人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 FIRST AID Using language 读写课 教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 FIRST AID Using language 读写课 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 283.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-23 14:57:32



Unit5 First Aid
Using language 2
Reading & Writing
基本 信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高二选择性 必修二 Unit 5
教材 分析 主题语境,人与自然 语篇:记叙文 本课记叙北京高中生陈伟利用海姆利希急救法救人的故事。通过举实际生活中 的例子让学生了解海姆利希急救法的实施步骤。文本语言生动简介, 能够提供很好 的写作范本。
学情 分析 在语言知识和语篇分析上,学生在整个学习过程中有所收获,并主动思考。 在写作能力上, 将阅读所学到的东西运用在写作中的时候, 学生的需要一个消化 的过程, 因此为了避免这一个弊端, 我要给学生充足的时间。同时为了减轻写作的 难度。对于写作结构和特点的分析, 为学生提供写作抓手, 为学生的写作提供了必 要的帮助。
教学 目标 1. 获取、梳理、描述海姆利希急救法的具体步骤。 2. 分析判断文本写作手法,掌握语篇特征。 3. 用所学的语言新的语境中描述自己的急救经历,实现对语言知识的内化。
教学 重难 点 重点:获取描述海姆利希急救法的具体步骤信息。 难点: 分析判断文本写作手法, 掌握语篇特征, 在新的语境下, 用自己的语言完成 相关写作任务。
教学 资源 多媒体,黑板
教学 过程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Activity 1 Activate and predict What would you do when someone is chocking 1. pat the back 2. eat more/drink water or vinegar 3. clear one’s throat 4.just ignore or leave Activity 2 Read and check Watch a video and discuss about what is the Heimlich manoeuvre Heimlich manoeuvre 海姆利希急救法 Henry Heimlich created the Heimlich manoeuvre in 1974. It is a useful first-aid way to help these choking victims. Read the article and then put A-E in the correct places in the text. A. Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before they collapse and sometimes die. B. If you see someone choking, first call the emergency services. C. Chen wasted no time. D. With choking victims, every minute counts. E.Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommended. 利用常识引入 话题,让学生猜 测新课主题 通过文章主旨, 在语境中选择 正确的词汇训 练,帮助学生掌 握文章细节及 提高对文本意 义的理解。 2mins 10mins
C A B E D Activity 3 Read the article again and choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Chen Wei was to Zhang plete stranger 2. When Chen Wei reached ZhangTao,Zhang Tao was ____________ sitting on the chair 3.The Heimlich manoeuvre is quite to do. easy 4.You will know that the victim is chocking if he . cannot speak 4. To help a small child who is chocking,you need to lay the child face on your lap and slap his upper back. down 5. Chen Wei was able to save Zhang Tao because he learnt the Heimlich manoeuvre . at school Activity4 Reread the article and then answer the questions below. 3mins
Conflict Setting a restaurant in Beijing Conclusion Chen saved Zhang Who Chen Wei, Zhang Tao What Zhang Tao was choking on some steak while eating. Activity 5 Writing Before writing Writing task 假设大卫正在家办公,他的女儿发生了紧急情况,请对这一事件 进行描述,包括 1.发生怎样的紧急情况 2.如何发生的 3.事情是怎样解决的 4.事后 的感受 注意 1.词数 100 左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使得行文连贯 (1)关键词语 pick sth. up, choke, grab, face down, lap, obstruction slap,work,second, force out,breathe (2)完成句子 一天早上,大卫正在他的家庭办公室工作,这时他注意到他的女 儿捡起了什么东西并把它放进嘴里。(be doing.when...) One morning, David was working at his home office when he noticed 通过问题让学 生建构知识网 络,为学生下一 步的写作活动 做铺垫。 通过对文本写 作手法分析, 识 别语言特征, 为 下一步的写作 搭建支架 25mins
that his daughter had picked something up and put it in her mouth. 然后她开始动了起来,好像被噎着了。(as if:choke) Then she began to move as if she was choking. 然而,她并没有哭,也没有发出声音。(or ;make a sound) However, she was not crying or making a sound. 他迅速抓住她,让她脸朝下趴在大腿上。(grab;face down) He quickly grabbed her and held her face down on his lap. 他小心地打开她的嘴,看看是否有异物(obstruction) He carefully opened her mouth to see if there was obstruction. 没有发现任何东西,他就在她的后背上用力地拍打了几下。(动 词-ing 形式作状语; slap) Not finding anything, he then gave her a few hard slaps on her back. 成功了!几秒钟之内, 一个小纽扣被逼了出来, 她又开始呼吸了。 (work;force out ;breathe) It worked! Within seconds a small button was forced out, and she began to breathe again. 范文欣赏 One morning, David was working at his home office when he noticed that his daughter had picked something up and put it in her mouth. Then she began to move as if she was choking. However, she was not crying or making a sound. He quickly grabbed her and held her face down on his lap. He carefully opened her mouth to see if there was obstruction.Not finding anything, he then gave her a few hard slaps on her back. It worked! Within seconds a small button was forced out, and she began to breathe again. David was so proud of what he did .And for his daughter ,without father’s first aid,there were a terrible accident happened to her.What’s more,it is the experience that makes her mind to learn more knowledge about first aid so that she can help others in need.
Activity 6 Assignment Exchange and polish your draft with your partners
板 书 设 计 与 教 学 反 思 Unit5 First Aid What would you do when someone is chocking Heimlich manoeuvre 海姆利希急救法 (steps) Writing----write a narrative essay 课后反思: 本节课从关注到阅读语篇的内容,语言结构分析到写作特色的 分析,为后期的写作做了有效的铺垫,学生能够根据所阅读的内 容完成相关写作任务,由于学生基础薄弱,我在写作语言上下功 夫,给学生句子及词汇提示,同时又通过小组合作学习,减少写 作难度。 由于时间关系在展示环节做的稍微有些紧张,我在文本输入环 节再次缩减一下时间,把时间留给写作任务。