人教版2019选择性必修第二册Unit 4 JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Using Language1(听说课)教学设计


名称 人教版2019选择性必修第二册Unit 4 JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Using Language1(听说课)教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 40.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-22 19:29:06



Using Language 1 听说课
基本信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高二选择性 必修二 Unit 4
姓名 学校
教材分析 Talk about scenery and culture along a journey 主题语境:人与自然 主题群: 自然生态 子主题: 主要国家地理概况 语篇类型:听力、对话、图片 文本分析: [What]本节课为听说课,学习语篇为一段谈论加拿大风景和文化的 对话。文本首先设置看图预测听力内容; 其次听录音回答问题; 然后听录音, 理解七个习语的意思; 最后是听后综合表达活动, 要求根据自身旅行经历和 获得的信息续编听力对话, 并关注本单元的功能意念项目, 学习自然地结束。 [Why]通过谈论中国和加拿大的风景和文化, 增强学生的祖国意识和 跨文化交际能力,同时激发学生对大自然的热爱。 [How]将英语语用目标和本单元的主题语境结合起来, 设置听说活动, 让学生在主题语境的探索中提高英语运用能力,深入对主题的探究。
学情分析 本节课的授课对象为高二年级的学生,大多数学生学习英语听力兴趣很 浓厚, 对旅游相关的内容很感兴趣, 但由于听力词汇量小, 口语发音能力差, 还需在老师的引导下逐渐地能够听懂。本节课通过由浅入深的听说活动, 引 导学生探索长途旅行的乐趣和意义, 并进行文化对比, 提高学生跨文化理解 和沟通的。
教学目标 1.培养预测听力文本、获取关键信息和细节理解的能力。 2.听懂两姐妹在火车旅途中与当地人的对话,获取和整合听力材料中加拿 大风景和文化的相关信息。 3.掌握听力文本相关的重点单词及短语,理解文本中几个常用的英语习 语。 4.能够基于听力语篇提供的信息,分享中国和加拿大的自然风光,提高学 生跨文化理解和沟通能力。
教学重难点 重点 1.引导学生掌握本节课的重点词汇和短语以及习语的表达方式。 2.训练学生运用相应的听力策略进行听前预测,获取关键信息和细节信 息。 难点 1.获取和 整合听力材料中加拿大风景和文化的信息。 2.理解文本中的交际用语,掌握自然结束对话的口语策略。
教学资源 黑板,粉笔,多媒体
教学过程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Warming up Watch a piece of video “Travel like Canadian” and ask Sstoreview what we learned in the “Reading and Thinking” . 通过观看视频 和复习回顾所 学内容, 为听 力活动做好语 用铺垫。 3mins
Pre-listening Activity 1 1. Ask the Ss to guess “What happened on the rail journel ” to introduce the context of listening material. 2.Ss look at the pictures and predict the content of the listening material. 在听力之前, 根据图片预测 听力内容,激 活学生对语用 材料的思维, 为接下来的听 力 活 动 作 准 备。 5mins
While- listening Activity 2 Ss listen to the conversation to get the main idea of the passage. What does the dialogue mainly talk about climate geography activities Activity 3: Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. What do people do when the Lake Louise freezes over in winter 2. What does Anna say about Canadian summers 3. How far is it from Edmonton to Winnipeg 4. What kinds of things do people do in Winnipeg 5. What other long rail journey have Li Daiyu and Liu Qian taken Answers: 1.People like to go skating on the ice. 2.Many areas of south Canada have very hot summers. 3.More than 1,300 kilometres. 4.Skiing, hiking, camping, and city things like movies or restaurants 通过听力 活动与匹配练 习,培养学生 从文本中提取 并概括整合相 关 信 息 的 能 力。 18min s
on the weekends. 5.They travelled from Beijing to Moscow on the Trans-Siberian Railway through Mongolia. Activity 4: Understand idioms Idioms are often used in the English language. The meanings of some idioms can be guessed. However, many others need to be studied and remembered. Listen again. Match the following idioms and similes with their meanings. 1. words fail meA. with no mountains or hills2. as hot as an ovenB. all kinds of things3. as flat as a pancakeC. for a long distance
4. as far as the eye can seeD. I'm surprised.5. dead centreE. spend time6. kill timeF. very warm
7. you name it G. the exact middle of something Answers: 1.D. 2.F 3.A 4.C 5.G 6.E 7.B Activity 5: Make sentences with the following idioms. 1. words fail me 2. as hot as an oven 3. as flat as a pancake 4. as far as the eye can see 5. dead centre 6. kill time 7. you name it Suggested answers: 1.words fail me 无话可说
You are so silly about the whole thing. Words fail me. 2.as hot as an oven 热如火炉 The room is as hot as an oven in summer. 3.as flat as a pancake 平如煎饼 I like mountains and I dislike places that are as flat as a pancake. 4.as far as the eye can see 目之所及 There are maple trees as far as the eye can see. 5.dead centre 正中心 There is a conference table in the dead centre of the room. 6.kill time 消磨时间 My sister often listens to music to kill time when she is alone at home. 7.you name it 凡是你说得出的(应有尽有) You name it, and I'm sure I can cook it.
Post- listening Activity 6 Role play the conversation in activity 4 and answer the following questions. 1.How to express surprise and curiosity 2.How to talk about space and position 3.How to end a conversation naturally Example: Anna: I thought China would be very crowded, given its large population. Daiyu: Well, contrary to what many people believe, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually. Anna: That's great! There must be amazing scenery to see in China then! ... 在获取加拿大 的相关信息 后,给学生提 供一些表达吃 惊和好奇、谈 论空间和位 置、结束对话 的功能句,通 过角色扮演, 实现所学语言 内化,提高学 生语言表达能 14min s
Anna: Anyhow, the next station is my stop! Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip! Daiyu: Thanks, Anna! Liu Qian: It was really great to meet you! Anna: And it was nice talking to you! Expressing surprise and curiosity Oh, my goodness! / Good heavens! Oh no! Really You are kidding! What a surprise! Are you kidding I think it's fantastic! Are you serious Wow! How interesting/ amazing! It can't be true! What was it like Talking about space and position have to run. Good talking to you. I'll catch you later. It was good/nice meeting you. I'm sure you want to relax a bit. I’ll let you go. Sorry, I can’t talk longer. I’m actually on my way to... Well, I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Activity 7 In groups of three, continue the conversation about Canada and China based on your own travel experiences or the information you heard or read in this unit. End the conversation naturally. Sample: D= Daiyu LQ= Liu Qian A=Anna A: I thought China would be very crowded, given its large population. D: Well, contrary to what many people believe, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually. 力,深化对主 题的认识。
A: That's great! There must be amazing scenery to see in China then! LQ: There is. My favourite trip was by train to Tibet. First, we travelled south across the Kunlun Mountains. D: Even though it was summer, they were still covered in snow. It was so beautiful. LQ: Then we entered the Tibetan Plateau. D:The scenery there was simply fantastic. Green grass as far as the eye could see. And there were so many wild animals. LQ:Yes! We saw a lot of antelopes, yaks, deer… and I think I even saw a snow leopard. A:Good heavens! That’s one of the rarest animals on earth. LQ:But you know what was really extraordinary about our trip A:No, what LQ: The railway is so high that the trains have a special oxygen supply for the passengers, kind of like you would find on an airplane, so that no one will become ill. A: You’re kidding! Anyhow, the next station is my stop! Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip! D:Thanks, Anna! LQ: It was really great to meet you! A: And it was nice talking to you!
Homework Practice the conversation about your own travel experiences or the information you heard or read in the listening material.
板书设计 Unit 4 JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Using Language 1 听说课 Talk about scenery and culture along a journey Lead in Pre-Listening Get to know about the scenery and culture of Canada. While—listening 1. Listen and answer. 2. Understand idioms. Post -listening Talk about travel both in China and Canada.
教学反思 本节课为听说部分,以人与自然的主题语境为引领,我从 训练学生的听说技能入手,围绕运用学习活动观的理念,活动 由浅入深,在注重学生语言知识能力基础上,重点培养学生的 思维品质,促进学生英语学科核心素养的养成。 在听的过程中,我重点培养学生获取信息猜测词以及英语 西语和口语表达的能力。听前预测、听中和听后设置与学生生 活密切相关的问题,最后让学生在新的语境中运用所学词汇及 表达,实现语言能力的迁移,实现了输入和输出的有效双促 进。