人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing课件(共19张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing课件(共19张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 37.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-20 22:03:45



Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
Period 6 Reading for Writing
Write a news report
is our legacy
from the past.
学 习 目 标
◆How much have you known about
Maogao Caves
(history, position, function, style
feature, legend)
◆Do you know the problems Maogao
Caves are facing
Pre-writing: Discuss
(1) What does the title mean
(2) What are the researchers and scientists trying to do
(3) What modern technology are they using
To help increase knowledge and appreciation of China’s ancient cultural heritage—Mogao Caves.
Digital technology—recording and collecting digital images.
Pre-writing: Read and answer
(4) Why so many people are interested in Maogao Caves
(5) Why do the researchers share digital photos over the Internet
(6) What do you think of the researcher’s opinion in the last paragraph
To promote interest in China’s ancient history, culture and traditions; To further educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics.
It really makes sense.
Because the Maogao Caves have long been a meeting point for different cultures and part of the history of many countries.
Pre-writing: Read and answer
Title: Promoting Culture Though Digital Images
Para. 1: _______________________:
(1) Researchers, scientists, experts...:_________________
(2) Work together:_________________
(3) Increase knowledge and appreciation: ______________
(4) Record, collect digital images:_____________________
(5) 500,000 high quality digital photos:_________________
present result
Key summary: 核心事件
Pre-writing: Analyze the structure
Title: Promoting Culture Though Digital Images
Para. 2:__________________________________:
(1) A meeting point; part of culture:_________________
(2) The caves are just as international as they were:____________
position in history
present value
Background information: 必要背景信息
Pre-writing: Analyze the structure
Title: Promoting Culture Though Digital Images
Para. 3: ________________________________:
(1) Promote interest in China’s ancient history; further educate
people about the importance; understand and appreciate:
(2) “Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage is...”:__________
direct quote
Information about future: 意图与展望
Pre-writing: Analyze the structure
Promoting Culture Through...
Para. 1: 主要概述
Para. 2: 必要背景信息
Para. 3: 保护工作
present result(补充点)
Pre-writing: Analyze the structure
(1) Why should we use direct quotes
(2) As for a report, which paragraph carries the most important
To make the report real.
Think & Say
What’s the function of the last paragraph
1 Read the news report again and find these parts.
A Lead sentence
B Direct quote
C Paraphrase
D Background information
E Reporting verbs
F Words to show comparison and/or contrast
Think & Say
Study the organisation and language features.
2 Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to
identify the following.
A things
B people
C time
Think & Say
Study the organisation and language features.
From the news report, we can learn:
文保重要意义 文保行为 文物的价值
increase knowledge and appreciation ...; promote interest in...; further educate...; safeguard cultural relics for further generations; appreciate one’s own cultural heritage; for international communication and understanding; record and collect...; produce high quality photos...; share digital photos over the Internet; work together to help...; part of history;
be international;
a meeting point for different cultures;
a combination of different cultures
Study the language features
vt. 欣赏;感激,感谢
(1) I appreciate the beauty of these old buildings.
(2) I appreciate it that you help me to protect these old buildings.
(3) I appreciate it if you can share these photos with me.
(4) I really appreciate watching the traditional dancing.
Useful Language Learning
请以“Protectors of the Past”为题目,报道下面人物事迹。
Apply & Express
1. What information is
referred to in the
interview notes
2. Which part will you
put these information
3. Can you write a good
title and first paragraph
for this report
Apply & Express
Beijing, 9 December 2020. Many ordinary citizens from different cities are making efforts to help preserve cultural heritage of their own cities.

Protectors of the Past
Polish your writing and show
it on the wall.