人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration提能训练(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration提能训练(含解析)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-21 22:24:08



Unit 3 Sea Exploration
Earth is far more alive than we previously thought, according to “deep life” studies that reveal a rich ecosystem beneath our feet that is almost twice the size of all the world's oceans.Despite extreme heat, no light and intense pressure, scientists estimate it has between 15 billion and 23 billion tonnes of microorganisms.“It's like finding a whole new reservoir(储藏) of life on Earth,” said Karen Lloyd, an associate professor at the University of Tenesse.
Results suggest 70 percent of Earth's bacteria and archaea exist in the subsurface.One organism found 2.5 kilometers below the surface has been buried for millions of years and may not rely at all on energy from the sun.Also, the methanogen(产甲烷菌) has found a way to create methane in this environment, which it may not use to reproduce or divide, but use to replace or repair broken parts.Lengths of their lives were completely different.Some microorganisms have been alive for thousands of years, barely moving except with shifts in earthquakes or eruptions.They're just active inside, with less energy than people thought possible to support life.
The team consists of 1,200 scientists from 52 countries in disciplines ranging from geology and microbiology to chemistry and physics.A year before the conclusion of their study, they will present the findings before the American Geophysical Union's annual meeting opens this week, which they say are made possible by technical advances on drills and microscopes.
The scientists have been wondering about the point beyond which life cannot exist, but the deeper they dig, the more life they find.There is a temperature maximum—currently 122 ℃, but they believe this record will be broken if they keep exploring and developing more advanced instruments.
Questions remain, including how the microbes interact with chemical processes, and what this might reveal about how life and Earth coevolved.
1.What do the scientists find about the underground organisms?
A.They can't reproduce and divide.
B.They're the oldest living things.
C.Some of them consume no energy.
D.Some of them almost always keep still.
2.What can we learn about the research from Paragraph 3?
A.It lasts for around one year.
B.It involves efforts from multiple fields.
C.It promotes technical development.
D.It is conducted in 52 countries.
3.Why does the scientists drill deep?
A.To break their previous record.
B.To find the depth limit of life.
C.To discover more ancient microorganisms.
D.To detect the highest subsurface temperature.
4.What is the best title for the text?
A.Earth's Depths Are Full of Life
B.Organisms Live Better Underground
C.Earth Is Far Beyond Human Exploration
D.Subsurface Life Differs From That on Land
Plastic fishing nets, the so-called ghost nets, abandoned yearly in the sea—about 1 million tons—are more than just rubbish;they're a killer.Fish, seabirds, and turtles get caught in the netting and die, with more species at risk.
Much shocked at this, Pranveer Singh Rathore, a materials-science engineer and materials R & D Manager at Samsung, and his team set themselves the task of giving new life to the deadly nets.Last month, Samsung revealed a new line of Galaxy products made in part from recycled plastic fishing nets for the first time.The company estimates this year alone it can recycle over 50 tons of ocean-bound plastic into the key components that will go into its smartphones, tablets, and computers, thus taking a bite out of the global ghost nets problem.
It's no small task to give waste fishing nets a second act.The nets are typically made of a substance called nylon which tends to dramatically degrade(降解) the longer it sits in the ocean and is exposed to the sun.“This makes it nearly impossible to use abandoned fishing nets directly,” Rathore explains.Besides, high-performance smartphones, tablet computers, or PCs have to be waterproof and be able to survive severe weather.The nylon in the fishing nets falls far short of that level of durability.
To deal with that problem, Samsung last summer teamed up with two partners: one to collect and transform the nets into tiny nylon pellets(团粒) while the other to strengthen their toughness and durability.The end result:The partners hit upon an eco-friendly and high-performance plastic material that's being used to build the component parts for its latest line of products.For example, two parts of the Galaxy S22 mobile phone—the key bracket and the inner cover—are made of these plastic fishing net materials.Samsung aims to use even more upcycled materials in future product lines.
“That's the hope for the globe and our mission,”Rathore smiles.
5.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Rubbish in the sea.
B.Recycling the deadly nets.
C.Ocean species' extinction.
D.Ghost nets' threat to sea life.
6.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The low level of durability of nylon.
B.The second act of waste fishing nets.
C.The great difficulty in reusing ghost nets.
D.The positive comment on Samsung's products.
7.What is special about Samsung's new Galaxy products
A.They are made from tiny nylon pellets.
B.They put an end to the problem of fishing nets.
C.They can stand up to water and severe weather.
D.They contain materials recycled from ghost nets.
8.What can we learn about Rathore's work?
A.It makes plastic easier to break down.
B.It marks the shift of Samsung's mission.
C.It protects the planet from choking on plastic.
D.It raises public awareness of ocean exploration.
Magnetic fields are promising to be a useful tool in the hunt for human settlements that have been lost to the sea off the coast of the UK.An upcoming project is set to use magnetometry (磁力测定) data to seek Doggerland, the flooded land that connected Britain to mainland Europe until the end of the Ice Age, but there's hope that this technique could be used to find long-lost civilizations all over the world.
The study comes from the University of Bradford in the UK.Their plan is to closely look at magnetometry data gathered from a portion of the North Sea and attempt to identify any strange anomalies (异常) that could suggest the presence of archaeological structures.
The team is especially keen to use these techniques to look for traces of human activities beneath the North Sea since it's thought to have been home to some of the largest prehistoric settlements in Europe.Before it was flooded over 8,000 years ago.Doggerland was a rich and diverse habitat that likely attracted prehistoric humans and others.Despite its potential that lays beneath the North Sea, we know relatively little about the culture that once was developed here.
“As the area we are studying used to be above sea level, there's a small chance this analysis could even reveal evidence for hunter-gatherer activity.That would be the most important part.” Ben Urmston, PhD student at the University of Bradford, said in a statement.“We might also discover the presence of middens, which are rubbish dumps that consist of animal bones, shells and other biological material that can tell us a lot about how people lived.”
Remarkably little of the world's oceans have been explored, let alone for the purposes of archaeology.Nevertheless, advances in technology are continuing to show that the coastlines are hiding countless traces of ancient human activities, even evidence of long-lost civilizations.
Thanks to projects like the one at the University of Bradford, as well as many others, the future of marine archaeology is looking promising.Nevertheless, we have to be patient.Just don't expect to stumble across the sunken city of Atlantis anytime soon.
9.Why is magnetometry data used in this project?
A.To trace the ice movement.
B.To measure Doggerland.
C.To find a lost ancient land.
D.To explore the history of Britain.
10.What do we know about Doggerland over 8,000 years ago?
A.Its civilization is little known to us.
B.It was a place that was often flooded.
C.It was a deserted island with few people.
D.Its location has not yet been confirmed.
11.What is Ben Urmston's attitude toward this analysis?
A.Uncaring. B.Subjective.
C.Shocked. D.Favourable.
12.What do the underlined words “stumble across” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Display. B.Assess.
C.Restore. D.Discover.
There has been a very serious decline in the numbers of shallow-water fish as a result of overfishing.People still want to eat fish, so the fishing industry must look at other sources, especially the deep waters of the Atlantic. 1. 
Conservation measures will have to be put in place if these deep-sea fish are to survive.Research on five such species shows that numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent. 2.  Many species could well disappear completely if the present trend continues.These are species that have been swimming in our oceans for hundreds of millions of years.
The problem is emphasized by the fact that the decline in numbers happened in less than twenty years.Deep-sea fish take a long time to reproduce and normally live for many years. 3.  The average size of such fish also declined, with one species showing a 57 percent decline in average size.This is of particular concern, as large fish tend to produce more offspring than small ones.
4.  The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding(快速繁殖) fish like sardine and herring.It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.
The damage done by overfishing goes beyond the sea environment.Millions of people make a living in the fishing industry. 5.  Measures must be taken to not only conserve ecosystems, but also sustain livelihoods and insure food security.
A.Billions of people rely on fish for protein.
B.Many people now choose not to eat deep-sea fish.
C.Unfortunately, their reproduction rate is very low.
D.This puts them in the category of “critically endangered”.
E.None of these facts has been taken into account by the fishing industry.
F.Overfishing is a major cause of decline in populations of ocean wildlife.
G.This has resulted in a sharp decline in the numbers of many of the species caught.
We look upward and wonder what lies 1.  our planet.Our curiosity about outer space has remained unshakeable.Meanwhile, it is estimated that more than eighty percent of the world's oceans are unexplored.So if we want to find undiscovered and unusual geological formations, the ocean is also 2.  we should also be looking at.Then why don't we dive to the bottom of a really deep ocean and take 3.  thorough and long look beneath the waves
The first 200 meters of our dive 4. (take) us through what can be called the open ocean, where most visible light exists.Sinking below 200 meters, we enter the twilight zone where hunters with telescopic, upward-pointing eyes are living.Consequently, the fish most likely 5. (eat) have evolved to have thin bodies so that they are less easily seen from below.
Passing 1,000 meters, we have reached the deep ocean, there 6. (be) no light.The pressure there is huge and can be more than 100 times 7.  of the Earth's atmosphere.It is then surprising that many creatures can live in this extreme environment, which can't rely 8. (sole) on their eyesight to survive. 9.  there is life, there is amazement.With so much of the ocean 10. (leave) to explore, who knows what wonders still await us in the future
1.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Some microorganisms have been alive for thousands of years, barely moving except with shifts in earthquakes or eruptions.”可知,有些微生物已经存活了数千年,除了在地震或火山爆发时出现移动外,几乎不动。因此,一些地下生物几乎总是保持静止状态。故选D。
2.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The team consists of 1,200 scientists from 52 countries in disciplines ranging from geology and microbiology to chemistry and physics.”可知,该团队由来自52个国家的1 200名科学家组成,涉及从地质学、微生物学到化学和物理学等学科。因此,多个领域的科学家们共同参与了这个研究。故选B。
3.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The scientists have been wondering about the point beyond which life cannot exist, but the deeper they dig, the more life they find.”可知,科学家们一直想知道生命存在的极限,但他们挖掘得越深,发现的生命越多。因此,科学家们挖掘得深是在寻找生命的深度极限。故选B。
4.解析:标题归纳题。根据第一段中的“Earth is far more alive than we previously thought... that is almost twice the size of all the world's oceans.”可知,根据“深海生命”研究,地球远比我们之前认为的更有活力。该研究揭示,在我们脚下有一个丰富的生态系统,其规模几乎是世界上所有海洋体积的两倍。因此,地球的深处蕴含着丰富的生命。故选A。
6.解析:主旨大意题。根据第三段的“The nylon in... level of durability.”可知,渔网中的尼龙远远达不到电子元件那种耐用性。这仅仅解释 了“鬼网”二次使用的难处之一,不能概括段意。 A错误;问题问的是第三段的主旨,根据第三段首句可知,该段重点阐述了“废弃渔网二次使用的困难”,而不是“废弃渔网的二次使用”。 B错误;通读第三段内容可知,该段第一句“It's no small... a second act.”为主题句,揭示了废弃渔网二次使用的困难。该段下文针对废弃渔网的再利用难题进行了叙述。 C正确;通读第三段内容可知,该段客观地阐述了“鬼网”二次使用的困难,而不是对三星公司产品的正面评价。 D错误。故选C。
7.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“To deal with that problem... strengthen their toughness and durability.”可知,三星的一个合作伙伴收集“鬼网”并将其加工成微小的尼龙团粒,并没有提及三星新Galaxy系列产品是由微小的尼龙团粒制成的。 A错误;通读第四段内容可知,三星产品在改造过程中确实使用了“鬼网”,但并不能解决所有渔网的问题。 B错误;根据第三段最后两句可知,高性能智能手机、平板电脑或个人电脑必须防水,并能适应恶劣的天气;而渔网中的尼龙则远远达不到那种耐用性。故可知防水并能适应恶劣天气的事物不是三星Galaxy产品。 C错误;通读第四段内容可知,三星Galaxy产品在改造的过程中再利用了“鬼网”,三星公司将其做成了新产品中的部件。 D正确。故选D。
8.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Much shocked at... the deadly nets.”可知, Rathore和他的团队致力于给“鬼网”新生,对其进行再次利用。再结合最后一段Rathore说的话及全文其他内容可知,他的工作可以保护地球不被塑料堵塞。故选C。
9.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“An upcoming project is set to use magnetometry (磁力测定) data to seek Doggerland, the flooded land that connected Britain to mainland Europe until the end of the Ice Age, but there's hope that this technique could be used to find long-lost civilizations all over the world.(一个即将到来的项目将使用磁力测定数据来寻找多格兰。这片被洪水淹没的土地一直连接着英国和欧洲大陆,直到冰河时代结束,但这项技术有望在世界各地找到失传已久的文明。)”可知,使用磁力测定的数据是为了寻找一块被海水淹没的古老陆地——多格兰。故选C。
10.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中 “Before it was flooded over 8,000 years ago, Doggerland was a rich and diverse habitat that likely attracted prehistoric humans and others.Despite its potential that lays beneath the North Sea, we know relatively little about the culture that once was developed here.(在8,000多年前被洪水淹没之前,多格兰是一个丰富多样的栖息地,可能吸引了史前人类和其他物种。尽管北海海底蕴藏着巨大的潜力,但我们对这里曾经形成的文化却知之甚少。)”和关键词“know relatively little”可知,我们对8,000多年前的多格兰文明知之甚少。故选A。
11.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中本·乌尔姆斯顿 所说的“As the area we are studying used to be above sea level, there's a small chance this analysis could even reveal evidence for hunter-gatherer activity.That would be the most important part.(由于我们正在研究的地区曾经高于海平面,因此这项分析甚至有很小的机会揭示狩猎采集活动的证据。这将是最重要的部分。)”可推断,本·乌尔姆斯顿认为这项分析很有意义,所以他的态度是赞成的。A.Uncaring漠不关心的;B.Subjective主观的;C.Shocked震惊的;D.Favourable支持的。故选D。
12.解析:词义猜测题。最后一段“Thanks to projects like the one at the University of Bradford, as well as many others, the future of marine archaeology is looking promising.(多亏了像布拉德福德大学这样的项目,以及其他许多项目,海洋考古学的未来看起来很有希望。)”强调海洋考古学的未来有希望,紧接着用Nevertheless一转“Nevertheless, we have to be patient.(然而我们必须要有耐心。)”告诉我们必须要有耐心,由此推测,作者想告诉我们,即使有了这项技术,我们也不会很快发现沉没在海底的文明。综合分析可知,该画线短语与discover 意思相同。故选D。
1. 根据设空处所在的位置可知,设空处应总结上文内容,即过度捕捞导致鱼类种群和数量下降。G项(这导致了很多被捕物种的数量急剧下降)意义连贯,符合语境。故选G。
2.根据上文“shows that numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent”及下文“Many species could well disappear completely if the present trend continues.”可知,此处应介绍鱼类种群和数量急剧下降导致的结果,D项(这使它们被列入“极危”的范畴)衔接上下文,符合语境。故选D。
3.根据空前“Deep-sea fish take a long time to reproduce”及空后“...also declined, with one species showing a 57 percent decline in average size.”可知,深海鱼类繁殖和生长周期很长,这些原因导致这些鱼群规模变小,故C项(不幸的是,它们的繁殖率很低)符合语境。故选C。
4.根据下文“The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding fish like sardine and herring.It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.”可知,捕鱼者意识不到这种危害性,依然我行我素。E项(这些事实中没有一个让捕鱼业引起重视)符合语境。故选E。
5.根据上文“Millions of people make a living in the fishing industry.”及下文“Measures must be taken to not only conserve ecosystems, but also sustain livelihoods and insure food security.”可知,设空处应说明采取措施的原因,且要与livelihoods和food security相关。故A项(数十亿人依赖鱼来获取蛋白质)能承接上下文,符合语境。故选A。
1.考查介词。句意为:我们抬头仰望,想知道我们星球之外有什么。根据句意以及下一句中的outer space可知,此处应表示“在……的外面”。故填outside/beyond。
2.考查名词性从句。句意为:所以,如果我们想要找到还未发现和不同寻常的地质构造,那么海洋也是我们应该关注的领域。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导表语从句,引导词在表语从句中作 looking at 的宾语,表示“……的领域”,指物,应用 what 引导该从句。故填what。
3.考查冠词。句意为:那么我们为什么不潜入深海底部,在海浪之下做一次彻底而长期的观察呢?take a look 是固定短语,意为“看一看”,且 thorough 的发音以辅音音素开头。故填a。
4.考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意为:开始的200米潜海带我们穿过了所谓的开阔海域,此区域有大部分可见光。分析句子结构可知,此处应是谓语动词,根据下一句中的we enter可知,此处应用一般现在时;主语The first 200 meters of our dive为单数概念,谓语应用第三人称单数形式。故填takes。
5.考查非谓语动词。句意为:结果是,很可能被吃掉的鱼进化成了身体瘦小的鱼,这样它们从下方就不太容易被发现。be likely to do 意为“很可能……”, fish和eat之间是逻辑上的被动关系,所以应填动词不定式的被动形式。故填to be eaten。
6.考查非谓语动词。句意为:经过1 000米后,我们到达了深海,这里没有了光。分析句子结构可知,本句的谓语动词是have reached, 且与设空处之间无连词连接,所以设空处应用非谓语动词形式,和空前的there构成there be句型的独立主格结构。故填being。
7.考查代词。句意为:那里(海底1 000米处)的压力很大,是地球大气压力的 100多倍。根据句意可知,本句是两个地方的压力的比较,所以该空应该指代前面的The pressure;因为pressure是不可数名词,所以用that指代。故填that。
8.考查词性转换。句意为:然后令人吃惊的是,很多生物可以生活在这种(没有光)极端的环境中,它们的存活不能仅仅依靠眼睛视力。此处修饰动词短语 rely on, 应用副词形式。故填solely。
10.考查非谓语动词。句意为:海洋有这么多的东西有待于去探索,谁知道将来会有什么奇迹仍在等着我们呢?分析句子结构可知,设空处应是 with 复合结构中的宾补,因此要用非谓语动词形式, leave 意为“使……处于某种状态”,和宾语much of the ocean之间是逻辑上的被动关系,所以要用过去分词。故填left。