人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 5 Languages around the World 课件(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 5 Languages around the World 课件(6份打包)
格式 zip
文件大小 98.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-20 21:02:51


Period 4 Discovering Useful Structures
Describe your favorite things
Unit 5 Languages around the World
1. 通过分析例句,学习理解定语从句的含义及功能,学会分析定语从句的句子成分,探究总结定语从句的用法;
2. 通过小组合作,在具体语境的运定语从句描述自己喜爱的事物,提高语言表达能力。
1. Jinan is a beautiful city.
2. I’ve got Li Ming’s number.
3. I have two dogs and three cats.
4. The boy there is from America.
5. I’d like to have something to eat.
6. Students like songs sung by Mao Buyi.
7. The woman sitting there looked very sad.
8. I need to buy a washing machine this weekend.
9. The exercise books on the table are bought for Su Mingyu.
10. The boy who/that is standing in front of me is our monitor.
1. 从以上句子可知,定语是修饰____词或代词的一种句子成分。做定语的可以是_____词(1)、名词所有格(句2)、_______词(句3)、副词(句4)、_____________ (句5)、_______分词短语(句6)、_______分词短语(句7)、动名词和__________词(句8)、______和________短语(句9)、__________物主代词和一个句子(句10)。
2. 定语从句是指修饰____词或____词的一个句子; 被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。
Group search
Look at these sentences and underline the restrictive relative clauses. What kind of information does each clause communicate
(1) It was a time when people were divided geographically.
(2) Emperor Qinshihuang united seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.
(3) There are many reasons why people learned a foreign language.
(4) These were animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people.
Group search
The day when…… The reason why…..
The place where… The place/time in/at which…..
Think about one of your favourite memories, and then write a short paragraph about it. Use the expressions below to help you.
One of my favourite memories is of the time when ...
The place where it happened was….
That was the day when ...
The reason why...
Group search
Match the sentence parts with the times, places, and reasons. Then make complete sentences with restrictive relative clauses.
★when / prep. + which
A Lu Xun was born
B I have my debating class
1 (A ) 1881
Eighteen eighty-one was the year when Lu Xun was born.
2 (B ) Sunday
Group search
★where/prep + which
C the oldest written European language has been found
D language is processed
3 ( ) the left part of the brain
4 ( ) modern Turkey
Group search
E some students like to do volunteer work
F people often choose to learn a foreign language
5 ( ) caring about others
6 ( ) spending some time abroad
关系代词/ 副词 充当从句的成分 备注
that/ which 主、宾、表 /
when 时间状语 = at/ on/ in/ during...+ which
where 地点状语 = in/ on + which
why 原因状语 = for which
whose 定语 /
Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronouns or adverbs, add a preposition where necessary.
1 Japanese uses three writing systems, including kanji _______ originated (起源)in China.
2 Nineteen fifty-three was the year ______ Xinhua Zidian, or the New Chinese Dictionary, first came out.
3 Bones _______ symbols were carved, known as “oracle bones”, have contributed a lot to our understanding of China’s past.
4 There are many reasons _____ English is so widely used around the world in the fields of science, business, and more.
5 Sign language is of great important for people _____ are deaf or have poor hearing.
Challenge yourself
1. Please describe the novel according to the clues, using attributive clauses:
Title: Harry Potter
Writer: J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter is a famous novel _____________.
Challenge yourself
2. Please describe the film according to the clues, using attributive clauses:
Title: The Wandering Earth
Director: Guo Fan
The Wandering Earth ________________ became world-famous.
(direct: v. 导演)
Challenge yourself
3. Please describe the film according to the clues, using attributive clauses:
Title: Mulan
Based on: a Chinese traditional story
Mulan is a film ________________________.
Challenge yourself
4. Please describe the film according to the clues, using attributive clauses:
Title: Wolf Warriors 2
Director and actor: Wu Jing
I like the film Wolf Warriors 2 ______________ very much.
Challenge yourself
5. Please describe the film according to the clues, using attributive clauses:
Title: The Pursuit of Happyness
Actor: Will Smith
The Pursuit of Happyness is one of the most famous films __________________________.
Complete the passage with the correct relative pronouns or adverbs below. (Page 97)
The United Nations (UN) is an organization __________ aims to promote international cooperation. It was founded in 1945 and has about 190 member states. This is the reason _____ the UN has a huge number of translators and interpreters, since international meetings in the UN are attended by people _____ speak so many different languages. Translators are people _____ usually work with written language; while interpreters work with spoken language. Meetings ________________ only two languages are used may need only one interpreter; while larger events ________________ leaders from many countries gather may need over 70 interpreters.
where/in which
where/in which
There are two main ways that an interpreter can provide spoken translation. First is the method __________ requires the speaker to stop every few sentences; so the interpreter can translate those sentences for the audience. The second method is the one ________________ the interpreter listens and translates at the same time. This second method is more difficult; but the place ______________ the interpreter is located is not so important. The interpreter can be in a completely different location from the speaker, listen through headphones, and translate for an audience sitting in another location!
where / in which
where/in which
Thank you!(共13张PPT)
Listening and Speaking
◆Explore languages around the world
Unit 5 Languages around the World
1. 在听的活动中获取与梳理听力文本中关于语 言的事实性信息;
2. 学会总结主旨,推断作者观点态度,理解代词的指代功能;区别英、美发音规则;
3. 小组合作谈论学习一门外语的原因,提高交际能力。
Match each photo with the correct country name.
Do you know how to say “hello” in different languages
How many languages are there in the world
What are the UN’s official languages
Brainstorm & Predict
〇Russian 〇Chinese 〇Korean 〇Japanese
〇Spanish 〇Arabic 〇English 〇French
Listen & Tick & Circle
Tick the languages with the most native speakers.
Circle the official languages of the UN.
1. What is the main topic of this speech
2. How many languages are there in the world
3. How many billion people speak the UN's official languages
as their native or second language
4. What is the attitude of the speaker towards foreign language
Listen & Answer
1. They think it means better job chances in the
2. They are spoken by around 2.8 billion people ...
Listen & Infer
My father is doing business with Russians. I’d like to learn Russia I can help him in the future.
Discuss which other language(s) you want to learn and why.
I like watching Japanese cartoons, so I’d like to learn Japanese.
Perhaps I should study French. I think it sounds beautiful, and I know it’s used in many countries.
Speaking & Discuss
□ schedule □ hostile □ either □ address
□ direct □ laboratory □ advertisement □ shone
Read the words to each other and see if you pronounce
them differently.
●Listen and pay attention to how the speakers
pronounce them.
Listen & Notice
□ schedule □ hostile □ either □ address
□ direct □ laboratory □ advertisement □ shone
Listen & Notice
●Listen to the paragraph read by two different speakers.
Which speaker has a British accent and which has an
American accent
English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren’t invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren’t sweet, are meat. ... We find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that writers write but ... Hammers don’t ham (Richard Lederer)
Collect more different words with different spelling or pronunciation in American English and British English.
Thank you!(共19张PPT)
Assessing Your Progress and Project
Unit 5 Languages around the World
1. 在具体语境中练习与检测对词汇及定语从句的掌握情况,从而总结和反思单元所学内容;
2. 通过学习使用英英词典,制作自己的词汇库,并在小组交流过程中分享自己的词汇库,提高通过英语释义学习生词的能力及运用调控策略和资源策略的能力。
What’s your native language
Do you learn any other foreign language
Do you have any difficulty in learning a foreign language
Assessing Your Progress
Read the first part of a passage and find suitable words for the blanks.
The first foreign language I ever learnt was French, but it didn’t go very well. My mother asked our neighbour to teach me when I was seven. French wasn’t his _______ language, but he used to live in France, so he could speak a little. However, _______ his help, I learnt very little French. I just didn’t feel that it _________ my daily life in any way, so I didn’t try. When I entered senior high school, my ________ towards language learning changed.
attitude classic point of view civilisation
despite native related to struggle
related to
I had to learn Latin, which I’ve always been interested in because I want to study law. For this reason, learning Latin wasn’t a _________ for me like learning French. Soon I began to read _______ books in Latin. It certainly wasn’t easy, but I got to read lots of interesting stories about ancient __________. Reading those books opened a window for me to another world and gave me a new _____________ on my own world.
point of view
attitude classic point of view civilisation
despite native related to struggle
I became interested in learning more languages aside from English. Then I saw an advertisement that offered a wonderful summer course in German, and that was the ____________ I decided to take on a new language. The ____________________ we met for classes was quite small, but there was a whole world of language to explore. Our teacher was Mrs Haus: a tall, thin, quiet, grey-haired lady.
building class day way someone
class in which
building where/in which
when in which where who that
Read the second part of the passage and combine the words in the two boxes to complete the restrictive relative clauses.
I’ll never forget the first _________ she introduced herself to us. She never once raised her voice, but as soon as she began to speak, the room fell silent. What was the reason Because Mrs Haus LOVED German language and culture — and everybody who was in her classes couldn’t help but love the language, too. We all loved the _____________ she talked about German food and traditions. And I realised what makes a good teacher. A good teacher is _____________ is in love with what she or he is teaching.
day when
way in which
someone who
Find out the sentences that indicate the author’s changes in language learning.
※When I entered senior high school, my attitude towards language learning changed.
※For this reason, learning Latin wasn’t a struggle for me like learning French.
※Reading these books opened a window for me to another world and gave me a new point of view on my own world.
※… and that was the way in which I decided to take on a new language.
※The building in which/where we met for classes were quite small, but there was a whole world of language to explore.
※I will never forget my first day when she introduced herself to us.
What do you think of “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”
You can never understand one language until you understand at least two. —Geoffrey Willans
Task 1: Demonstration on how to use dictionary.
Read and choose
Task 2: Read the definitions of each word below. Then choose the correct one for each sentence.
Present the Oxford, Longman dictionary and direct the students to look up words in the dictionary.
1 major
[1] adj. more important than other things of the same kind
[2] n. the most important subject that a student studies in university
Sugar is a major cause of health problems. [ ]
His major is the French language. [ ]
2 base
[1] n. the main part of something
[2] v. to be in the main place where a company does its business
The company is based in Guangzhou. [ ]
This dish has a milk base. [ ]
3 character
[1] n. the qualities of a person or place that make it different from others
[2] n. a letter;number;or other mark used in writing
[3] n. a person in a story or film
Old Korean and Japanese characters are related to Chinese characters. [ ]
Work hard to be known as a person of good character. [ ]
The story is about two main characters;a little boy and his mother. [ ]
4 affair
[1] n. a situation or matter that is being considered
[2] n. an event
The meeting was a long and boring affair. [ ]
Hu Ming manages student union affairs. [ ]
5 equal
[1] adj. the same as something else
[2] n. someone of the same importance
[3] v. to be exactly the same
He treats all his students as equals. [ ]
All work is of equal value. [ ]
Two plus four equals six. [ ]
Check the answers with your desk mates by referring to the English-English dictionary and find out more words that you find difficult/useful in this unit.
Study an English-English dictionary to help you create a word bank.
Complete the entries including… Illustrate them using…
English definitions drawings
grammar information tables
one or two example sentences diagrams
Group work
Exchange ideas with each other about how you made your word bank. Then discuss how you are going to use it to help with your English study.
Pair work
★ What did you think of the quote at the beginning of the unit
★ Did you find it easy or difficult to talk about your reasons for learning a foreign language Why
★ Did you learn anything new from the text about Chinese characters If so, what did you learn
★ How does learning about different kinds of English affect your English study
★ Overall, I thought this unit was〇good 〇useful 〇just OK 〇difficult.
Create your word bank about Chinese characters or Chinese calligraphy. Then show it to your classmates.
Thank you!(共15张PPT)
Explore different kinds of English
Period 5 Listening and Talking
Unit 5 Languages around the World
1. 通过听,感知英、美英语在词汇方面存在差异,能梳理并记忆不同的词汇表达方式及其他不同的差异;
2. 由于英美英语的差异,易造成误解,运用不同的句型来澄清自己的观点;
3. 听前对内容进行预测,听中对事实细节、推理判断及观点态度等技能进行训练,听后自我反思。
Watch the short videos of The Lion King & Downtown Abbey.
Answer the following questions:
◆ Which language has the most native speakers in the world—English, Spanish, or Chinese
◆ How about English Does it have the second largest
number of native speakers in the world
◆What are the two kinds of English that you has just
heard Do you think they are different
1 Listen to the first part of the talk. What are the different kinds of English mentioned
Answer the following questions:
◆In what ways are these kinds of English different from
each other
◆ Are these differences great
◆ Do people from these countries have problems in communication
2 Listen to the second part of the talk. What are the two pairs of words that the student is confused by Tick them in the boxes.
□ semester / term
□ restroom/toilet
□ gas / petrol
□ subway / underground
Listen and tick
Look at the pairs of words below. Which words are British English and which are American English Try to think of more pairs of words like these.
Think more of them
petrol sweet toilet honour mum flat
gas candy restroom honor mom apartment
The differences between American English and British English AmE BrE
最后两个字母 顺序不同 meter; theater metre; theatre
词尾的变化 labour; humour labor; humor
同一概念不同词 autumn; railway fall; railroad
改变字母 grey; plough gray; plow
Think more of them
Read the dialogue and answer the following questions:
◆ What does Zhou Wei want to buy
◆ Why does Martin feel puzzled about what Zhou Wei wants to buy
◆ How do they misunderstand each other
◆ How do they clear up the misunderstanding
Read and role-play the conversation.
What misunderstanding has happened
Don't you like to have somebody tell you if the pants look good or not
In British English, the word “pants” means underwear….
Role play
Find out the expressions about the puzzle and how to explain the puzzle.
You don’t
So what does it mean
Choose one or two pairs of words in Activity 3 and make a conversation. The expressions below may help you.
Asking for clarification
Do you mean ...
Does that mean ...
I’m sorry. What does ... mean
I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating ...
I beg your pardon.
So am I right in saying ...
So what you’re really saying is …
Surf on the Internet about the differences between American English and British English such as pronunciation, spelling and grammar.
And put up a poster.
Thank you!(共12张PPT)
Period 6 Reading for Writing
Write a blog about English study
Unit 5 Languages around the World
1. What is your biggest problem with learning English
2. What are Liu Wen, Jia Xin and Li Rui’s problems
Can you predict
Read these posts and answer the following questions.
Who starts this blog
Who responds to it
What’s the blog mainly about
What’s the writer’s intention
Read and answer
Read and fill in the chart.
Read these posts from an online forum for Chinese students who are learning English and fill in the table on page 67.
Read and answer
Name Problem Advice
Liu Wen (from Jia Xin) Listen to English radio programmes
Jia Xin
Li Rui
has a lot of trouble with listening
The biggest headache is how to be polite in English
Vocabulary is the biggest problem
(from Li Rui) depend on who you are talking to
(from you)
Task 1:
Read the blogs again and find the chunk of words about problems and advice.
I’m having a lot of trouble with….
My biggest headache is…..
That’s really hard!
For me, ….. is my biggest problem.
Read and answer
Task 2:
Work in groups. List your problems in learning English and brainstorm some useful advice.
Useful sentence patterns:
●I don't know how to ...
●... is a big difficulty for me.
● I cannot...
● I have no idea how/what...
● My biggest problem is ...
● I (also) have trouble with ...
It’s very important to ...
You might try ...
My advice is …
This worked for me.
It is a good idea to ….

Group work
Write a blog
Describe the problem clearly
Write one or two ideas on how to solve the problem
Exchange drafts. Assess each other's work according to the checklist.
Choose one of the problems from your group discussion and write a blog about it.
General content √Does the writer give a clear description of the problem
√ Is the advice clearly explained
√Does each sentence relate to the main idea
Basic writing skills √Does the writer use pronouns to refer to things or people correctly
√Does the writer use correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation
√ Are there any grammar mistakes
According to the checklist, revise it.
Put up your writing in the classroom or read it to the class.
Write a short description of your experiences in learning English. You can refer to the outline.
Thank you!(共14张PPT)
Reading and Thinking (1)
◆Explore the Chinese writing system
Unit 5 Languages around the World
1. 在阅读活动中获取与梳理文本中汉字在发展、变化及在整个中国历史长廊中的重大作用。
2. 学会预测,总结段落主旨,“scan”寻找文中具体细节信息。结合练习掌握文中词汇、短语的基本用法;
3. 深刻体会汉字在联系中国古今的作用,培养对中国书法的喜爱之情。
Look at the title and picture below. Predict what the text will be about.
Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
The written Chinese connects China’s present with its past.
A picture-based language.
The writing system developed.
The Chinese writing system contributes to its ancient
The Chinese writing system is still an important part.
Reading for details
Scan the text to find the words and phrases that describe a time. Then write down what happened at each of those important times.
Several thousand years ago
The Shang Dynasty
The Qin Dynasty
over the years
Today/In modern times
1 H o w did written G h i n e s e unify G h i n e s e p e o p l e divided b y g e o g r a p h y a n d dialects"
2 H o w d o e s written C h i n e s e c o n n e c t C h i n e s e p e o p l e t o d a y with t h o s e of t h e p a s t
3 A c c o r d i n g to t h e writer, t h e C h i n e s e writing s y s t e m is o n e factor that h a s h e l p e d t h e
C h i n e s e l a n g u a g e a n d culture survive. W h a t d o y o u think are s o m e of t h e ot h e r fa ctors
Read the text again and discuss the questions.
Further reading
1 How did written Chinese unify Chinese people divided by geography and dialects
2 How does written Chinese connect Chinese people today with those of the past
3 According to the writer, the Chinese writing systerm is one factor that has helped the Chinese language and culture survive. What do you thkink are some of the other factors
Complete the passage with the correct words and phrase below.
system carving means
dates back classic civilisation
Chinese calligraphy has developed along with China’s __________. It is difficult to say when exactly calligraphy started. Chinese writing was first done by __________ symbols onto bones and shells, but as it developed into a writing __________, it also developed as a form of art done with a brush. It is believed that Chinese calligraphy __________ to at least the Han Dynasty (202 BCE—220 CE). Soon after that, the idea developed that calligraphy was not only a beautiful art form but also a __________ of showing the character of the “man behind the brush”. Today, anyone from small children to old people can enjoy practising the __________ art of Chinese calligraphy.
dates back
Guess the meaning of the underlined words in the sentences. Then look in the text for the words they are related to.
1. Many Chinese characters symbolise their meanings, unlike English words which are spelt out according to how they sound.
2. The basic forms of the English writing system are known as letters.
3. A unified writing system is considered to be an important part of civilised society.
4. Learning Chinese calligraphy will increase your appreciation of Chinese culture.
1. symbolize—symbol
2. basic—base
3. civilised—civilisation
4. appreciation—appreciate
What do you think of “The Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture.”
Write a short essay
Thank you!