中考复习 名著短文回答问题6篇+短文填空2篇
(《鲁滨逊漂流记 》《绿野仙踪》《铁路男孩》《格列佛游记》《彼得潘》)
(2024·江苏扬州·一模)阅读短文, 回答下面5个问题。(每题答案不超过10个词)
Anne was one of the lord’s daughters, loved riding. She likes to ride me and I like carrying her. She was kind and gentle.
One day, she wanted to ride one of the new horses. Her name was Lizzie.
“Don’t ride Lizzie,” Anne’s friend said. “She’s not safe. You are not strong enough for her.”
Anne didn’t listen.
“Don’t worry about me,” she said. “I can ride any horse. You ride Black Beauty.”
She rode away on Lizzie. Her friend followed her on me.
Suddenly, a boy walked towards us. He was leading some horses. They were young and wild. One of them ran into Lizzie. She was afraid. She began to run. Anne could not stop her.
“Help! Help!” she shouted.
“Come on, Black Beauty.” Anne’s friend said. “We must stop her.”
I ran after Lizzie as fast as I could.
Soon we were getting nearer to Lizzie and Anne. Then Lizzie tried to jump over a gate. She fell. Anne fell, too.
Luckily, a man who was working nearby sent for the doctor. Anne was saved.
“You must always ride Beauty,” her father told her. “You must never ride another horse. You can always trust Black Beauty.”
I was very proud.
One day, Reuben, one of the stablemen, drove the coach home from another house. He was very drunk. He could not hold the reins.
“You cannot work for me any more,” the lord told him.
Later, York asked the lord to give Reuben another chance. Reuben promised never to be drunk again.
Sadly, Reuben did not keep his promise. One day, he rode me into town. He went into an inn. When he came out, he was drunk. He got onto my back.
“Faster, faster!” he shouted at me.
I moved as fast as I could. Then the shoe came off my hoof. I could not walk without pain. Then I fell. Reuben fell off my back. He lay on the ground. He did not move.
Many hours later, some people came and found Reuben was dead.
—Taken from Black Beauty
1.What made Lizzie afraid when Anne was sitting on Lizzie
2.What is Anne like in Black Beauty’s eyes
3.Why was Black Beauty very proud
4.Why didn’t the lord allow Ruben to continue working for him
5.What happened to Reuben in the end
(2024·江苏扬州·一模)Let’s go back in time to Baskerville Hall. When I see the portrait (肖像) of Hugo Baskerville in the dining room I know that Stapleton is a Baskerville, too. Indeed Stapleton is a son of Rodger Baskerville, the younger brother of Sir Charles. Rodger runs away and disappears. No one knows that he marries and has a child. The child is Stapleton and his real name is Rodger Baskerville, like his father.
There Stapleton discovers that only two people—Sir Charles and Sir Henry, separate him from the Baskerville fortune. Soon he gets close to Sir Charles Baskerville. Old Sir Charles tells Stapleton about the legend of the hound (猎犬 ) and prepares the way for his own death. Stapleton knows that the old man’s heart is weak. And he also knows that Sir Charles believes the legend of the hound. And so he gets the idea to frighten Sir Charles to death with a hound.
Stapleton buys the huge dog in London and takes it to Devon by train. He walks across the moor with it to make sure no one sees him with the dog. He finds a hiding place for the animal in the old tin mine (锡矿). And he keeps his hound there while he is waiting for his chance.
He paints the dog with phosphorus (磷), and gets it to jump over the small gate and run after Sir Charles. The huge black creature is a dreadful sight. Sir Charles runs away screaming and falls dead on the path from shock (震惊). Then Stapleton takes the hound back to its hiding place, so Sir Charles’s death is a mystery to all.
—Taken from The Hound of the Baskervilles
6.When does Holmes know Stapleton is a Baskerville
7.Who separates Stapleton from the Baskerville fortune
8.Where does Stapleton buy his huge dog
9.Why is Sir Charles’s death a mystery to all
10.How do you like Stapleton
Finally Bobbie decides to walk to the station and talk to Mr. Perks.
She meets a lot of people in the village. They all smile at her and say “Good morning”.
“Everyone is very nice today,” she thinks. “And they’ve all got a newspaper. How strange!”
At the station the station master smiles at her. He tells her that the 11.54 is a bit late that day. She goes to the platform and waits there for Mr. Perks. When he comes out, he has a newspaper in his hand, too.
“On a day like today, Miss,” he says, “I must give you a kiss.” And he kisses her on both cheeks.
Bobbie is very surprised. Is it a special day She can’t remember.
Suddenly the 11.54 arrives and Mr. Perks must go. When the train stops, three people get off. A farmer, a lady with some boxes and...
“Daddy! My daddy!” Bobbie shouts.
All the passengers on the train look out of the windows. On the platform a young girl is hugging a tall thin man. The passengers smile and they all cheer.
“Oh, Daddy!” says Bobbie as they are walking along the road together. “I can’t believe you’re really here. It is a special day after all. A very special day. I’m so happy!”
Then she whispers, “I know everything, Daddy.”
“I know, Bobbie,” Father says. Then he tells her that the man from his office is the real spy. He’s in prison now.
“Thanks to Jim’s grandfather,” he says. “Now everyone knows the true story. They know that I’m not a spy.”
When they arrive at the house. Father says, “Run and tell Mother I’m here, Bobbie. She doesn’t know. But tell her quietly! It’s a big surprise for her.”
Father waits in the garden. He looks at the flowers and listens to the birds. Then he goes and stands near the door. Soon it opens and he hears Bobbie’s voice. “Come in, Daddy! Come in!” And he is very very happy to be with his family again.
— Taken from The Railway Children
11.What does the station master say to Bobbie
12.What does Mr. Perks have in his hand
13.Who helps the children’s father out of prison and tells people the truth
14.Why is that day a special day for Bobbie
15.How may Bobbie’s father feel when he waits in the garden Why do you think so
Roberta woke up early the next morning. Then she woke up Phyllis and Peter. “We’re in the new house. There are no servants here. We must help Mother now,” whispered Roberta.
Carefully the three children lit the fire and filled a kettle (水壶) with water. They hung the kettle above the fire.
“Mother isn’t awake yet. Let’s go outside and sit on that flat stone,” said Roberta. “Perhaps we will see a train go by.”
When Mother came out at eight o’clock, Roberta, Peter and Phyllis were all fast asleep in the sunshine. They had put the kettle on the fire at five o’clock: three hours ago. All the water had boiled away (烧干). Now there was a hole in the bottom of the kettle. The fire had gone out.
“Never mind,” laughed Mother. “We can boil some water in a pan. And I’ve found the dinner.”
She led them into the kitchen and pointed to a door.
“Last night, I thought this was a cupboard. It was so dark. But look,” she said.
Mother opened the door and the children saw a little room with a table in the middle. On it there was roast beef, bread and butter, cheese and an apple pie.
“Apple pie for breakfast,” cried Peter. “What fun!”
It was a wonderful breakfast. Everyone was very hungry.
“It feels like dinner because we were up so early,” said Peter, as he passed his plate for more apple pie.
When the children had finished, they helped Mother put everything away in the right place.
Then Mother said, “I’m tired. I’m going to lie down for a while. Go out to play but please be careful.”
Roberta, Peter and Phyllis looked at each other. They were all thinking the same thing.
“Let’s go down to the railway,” cried Roberta.
“Listen!” said Phyllis. “I think I can hear a train.”
Peter asked, “Do you think it’s going to London ”
“Father is in London,” replied Roberta. “Let’s go to the station and find out.”
—Taken from The Railway Children
16.When did the children get up
17.What happened to the kettle when the water boiled away
18.How did the children like the breakfast
19.What is “the same thing” they were thinking
20.What are the children like in your eyes Why do you think so
(2023·江苏扬州·二模)阅读短文,回答下面5个问题。 (每题答案不超过10个词)
Dear reader, my name is Lemuel Gulliver. On 7th September 1710, I set off for more adventures again. Our first stop was in Barbados where I hired more men because some of my crew (船员们) died from fever. Unfortunately my new men were really pirates. They took command of my ship and kept me prisoner in my cabin. I think they sailed the ship to Madagascar. I do not know where we went after that. I only know that after some months, they decided to get rid of me.
They put me into a small boat and took me to an island. I only had my sword to protect me. Again I was abandoned (抛弃) in a land I did not know.
I decided to explore the island and set off carefully in case I was attacked. I saw trees and fields and soon I found a road with tracks of human feet but also of cows and horses.
“Similar to England,” I thought, and this made me feel better.
But then I saw some strange creatures with long hair and claws, These animals were disgusting. They were dirty and smelly. One of them saw me and lifted its paw, I was certain I was in danger and hit it with my sword. It made a loud roaring sound like a lion.
Next thing I knew I was surrounded by about forty of these creatures, I really was in danger now.
But suddenly, to my surprise, they all ran off. The only other animal nearby was a large, grey horse. It was quite an impressive horse and seemed strangely curious when it saw me. The horse came very close. It was a beautiful, noble creature. I stroked it but it did not like this. Then, a very strange thing happened. Another large horse arrived and it seemed to me, dear reader, that both horses began to “talk” about me. They made horsey sounds as they looked in my direction. They then began to examine me and touch my clothes and body. In their “conversation” I repeatedly heard the word “Yahoo”. I did not understand this word but I had the impression that these horses were extremely clever.
—Taken from Gulliver’s Travel
21.When did Gulliver set off for his more adventures again according to the passage!
22.How did Gulliver’s new crew treat him
23.How did Gulliver feel when he saw tracks of human feet or of cows and horses at first!
24.Why did Gulliver dislike those strange creatures with long hair and claws
25.What did Gulliver think of the two horses
(2023·江苏盐城·三模)Two weeks later, the children made another note. They held it up as The Green Dragon rushed past. The notice said, “MOTHER IS NEARLY WELLAGAIN. THANK YOU.”
The old gentleman saw the notice. He smiled and waved to the children.
When they told Mother about the old gentleman, she was very angry with them. “It was wrong to ask a stranger for help,” she said. Then, she stopped being angry and began to cry. The children thought this was worse.
“I’m sorry I was angry with you, she said”. “I know you don’t really understand. We’re poor, but we have enough money for food. You must never ever again ask anyone to give you things.”
The next day was Roberta’s birthday. Mother told her to go away and stay away until teatime.
She felt very lonely in the garden, so she walked out of it and down the lane to the canal. While Roberta was standing on the bridge looking down at the barges(驳船), the doctor came up in his small horse and cart. “Hello, head nurse,” he said. “Do you want a ride home ” Roberta got into the cart and sat next to the doctor.
Roberta let the doctor go on to his house and she stayed in the garden until teatime. When she went inside, there were twelve candles on the table, flowers, and some little parcels. As she walked into the room, Mother, Phyllis, and Peter sang a song to her.
Mother wrote the words for a birthday song every year.
Our darling Robert
No sorrow shall hurt her
If we can prevent it
Her whole life long.
Her birthday's our party day
We'll make it our great day
And give her our presents
And sing her our song
At the end of the song, Mother said, “Three cheers for Roberta.” And she, Phyllis, and Peter shouted, “Hip! Hip! Hooray!”
—Taken from The Railway Children
26.Who did the children make a note to
27.Why was Mother angry with the children
28.Where did Roberta meet the doctor
29.How old was Roberta
30.According to the passage, what would Roberta probably do next
31.盐城,一个令人打开心扉的地方。我们即将迎来盐城四十华诞。假如你是李华,你的加拿大笔友Martin计划暑假来盐城旅游。他给你发来邮件,询问盐城著名的地标景点(Famous Landmarks in Yancheng)。请你用英语回复一封邮件,推荐一个你眼中的盐城地标景点,对其作简要介绍,并说明推荐理由。
locate, best-loved, play a role, history
What’s the famous landmark in Yancheng Please describe it.
Why do you think it can be a landmark
Dear Martin,
I’m glad to know that you’re coming to visit Yancheng.
Li Hua
One day, while I was walking along a beach, I saw the footprints of a man in the sand! I was 32 .
I 1 33 around and listened carefully, but I couldn't see or hear anyone. I h 34 back to my castle and pulled the ladder up behind me. I was very worried and I didn't go out for three days. I couldn’t f 35 the footprints.
“Perhaps someone from the mainland came in a boat and then left again,” I thought. But if that’s t 36 , why do they come Do they want to kill me ”
Suddenly I didn’t feel s 37 any more. On the third day I had to go out to get some food and milk the goats. I didn’t see anyone and I began to feel less frightened. But the next day I started to b 38 another stronger fence around my castle.
I was also worried about my goats.
“I don’t want the savages (野蛮人) to find them,” I thought. “I must find a safer p 39 for them. I’m going to start looking for one tomorrow.” During the following weeks I walked all over the island. One day when I was exploring the west part, I had a very unpleasant e 40 . From the top of a hill I saw a boat on the sea. It was going towards the land in the distance. When I walked d 41 the hill to the beach, I saw something that made me feel ill. The sand was covered in bones and pieces of men’s bodies!
I thanked God that I was not like them. I felt very angry and I wanted to kill them.
—Taken from Robinson Crusoe
When they arrived in the courtroom, the King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their thrones. The room was f 42 of birds and animals and a complete pack of playing cards.
The Knave of Hearts was standing between two soldiers at the front of the room. There were chains around his h 43 . Alice saw the White Rabbit there, too. He had a piece of paper in one hand and a trumpet (喇叭) in the o 44 . In the middle of the room there was a table and on it there was a big plate of jam tarts(果酱馅饼). When Alice saw them, she started to feel h 45 .
“They’re probably for tea.” she thought. “I h 46 the trial(审讯) isn’t long.”She began to name everything in the courtroom b 47 she didn’t want to think about the tarts.
“That’s the judge,”she said. “He wears a big wig. The judge was the King and he was wearing the wig on top of his crown. He looked very silly.”
Then the White Rabbit blew his trumpet.
“What’s the crime ” the King asked.
“The Knave of Hearts s 48 those tarts which was made by The Queen of Hearts.” the White Rabbit said.
“What’s your verdict (裁决) ” the King asked the jurors.
“No, no. Your Majesty! We must call the witness first,” the White Rabbit said.
“Call the first witness!” the King shouted.
“Here I am!” Alice said. She was very big now and, as she jumped up, her skirt hit the box where the jurors were sitting. They fell out of their s 49 and on to the people below.
“Oh! I’m very sorry!” she said, and she p 50 them up and put them back in their places. “If all the jurors are in their places now,” the King said, “we can continue.”
He t 51 to Alice.
“What do you know about the tarts ” he asked her.
“Nothing!” Alice said.
—Taken from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
1.One of the young and wild horses ran into Lizzie./One of the horses ran into Lizzie. 2.She was kind and gentle. 3.Because Anne’s father and Anne trust her. 4.Because he was drunk. 5.He fell off onto the ground and died./He died in the end.
1.根据“Suddenly, a boy walked towards us. He was leading some horses. They were young and wild. One of them ran into Lizzie. She was afraid.”可知,Anne害怕是因为一匹野马朝她跑过去了。故填One of the young and wild horses ran into Lizzie./One of the horses ran into Lizzie.
2.根据“She was kind and gentle.”可知,在黑美人眼中Anne是善良又温柔的。故填She was kind and gentle.
3.根据“‘You must always ride Beauty,’ her father told her. ‘You must never ride another horse. You can always trust Black Beauty.’”可知,黑美人感到自豪是因为Anne的父亲及Anne都很信任他。故填Because Anne’s father and Anne trust her.
4.根据“He was very drunk. He could not hold the reins.”及“‘You cannot work for me any more,’ the lord told him.”可知,是因为他喝醉了。故填Because he was drunk。
5.根据“Reuben fell off my back. He lay on the ground. He did not move.”及“Many hours later, some people came and found Reuben was dead.”可知,Reuben最后从马背上摔下来,死了。故填He fell off onto the ground and died./He died in the end.
6.When he sees the portrait/picture of Hugo Baskerville. 7.Sir Charles and Sir Henry. 8.In London. 9.Because Stapleton takes the hound back to its hiding place. 10.He is bad.
6.根据“When I see the portrait (肖像) of Hugo Baskerville in the dining room I know that Stapleton is a Baskerville,”可知当他在餐厅里看到雨果·巴斯克维尔的肖像时,他知道斯台普顿也是巴斯克维尔人。故填When he sees the portrait/picture of Hugo Baskerville.
7.根据“There Stapleton discovers that only two people—Sir Charles and Sir Henry, separate him from the Baskerville fortune”可知查尔斯爵士和亨利爵士将斯台普顿与巴斯克维尔的财富分开。故填Sir Charles and Sir Henry.
8.根据“Stapleton buys the huge dog in London”可知是在伦敦买的。故填In London.
9.根据“Then Stapleton takes the hound back to its hiding place, so Sir Charles’s death is a mystery to all.”可知斯台普顿把猎犬带回了它的藏身之地,所以查尔斯爵士的死对所有人来说都是个谜。故填Because Stapleton takes the hound back to its hiding place.
10.开放性试题,言之有理即可。根据“And so he gets the idea to frighten Sir Charles to death with a hound.”可知他萌生了用猎犬吓死查尔斯爵士的想法,可见他是一个坏人。参考答案为He is bad.
11.(He says that) the 11.54 is a bit late that day. 12.(He has) a newspaper (in his hand). 13.Jim’s grandfather. 14.Because she can meet/see/be together with her father that day. 15.Very happy. Because he can be with his family again./ Nervous. Because he has been away for a long time./ Relaxed. Because he is finally home.
【导语】本文主要讲述了Bobbie去车站找Mr. Perks谈谈,却意外接到了自己的父亲回来,让她非常开心和激动。
11.根据“He tells her that the 11.54 is a bit late that day.”可知,站长对Bobbie说那天11点54分有点晚了。故填(He says that) the 11.54 is a bit late that day.
12.根据“When he comes out, he has a newspaper in his hand, too.”可知,Mr. Perks手里也拿着一份报纸。故填(He has) a newspaper (in his hand).
13.根据“ ‘Thanks to Jim’s grandfather,’ he says. ‘Now everyone knows the true story. They know that I’m not a spy.’ ”可知,是Jim的祖父帮忙。故填Jim’s grandfather.
14.根据“I can’t believe you’re really here. It is a special day after all. A very special day. I’m so happy!”可知,这天特殊是因为她见到了爸爸。故填Because she can meet/see/be together with her father that day.
15.开放性作答,言之有理即可。可填Very happy. Because he can be with his family again./ Nervous. Because he has been away for a long time./ Relaxed. Because he is finally home.
16.Early the next morning/ Before five. 17.There is a hole in the bottom of the kettle. 18.Wonderful. 19.Going down to the railway. 20.Helpful because they help their mother a lot.
16.细节理解题。根据“Roberta woke up early the next morning”以及“When Mother came out at eight o’clock, Roberta, Peter and Phyllis were all fast asleep in the sunshine. They had put the kettle on the fire at five o’clock”可知,他们第二天一大早就起床了,是在早上五点之前起床的。故填Early the next morning/ Before five.
17.根据“All the water had boiled away (烧干). Now there was a hole in the bottom of the kettle.”可知,所有的水都烧干了,现在水壶的底部有一个洞。故填There is a hole in the bottom of the kettle.
18.根据“It was a wonderful breakfast.”可知,这是一顿美妙的早餐,故填Wonderful.
19.根据“Roberta, Peter and Phyllis looked at each other. They were all thinking the same thing. ‘Let’s go down to the railway,’ cried Roberta.”可知,他们都在想同样的事情:到铁路上去,故填Going down to the railway.
20.根据“We must help Mother now”以及“Carefully the three children lit the fire and filled a kettle (水壶) with water. They hung the kettle above the fire.”可知,三个孩子是乐于助人的,他们帮了妈妈很多忙,故填Helpful because they help their mother a lot.
21.On 7th September 1710. 22.They took his ship and threw him into an island/abandoned him. 23.He felt better/He felt happy. 24.Because they are disgusting, dirty and smelly./Because one of them wanted to hit him. 25.They are beautiful, noble, and clever./They were extremely clever.
21.由第一段“On 7th September 1710, I set off for more adventures again.”知,在1710年9月7日,格列佛再次出发进行更多的冒险,故填On 7th September 1710.
22.由第一段“They took command of my ship and kept me prisoner in my cabin.”和第二段“Again I was abandoned (抛弃) in a land I did not know.”知,格列佛的新船员占了他的船,把他抛弃在岛上,故填They took his ship and threw him into an island/abandoned him.
23.由第四段“‘Similar to England,’ I thought, and this made me feel better.”知,当格列佛看见人的足迹,以及牛和马的足迹时,他感觉好了些/开心,故填He felt better/He felt happy.
24.由倒数第三段“But then I saw some strange creatures with long hair and claws, These animals were disgusting. They were dirty and smelly.”和“One of them saw me and lifted its paw, I was certain I was in danger and hit it with my sword.”知,格列佛不喜欢这些奇怪的生物是因为他们恶心,又脏又臭,也可能是因为其中一只想要袭击他,故填Because they are disgusting, dirty and smelly./Because one of them wanted to hit him.
25.由最后一段“It was a beautiful, noble creature”和“I did not understand this word but I had the impression that these horses were extremely clever.”知,格列佛认为这些马漂亮、高贵,也很聪明,故填They are beautiful, noble, and clever./They were extremely clever.
26.The old gentleman. 27.Because they asked a stranger for help. 28.On the bridge. 29.She was twelve years old. 30.Thank them for writing and singing. 31.例文
Dear Martin,
I’m glad to know that you’re coming to visit Yancheng. It has a large number of ancient and modern landmarks for you to travel around. Let me share one with you and I think you must love it when you travel in Yancheng.
Yancheng Museum, is located in the middle of our city. It is the best choice. It’s one of the most attractive buildings. It is so great that it attracts many tourists every year. During the visit, you can learn about the history and culture of Yancheng. Being the best-loved public space, it plays a necessary role in history. That’s why I think it can be a landmark in Yancheng. It’s well worth visiting.
I hope the above is helpful. Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions.
Li Hua
26.根据文中“The old gentleman saw the notice. He smiled and waved to the children.”可知,是为了那个老先生,故填The old gentleman.
27.根据文中“It was wrong to ask a stranger for help”可知,她认为向陌生人寻求帮助是错误的。故填Because it was wrong to ask a stranger for help.
28.根据文中“While Roberta was standing on the bridge looking down at the barges, the doctor came up in his small horse and cart.”可知,他们是在桥上遇见的,故填On the bridge.
29.根据“there were twelve candles on the table”可知,桌子上有12支蜡烛,应该是12 岁了,故填She was twelve years old.
30.根据文中“At the end of the song, Mother said,‘Three cheers for Roberta.’And she, Phyllis, and Peter shouted,‘Hip! Hip! Hooray!’”可知,母亲和她的兄弟为她准备了生日礼物,一起过了生日,她接下来最可能会对他们表达感谢。故填She would thank them for writing and singing the song.
①a large number of大量的
②plays a role in起……作用
①It’s one of the most attractive buildings. (“one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”句型)
②It is so great that it attracts many tourists every year.(so…that…如此……以至于……)
32.surprised 33.(l)ooked 34.(h)urried 35.(f)orget 36.(t)rue 37.(s)afe 38.(b)uild 39.(p)lace 40.(e)xperience 41.(d)own
32.句意:我很吃惊。根据“I saw the footprints of a man in the sand! ”可知,我发现了沙滩上的脚印,故我很吃惊。surprised“吃惊的”修饰人。故填surprised。
33.句意:我环顾四周,仔细地听着,但我看不到或听到任何人。根据“...around and listened carefully, but I couldn't see or hear anyone.”及首字母可知,空处指“环顾四周”,look around表示“环顾四周”,为固定短语,因本文是描述发生过的事,时态为一般过去时,谓语动词look需用过去式looked。故填(l)ooked。
34.句意:我匆忙回到我的城堡,拉起身后的梯子。根据“...back to my castle and pulled the ladder up behind me.”及首字母可知,指匆忙回到城堡。hurry“匆忙”为动词,其过去式为hurried。故填(h)urried。
35.句意:我不能忘记脚印。根据“I couldn't f... the footprints.”可知,空处指“忘记”,其英文为forget,couldn’t后跟动词原形。故填(f)orget。
36.句意:但如果那是真的,他们为什么来?根据“ ‘But if that’s t..., why do they come Do they want to kill me ’ ”可知,作者推测有人从陆地来了,然后又走了,如果这是真的,他们为什么来。故空处指“真的”,需形容词true。故填(t)rue。
37.句意:突然,我感到不再安全。根据“But the next day I started to b...another stronger fence around my castle.”可知,第二天我在城堡周围建了坚固的栅栏,说明我感到不安全。safe“安全的”为形容词,在句中作表语。故填(s)afe。
38.句意:但第二天我开始在我的城堡周围建造另一道更坚固的栅栏。根据“...another stronger fence around my castle.”可知,空处指“建造”,其英文为build,to后跟动词原形。故填(b)uild。
39.句意: 我必须为他们找到一个更安全的地方。根据“ I’m going to start looking for one tomorrow. ”可知,明天我去寻找地方,故空处指“地方”,其英文为place,为可数名词,a后跟名词单词。故填(p)lace。
40.句意:有一天,我在西部探险时,我有一个非常不愉快的经历。根据“I had a very unpleasant e...”可知,空处指“经历”,其英文为experience,a后跟名词单数。故填(e)xperience。
41.句意:当我沿着山坡走到海滩时,我看到了一些让我感到不舒服的东西。根据“When I walked d...the hill to the beach”可知,当我从山上下来走到海滩时,故空处指“下来”,需介词down,walked down表示“沿着……下来”。故填(d)own。
42.(f)ull 43.(h)ands 44.(o)ther 45.(h)ungry 46.(h)ope 47.(b)ecause 48.(s)tole 49.(s)eats 50.(p)icked 51.(t)urned
42.句意:房间里满是鸟儿和动物,还有所有的纸牌。根据“was ... of birds and animals and a complete pack of playing cards.”及首字母可知,此处是固定短语be full of“充满”,指“房间里满是鸟儿和动物”,故填(f)ull。
43.句意:他的手上戴着手铐。根据“...in the courtroom”可知,是在法庭,结合“There were chains around his ...”及首字母可知,应是手上戴着手铐,hand“手”,是两只手,所以用复数形式,故填(h)ands。
44.句意:他一只手拿着一张纸,另一只手拿着一个喇叭。根据“...in one hand”和“ in the... ”及首字母可知,此处指“另一只手”,两者之间的另一个用the other表示,故填(o)ther。
45.句意:当爱丽丝看到它们时,她开始觉得饿了。根据“ on it there was a big plate of jam tarts(果酱馅饼)”及首字母可知,看到果酱馅饼应是感觉饿了。hungry“饥饿的”,形容词作表语,故填(h)ungry。
46.句意:我希望审判不要太久。上文讲述爱丽丝感觉饿了,结合“the trial(审讯) isn’t long”及首字母可知,此处指“希望审判的时间不会太长”,hope“希望”符合语境,主语是I,谓语动词用原形,故填(h)ope。
47.句意:她开始在法庭上说出所有东西的名字,因为她不想去想馅饼。根据“She began to name everything in the courtroom ”和“she didn’t want to think about the tarts.”可知,前后之间是因果关系,表示前果后因,所以空处用because引导原因状语从句。故填(b)ecause。
48.句意:红桃杰克偷了红桃皇后做的馅饼。根据“What’s the crime”可知,此处是在陈述罪情,结合首字母可知,应是说“偷了馅饼”,steal“偷”,讲述的是过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时,空处用动词的过去式,故填(s)tole。
49.句意:他们从座位上掉下来,落到下面的人身上。根据“the jurors were sitting”可知,他们是坐着的,结合“They fell out of their ...”及首字母可知,此处指从“座位”上掉下来,seat“座位”,由their可知,此处用复数形式,故填(s)eats。
50.句意:“哦!我很抱歉!”她说着,把他们抱起来放回原处。上文讲到了“陪审员从座位上掉了下来”,结合“and she... them up and put them back in their places”及首字母可知,此处是pick up“提起,拿起”,此处指“把他们抱起来”,讲述的是过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时,空处用动词的过去式,故填(p)icked。
51.句意:他转向爱丽丝。根据“we can continue”和“‘What do you know about the tarts ’ he asked her.”可知,应是转向爱丽丝问道,turn“转向”,讲述的是过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时,空处用动词的过去式,故填(t)urned。