福建师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三上学期测试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频有听力原文)


名称 福建师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三上学期测试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-22 14:24:06



时间:120分钟 满分:150分
1. What is the speakers’ destination
A. England. B. Germany. C. Netherlands.
2. How does the man feel
A. Relieved. B. Worried. C. Confident.
3. What month is it now
A. June. B. July. C. August.
4. What are the speakers going to watch
A. A recording of a play.
B. A live broadcast of a play.
C. A Hollywood adaptation of a play.
5. Where might the woman be
A. In a car. B. In a boat. C. In a spacecraft.
6. What is bothering Jamie
A. His clothing. B. His car. C. His sister.
7. What will Jamie do next
A. Go to sleep. B. Drive faster. C. Do some reading.
8. How many seats does the bicycle have
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
9. What will be the hardest part of riding the bicycle
A. Keeping balance. B. Gaining speed. C. Being safe.
10. What might Mr. Wells be
A. An athlete. B. A business owner. C. An advertising expert.
11. What do we know about the product
A. It is from family business.
B. Its main buyers are runners.
C. It is designed to be used by a team.
12. According to the woman, what does Mr. Wells need most
A. The budget of the advertising.
B. The name of the chosen person.
C. The artwork of the advertisement.
13. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The preparation for a school play.
B. The woman’s visit to the man’s house.
C. The traditional customs in the woman’s country.
14. How did the man’s parents feel about the woman at first
A. Angry. B. Embarrassed. C. Surprised.
15. What did the man’s father have in common with the woman
A. They played the same sport.
B. They were both very smart in their class.
C. They both gained many awards in school.
16. Why can’t the woman attend the dinner on time
A. She will be seeing a play.
B. She will be celebrating a holiday.
C. She will be performing in a show.
17. How long is the storm warning for
A. 12 hours. B. 13 hours. C. 24 hours.
18. What does the speaker advise people to particularly stay away from
A. The windows. B. The ocean. C. The roads.
19. What makes the storm dangerous
A. The rain. B. The winds. C. The pressure.
20. What does the speaker suggest people do
A. Turn off their power.
B. Keep up with the latest news.
C. Board their windows and doors with wood.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,共34分)
Back in 1958, I was crazy about the Norfolk and Western 746. The smooth bullet-nose engine with its orange and yellow lines and shiny streamline d black tender(车厢) seemed to have cast a spell on me.
Together the engine and tender measured a little shy of 2 feet—enormous by the toy train standards of the day. Even better, the 746 had a working headlight and smoker, and its tender sang high.
Unfortunately, the amazing 746 also had an amazing price—$50, equal to about $450 today. That was far more than my grandfather could afford. Instead, I had to be content with his little Lionel plastic, which was SIX INCHES shorter than the 746 and had no headlight, no smoker or no sound! But that was the best that my grandfather could give me at that time.
Years passed, and I was in my 30s. Superior sound systems and computer controls dominated toy trains. I never gave a look. My interest in toy trains, I firmly believed, had faded, so did my admiration for the 746, since my grandfather was not with me. The 746 was never called to mind. On an ordinary day, however, I happened to see the 746 outside the window of a train show. Just one-look, I could not look away. Childhood memories that I tried to hide in the depths of my heart raced through my mind, happy or sad.
That day I took the 746 home and placed it in the center of the room, and let my childhood dream sing its way around me. Smoke rose out from the engine and the soft song sounded from its tender. It seemed as if I could see the soft light in grandfather’s eyes and hear his cheerful laughter.
21. Which best describes the 746 in the author’s eyes
A. Its measurement was at a disadvantage.
B. Its price rocketed from $50 to $450.
C. Its beauty had a special appeal.
D. It was the largest train in 1958.
22. How did the author feel when receiving his little Lionel plastic
A. Visibly relieved. B. Slightly discontented.
C. Really delighted. D. Terribly ashamed.
23. What happened to the author in his 30s
A. He left his grandfather alone.
B. He didn’t favor the 746 at all.
C. He admired advanced toy trains.
D. He attempted not to recall the past.
24. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A. The 746: A Perfect Gift from My Grandfather
B. Toy Trains: Memories of A Generation
C. The 746: Childhood Memories of Love
D. Toy Trains: Childhood in History
Two separate research groups in the UK and Denmark have come up with the same idea for a study that could help save endangered species, and have gotten the same results. It involves sucking(吸) environmental DNA from the air that animals leave behind.
“We use a really small pump that pulls the air through, and we hope the DNA gets caught on the filter(过滤器),” said Elizabeth Clare, the lead researcher, “It’s a bit like making coffee You make coffee by sucking water through a filter and leaving the coffee grounds behind. That’s basically what we’re doing; we’re just sucking the air through and hoping that the DNA gets left behind.”
Clare says the concept has been used for years in different ways. Scientists sample pathogens(病原体) from the air, which has been used to help track COVID-19 Environmental DNA can also be collected from water to help ease invasive species.
A big goal for both research teams with the new study is to be able to locate endangered species and help save them. It is important to note that this type of DNA sampling can only be picked up if a species is in the area, so if there were two of the same animal, scientists would not be able to tell which one the DNA came from.
Both research groups also reported certain DNA samples not showing up when they knew an animal had been in the area. They also can’t tell yet how long an animal’s DNA will stick around after it’s been in one area. Clare says she’d like to plan more researches to get these answers.
But one thing is for sure after conducting the study. Clare says she has a whole new perspective on taking a deep breath. “As you know, I’m walking through a jungle or the park or taking my dog for a walk or my kids out to play, and I take a deep breath; I think I just inhaled information about all the things that have been here before, and as a scientist, that’s exciting to think that the information that I’m trying to gather is literally hanging in front of me,” she said.
25. Why does the author mention coffee-making
A. To illustrate how the idea works. B. To demonstrate the function of a filter.
C. To compare two different methods. D. To prove how simply DNA-sucking works.
26. What does the underlined phrase “the concept” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. Detecting danger in the air. B. Protecting endangered animals.
C. Sucking DNA out of the air. D. Collecting environmental samples.
27. What do we know about the new method of DNA sampling
A. It distinguishes different DNAs.
B. It collects certain DNA within range.
C. It locates endangered species exactly.
D. It predicts the duration of animals’stay.
28. What can we infer from Clare’s words in the last paragraph
A. She finds inner peace by doing simple things in life.
B. She agrees with the benefits of deep breathing.
C. She adopts brand-new methods of purifying the air.
D. She breathes the air of hope for future studies.
There’s a useful concept from psychology that helps explain why good people do things that harm the environment: the false consensus(共识) effect. That’s where we overvalue how acceptable and widespread our own behavior is in society. Put simply, if you’re doing something (even if you secretly know you probably shouldn’t), you’re more likely to think plenty of other people do it too. What’s more, you likely overestimate how much other people think that behavior is broadly OK.
This bias(偏见) allows people to justify socially unacceptable or illegal behaviors. Researchers have observed the false consensus effect in drug use and illegal hunting. More recently, conservationists are beginning to reveal how this effect contributes to environmental damage.
In Australia, people who admitted poaching(偷猎) thought it was much more widespread in society than it really was, and had higher estimates than fishers who obeyed the law. They also believed others viewed poaching as socially tolerable; however, in reality, more than 90% of fishers took the opposite stand on this. The false consensus effect has also shown up in studies examining support for nuclear energy and offshore wind farms.
Just as concepts from psychology can help explain some forms of environmental damage, so too can they help solve it. For example, research shows people are more likely to litter in areas where there’s already a lot of trash thrown around; so making sure the ground around a bin is not covered in rubbish may help.
Factual information on how other people think and behave can be very powerful. Energy companies have substantially reduced energy consumption simply by showing people their difference in electricity use compared to their neighbors. Encouragingly, stimulating people’s natural desire for social position has also been successful in getting people to “go green to be seen”, or to publicly purchase eco-friendly products.
As the research evidence shows, social standards can be a powerful force in encouraging and popularizing environmentally friendly behaviors. Perhaps you can do your bit by sharing this article!
29. Which example best illustrates the false consensus effect
A. A student spends long hours surfing the Internet.
B. A blogger assumes many people dislike his posts.
C. A smoker believes people generally approve of smoking.
D. A driver frequently parks illegally in public places.
30. How did most Australian fishers view the issue of poaching
A. It is contradictory. B. It is impractical.
C. It is widespread. D. It is unacceptable.
31. What do words “go green to be seen” refer to in paragraph 5
A. Develop green habits for better health.
B. Choose green items that are easy to spot in stores.
C. Join green movements for personal fulfillment.
D. Make green choices that others can perceive.
32. What is a recommended approach to solving environmental problems
A. Justify social standards. B. Publicize sustainable practices.
C. Encourage technological innovations. D. Highlight personal responsibilities.
Have you ever had the pleasure of popping the small air-filled bubbles that make up a sheet of bubble wrap(气泡膜包装) 33 Have you ever wondered why popping them is so much fun
It turns out that there is some science behind the human connection to bubble wrap. Some experts believe it’s similar to the need to fidget(动来动去). 34 These small actions are all types of fidgeting.
While some people think fidgeting is distracting, it’s actually been shown to increase attention image. 35 Similarly, a study revealed that people report feeling sharper after pop ping bubble wrap. The results also showed that people who popped bubble wrap were calmer afterward than those who did not. So, pop ping bubble wrap may increase people’s ability to pay attention and remember what they learn.
36 In other words, your brain is wired to enjoy it! Early humans had to be on their toes all the time. They needed to be ready to run from wild animals at a moment’s notice. Today, people spend a lot of time sitting, especially at school and at work. As a result, the body may build a lot of muscle tension from lack of movement. Popping bubble wrap helps relax that muscle tension. It reduces stress and anxiety.
In fact, studies have shown that, sometimes, the human brain receives feel-good chemicals like dopamine(多巴胺) after popping bubble wrap. 37
A. It also helps with the memory of information.
B. So that may be why it feels so satisfying!
C. Do you click a pen or bounce your leg while you’re listening
D. Experts also say the enjoyment may be tied to human evolution.
E. Have you ever seen someone else blowing the small bubbles
F. Your brain will benefit a lot from the air-filled bubbles.
G. If so, you know there’s something highly satisfying about it.
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)
Here in eastern Spain, human towers are very popular. The tower sometimes falls because it’s so high. I used to 1 to be up there, but for the past year, I’ve been practicing 2 . So today, I finally became a casteller—a castle constructor.
My friend Tomeu was also part of our team. Tomeu had been a casteller before. “What if I’m not 3 for this ” I asked him. Tomeu smiled, “We’re never ready, Jordi. Just trust those below who 4 you up and yourself. Have faith!”
It was our turn. We first made the 5 for our tower. My father and three of the strongest men formed a 6 facing each other as they held each other’s arms tightly. Four more strong men stepped behind, each wrapping his arms around the 7 of a man and giving him a bear hug. Four smaller men climbed onto the backs of the 8 group and stood on their shoulders.
Our base was solid, so my father 9 and we continued building. After the sixth tier(层) was set up, it was my turn.
“Have 10 !” Tomeu said to me again. I passed the first two tiers 11 because the people were leaning forward. But the higher I went, the more unstable the tower became. By the time I reached the sixth tier, the tower below me 12 a bit. My heart began a crazy dance in my chest. I took a deep breath to 13 myself. Reaching deep inside to feel my 14 , I rose slowly out of my crouch(蹲伏) and straightened my knees. I waved my hand to the judges, meaning our tower was 15 .
Far below, I could hear the crowd’s cheering.
1. A. promise B. hesitate C. intend D. pretend
2. A. climbing B. jumping C. running D. rolling
3. A. prepared B. responsible C. anxious D. famous
4. A. pull B. call C. lift D. push
5. A. rule B. list C. link D. base
6. A. screen B. circle C. queue D. barrier
7. A. head B. hands C. legs D. chest
8. A. original B. local C. general D. typical
9. A. relaxed B. adjusted C. signaled D. appealed
10. A. faith B. pleasure C. patience D. purpose
11. A. casually B. firmly C. wildly D. smoothly
12. A. grew B. swung C. changed D. broke
13. A. introduce B. enjoy C. calm D. save
14. A. balance B. presence C. connection D. duty
15. A. unique B. large C. round D. complete
1. The introductory course on computer lays a solid f__________ for students’ further exploration in computer science.
2. As the program came to an end, the audience rose up and thunderously a__________ the ballet dancer for her graceful movements.
3. The newly-built concert hall is estimated to have a seating c__________ of 1500 audience, with spacious site and advanced facilities provided for any performance.
4. At present, your difficulty in learning is only t__________, not permanent. You should have faith in your ability to solve it.
5. Two suspects were a__________ by the police and accused of getting involved in murdering a wealthy banker.
6. The marriage registry office announced it would e__________ opening hours on Qixi Festival so that more couples could register for marriage.
7. Last week, China and EU released a j__________ statement on Deepening the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation In Exploiting The Ocean.
8. Supporters of sea exploitation argue that it is beneficial for humans, while o__________ claim that it tends to cause more problems.
9. According to Wildlife Protection Regulation, the local police in India are now e__________ to give longer prison sentence to persons who illegally hunt the wild tiger.
10. The other day, a promising professional cyclist w__________ from Tour de France(环法自行车赛) due to his severe leg injury.
11. __________ (expose) to freezing weather, courageous tourists and scientists still choose to visit Antarctica.
12. We wouldn’t have called a taxi yesterday if Harold __________ (offer) us a ride home.
13. He got up late and rushed to his office, __________ (leave) the breakfast untouched.
14. Sales director is a position __________ interaction technique is just as vital as sales competence.
15. Evidence has been found through years of study __________ children’s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.
16. The medicine has proved somewhat effective, but further testing remains __________ (conduct).
refer to... as..., take possession of, bond with, separate... from..., mix up, date back to, be at the mercy of, license... for
1. Cuba is south of America, __________ it by the Strait of Florida. It gains its reputation for its dynamic music and dancing.
2. When learning English, beginner often gets various tenses(时态) __________ and makes some grammatical mistakes in writing sentences.
3. As is indicated in Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China, any individual or enterprise isn’t allowed __________ others’ inventions without their permission.
4. The ancient city relic near Yellow River __________ around 5300 years ago is acknowledged by Chinese archaeologists as a discovery of great historical significance.
5. When typhoon struck the harbor, boats on the coastline __________ rough sea and violent wind.
6. Know some basics of children psychology, and you will have no difficulty in __________ your son and daughter.
7. Canada which features its unique geographic sights of North America __________ “True North”.
8. It was three months before this anti-depression drug __________ the mass production.
It’s almost time for me to say goodbye to Australia. I’ve enjoyed my time here very much. After being here for a while, my biggest impression is the (1) __________ __________ __________ peoples and cultures (2) __________ __________ __________ the nation. Although the main cultural influence since 1788 has been Western culture, minority cultures have also (3) __________ __________ __________ in shaping the unique Australia culture, with many of the new cultural influences (4) __________ __________ __________.
It’s a tough animal that has to survive in a difficult environment. Also, it cannot walk backwards, so it is always moving forward. This expresses the (5) __________ __________ __________ of the Australians as individuals and as a nation. Baby kangaroos weigh only two grammes at birth. They then (6) __________ __________ __________ __________ their mother’s pouch—a kind of pocket—to stay safe and warm. They sleep and drink milk... until they are about seven or eight months old. (7) __________ __________ __________, they go out to try their legs. After they learn to jump, they graduallyspend less time with their mother and learnt to be independent. Kangaroo may look cute, but (8) __________ __________ __________ don’t always end so well. Kangaroos can hit and kick very hard, so please folks, if you see some kangaroos, remember they’re not for petting!
To reach out across the sea remains a strong desire today. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He (9) __________ __________ __________ with the 2lst Century Maritime Silk Road, which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. The aim of this initiative is to (10) __________ __________ __________ __________ across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bond between China and the rest of the world.
Hundreds of years on, and with the (11) __________ __________ __________ __________, the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.
To truly understand our planet, we must explore the oceans..., but sea exploration is important for our future. For example, scientific research ships can help (12) __________ __________ __________ such as climate change.
Of course, there are still environmental risks. However, these should be balanced with economic needs. Hopefully, as technology improves, we may have more (13) __________ __________ __________ this balance.
The world’s biggest kite, shaped like a dragon and 1 (stretch) over 280meters, flew high on Sunday in the skies over the Chinese city of Weifang. The city in the eastern province of Shandong is 2 birthplace of kites and home to the Weifang International Kite Festival since 1984.
The highlight of this year’s edition was the “Chinese Giant Dragon”, four meters in 3 (high) and 3.6 meters in width. The kite has the head of a dragon and the body of a centipede(蜈蚣)and is the 4 (wide) of its kind in the world. “It took 28 experienced workers 48 days to design and complete the kite.55 people 5 (require) to fly it,” said Zhang Huagang, general manager of Weifang Tianshun Kite Productions and one of the kite makers.
According to Zhang, the giant dragon kite, using traditional Chinese techniques, “ 6 (reflect) our nation’s wishes for prosperity and fortune”. The kite festival, now in its 38th edition, opened on Friday 7 the presence of hundreds of amateurs and professionals, 8 flooded to the city from near and tar to display their creations at the event.
This year’s festival features a record 1,628 kites in 9 (vary) forms by 500 participants 10 (divide) into 188 teams from over 31 provinces and regions from across the country.
“SAI BABA! Sai Baba! Sai Baba! Hahahaha!”
“Today is Shimla’s big day!. We have a celebrity visiting our city! Hahahaha!” Rani’s cheeks burned with embarrassment and tears stung her eyes as she elbowed her way to the exit through the crowd of teasing boys in the packed school bus. It wasn’t the first time she’d been called Sai Baba, after the famous Hindu holy man (印度圣人) she’d seen on TV with his trademark afro (爆炸式卷发)towering over his head.
But this time had to be the worst. Rani jumped off the school bus, angry thoughts hovering inside Rani’s head as she marched home in the drizzling rain. Why did her hair have to curl like a giant cotton candy balloon just when she wanted it to behave Why, why, why, fumed Rani as she turned the back door key.
“Rani, is that you ” Mama called from the family room. Suddenly Rani’s cousins, Amit and Sumit, came charging toward her. “How many eggs does Rani have in that nest on her head ” screamed Amit. “Let me get that wig(假发) off Rani’s head!” shouted Sumit. Before she could think, Rani had fled out the door and went back up the road she’d walked down minutes before. Halfway up, she slid unseen behind a green curtain of bamboo. Tearing through the wild growth, she made her way down a narrow mud path into a clearing(空地). She threw her schoolbag on the ground and breathed hard.
“I hate my hair!” she cried. Collapsing on her schoolbag, she bitterly remembered the time she’d spent trying to smooth her hair in vain. Before long, she fell into a fitful (断断续续的) sleep.
Rani woke up to Mama’s calls. She sounded anxious. “I’ll never go home,” she promised herself darkly. Mama let Amit and Sumit make fun of me. Papa would never have done that. He would listen to me and stand by my side. The minutes wore on. Alone in her secret hideout (藏身处), Rani watched the shadow of Mama get longer and beg n to disappear as dusk fell.
Para 1: Suddenly, leaves rustling (沙沙作响), someone or something was making its way into the clearing. Para 2: The next moment Papa was sitting beside her.
1-5 BABAC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 CAABB
21-24 CBDC 25-28 ACBD 29-32 CDDB 33-37 GCADB
第三部分:完形填空 (每题1分,共15分)
1-5 BAACD 6-10 BDACA 11-15 DBCAD
1. foundation 2. applauded 3. capacity 4. temporary 5. arrested 6. extend 7. joint
8. opponents 9. entitled 10. withdrew 11. Exposed 12. had offered 13. leaving 14. in which/ where
15. that 16. to be conducted
1. separated from 2. mixed up 3. to take possession of 4. dating back to
5. were at the mercy of 6. bonding with 7. is referred to as 8. was licensed for
1. complicated mix of 2. that make up 3. played a part 4. contributed by immigrants
5. strength and resolve 6. find their way into 7. After this phase
8. encounters with them 9. are being revisited 10. encourage cooperation and trade
11. latest technology in hand 12. address important issues 13. options for managing
1. stretching 2. the 3. height 4. widest 5. are required 6. reflects 7. in 8. who 9. various 10. divided
Suddenly, leaves rustling, someone or something was making its way into the clearing. Could it be Mama, who had spotted signs of her hideout and came back Or could it be just the dusk wind (or fierce animals) brushing through the curtain of bamboo Nervously, she stood up and looked in that direction, her heart racing. But the next moment, what greeted her was her dear Papa’s worried shout for her name and the approaching footsteps, which immediately stirred up Rani’s emotions. “Daddy!” she ran towards Papa and into his warm arms and cried hard, as if to wash away all the frustrations she had been suffering. Simply holding Rani in his arms, he patted her daughter on the back gently, waiting for her to calm down.
The next moment Papa was sitting beside her. Feeling much better, she was finally able to pour out all. “The boys in the school bus teased me, calling me Sai Baba. And Amit and Sumit made fun of my hair when I got home. I hate my hair,” she complained. “Your hair is beautiful. Actually, you are always beautiful the way you are,” papa comforted, stroking (抚摸) through her hair gently and press ng a kiss on her forehead. As for the teasing boys and her cousins, papa promised her that he would do something to stop their foolish behavior. With her papa for company and support, Rina seemed to feel her body injected(被注入) with confidence, confident to face any challenge or adversity that would get in her way. (233 words)
Suddenly, leaves rustling, someone or something was making its way into the clearing. Her once calm behavior was replaced with anxiety, as she couldn’t determine what was causing the noise. It could be a wild animal or even a dangerous stranger. Rani’s heart raced as she sat upright, her eyes glancing around the dense vegetation surrounding her. She tried to identify the source of the disturbance. Every second that ticked by seemed like an eternity(永久), until finally, Rani caught sight of a figure emerging from the nearby bushes, and to her relief, it was her father.
The next moment Papa was sitting beside her. Papa’s comforting presence dissolved Rani’s fears and doubts. Her tears told a story of a girl who had felt lost and alone. However, Papa’s kind manner paved the way for her to share her heart and soul with him. She explained everything to him and felt as though she could finally breathe. Papa listened attentively, acknowledging her perspective and reassured Rani that she was unique and beautiful just the way she was. His words of kindness showed Rani that she was loved and valued. The two of them walked hand in hand, heading back home with newfound confidence to face any challenge. (185 words)
Text 1.
W: We need to be in Germany by Tuesday, otherwise we’ll miss the meeting.
M: Well, we’re in England, and we have several choices. Fly there, or get the ferry to the Netherlands and then change to the train.
Text 2.
M: I passed. I passed! Oh, I can’t tell you how good that feels. I was so worried about that last exam question. I felt sure I was going to fail. But I didn’t. I passed!
W: Well, I was confident that it would be OK.
Text 3.
W: This refrigerator is never going to come. I ordered it a month ago. And I just got an email saying that it won’t be here until August now!
M: I know you ordered it in June. Two months is too long to wait.
Text 4.
M: Today we’re going to watch one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. This was originally broadcast live in 1996 from the Globe Theater in London.
W: Didn’t they make a Hollywood adaptation of this a few years ago I remember it because it was very modern.
Text 5.
W: Fuel tank…full. Oxygen tanks…full. Crew members in position. All systems ready to go. Waiting on confirmation for launch.
M: OK, Voyager 3, you are clear for lift-off. I repeat. You are clear for lift-off. Launch will begin in 10, 9, 8, 7…
Text 6.
M: Will we be home so on
W: We still have an hour left, Jamje. I know the car is hot, but there is nothing I can do about it. Your sister isn’t complaining about it.
M: That’s because Meg is asleep. Besides, I’m not complaining. This shirt is just really uncomfortable. I just wanted to know how long I had to wear it.
W: Well, I’m not going to drive any faster. Why don’t you just try to go to sleep like your sister
M: I’m not tired at all. I will just try to read through this article.
W: OK. But stop if you feel sick.
Text 7.
W: What is that thing I’ve never seen a bicycle with more than one seat.
M: It’s called a tandem bicycle(双人自行车). I have seen versions with up to three seats. However, this one will just hold Mary and me.
W: Wow! I can’t imagine trying to ride it, let alone stopping with it. I bet you can go fast, though.
M: I’ve heard that going fast is easier because it’s heavy. Also, staying on the bike should be easier if we go faster. However, I think that we will be wearing a lot of safety equipment just in case. It may be difficult to stop.
W: Well, please don’t get hurt. I still have a mark from a bicycle accident I had long ago.
M: Don’t worry. We will take it easy. It will be fine because our town is flat.
Text 8.
W: What Mr. Wells is looking for is a face for his brand, someone who has a large social media presence.
M: What about a professional athlete Maybe not a football star, but someone young and healthy
W: Well, you’re the advertising expert. What sport would you suggest
M: A runner maybe, or tennis. Not a team sport. This product is designed to be used alone.
W: Yes, but it needs to be someone nice. This is a family business. Our main buyers are mothers.
M: Well, what we can do is draw up a list of names in your budget to take back to Mr. Wells.
W: Money is no object. What I would like to see is some artwork.
M: The advertisement might depend on the person you choose.
W: Well, create one advertisement for each person you have in mind. Mr. Wells won’t care who it is. He’ll want to see something real.
M: OK, I’ll have our designer draw something up.
Text 9.
W: I was so embarrassed yesterday. I really thought that it was OK to accept the offer.
M: Don’t worry. You’re not aware of our custom in this country.
W: I still don’t understand. What was the right thing to do
M: If you’re offered a drink, you say no at first. Then the host asks again. It doesn’t matter if it’s the second or third time they ask. But after you say no to the first offer, it’s OK to say yes when asked again.
W: Oh no! I feel even more embarrassed now. Do your parents think I’m rude
M: They were surprised at first. But once I explained to them about what it’s like in America, they both laughed. They understand now.
W: Thanks. I would honestly be so sad if they didn’t like me.
M: That won’t happen. They like you a lot. Not only did I tell them that you were at the top of our class, but I told them how good you are at soccer. My dad was very excited. He has a few awards in the sport.
W: That’s a relief.
M: In fact, they wanted me to invite you to our holiday dinner.
W: I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late, but I will absolutely come after our school play. It is the only thing I have going on that day, but it’s important. I was given the honor of acting in it, even though I’m just an exchange student.
Text 10.
Please be advised. The local weather authority has issued a warning from 8:00 p. m. today, Tuesday the 13th of August, until 8:00 a. m. tomorrow. Please stay inside your homes during this time, especially those near the ocean. Only travel using the roads during an absolute emergency. Even though this is a low-pressure storm, keep away from any windows in your home. Rain will continue to fall until the morning. However, it is the fast winds that people should be cautious of. Falling branches and flying objects could be very dangerous, even while inside. Boarding windows and doors with wood is not recommended. Blocking exits can make unnecessary trouble if emergencies happen. Turning off the power in your home is also a bad idea. It is best to keep informed by using the local weather channels. We will be broadcasting updates every 10 munication can help aid fast action. If the power does go out, stay inside. Use a battery-operated radio if possible. Another option is to use your cellphoneorcomputertokeepupwithnewsintheareaorforcontactingneighbors.Youcanvisitourwebsite, www.weather.gov for more information, tips and a live weather map.