人教版(2019)选修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists Using Language2读写课教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists Using Language2读写课教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 24.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-22 19:11:56



UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Using Language2 读写课教学设计
基本信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高二选择性 必修二 Unit 1
姓名 学校
教材分析 Write about what makes a great scientist 主题语境:人与社会主题群:科学与技术 子主题:科学家、科学研究和科学精神语篇类型:人物传记文本分析: [What]本节课提供了两篇人物传记,分别介绍了钱学森与史蒂芬·霍金两位科学家 及二人的科学精神。两篇文章都可大致划分成三部分:第一部分对科学家进行总体评 价;第二部分描写两位科学家的经历;第三部分总结了科学家的性格品质。文章主题与 本单元主题语境相关, 有助于对主题意义的探究。文本结构清晰, 逻辑条理分明,能够 为写作提供很好的范本。 [Why]培养学生获取信息并利用所学语言、文化知识创造新语篇的能力以及批判性 思维。 [How]文章通过描写钱学森与史蒂芬·霍金的经历来总结说明两位科学家的性格 品质,并采用连接词来体现句子、段落之间的联系。总体来说,本文语言生动简洁,结 构层次分明,合乎逻辑。
学情分析 根据学生过往的学习情况, 学生对于本节课要学习的钱学森和史蒂芬霍金这样的著名 科学家的伟大人物故事想必并不陌生,教师需要在学生理解大致文章内容的基础之 上, 积极引导学生去观察文章结构, 学会用英语去表达讲述伟大科学家的人物事迹和 背后的科学精神品格。
教学目标 1.获取、梳理、描述钱学森与史蒂芬·霍金的性格品质。 2.分析判断作者的写作手法,掌握语篇特征。 3.联系个人生活,使学生在新的语境中,用得体的语言以书面形式描述自己对科学精神 的看法,实现对语言知识和文化知识的内化,促进能力向素养的转化。
4.通过小组合作,对组内成员的草稿进行批判性评价并相互学习,培养学生的批判性思 维及与他人合作学习的能力。
教学重难点 重点: 1.获取文章的有效信息,描述科学家的性格和品质。 2.分析和判断作者的写作手法及文章的主要语篇特征。 难点: 用恰当的语言论述自己对科学精神的看法。
教学资源 多媒体;学案;黑板;粉笔
Step1 I Love New Words : aerospace n,航天航空工业 aero adj 航空的飞行的, aero-engine 航空发动机 aeroplane 飞机 aviation 航空制造业,航空,飞行 patriotic adj,爱国的 patriot n,爱国者 mechancial adj,机械的,发动机的,机器的 mechanic n,机械师,机械修理工 missile n,导弹 leadship n,领导,领导地位,领导才能 name n,名誉,名声,名气(= fame ) earn the name of 赢得 ··· 的名声 come down 患病,染上小病 Step2 Lead-in A headline news about Yanning In 1950s,there was another famous scientist who gave up the munificent conditions of the USA and returned China to devote himself to building a more powerful China. I’d rather see him shot than let him go.He ‘s worth three to five divisions anyplace. Who is he Step3 Reading Part Fast Reading main idea of each paragraph p1 Introduction to Qian Xuesen P2 Qian Xuesen’s personal history and accomplishments P3 Qian Xuesen ’s personlity P4 Qian Xuesen ’s death and people ’s appreciation of him Find the sentences of describing Qian Xuesen inP1
No other scientist has had a greater impact on China’s aerospace science than · · · A man with “great scientific thought and scientific spirit” Served his homeland with effort,achievement,and devotion Qian was an extremely well-respected man Fill the blanks according to P2-5 In1911 born in Hangzhou In 1932 made the decision to switch his major to aviation In 1935went to the United States to pursue his graduate studies During the 1930s helped conduct important research into rocket propulsion In the 1940sfounded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory with several other people In 1955returned to China;developed China ’s rocket science and its space and missile programme In 1970 launched China ’s first man-made satellite The personality of Qian Xuesen inP6 a lot;extremely ; strong in other things; for art P7 The news that Qian left away forever The saying of Qian Xuesen I am more than delighted to return to my own country.I won’t back to America.From now on,I have made up my mind to work with the Chinese people to build my motherland so that all of compatriots can live a happy life with dignity. Step4 Writing Part Learn the structure Read the passage and find the structure
何事 what Stephen Hawking's life
何人 who Stephen Hawking
为何写 why How the spirit of the scientist influences us
何时 when simple present, simple past
何地 where Cambridge University
如何写 how Write in chronological order , Reflections on biographies and special deeds, reasons and effects of scientists' success.
Review the content Linking words: in general, the first, the other, besides, furthermore, above all The story of Hawking ①描述科学家(Para. 1) Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous and gifted scientists in physics. ②描述科学家成就(Para. 2) The first was the steady state theory, which holds that the universe has no beginning or end. The other was the big bang theory, which holds that the universe began at a single point in time and space. ③描述科学家成就(Para. 3) He was willing to say what others were afraid to say, and to dream of what others were afraid to dream about. Above all,Hawking was willing to admit his faults. ④描述科学精神的意义 This odd combination of characteristics had made him one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries. How to write a biography 学校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以身边值得尊敬和爱戴的科学家为题,写一篇人物传记, 内容包括: 1.人物简介; 2.科学家的故事及他的科学精神; 3.意义或启示。 注意: 1.词数 100 词左右; 2.短文题目可自拟,可以适当增加细节使行文连贯。 Biography A biography of someone is an account of their life, written by someone else. the story of a person's life written by sb else, this type of writing
何事 what
何人 who
为何写 why
何时 when
何地 where
如何写 how
What important personality and qualities in Qian Xueshen helped him earn the name of “the Father of China ’s Aerospace ” Scientific spirit Can you find out the supportive examples given by the author Outstanding/creative/determined/patriotic/knowledgeable/has a wide range of interest A Respected and Beloved Chinese Scientist Zhong Nanshan, who is a Chinese respiratory medicine expert, has dedicated his life to researching and treating respiratory diseases. However, Zhong Nanshan’s success was no accident. He has actively participated in various scientific research projects and promoted research and treatment of respiratory diseases. Besides, he has always been committed to public health, providing crucial advice and guidance during the outbreaks of diseases such as SARS in 2003 and COVID-19 in 2020. Above all, What made him such a good scientist was probably his persistence and hard work in everything he did. He is not only an outstanding scientist but also a man with a high sense of responsibility and courage to take action.
Assignment 1.Polish the writing with each other 2.Make a presentation about your passage next class
Blackboard Design Unit1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Using Language2 读写课 I Love New Words : aerospace n,航天航空工业 aero adj 航空的飞行的, aero-engine 航空发动机 aeroplane 飞机 aviation 航空制造业,航空,飞行 patriotic adj,爱国的 patriot n,爱国者 mechancial adj,机械的,发动机的,机器的 mechanic n,机械师,机械修理工 missile n,导弹 leadship n,领导,领导地位,领导才能 name n,名誉,名声,名气(= fame ) earn the name of 赢得 ··· 的名声 come down 患病,染上小病 六何分析法何事 what何人 who为何写 why何时 when何地 where如何写 how
Teaching Reflection 写作一直是学生较为头痛的环节, 难在不会写, 不擅长用英语表达与写作。所以本 节课先学习钱学森和史蒂芬霍金的人物传记课文, 学习人物传记的写作结构, 引导学生 克服写作瓶颈, 梳理写作信心。写作完成同学间互评, 充分发挥学生的主观能动性去了 解学习如何写好人物传记的英语作文。