人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions 单词讲解课件(共38张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions 单词讲解课件(共38张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 21.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-23 10:03:32



Unit 4
History and Traditions
1.Confucius n.孔子 Confucianism n.儒家思想
2.mansion n.[c] 公馆;宅地
3.cemetery n.[c] 墓地;公墓
4.philosophy n.[c] 哲学 philosopher n.[c] 哲学家;思想家
5.descendant n.[c] 后裔;后代;子孙
6.individual adj. 单独的;个别的 n.个人
7.heel n.[c] 足跟;(脚、鞋、袜等的)后跟
8.Achilles’ heel 阿喀琉斯的脚跟;致命弱点;死穴
9.kingdom n.王国;领域 the animal kingdom 动物界
10.chief n.[c] (公司或机构的)首领;酋长;上司
adj. 最重要的;最高级别的
the chief problem/reason 主要问题/原因
11.puzzle n.谜;智力游戏;疑问 vt.迷惑;使困惑
→puzzling adj.令人困惑的 →puzzled adj.感到困惑的
puzzle over/about 苦苦思索;仔细琢磨
in a puzzle 感到困惑;不知如何是好
a puzzle to sb 对某人来说是个迷
(1)The reason why they would like to live near a cemetery is still a puzzle____me.
I was__________________how to_______________________when my mother entered my bedroomwith a smile.
Learning that I _______________________, my mother patted me on the shoulder and taught me patiently.
________________________________________. Could you be kind enough to offer me some tips
puzzling about/over
solve the puzzling problem
was puzzled/in a puzzle
What puzzles me is how to get along with him
12.nearby adj.附近的;邻近的
a shop in a nearby street 附近街道的一家商店
The plane landed nearby 飞机在不远处着陆
13.join...to... 把……和……连接或联结起来
The island, joined to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.这个岛由一座大桥与大陆相连,很容易到达。
14.break away (from sb. /sth. ) 脱离;背叛;逃脱
break up 分解;打碎;破裂;分手
break down(机器、车辆等)损坏,出故障:分解;垮掉;失控崩溃
break into 强行闯入;忽然开始(大笑、唱歌、欢呼等)
break out(战争等)爆发;突然发生
break in 强行进入;打断;插嘴
break off 断开;停顿;中断
break through 突破
Learning that my partner's health broke down,I was so anxious that tears rolled down my face. Then I dashed tothe hospital, broke into the ward and asked him about his illness with concern.
A terrible quarrel broke out between me and my father, we almost broke up with each other and I intended to break away from my family, so I would appreciate it if you could offer me some tips on how to improve the parent-child relationship.
She's broken ____ with her boy- friend.
2. A quarrel broke _____ among them.
3. The car broke ______ and they had to walk home.
4. They broke _____ the house and took the necklace away.
5. The little boy broke ______ from his mother and ran away.
6. Don’t break ____ when others are speaking.
15.belong vi. 属(于);应在(某处);适应
Put the chair back where it belongs. 把椅子放回原处
belong to 属于;是……的成员;应归入
(1)belong to中的to是介词,该短语既不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。
(2)该短语作后置定语时,形式为“...belonging to”。
Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are his and hers.
belonging n.[u] 归属
a sense of belonging 归属感
belongings n.(pl.) 所有物;财物
16.as well as与……一样好;和;也;除……之外
I wish I could speak English as well as he can.
The weather in England is very changeable and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.
As well as writing stories, I love reading and listening to music.
The teacher as well as his students is going to plant trees tomorrow.
17.currency n.[c]&[u]通货;货币;支付手段
18.military adj. 军事的;军用的
take military action 采取军事行动 the military 军队;军人
19.defence n.防御;保卫
(1)defend vt.保护;保卫
(2)in defence保卫;防守 in defence of...为了保卫……
in sb’s defence为某人辩护
(3)defensive adj.防御的;保护的
① Humour is a more effective _______(defend) than violence.
② The Irish team were solid as a rock _____ defence.
③ It is impossible to defend ________ an all-out attack.
④ The immune system is our main defence ________ disease.
defence 后接“入侵者”或“造成危害者”时,介词用 against;若接“被保护者”,则介词用 of。
20.legal adj. 法律的;与法律相关的;合法的;法定的 【反】illegal
legally adv. 法律上;合法地 【反】illegally
21.surround vt.围绕;包围
be surrounded by/with...被……包围
surrounding adj.周围的;附近的 surrounded adj. 被包围的
surroundings n.周围的事物;环境
(2020·浙江高考)The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence.
这只饥饿的熊顺着鼻子来到我们的营地, 那里被高高的铁丝栅栏围着。
22.evidence n. 证据;证明
(1)There is evidence that. . . 有证据……
(2)evident adj. 清楚的, 显然的
It is evident that. . . = It is clear/obvious that. . . 显然……
(3)evidently adv. 明显地, 显然地
It is _______ that they have found no ________ directly connecting him with the victims. Quite ________, no one can put him into prison in such a case. (evidence)
23.achievement n.[u]达成;完成 [c]成就;功绩;成绩
achieve v.(经努力)达到,取得;实现;获得成功
Seeing the lines of trees we had planted, we all had a sense of achievement.
great scientific achievements 伟大的科学成就
He was awarded a prize for his achievements in physics.
24.location n. 地方;地点;位置
locate vt. 确定位置 vi.位于(be located in)
The location of the factory is close to the railway.
25.conquer vt.占领;征服;控制;克服(困难等);破除(坏习惯等)
In 1066, the Normans conquered England and took control of the country.
The only way to conquer a fear is to face it.
26.battle n.[c]战役;搏斗 → fight a battle 打仗;作战
Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.
A good beginning is half the battle.好的开端是成功的一半。
I realized running was a battle against myself.
battle for 为…斗争
battle with /against 与….战斗;搏斗
They battled with/against the winds and waves.
How did our ancestors battle nature with the basic tools they had
27.port n.[c] 港;港口
28.fascinating adj. 迷人的;极有吸引力的
fascineted adj. 被迷住的;极感兴趣的
fascinate vt.&vi.【不用于进行时】(使)着迷;(使)迷住
fascination n.[u]&[c]【常用单数】着迷;迷恋;吸引力
I was fascinated by her beautihul voice.
Mars has fascinated people since ancient times.
29.keep your eyes open(for)留心;留意
keep an eye on 照看;留神;留意
fix one’s eyes on 注视;盯着看
catch one’s eyes 引起某人的注意
look sb in the eyes 直视某人
If you keep your eyes open, you will be suprised to find that you can see both its past and its present.
30.charge n. 收费;指控;主管 vt. 收费;控告;充电
(1)charge for...收……的费用
charge sb money for sth 因某事向某人收费
charge sb with (doing) sth=accuse sb of (doing) sth
(2)free of charge(=for free)免费
take charge of...接管/负责……
in charge of...负责/主管……(主语通常为人)
in the charge of...由……管理(主语通常为物)
① We can arrange this for a small _________. _________
② Before use, the battery must be _________. ________
③ The company used to be in his direct ________. ______
④ They have the evidence ___________ him. ____________
to charge
①We won't _________________ delivery. 我们送货不收费。
②She _________________ driving under the influence.
③The leaflet is available ______________ from post offices.
charge you for
was charged with
free of charge
31.announce vt. 宣布;宣告;声称
announce sth to sb 向某人宣告某事
announce that... 宣布...
It’s announced that... 据宣布...
announcement n. 宣布;通告;声明
make an announcement 下通知;宣布
announcer n.[c] 播音员;广播员
Please remain seated,the winner of the prize will be announced soon.
32.amount n. 金额;数量
amount to 总计,等同于,达到
a large amount of 大量;许多
large amounts of 大量;许多
a large amount of+不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数
large amounts of +不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数
the amount of... …的数量
Large amounts of money were donated by the generous poet to the flood-stricken area last week.
A large amount of evidence has proved that I was innocent, which made me sigh with relief.
Keeping what belongs to another person amounts to stealing.
33.gallery n.[C] (艺术作品的)展览馆;画廊;长廊;走廊
34.approach n.方法;途径;接近;
(1)the approach of ……的来临
an approach to doing ... 做某事的方法
(2)approach to/towards ... 接近……,靠近……
approach 作名词时,后面常跟介词 to,表示“……的方法”,
而way, method, means 表示“方法”时后常跟介词 of。
I couldn’t see Don, but as I approached the tractor he jumped out onto the road, apparently unhurt , and dashed back to me.
我没有看到Don, 但当我靠近拖拉机时, Don从车上跳下来, 很
显然没有受伤, 然后冲向我。(2020·浙江高考)
an approach to. . .  ……的方法; ……的道路
the approach of ……的来临/临近
表示“方式, 方法”的短语
in a(n). . . manner 用……方法
in this way 通过这种方式
by means of. . . 借……手段, 依靠……方法
with this method 通过这种方法
【一句多译】随着这重大日子的临近她心情越来越紧张。__________________________, she grew more and more nervous.
__________________________, she grew more and more nervous.
__________________________, she grew more and more nervous.
①As I ___________ the house, I noticed a light on upstairs. ______
②In my view,the best __________ to working out is to pracice every day. _________
③ The Bank has __________ the issue in a practical way. _______
As the great day approached
At the approach of the great day
With the great day approaching
35.ensure v. 确保;保证(make sure)
ensure the welfare and safety of the students
ensure +(that)从句
The teachers spared no efort to ensure (that) all students would be given an equal chance.
36.landscape n.[c]风景;风景画
a natural landscape 自然风景
an exhibition of landscapes 风景画展
37.generous adj. 慷慨的; 大方的; 丰富的
→generosity n. 慷慨; 大方
→generously adv. 慷慨地; 大方地
be generous with sth.    在某方面大方
be generous in doing sth. 乐于做某事
It’s generous of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事真是慷慨
She is always very generous to the kids.
He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.
I was generous of you to share your food with me.
I couldn 't have gone through that bitter period without your generous help.
38.butter n.[u]黄油;牛油 vt. 涂黄油于
39.honey n.[u]蜂蜜;甜美之物 n.[c][口语]亲爱的;宝贝
40.ancestor n.[c]祖宗;祖先
41.position n. 位置;姿态;职位
vi. 安装;位置
Can you show me the position of the city on the map
I hope you'll reconsider your position.
The social position of each character influences the way they behave to each other
I positioned myself to take the best photo of the sea view.
42.courtyard n.[c]庭院;院子;天井
43.snack n.[c]小吃;点心 have a snack
44.eager adj.渴望的;热切的(keen)
His classes were crowded with eager students.
(be) eager to do sth 渴望做某事
Mike is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a while.
(be) eager for sth 渴望某事
He is eager for success.
be eager that... 热切希望…
eagerly adv. 渴望地;热切地
eagerness n.[u] 渴望;热切
46. roll n. [c] 卷(轴);翻滚;名册;名单;卷状食品;面包卷
vt. & vi.(使) 翻滚;(使)滚动
a roll of toilet paper 一卷卫生纸 a roll of film 一卷胶卷
the honor roll/the roll of honor 光荣榜
The teacher called/took the roll to see if any students were absent.
spring/chicken rolls 春卷/鸡肉卷
Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.
While walking, I noticed a pony roll over on his back.
He rolled up his sleeves.
rolling adj.[只用于名词前]起伏的
rolling green hills 连绵起伏的青山
47. dot n.[c]点;小圆点人
on the dot 准时
a blue tie with white dots 带白点的蓝领带
The shy was dotted with stars.繁星满天。
48.cattle n.[总称,用作复数]性畜;牛
twenty head of cattle 二十头牛(head 不用复数)
49.roar vi.&vt.吼叫;大声喊叫;哄笑;大笑
The wind roared and the rain beat on the roof and windows.
Down by the sea, the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast.
50.ocean n.[c] 海洋
51.scent n.[c]&u]香味;气味
52.greet v.打招呼;问候;迎接 greet ... with 用……迎接
greeting n. [c]&[u]问候;致意;迎接 [复数]祝词;贺词;问候语
greet the New Year 迎新年
He greeted his teacher by saying“Good morning!”
Whenever I meet her, she greeted me with a sweet smile.
When it was first staged in 1949, the play was greeted with enthusiastic reviews.
They exchanged greetings and sat down to lunch.
She raised her hand in greeting.她举起手来打招呼。
Christmas/birthday greetings 圣诞/生日贺词
My mother sends her greetings to you all. 我母亲向你们大家问好。
53.pub n.[c]酒馆;客栈;旅店
54.wine n.[c]&[u]葡萄酒;酒
55.beer n.[u] 啤酒 [c] 一杯/瓶/罐啤酒
56.stew n.[u]&[u]炖菜 vt.&vi.炖;煨
57.custom n.风俗;习俗;习惯:
Diferent ethnic groups have different cultures and customs.
It was her custom to rise early.
58.sensory adj.感觉的;感官的
sensory orphans 感觉器官
59.striking adj.惊人的;显著的;引人注目的
a striking contrast between wealth and poverty 显著的贫富差异
a striking image引人注目的形象
60.crowd vt. 挤满;使...拥挤
vi. 聚集;涌进
n. [c] 人群;一群人;民众
crowded adj. 拥挤的;挤满的
a crowd of /crowds of 一群; 许多
crowd into… 挤进
crowd in (on sb) …涌上(某人心头); 涌入(某人的脑海)
be crowded with 充满;挤满 =be full of
He crowd a room with furniture.
Thousands of people have crowded into the small town.
The crowd erupted into laughter.
The restaurant is always crowded with customers at meal times.
① The happy memory of getting along with my best friend ______ _______me. 我与最好的朋友相处的快乐回忆涌入我的脑海。
②He pushed his way __________________. 他在人群中往前挤。
③They had managed ______________ a train.
(2017.北京)People crowded_____the post office because they were curious about the telephone.
through the crowd
to crowd into
in on
1. defend v. 保护; 保卫
→____________n.防御; 保卫
→____________adj. 防御性的
2. surround vt. 围绕; 包围
→______________adj. 周围的; 附近的
→_______________n. (pl. )周围的事物; 环境
3. evident adj. 明显的
→___________n. 证据; 证明
4. achieve vt. 取得; 完成; 达到
→____________n. 成就; 成绩
5. locate v. 找出……的位置, 把……设置在→_________adj. 位于; 坐落在
→_________n. 地方; 地点; 位置
6. crowd n. 人群; 一群人; 民众 vt. 挤满; 使……拥挤
→ __________adj. 拥挤的; 挤满的
7. announce vt. 宣布; 通知; 声称
→______________n. 宣告; 通告; 公告→______________n. 广播员
8. generous adj. 慷慨的; 大方的; 丰富的
→ _____________n. 慷慨; 大方
→______________adv. 慷慨地; 大方地
9. greet vt. 问候; 迎接
→____________n. 问候; 招呼
10. eager adj. 热切地; 渴望的
→____________adv.急切地; 渴望地
11. puzzle n.谜,智力游戏;疑问 vt. 迷惑,使困惑
→ __________adj. 令人迷惑的
→ __________adj. 感到迷惑的