differences.
look like, still,
both … and ….
instead of, rather than,
compare … with, instead, or
Study the language features
What can you do to make exercise like jogging more enjoyable
How can you plan your work and make sure that you also have time to rest and relax
What can you do to become more confident and feel better about yourself
How can you make your meals healthier
Work in groups and discuss
like, so, too, still, similarly,
similar to, the same (… as ...),
in common (with),
both … and …
instead, than, however/but/though, different from, rather than,
instead of, the difference is …
List come positive changes using expressions to show similarities and differences.
1. What you used to do /do now and results:
2. What you do now/will do in the future and possible results:
Work in groups and discuss
Start with a general statement about the topic and your situation.
Tell the reader about how and why you changed or want to change.
Describe the changes and compare the (possible) results.
Tell the reader how the changes have improved or will improve your life.
Write, describe and explain
Does the writer explain why he/she changed/wants to change
Does the writer tell how the changes have improved or will improve his/her life
Is the text well-organized
Does the writer use words and expressions to show similarities and differences
Are there any grammar or spelling errors
Does the writer use correct punctuation
Exchange, give feedback and revise your draft
Collect the entries for a class wellness book.
Thank you!(共16张PPT)
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Period 4
Discovering Useful Structures
All sports for all people.
—Pierre de Coubertin
1. 感知和注意附加疑问句及其回答,梳理与归纳附加疑问句的功能;
2. 在对话中能够使用恰当的附加疑问句,并能做出正确的回答;
3. 尝试在新语境中借助附加疑问句表达相关信息。
Read and notice
Adam: That sounds interesting, doesn't it
Julie: Sure, it does.
Lin Tao: Hi! It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it
Han Jing: Yes, it is. I’m going to play soccer. Can you come along and join us
Lin Tao: Sorry, I can’t. I’ve got to meet my adviser. By the way, our school soccer team won at last, didn’t they
Han Jing: No, they didn’t. It’s too bad.
Amy: It's not a real sport, is it
Shen Qi: Yes, it is.
The form
The usage
The functions
构成The car is your father's, isn't it The girl doesn't sleep, does she The doctor can help you, can't he 陈述句附加疑问句be动词/情态动词/助动词(not)+主语(代词)The tag questions前肯后否
They worked hard, didn't they
They didn't work hard, did they
She was ill yesterday, wasn't she
She wasn't ill yesterday, was she
He can ride a bike, can't he
He can't ride a bike, can he
She will get married, won't she
She will not get married, will she
★ 如果陈述句中出现表示否定意义的词,如not, no,few,little,no one,nobody,nothing,nowhere,hardly,never,seldom等时,附加疑问句要用肯定式。He haslittlemoney,doeshe No onecan answer it,can he ★ 当陈述句的助动词为had better时,附加疑问句用had或hadn't。Youhad betternot go out at night,had you ★let's引导的祈使句, 其附加疑问句一般用“shallwe”;letus引导的祈使句,其附加疑问句一般用“willyou”;动词原形引导的祈使句,其附加疑问句一般用“willyou”。Let'sgo home,shall we Let usgo home,will you Openthe door,willyou 附加疑问句的特殊情况★当陈述句中的主语为this, that, something, anything, nothing, everything等时,附加疑问句中的主语用it。Thisis very good,isn't it Somethingis wrong with the machine,doesn't it ★当陈述句中的主语为somebody、someone、anybody、anyone、everybody、everyone、nobody、no one、these、those等时,附加疑问句中的主语用they。Somebodyknows the secret,don't they Nobodylikes it,does they ★ 如果陈述句的否定词带有否定前缀或否定后缀,附加疑问句要用否定式。She isunhappy,isn't she That isuseless,isn't it ★陈述句部分如果是并列句,附加部分的主语与第二个分句的主谓一致。I go out andyouwill stay at home,won't you You must study hard oryoucan't work well,can you ★ 当陈述句部分含有主从复合句时,附加部分的代词和助动词须与主句中的主谓保持一致。Youneedn't do it since he has finished it,need you It'sthe second time that you have sung that song,isn't it ★ 含有宾语从句的主从复合句,若主句的主语不是第一人称(I或we)时,附加疑问句跟主句变;但是,若陈述句为“I/we+think、believe、suppose、expect、feel、imagine、figure等+宾语从句”,附加疑问句跟从句变,如果主句是否定句,附加疑问句要用肯定式,反之亦然。Hethinks that it will rain tomorrow,doesn'the I think thatitwill rain tomorrow,won't it Theydon't suppose that the film is moving,dothey 对附加疑问句的回答,无论问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no。
★ 要特别注意陈述句部分是否定结构,附加疑问句部分用肯定式提问时,回答yes或no与汉语正好相反。这种省略回答的yes要译成“不”,no要译成“是”。
—He likes playing football, doesn't he
—Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
—His sister didn't attend the meeting, did she
—Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.
Complete and act it out
2 A: It’s Sports Day next Thursday, __________
B: You’re right, it is. Let’s ask Xia Lei if she wants to join a team.
A: She likes soccer, ____________
B:_____________. But she loves volleyball. She could be in the
volleyball team.
1 A: It’s not going to rain, is it
B:_____________. It’s a good day for sports.
A: Then we can play football, __________
B:_____________. We don’t have a ball.
Yes, it is
can't we
No, we can't
isn't it
doesn’t she
No, she doesn't
Complete and act it out
3 A: It’s time for badminton class. Where is the coach
He’s late, _________
B: It’s been 10 minutes already. He isn’t coming, ______
A: Cool! We can have a good time. That’s great!
B: Shh!
A: Oh no, he’s right behind me, __________
C: Yes, I am!
isn't he
is he
isn't he
Role-play: Situations
◆Work in pairs.
Use tag questions to role-play one of the
situations below.
A: The sports Day is coming soon, isn't it
B: Yes, it is. They need some volunteers, don't they
A: Yes, they do. …
Write down the situation you have chosen and remember to use tag questions.
Thank you!(共12张PPT)
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Period 5 Listening and Talking
All sports for all people.
—Pierre de Coubertin
1. 感知、思考和描述体育精神;
2. 在听的过程中判断人们对体育精神的不同理解,并总结和归纳体育精神的表达;
3. 感知和注意赞同与不赞同观点的表达,并尝试在新语境中准确灵活的运用赞同与不赞同的表达。
Watch and think
What’s the sportsmanship
Voice your opinions on sportsmanship.
Cooperate with others
Help others
Never give up
Respect other athletes
Be fair

Listen and match
Cao Jing
B The girl should stop and help the other girl.
A An athlete should do his/her best to win.
C An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.
Listen and circle
I don’t agree.
That doesn’t make any sense!
I see what you mean, but …
Listen again and check
C= Cao Jing M=Max L=Lily
C: Hi, Lily. Hi, Max. You saw the race yesterday, didn’t you
M: Hello, Cao Jing. No, I didn’t. What happened
C: Two girls were on the final lap. They had nearly finished the race and had only a hundred metres to go, when one of the girls fell and couldn’t get up.
L: Oh, my! So the other girl won, did she
C: No, that’s what was so cool. She stopped and helped the other girl finish the race.
M: What Why did she do that
C: I think she thought it was the right thing to do. It’s more important to help each other than to win.
Listen again and check
L: I don’t agree. If someone falls during a race, that’s too bad, it’s just part of the race.
M: Exactly! If you’ve practised hard for the race, you should do your best to win.
C: I don’t think so. Winning isn’t always the most important thing.
L: But that doesn’t make any sense. What if an athlete is competing for her country She should think about the fans and the honour.
C: I see what you mean. But I still don't think that you 're right. Helping others should always come first.
Talk (situations)
A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.
In school teams, everyone should get a chance to play, not only the best players.
It is wrong to pay people millions of yuan to play sports.
Athletes should pay only for their own country.
Talk (examples)
A: I agree with the idea that soccer player should never pretend to fall down even if it helps his or her team. You should never cheat.
B: Exactly! It is important to do the right thing.
C: Well, I don’t think so. Many players do it, and they think it helps the team.
A: That doesn’t make any sense!
B: I see what you mean, but the audience wants fair play.
C: …
Write down the situation you have chosen and remember to use the expressions on how to show your agreements and disagreements.
Thank you!(共15张PPT)
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading and Thinking (2)
All sports for all people.
—Pierre de Coubertin
1. 在语境中理解具体关键词的词义及其的内涵和外延,感知关键词所传递的意图和态度;
2. 了解关键词的词根、词缀,感知词性变化规律,并用于理解和表达有关主题的信息和观点;
3. 感知和分析语篇中的长难句,并尝试在新语境表达相关信息。
Guess the words
1. _____________ a person who has control over a particular situation
2. _____________ a quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty
3. _____________ great admiration, honour, and praise that you earn by doing something successfully
4. _____________ the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult
5. _____________ to hurt or cause physical harm to a person or animal
6. _____________ moving in a smooth, relaxed, attractive way, or having a smooth, attractive shape
graceful determination glory injure honour master
Words and phrases
They must be athletes who are masters in their sport and also set a good example for others.
1. master n. ___________ v. ___________
2. set a good example for
As the master of our own future, we should master the skills of computer.
She is intelligent and works hard and sets a good example for us.
As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.
1. honour n. ____________ v. _______ in honour of ___________
2. glory days ____________ glorious adj. _________________
I feel it a great honour to be invited to your birthday party.
It is a great honour for me to be invited to your birthday party.
I feel greatly honoured to be invited to your birthday party.
Words and phrases
feel it an honour to do sth
it is an honour to do sth
feel greatly honoured to do sth
When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested.
determination n. ______________
determine v. _________ determine to do sth _______________________
determined adj. ____________________
be determined to do sth __________________________
Yesterday, my deskmate talked a lot with me, ___________ (determine) to study hard in the future time.
Words and phrases
The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured.
1. fall apart ___________ take apart ________ tear apart _______
I was falling apart. I couldn’t fall asleep at all. (翻译)
2. injure v. _____________ adj. ________ 受伤的 ________n. 伤害,损伤
the injured _______
Luckily, the injured ______(be) soon taken to the hospital yesterday.
比较:injure _____________________ hurt _____________________
wound _____________________ harm ___________________________
Words and phrases
Losing two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart.
lose heart: ____________
lose one’s heart to : _________
Jordan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.
strong adj. ________ n. ___________ v. ____________
strength [C] : _________ 强项和弱项 ___________________________
[U] : _____________ 强身健体 _________________________
It can provide students with feedback, including reports about their ___________ and weaknesses.
strengths and weaknesses
build up one’s strength
Words and phrases
“I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”
failure n. __________ v. _________
Failure is the mother of success.
The film turned out to be a failure.
failure 表“失败”时为________名词;
A quick review of successes and ________(fail) at the end of year will help shape your year ahead.
Words and phrases
1. The team __________ Lang Ping had built was falling apart.
2. The player _________ became known as “Air Jordan” changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps.
3. Jordan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength __________ he showed made him unique.
定语从句中缺少主语时,先行词为物 ,关系代词常用that/which;
先行词为人,关系代词常用 that/who。
1. The Boys and Girls Club that he started in Chicago
_______________ (help) young people since 1996.
2. Since 2011, the country __________ (grow) more corn than rice.
has been helping
since 后接表示过去的时间,或一般过去时态的状语从句,句子/主句常用现在完成时。
has grown
Fill in the blanks
As ____ athlete, Eric likes all kinds of sports. Unfortunately, last year, he suffered from a serious accident and lost a leg, which made him almost fall ______. However, he overcame the difficulty with _____________(determine) and try to build his ________(strong) by doing exercise. Finally, __________ (encourage) by his captain, who always came _____with him, he gathered all his courage and finally made it. Last month, he successfully took part in the soccer games for the disabled. Although he is accidentally _______(injure), he never gives ___. Every time meeting with _______(fail), he often faces them bravely instead of losing _____. In his opinion, he gets not only medals for himself, but also honour and glory for his country. He sets a good example for all the athletes.
Lang Ping __________________________________________
Michael Jordan _____________________________________
The athlete I admire _________________________________
athlete champion determination captain bring glory and honor injured impressive medal unique set a good example give up master strength graceful failure lose heart
Write a short article about the athlete you admire most using the words, phrases and sentence structures we learned today.
Thank you!(共15张PPT)
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading and Thinking (1)
All sports for all people.
—Pierre de Coubertin
1. 通过标题和图片预测语篇大意,归纳文中关于体育传奇人物的事实性信息;
2. 基于文本和视频材料,感知体育传奇人物的体育品质,感悟中外体育精神的共同诉求;
3. 尝试运用体育活动和体育精神的表达,恰当地介绍自己喜爱的运动员,体现体育文化意识。
Famous athletes
Li Ning
Guo Jingjing
Zhang Jike
Sun Yang
Famous athletes
Cristiano Ronaldo
Usain Bolt
Eldrick Tiger Woods
Roger Federer
Predict the main idea
Lang Ping
Michael Jordan
The text is about ____________________________________________________
the living legends of sports: Lang Ping and Michael Jordan.
Reading strategy: Make predictions
Look at the pictures and think about the content before reading.
This helps you to relate what you read to what you already know
and to understand the new text.
Read para.1 and fill in the form
a player
a coach
a person
Brought _______ and ______ to her country.
Led the China women’s volleyball team to ____________________________________________.
She is _____________________________.
medals at world championships and the Olympics
loved by fans at home and abroad
What examples are used to describe Lang Ping
Read para. 2 and answer
What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean
Why does the writer mention “the final seconds of a game”
What are Jordan’s attitudes to success and failure
What kind of person is Jordan in life
Read the passage again and decide ([S]/[I]/[E])
Lang Ping won several championships before she became a coach.
Lang Ping believed that her young players could win.
People in China and the US love Coach Lang.
Michael Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world.
Before people saw Michael Jordan play, they did not know that
basketball could be played that way.
Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help others.
Watch and think
What sportsmanship does Lang Ping have
Watch and think
What sportsmanship does Michael Jordan have
Compare and think
Comparing Lang Ping with Michael Jordan, what common sportsmanship do they have
What can we learn from successful athletes
Work in groups and discuss
1. What reasons does the writer give for choosing Lang Ping and Michael Jordan
2. Who would you choose as another “living legend” Give your reasons.
Yao Ming
Chinese Basketball
Care for wildlife
Choose your favorite living legend and write down his/her sports experience, achievements and sportsmanship.
Thank you!(共14张PPT)
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Period 1 Listening and Speaking
All sports for all people.
—Pierre de Coubertin
1. 感知和注意体育运动赛事,概括和积累邀请与体育赛事的表达;
2. 在听的活动中抓住语篇的大意,获取主要事实性信息;
3. 根据重音、语调的变化,理解说话人所表达的意图和情感态度;
4. 尝试在新语境中运用邀请和体育活动的表达,得体地与人交流,
The sports
Detailed information about the sports events
Sports events Time Place
Soccer game
Badminton match
3:00 pm, October 22
Wuhan Stadium
Sunday, 30 October
Olympic Park, Beijing
This afternoon
No. 8 High School
Talk and invite
Would you like to go to the soccer game
Do you want to watch the boxing match
How about watching badminton this afternoon
Why not run an exciting marathon
Listen and answer
What is Shen Qi’s main purpose for talking to Amy
A To invite Amy to an e-sports event.
B To invite Amy to a soccer match.
C To explain an e-sports event.
Listening strategy:
Try to catch the main ideas instead of trying to remember and translate each word you hear.
1. Did you hear that there’s an e-sports event this weekend
2. Would you like to come along
3. Really I’d love to!
4. Why don’t you join us this Saturday afternoon
5. Oh, sorry. I can’t.
Listen and circle
1. The event will happen_____________________.
2. A “Blue Paint” run is a fun run that _____________________.
3. Because people can buy water balloons filled with ___________ and ______________ the runners.
4. They will collect ____________.
on Saturday afternoon
helps the community
blue paint
throw them at
6,000 dollars
Listen and answer
Invite a friend to
a sports event
The sports event
What event or activity would you like to invite your friend to Make a conversation with a partner.
Dave: Wonderful gym, isn’t it
Dave: This isn’t your first time here, is it
Jack: Actually, it is. You come here often, don’t you
Jack: You’ve lost some weight, haven’t you
Jack: Ok, but it won’t make me too tired, will it
Jack: Oh, I don’t have to come here every day, do I
Dave: No. Of course not. It’s up to you, isn’t it
Listen and notice
Listen and notice
Dave: Wonderful gym, isn’t it
Dave: This isn’t your first time here, is it
Jack: Actually, it is. You come here often, don’t you
Jack: You’ve lost some weight, haven’t you
Jack: Ok, but it won’t make me too tired, will it
Jack: Oh, I don’t have to come here every day, do I
Dave: No. Of course not. It’s up to you, isn’t it
Summarize the expressions for invitations
and sports.
Thank you!