3-1 能听懂主题相关的语篇,借助关键词句、图片等复述语篇内容;
3-2 能利用语篇所给的提示预测内容的发展,判断说话者的身份和关系,推断说话者的情感、态度和观点;
3-3 能理解多模态语篇(如广播、电视节目等)的主要内容,获取关键信息;
3-8 朗读相关主题的简短语篇时,连读、停顿自然,语音、语调基本正确;
3-9 能根据口语交际的具体情境,初步运用得体的语言形式,表达自己的情感、态度和观点;
3-10 能选用正确的词语、句式和时态,通过口语或书面语篇描述、介绍人和事物,表达个人看法,表意清晰,话语基本通顺。
1. 模仿朗读
1. 准备时将生词找出来,尽可能将意群停顿和相应升降调标注出来。
2. 播放时,留意生词的读音,并尽可能将重音和连读标注出来。
3. 作答时,如果遇到生词,用拼读法读出来,不能停住。特别注意升降调和意群停顿。
4. 根据进度条控制好语速,把握录音的时间。但是一定要按照自己机器的节奏来,自信大声地说完全文,不要受他人的影响!!
5. 考前练习需要掌握以下要点:
不规则动词变化:read-read-read (have read, were read), write-wrote-written (have written, were written), choose-chose-chosen, feel-felt-felt, fall-fell-fallen, hear-heard-heard
the在元音前变音:the old man, the Earth, the elder, the astronaut, the author, the answer, the island, the article, the age
of系列:a kind of/ think of/ there are/ all of/ made of/ first of all/ heard of/
a系列:have a/ had a/good at/
you系列:It's nice to meet you./ Did you get there late /Would you like to visit Beijing with me
(3)-ed 的读音:
t\d后读/id/,如attended, invited, started;decided
清辅音后读/t/,如looked, finished, watched, practised, helped,worked
浊音后读/d/,如played, used, cleaned, prepared
[θ] think, thank, three, third, thirty, fifth, fourth,sixth,seventh,throw, athlete, everything
[ ] though, although, this, these, that, those, cloth,they,their,than,then
[v] every, everyone, have, very, view, visitor, village, five, live, love
[m] some, something, seem, Olympics, from, times, name, Hamlet, autumn, album,
[n] done, gone, town, down, crown
2. 语音(易错词):
changes, shame, chances, difficulties;
3. 停顿:意群停顿,合理即可
4. 连读:有一处即可
5. 元音饱满、失去爆破
2. 听选信息
1. 不能听错信息!!!听前用心审题,理解题目提问的信息点是什么!!!
2. 避免发音有误导致的失分,在播放第二遍录音时核对发音,跟读自己不确定发音的词。
3. 根据对话做选择,照着读即可,不需要添加任何的冠词、介词等,也不需要完整句子回答!!!
1. 该题型简答即可,多说多错;与信息点相关的一定要回答完整: 听到与数字相关的一定要留心about/around/over/more than等信息;回答where/when的问题加上介词at/in/on等,回答持续时间加for,回答why加because.
2. 在听前预判的时候,看到Who的问题,涉及到人物关系,可以先写下代词his/her/their等;
3. 听第二遍的录音的时候,核对答案时也要确认发音;对着自己写下的答案认真读,不要脱口而出;4.所有答案在录音前一定要开口说一遍!
4. 信息转述
1. 听前做好预判,可以提前写下预测的人称和时态,如看到描述宠物的主题,提前写下人称 :it—it—its; 时态:一般现在时—三单—s/-es
2. 听中注意使用速记的方式,例如简写、缩写、阿拉伯数字、汉字等。第一遍笔记重点记录信息点,在捕获了关键信息的前提下,第二遍在复核信息点的同时尽可能记下句子结构,重点记录句子的主谓,最大程度减少结构上的错误。
3. 听后的练习时间中再次检查、复核细节,准备的时间一定要用嘴巴说出来!不要只是在纸上修改笔记,争取说上两遍!
1. 考前对疑问词进行归类练习。疑问词选择正确,就能得到0.5分
2. 整理信息询问中自己常出错的固定表达,在15秒钟的准备时间内快速写下关键词句,培养关注、检查单复数等细节的习惯。
3. 准备时间借助陈述句来确定助动词,有be提be, 有助提助,有情提情,有实借助。
1. 如遇机器故障或系统延迟,稳住心态,正常答题。也不要因为别人都停下来了影响自己的节奏,自信的把自己的答案全部读出来。
2. 避免非智力和能力因素的失分:不抢答:等待“开始录音—滴”一声后1~2秒;不拖延、不重复:作答时间充足,但不要拖延作答,也不要重复作答;不要答与答案无关内容,例如Thank you,that’s all,sorry I don’t know。更不能说脏话唱歌,说脏话直接判零分,可以成绩不好,但不能素质太差。
深圳市中考听说·信息询问题专练 1
5.你想了解林老师教哪门学科, 你问Lily:
6. 你想了解林老师当了多久老师,你问Lily:
9. 你想了解Peter是如何背单词的,你问Peter:
10. 你想了解人们在何阶段拥有最好的记忆力,你问Peter:
11. 你想了解有多少人将参加这个活动,你问:
12. 你想了解什么活动是最受欢迎的,你问:
13. 你想知道Sam是否和父母一起看电视,你问Sam:
14. 你想知道Sam的爷爷奶奶家离他家有多远,你问Sam:
15. 你想知道Bruce去过澳洲几次,你问Bruce:
16. 你想知道Bruce最喜欢澳洲的什么景点,你问Bruce:
17. 你想知道如果你感冒了,你是否还能跑步,你问Dr. Know:
18.你想知道吃什么食物可以保护眼睛,你问Dr. Know:
19. 你想知道这次活动是由谁举办的,你问Jack:
20. 你想知道是否还有其他保护环境的活动,你问Jack:
深圳市中考听说·信息询问题专练 2
2. 你想知道这次出游的费用是多少,你问老师:
3. 你想知道Betty 学了多久古筝了,你问Betty:
4. 你想知道Betty的社团有多少人,你问Betty:
5. 你想知道Thomas 每周工作多少天,你问Thomas:
6.你想知道Thomas 每天怎么去上班的,你问Thomas:
7. 你想知道John是否很喜欢他现在的生活,你问John:
8. 你想知道John的妈妈对于他的变化有何感受,你问John:
9. 你想了解Sam是如何做蛋糕的,你问Sam:
11. 如果你想知道Tim的电视节目几点开始,你问Tim:
12. 如果你想知道Tim多久去一次图书馆,你问Tim:
13. 你想了解Kate已经读了多少本书,你问Kate:
15. 你想了解鲁迅为什么去日本学习,你问Simon:
16. 你想了解鲁迅写过哪些著名的小说,你问Simon:
17. 你想了解Peter的画是关于什么的,你问Peter:
18. 你想知道Peter是否和他祖父母住在一起,你问Peter:
1. 你想了解Mary是如何得到这份工作的,你问Mary:
2. 你想了解Mary的学习计划是什么,你问Mary:
3. 你想了解当天的天气怎样,你问Simon:
4. 你想了解Simon养了多久的狗,你问Simon:
5. 你想了解Mary每天什么时候给Whitefoot喂食,你问Mary:
6. 你想了解Mary和Whitefoot经常玩什么游戏,你问Mary:
7. 你想了解 Thomas 孤单时,他会做什么,你问 Thomas:
8. 你想了解 Thomas 多久打一次电话给家人,你问 Thomas:
9. 你想了解 John 最喜欢的食物是什么,你问 John
10. 你想了解 John 的办公室离家有多远,你问 John:
11. 你想了解 Johnson 的职业,你问 Johnson:
12. 你想了解 Johnson 每天工作多少小时,你问 Johnson:
13. 你想了解 Annie 通常和谁一起去旅游,你问 Annie:
14. 你想了解 Annie 暑期将会去哪里,你问 Annie:
15. 你想了解 James 喜欢哪一类音乐,你问 James:
16. 你想了解泰国最出名的水果是什么,你问 James:
17. 你想了解 Lucy 对上海这个城市的看法,你问 Lucy:
18. 你想了解 Lucy 旅行花了多少钱,你问 Lucy:
19. 你想了解 Kate 来自哪个国家,你问 Kate:
20. 你想了解 Kate 最喜欢的中国食物是什么,你问 Kate:
1. 你想了解 Rose 是否每天玩电脑游戏,你问 Rose:
2. 你想了解什么食物对眼睛有好处,你问 Rose:
3. 你想了解 Betty 一周上多少节英语课,你问 Betty:
4. 你想了解 Betty 上课是否教学生唱英语歌,你问 Betty:
5. 你想了解 George 擅长什么学科,你问 George:
6. 你想了解 George 学校的乐队里谁弹奏吉他,你问 George:
7. 你想了解 Peter 如何训练他的狗,你问 Peter:
8. 你想了解 Peter 给狗喂什么食物,你问 Peter:
9. 如果你想知道 David 是从哪里得到这些硬币的,你问 David:
10. 如果你想知道 David 最喜欢哪一副画,你问 David:
11. 你想了解 Anna 将在中国呆多久,你问 Anna:
12. 你想了解 Anna 在中国是否有朋友,你问 Anna:
13. 你想了解 Mary这次旅行花了多少钱,你问 Mary:
14. 你想了解 Mary 已经去过哪些城市,你问 Mary:
15. 你想了解 Lucy 已经读了多少本书,你问 Lucy:
16. 你想了解 Lucy 最喜爱的书是什么,你问 Lucy:
17. 你想了解 Kate 通常向谁求助,你问 Kate:
18. 你想了解 Kate 多久做一次家务活,你问 Kate:
19. 你想了解 Tom 是如何做蛋糕的,你问 Tom:
20. 你想了解 Tom 明年打算在母亲生日那天送什么礼物,你问 Tom:
评分标准:满分:4分 给分区间: 0.25分
(1) 语音2.5分:读错、不准的,每两个扣0.25分,
(2) 规则1.5分:语调升降0.5分; 重读0.25分;
(3) 意群停顿 0.25分(合理即给分)
(4) 连读 0.25分(有一处就给分)
(5) 失去爆破 0.25分(有一处就给分)
评分标准:满分:6分 给分区间:0.25-0.5分
选对答案且无发音错误、漏读等情况 得1分
选对,但出现读错、漏读等情况 得0.5分
选错答案 得0分
评分标准:满分:4分 给分区间:0.25分
评分细则:每个问题单独给分,扣完为止。严重错误如关键词、谓语动词错误 扣0.5分
其他错误: 介词、单复数、时态等 一处扣0.25分
一般疑问句,只回答yes/no 不给分
一般疑问句人称用错 扣0.25分
评分标准:满分:8分 给分区间:0.25 分
3-5分:每个要点3-4处发音或者语法错误,要点部分缺失, 语句部分连贯。
1. 每个要点1分,独立给分,有一处语法错误扣0.25分;
2. 如果所有的关键词都有,但不成句,总分不超过4分;
3. 短文的衔接语和完整性共1分。若全部信息正确且成句,但没有任何连接词和过渡句,则只得7分;
评分标准:满分:3分 给分区间:0.5分
疑问词错误, 全句不得分!
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深圳市中考听说·信息询问题专练1 参考答案
Do you still keep in touch with the Whites
Do you still stay in touch with the Whites
Are you still in touch with the Whites
How long did you stay in Australia
What was the prize for Susan
What was Susan’s prize
What prize did Susan win
What prize did Susan get
What do you think of the English play
What do you think about the English play
How do you like the English play
5.你想了解林老师教哪门学科, 你问Lily:
What subject does Mr. Lin teach
Which subject does Mr. Lin teach
6. 你想了解林老师当了多久老师,你问Lily:
How long has Mr. Lin worked as a teacher
How long has Mr. Lin been a teacher
How should young people treat the old
How should the young treat the old
When did Chinese people begin to have these customs
When did Chinese people start to have these customs
When did the Chinese begin to have these customs
When did the Chinese start to have these customs
9. 你想了解Peter是如何背单词的,你问Peter:
How do you memorize words
10. 你想了解人们在何阶段拥有最好的记忆力,你问Peter:
When do people have the best memory
At which stage do people have the best memory
11. 你想了解有多少人将参加这个活动,你问:
How many people will take part in this activity
How many people will join in this activity
How many people are going to take part in this activity
How many people are going to join in this activity
12. 你想了解什么活动是最受欢迎的,你问:
What activity is the most popular
What is the most popular activity
13. 你想知道Sam是否和父母一起看电视,你问Sam:
Do you watch TV with your parents
Do your parents and you watch TV together
14. 你想知道Sam的爷爷奶奶家离他家有多远,你问Sam:
How far is it from your grandparent’s home to your home
How far is it from your grandparent’s house to yours
How far is your grandparent’s home from yours
How far is your grandparent’s house from yours
15. 你想知道Bruce去过澳洲几次,你问Bruce:
How many times have you (ever) been to Australia
16. 你想知道Bruce最喜欢澳洲的什么景点,你问Bruce:
What tourist attraction do you like best in Australia
What is your favourite tourist attraction in Australia
What place of interest do you like best in Australia
What is your favourite place of interest in Australia
17. 你想知道如果你感冒了,你是否还能跑步,你问Dr. Know:
If I have a cold, can I run
Can I run if I have a cold
Can I run when I have a cold
When I have a cold, can I run
Can I run when having a cold
18.你想知道吃什么食物可以保护眼睛,你问Dr. Know:
What should I eat to protect my eyes
What can I eat to protect my eyes
In order to protect my eyes, what can I eat
19. 你想知道这次活动是由谁举办的,你问Jack:
Who holds the activity
Who is the activity held by
Who is the organizer of the activity
Who holds this activity
Who is the organizer of this activity
20. 你想知道是否还有其他保护环境的活动,你问Jack:
Are there any other environmental protection activities
Are there any other activities about environmental protection
Are there any other environmental activities
深圳市中考听说·信息询问题专练2 参考答案
How long will it take to get to the farm by bus
How long will it take to take a bus to the farm
2. 你想知道这次出游的费用是多少,你问老师:
How much is the trip How much does the trip cost How much will the trip cost
3. 你想知道Betty 学了多久古筝了,你问Betty:
How long have you learned to play guzheng How long have you learned guzheng
4. 你想知道Betty的社团有多少人,你问Betty:
How many people are there in your club
How many students are there in your club
How many students are there in the club
5. 你想知道Thomas 每周工作多少天,你问Thomas:
How many days do you work every week
How many days do you work a week
6.你想知道Thomas 每天怎么去上班的,你问Thomas:
How do you go to work every day
How do you get to work every day
7. 你想知道John是否很喜欢他现在的生活,你问John:
Do you love your life now
Do you enjoy your present life
8. 你想知道John的妈妈对于他的变化有何感受,你问John:
How does your mother feel about your change
How does your mum feel about your change
9. 你想了解Sam是如何做蛋糕的,你问Sam:
How did you make the cake
How did you make that cake
What present will you give to your mother next year
What gift will you give to your mother next year
11. 如果你想知道Tim的电视节目几点开始,你问Tim:
When does your TV programme begin
What time does your TV programme start
12. 如果你想知道Tim多久去一次图书馆,你问Tim:
How often do you go to the library
13. 你想了解Kate已经读了多少本书,你问Kate:
How many books have you read
How many books have you read so far
How many books have you read by now
What’s your favourite book
Which book do you like best
15. 你想了解鲁迅为什么去日本学习,你问Simon:
Why did Lu Xun go to Japan to study
Why did he go to study in Japan
16. 你想了解鲁迅写过哪些著名的小说,你问Simon:
What famous novels did Lu Xun write
What famous novels has Lu Xun write
17. 你想了解Peter的画是关于什么的,你问Peter:
What’s your picture about What is your painting about
18. 你想知道Peter是否和他祖父母住在一起,你问Peter:
Do you live with your grandparents
Do you live together with your grandparents
When did you join the Volunteer Club
When did you become a member of the Volunteer Club
How many members are there in the Volunteer Club
What is the number of the Volunteer Club members
1. 你想了解Mary是如何得到这份工作的,你问Mary:
How did you get this job
1. 你想了解Mary的学习计划是什么,你问Mary:
What’s your plan for studying
1. 你想了解当天的天气怎样,你问Simon:
How was the weather that day
What’s the weather like that day
1. 你想了解Simon养了多久的狗,你问Simon:
How long have you kept the dog
1. 你想了解Mary每天什么时候给Whitefoot喂食,你问Mary:
When do you feed Whitefoot every day
What time do you feed Whitefoot every day
1. 你想了解Mary和Whitefoot经常玩什么游戏,你问Mary:
What game do you often play with Whitefoot
1. 你想了解 Thomas 孤单时,他会做什么,你问 Thomas:
What will you do when you feel lonely
1. 你想了解 Thomas 多久打一次电话给家人,你问 Thomas:
How often do you call to your family
How often do you call to your family members
9. 你想了解 John 最喜欢的食物是什么,你问 John
What’s your favorite food
10. 你想了解 John 的办公室离家有多远,你问 John:
How far is it from your office to your home
11. 你想了解 Johnson 的职业,你问 Johnson:
What’s your job
What do you do
12. 你想了解 Johnson 每天工作多少小时,你问 Johnson:
How many hours do you work for every day
13. 你想了解 Annie 通常和谁一起去旅游,你问 Annie:
Who do you often travel with
13. 你想了解 Annie 暑期将会去哪里,你问 Annie:
Where will you go during your summer holiday
Where will you visit during your summer holiday
13. 你想了解 James 喜欢哪一类音乐,你问 James:
What kind of music do you like
13. 你想了解泰国最出名的水果是什么,你问 James:
What’s the most famous fruit in Thailand
17. 你想了解 Lucy 对上海这个城市的看法,你问 Lucy:
What do you think of Shanghai
How do you like Shanghai
17. 你想了解 Lucy 旅行花了多少钱,你问 Lucy:
How much did you spend on the travelling
17. 你想了解 Kate 来自哪个国家,你问 Kate:
Where are you from
Which country do you come from
17. 你想了解 Kate 最喜欢的中国食物是什么,你问 Kate:
What’s your favorite Chinese food
What Chinese food do you like best
1. 你想了解 Rose 是否每天玩电脑游戏,你问 Rose:
Do you play computer games every day
1. 你想了解什么食物对眼睛有好处,你问 Rose:
What food is good for our eyes
1. 你想了解 Betty 一周上多少节英语课,你问 Betty:
How many English classes do you have every week
How many English classes do you have a week
1. 你想了解 Betty 上课是否教学生唱英语歌,你问 Betty:
Do you teach students to sing English songs in class
1. 你想了解 George 擅长什么学科,你问 George:
Which subject are you good at
1. 你想了解 George 学校的乐队里谁弹奏吉他,你问 George:
Who plays guitar in your school band
1. 你想了解 Peter 如何训练他的狗,你问 Peter:
How do you train your dogs
1. 你想了解 Peter 给狗喂什么食物,你问 Peter:
What food do you feed your dogs
1. 如果你想知道 David 是从哪里得到这些硬币的,你问 David:
Where did you get there coins
1. 如果你想知道 David 最喜欢哪一副画,你问 David:
Which is your favoirte painting
Which painting do you like best
1. 你想了解 Anna 将在中国呆多久,你问 Anna:
How long will you stay in China
1. 你想了解 Anna 在中国是否有朋友,你问 Anna:
Do you have any friends in China
13. 你想了解 Mary这次旅行花了多少钱,你问 Mary:
How much do you spend on this trip
13. 你想了解 Mary 已经去过哪些城市,你问 Mary:
What cities have you visited
13. 你想了解 Lucy 已经读了多少本书,你问 Lucy:
How many books have you read
13. 你想了解 Lucy 最喜爱的书是什么,你问 Lucy:
What’s your favorite book
What book do you like best
13. 你想了解 Kate 通常向谁求助,你问 Kate:
Who do you often ask for help
Who do you usually ask for help
13. 你想了解 Kate 多久做一次家务活,你问 Kate:
How often do you do housework
13. 你想了解 Tom 是如何做蛋糕的,你问 Tom:
How do you make a cake
13. 你想了解 Tom 明年打算在母亲生日那天送什么礼物,你问 Tom:
What gift do you plan to give your mother on her birthday
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