

名称 山东省临沂市第十九中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第五次月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-23 17:08:49


第一部分 听力(共两节;每小題1.5分,满分30分)
1.How will Crystal spend most of her time in Italy
A.Dealing with her work.
B.Traveling around.
C.Visiting her sister.
2.What else do the speakers need
A.Potatoes. B.Beef. C.Pork sausages.
3.Why did the woman go to Matt’s shop
A.For its cats. B.For its coffee. C.For its books.
4.What are the speakers mainly discussing
A.An actor. B.A movie. C.A friend.
5.What does the man think of the restaurant
A.Very disappointing. B.Quite satisfactory. C.Just so-so.
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Show his ID card. B.Pay extra. C.Open his suitcases.
7.What will the man probably do next
A.Go through security. B.Board the plane. C.Get his boarding pass.
8.What is Steve’s favorite sport
A.Running. B.Swimming. C.Basketball.
9.Where does the woman like to run
A.In the gym. B.In her neighborhood. C.Near the West Lake.
10.Who is Steve probably talking to
A.His colleague. B.His neighbor. C.His coach.
11.What is the woman going to do after school
A.Go to her uncle’s house. B.Adopt a little cat. C.Buy some food for herself.
12.Why does the man refuse the woman’s invitation
A.He doesn’t feel well.
B.He needs to look after his mother.
C.He has to go to the pet clinic.
13.How many cats does the man have now
A.One. B.Two. C.Three.
14.How does the woman sound at first
A.Concerned. B.Unhappy. C.Amazed.
15.What does the woman suggest Bill do
A.Apologize for his mistake.
B.Work in another industry.
C.Enrich his knowledge first.
16.What did the woman major in
A.Education. B.Economics. C.Computer Science.
17.What is Bill likely to do next
A.Sign up for a course. B.Meet his leader. C.Make a phone call.
18.How did most people in the room react to the speaker’s idea
A.Favorably. B.Anxiously. C.Calmly.
19.What did the speaker’s grandfather ask him to do
A.Be friendly to others. B.Accept the changes. C.Learn to be himself.
20.What do we know about the speaker
A.He is a host now.
B.He has more than one child.
C.He writes books about children.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Down House, home of Charles Darwin:
Fun fact
Charles Darwin, his wife, Emma, and their children lived at Down House for 40 years from 1838. Several rooms appear as if the family still live here: with croquet sets thrown into an under-stairs cupboard, a half-played game of backgammon on a side table and Emma’s knitting(毛线) left on a chair in the drawing room. Upstairs, an exhibition showcases Darwin’s voyage aboard HMS Beagle, including a reconstruction of his cabin. Outside, visitors can explore the sheltered gardens which Darwin used as an open-air laboratory, and the greenhouse in which he planted rare plants and devised botanical experiments.
No room at Down House escaped Darwin’s experiments. In the drawing room he once placed a jar of earthworms on the grand piano to see whether they could hear.
Getting there
A 15-minute drive from the A21/Farnborough. Free parking. The R8 bus from Orpington stops nearby (except Sundays) or the 146 bus from Bromley North and South terminates (终点站) in Downe village, half a mile from the property. The nearest railway stations are Chelsfield or Orpington, about four miles away.
Value for money
It’s £12 (adult), £7.20 (child), or £31.30 (family with 2 adults). Under 5s go free.
Opening hours
Open daily 10am-6pm from 30 March to 30 September; daily 10 a.m. — 5 p.m. between 1 to 31 October. Opening times vary through the winter (check website for details).
8/10. An unstuffy educational, gentle day-trip attraction with friendly, knowledgeable staff.
1. What can visitors do in Down House
A. Play the grand piano. B. Set sail in HMS Beagle.
C. Explore Darwin’s work and life. D. Try food sourced from the garden.
2. How much would a couple with their 4-year-old twin sons pay for admission
A. £38.40. B. £26.20. C. £31.30. D. £24.
3. What do we know about Down House
A. It is highly thought of. B. It charges parking fees.
C. It has fixed opening hours. D. It is inconveniently located.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据Fun fact部分中“Outside, visitors can explore the sheltered gardens which Darwin used as an open-air laboratory, and the greenhouse in which he planted rare plants and devised botanical experiments.(在外面,游客可以探索达尔文用作露天实验室的遮蔽花园,以及他种植稀有植物和设计植物学实验的温室)”可知,游客在这里可以探索了解达尔文当年的工作生活情况,故选C。
细节理解题。根据Value for money部分中“It’s £12 (adult), £7.20 (child), or £31.30 (family with 2 adults). Under 5s go free.(成人£12,儿童£7.20,或£31.30(一个有2个成年人的家庭)。5岁以下免费)”可知,四岁孩子不要钱,父母带两个四岁孩子的最优惠价格是12+12=24英镑,故选D。
细节理解题。根据Verdict部分“8/10. An unstuffy educational, gentle day-trip attraction with friendly, knowledgeable staff.(8/10。一个充满教育气息、温和的一日游景点,拥有友好、知识渊博的工作人员)”可知该处景点评价很高,故选A。
After years of observing human nature, I have decided that two qualities make a difference between men of great achievement and men of average performance — curiosity and discontent. I have never known an outstanding man who lacked either. And I have never known an average man who had both.
Together, these deep human urges (驱策力) count for much more than ambition. Galileo was not merely ambitious when he dropped objects of varying weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground. Like Galileo, all the great names in history were curious and asked in discontent, “Why Why Why ”
Fortunately, curiosity and discontent don’t have to be learned. We are born with them and need only to recapture them. “The great man,” said Mencius, “is he who does not lose his child’s heart.” Yet most of us do lose it. We stop asking questions. We stop challenging custom. We just follow the crowd. And the crowd desires only the calm and restful average.
Most of us meet new people, and new ideas, with hesitation. But once having met and liked them, we think how terrible it would have been, had we missed the chance. We will probably have to force ourselves to waken our curiosity and discontent and keep them awake.
How should you start Modestly, so as not to become discouraged. I think of one friend who couldn’t arrange flowers to satisfy herself. She was curious about how the experts did it.
The way to begin is to answer your own excuses. You haven’t any special ability Most people don’t; there are only a few geniuses. You haven’t any time That’s good, because it’s always the people with no time who get things done. Harriet Stowe, mother of six, wrote parts of Uncle Tom’s Cabin while cooking. You’re too old Remember that Thomas Costain was 57 when he published his first novel, and that Grandma Moses showed her first pictures when she was 78.
However you start, remember there is no better time to start than right now, for you’ll never be more alive than you are at this moment.
4. In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to ________.
A. present an argument B. make a comparison C. reach a conclusion D. propose a definition
5. What does the example of Galileo tell us
A. Scientists tend to have varied ambitions. B. Trial and error leads to the finding of truth.
C. Creativity results from challenging authority. D. Greatness comes from a lasting desire to explore.
6. What can you do to recapture curiosity and discontent
A. Observe the unknown around you. B. Develop a questioning mind.
C. Lead a life of adventure. D. Follow the fashion.
7. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs
A. Gaining success helps you become an expert.
B. The genius tends to get things done creatively.
C. Lack of talent and time is no reason for taking no action.
D. You should remain modest when approaching perfection.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C
推理判断题。推理判断题。根据第一段关键句“After years of observing human nature, I have decided that two qualities make a difference between men of great achievement and men of average performance — curiosity and discontent.(经过多年对人性的观察,我发现有两种品质决定了成就卓越的人和表现一般的人的区别:好奇和不满。)”可知,作者在第一段提出了文章的论点,告诉我们成就卓越的人和表现一般的人的区别在哪里即两种品质决定了成就卓越的人和表现一般的人的区别:好奇和不满。由此可知,写第一段内容时,作者旨在提出一个论点。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Together, these deep human urges (驱策力) count for much more than ambition. Galileo was not merely ambitious when he dropped objects of varying weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground. Like Galileo, all the great names in history were curious and asked in discontent, “Why Why Why ”(总之,这些人类内心深处的欲望比野心要重要得多。当伽利略从比萨斜塔上扔下不同重量的物体并计算它们落地的时间时,他不仅仅是雄心勃勃。像伽利略一样,历史上所有伟大的人物都很好奇,并不满地问:“为什么 ”为什么 为什么 ”)”可知,作者通过伽利略的例子告诉我们人类的强烈欲望比雄心壮志更重要,历史上所有伟大的人物,他们的成功正是因为对事物的好奇和不断探索。由此可知,伽利略的例子告诉我们伟大来自对探索的持久渴望。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段内容“ “The great man,” said Mencius, “is he who does not lose his child’s heart.” Yet most of us do lose it. We stop asking questions. We stop challenging custom. We just follow the crowd. And the crowd desires only the calm and restful average.( 孟子说:“不失去孩子的心,才是伟大的人。”然而,我们大多数人都失去了它。我们不再问问题。我们不再挑战习俗。我们只是随大流。而大众只渴望平静宁静的普通人。)”以及第四段中“But once having met and liked them, we think how terrible it would have been, had we missed the chance. We will probably have to force ourselves to waken our curiosity and discontent and keep them awake.(但一旦遇见并喜欢上了他们,我们就会想,如果我们错过了这个机会,那该有多糟糕啊。我们可能不得不强迫自己唤醒我们的好奇心和不满,并让它们保持清醒。)”可知,要唤起我们的好奇心和不满,我们需要做与段落中相反的事,即我们要不满足于现状,勇于探索,勇于提出问题。由此可知,你能通过培养质疑的思维来重新找回好奇心和不满。故选B。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“The way to begin is to answer your own excuses. You haven’t any special ability Most people don’t; there are only a few geniuses. You haven’t any time That’s good, because it’s always the people with no time who get things done. (开始的方法是回答你自己的借口。你没有什么特殊能力吗?大多数人不会;天才屈指可数。你没有时间吗?这很好,因为总是那些没有时间的人把事情做好。)”以及最后一段中“However you start, remember there is no better time to start than right now, for you’ll never be more alive than you are at this moment.(无论你如何开始,记住没有比现在更好的开始时间,因为你永远不会比此刻更有活力。)”可知,文章最后两段强调的是不要以自己没有时间和才能而不去采取行动。而是建议读者记住没有比现在更好的开始时间,因为你永远不会比此刻更有活力。故选C。
Dopamine (多巴胺) is often considered as the source of pleasure. But that’s not quite what it does. Dopamine is what makes us desire things. And it’s that desire that gives us the motivation to get up and do things.
In fact, your brain considers something more important than others mainly depending on how much dopamine it’s expecting to get. If an activity releases a lot of dopamine, you’ll be motivated to repeat it, over and over. So which behavior releases dopamine Any activity where you expect there’s a possible reward releases it.
And in today’s digital society, we are flooding our brains with unnaturally high amounts of dopamine on a daily basis, even if we don’t know it. Some examples of high dopamine behavior include: visiting social media websites, playing video games, etc.
And you might think, “Oh so what It’s not like it’s harming me in any way.” But you’d be wrong. Our bodies have a biologically balanced system. Whenever an imbalance occurs, our body adapts to it. Basically, your brain gets used to having high levels of dopamine and those levels become your new normal. Thus, you develop a dopamine tolerance. This can be a huge problem because the things that don’t give you as much dopamine don’t interest you any longer. That’s why people tend to prefer playing video games or surfing the Internet, compared to studying or working on their business.
But it is possible to make doing difficult things feel easier. Separate yourself from the unnaturally high amounts of dopamine, or at least expose yourself to it far less frequently. Only then will normal, everyday, low dopamine activities become exciting again and you’ll be able to do them for longer. That’s why you might want to limit your phone and computer usage, along with other high dopamine-releasing behavior.
We are all dopamine addicts to a certain extent. And that’s a good thing because dopamine motivates us to achieve our goals and improve ourselves. But it’s up to you to decide where you’re going to get your dopamine.
8. When is dopamine released
A. When tough things come into being. B. When we are encouraged to do things.
C. When we take pleasure in the behavior. D. When possible rewards can be obtained.
9. What can we learn from the passage
A. Dopamine does great harm to our body. B. It’s difficult for our body to keep the balance.
C. Video games produce more dopamine than study. D. Dopamine tolerance keeps us away from social media.
10. What is the purpose of the fifth paragraph
A. To explain why dopamine is harmful. B. To introduce the effects of dopamine.
C. To stress the importance of dopamine. D. To offer solutions to dopamine tolerance.
11. What is the author’s attitude toward dopamine
A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. Concerned. D. Negative.
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. D 11. B
细节理解题。根据第二段中“So which behavior releases dopamine Any activity where you expect there’s a possible reward releases it.(那么哪种行为会释放多巴胺呢?任何你预期会有奖励的活动都会释放它。)”可知,在可能的情况下获得奖励,该活动则会释放多巴胺。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段中“This can be a huge problem because the things that don’t give you as much dopamine don’t interest you any longer. That’s why people tend to prefer playing video games or surfing the Internet, compared to studying or working on their business.(这可能是一个巨大的问题,因为那些没有给你那么多多巴胺的东西不再让你感兴趣了。这就是为什么与学习或工作相比,人们更喜欢玩电子游戏或上网。)”可知,不能一直让你产生多巴胺的活动则不会在让你感兴趣,这也就是为什么学习或者从事自己的业务比不上游戏或者上网,因为游戏或者上网可以一直让你产生多巴胺即电子游戏比学习产生更多的多巴胺。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段中“ Basically, your brain gets used to having high levels of dopamine and those levels become your new normal. Thus, you develop a dopamine tolerance. (基本上,你的大脑习惯了高水平的多巴胺,这些水平成为你的新常态。因此,你会产生多巴胺耐受性。)”可知,此处提出了人的大脑习惯了高水平的多巴胺,因此会产生多巴胺耐受的问题。同时根据第五段中“Separate yourself from the unnaturally high amounts of dopamine, or at least expose yourself to it far less frequently. Only then will normal, everyday, low dopamine activities become exciting again and you’ll be able to do them for longer. (让自己远离不自然的大量多巴胺,或者至少让自己少接触多巴胺。只有这样,正常的、日常的、低多巴胺的活动才会再次变得令人兴奋,你才能做得更长。)”可知,此处主要强调的是如何避免或者解决多巴胺的耐受问题即远离不自然的大量多巴胺,或者至少让自己少接触多巴胺。故本段的目的是为多巴胺耐受性提供解决方案。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第一段中“Dopamine (多巴胺) is often considered as the source of pleasure. But that’s not quite what it does. Dopamine is what makes us desire things. (多巴胺通常被认为是快乐的来源。但这并不完全是它的作用。多巴胺让我们产生欲望。)”以及倒数第三段中“Thus, you develop a dopamine tolerance. This can be a huge problem because the things that don’t give you as much dopamine don’t interest you any longer. That’s why people tend to prefer playing video games or surfing the Internet, compared to studying or working on their business.( 因此,你会产生多巴胺耐受性。这可能是一个大问题,因为不能给你那么多多巴胺的事情不再让你感兴趣。这就是为什么人们更喜欢玩电子游戏或上网,而不是学习或从事自己的业务。)”以及最后一段中“We are all dopamine addicts to a certain extent. And that’s a good thing because dopamine motivates us to achieve our goals and improve ourselves. But it’s up to you to decide where you’re going to get your dopamine.(在某种程度上,我们都是多巴胺成瘾者。这是一件好事,因为多巴胺会激励我们实现目标,提高自我。但从哪里获得多巴胺取决于你自己。)”可知,作者指出多巴胺可以是快乐的源泉,能够激励我们实现目标,提高自我,可是同时容易出现多巴胺耐受状况,出现游戏、网络上瘾最终舍弃自己的学习或者业务,因此作者对多巴胺的态度是客观的。故选B。
People who sleep fewer than six hours a night are more likely to die early, researchers in University of Warwick have found in a recent study. They discovered that people who slept for less than six hours each night were 12% more likely to die before the age of 65 than those who slept the recommended six to eight hours a night.
The researchers pointed out that previous studies had shown that the lack of sleep was associated with problems like heart disease and high blood pressure. However, the researchers also found that sleeping too much was linked to an early death. Those who slept for more than nine hours a night were 30% more likely to die early, as an article in the latest Sleep suggested. That directly contradicts another passage in the same journal last month suggesting that people who slept for ten hours or longer a night were more likely to live to 100. This was thought to be because people who lived into extreme old age were healthier and therefore slept better.
However, the authors of the latest research contradicted this and suggested that long sleep was a sign of underlying illnesses such as depression and low levels of physical activity. Professor Francesco Cappuccio at the University of Warwick said: “While short sleep may represent a cause of ill-health, long sleep is believed to represent more an indicator of ill – health.”
He also mentioned: Modern society has seen a gradual reduction in the average amount of sleep people take, and this pattern is more common among full-time workers suggesting that it may be due to social pressures for longer working hours. On the other hand, the worsening of our health is often accompanied by an extension of our sleeping time.”
Consistently sleeping six to eight hours per night may be good for health. However, whether to achieve the goal depends on various factors such as the environment as well as measures of public health aimed at favourable changes of the s working environments Professor Francesco Cappuccio added.
12. What did researchers in University of Warwick find
A. Six to eight hours’ sleep can be appropriate for people.
B. People at an old age are healthier because they sleep longer.
C. People who sleep fewer than 6 hours each night die before 65.
D. Sleeping for more than 9 hours a night does good to one’s health.
13. What is Professor Francesco Cappuccio most likely to agree with
A. How long we sleep depends on our education.
B. Our health becomes worse because we sleep less.
C. Modern people sleep less because they work longer.
D. Long sleep is what causes our health problems.
14. What did the researcher think may help people have proper sleep
A. Social pressure B. Extension of sleeping time.
C. Longer working hours D. Changes of working environments.
15. What can be the best title for this passage
A. Time to Sleep early B. How Long Should We Sleep
C. The Importance of Sleep D. Longer Sleep Makes Better Health
【答案】12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B
推理判断题。根据第一中的“They discovered that people who slept for les than six hours each night were 12% more likelyto die before the age of 65 than those who slept the recommended six to eight hours a night.(他们发现,每晚睡眠时间少于6小时的人在65岁之前死亡的可能性比每晚睡眠时间达到建议的6至8小时的人高12%)”可知,研究者们发现,每晚睡眠不足6小时的人在65岁之前死亡的可能性比那些每晚睡足6至8小时的人高出12%。由此可推出,每晚睡足6至8小时是比较合适的。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Modern society has seen a gradualreduction in the average amount of sleep people take,and this pattern is more common among ful-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to social pressures for onger working hours.(现代社会已经看到人们平均睡眠时间逐渐减少,这种模式在全职工作者中更为常见,这表明这可能是由于更长工作时间的社会压力)”可知,Professor Francesco Cappuccio认为睡眠不足在全职工作者中更为常见,这可能由于社会压力导致的长时间工作造成的。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Consistently sleeping six to eight hours per night may be good for health. However, whetherto achieve the goal depends on various factors such as the environment as well as measures of public health aimed at favourable changeofthe working environments(每晚持续睡6到8小时可能对健康有益。然而,能否实现这一目标取决于各种因素,如环境以及旨在改善工作环境的公共卫生措施)”可知,能否实现每晚睡足6至8小时这个目标取决于环境的改变以及针对工作环境变化的公共卫生措施等多种因素。由此可知,工作环境的改变是帮助人们获得适当睡眠的方法之一。故选D项。
第二节(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures we tend to ignore our health. ____16____ It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.
____17____ We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses. ____18____ This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic conditions we live in.
It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness. ____19____ For instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style. There are different levels of exercises for different age groups and we must do them according to our own health and age.
Additionally, it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases. ____20____ This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.
A. Fitness levels decide the quality of life.
B. Health and fitness are interrelated to each other.
C. It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind.
D. For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily.
E. If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner.
F. There are some activities which everyone should do in our life.
G. This makes our body suffer and we will catch other diseases.
【答案】16. G 17. B 18. D 19. F 20. C
根据空前“Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures, we tend to ignore our health.(健康和健身帮助一个人过上良好和健康的生活。由于各种各样的压力,我们往往会忽视自己的健康。)”可知因为各种压力,我们的健康容易被忽视,根据空后“It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.(正是我们身体的健康水平帮助我们对抗这些疾病。)”可知身体的健康可以让我们应对各种疾病,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲忽视健康对我们的身体及生活的影响。G项“This makes our body suffer and we will catch other diseases.(这使我们的身体遭受痛苦,而且我们会感染其他疾病。)”承接上文,引出下文,而且G项中的other diseases与空后的these diseases相互照应,符合上下文语境。故选G项。
根据空后“We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body.(为了拥有一个健康的身体我们需要健康。同样,如果我们是健康的,我们自然会被保持健康的身体所吸引。)”可知健康的身体与健身是密不可分的,空处位于句首,应是本段的主旨句,B项“Health and fitness are interrelated to each other.(健康和健身是相互关联的。)”概括全段的主要内容,符合上下文语境。故选B项。
根据空前“Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses.(健康是在特定时间内我们身体的状态。我们可能没有任何疾病,但身体仍然虚弱,随时会被病毒攻击。)”可知我们的身体虽然没有生病,但也很虚弱,随时会生病,根据空后“This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy.(这并不一定意味着我们不健康。)”可知生病并不一定表明我们是不健康的。空处承上启下,所以空处应该举例说明我们的身体在虚弱的情况下会生病这样一种状况,D项“For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily.(例如,我们可能很容易感冒。)”举例说明我们的身体会在虚弱的情况下生病,承接上文,引出下文,而且空后的This指代D项的we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily这种情况,符合上下文语境。故选D项。
根据空前“It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness.(对每个人来说,花些时间在健康和健身方面是很重要的。)”可知我们应该花时间去健身,根据空后“For instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style.(例如,我们必须每天锻炼,不管我们的年龄和工作方式。)”可知我们应该每天坚持锻炼,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是我们应该通过哪些活动来进行锻炼,F项“There are some activities which everyone should do in our life.(在我们的生活中有一些活动是每个人都应该做的。)”承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选F项。
根据空前“We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases.(我们每天至少应该有6到8个小时的睡眠。它有助于改善我们的免疫系统,保护我们抵抗疾病。)”可知我们应该保障充足的睡眠,根据空后“This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.(这反过来又给了我们健康和健身的新目标。)”可知充足的睡眠会对我们的健康和健身目标很有好处,空处承上启下,所以空处应该继续讲充足的睡眠的好处,C项“It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind.(它也帮助我们保持冷静和放松我们的大脑。)”进一步讲了充足的睡眠对于我们的好处,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选C项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Tidying your desk, watering your plants, folding clothes — these household chores are hardly the height of pleasure. Yet I often find myself ___21___ these little tasks.
If I’m stuck in writer’s block with a deadline ___22___, I’ll have to clear up the papers placed around my office — and it’s sometimes the most ___23___ I feel all day.
I’m not ___24___ in this. As we faced the stresses of the pandemic, many people reported finding renewed interest in ___25___ their homes as a way of coping with uncertainty.
Psychologists suggest there are many potential mechanisms (机制) that can explain the pleasure from these tasks and their benefits — these may well encourage you to ___26___ these odd jobs more often.
Little chores may be useful because they ___27___ the mind, leading us to devote fewer resources to the things that ___28___ us. Even if we struggle with activities that are meant to help us relax, we may find household tasks can help us appreciate the here and now. But this depends on where we place our ___29___.
In one of the few studies to examine the mental health benefits of washing the dishes, researchers at Florida State University divided 51 ___30___ into two groups. Half read a text that encouraged them to ___31___ focus their thoughts on the activity. “While washing the dishes, one should be completely ___32___ of the fact that one is washing the dishes,” they were told. The rest read factual instructions on how to do washing up without being encouraged to focus their awareness on the activity.
Afterwards, the participants were asked to take a questionnaire about their ___33___. Those who had fully engaged with the experience reported a significantly better mood. This included ___34___ nervousness and even a sense of “inspiration”, as if the simple activity had ___35___ their minds.
21. A. ignoring B. enjoying C. avoiding D. simplifying
22. A. agreed B. established C. passing D. approaching
23. A. relaxed B. bored C. worried D. annoyed
24. A. confident B. fit C. alone D. stuck
25. A. opening up B. looking after C. returning to D. setting up
26. A. sum up B. give up C. learn about D. engage in
27. A. occupy B. broaden C. motivate D. challenge
28. A. interest B. bother C. delight D. surprise
29. A. focus B. hope C. pressure D. happiness
30. A. dishes B. households C. participants D. tasks
31. A. entirely B. quickly C. slightly D. initially
32. A. sure B. proud C. glad D. aware
33. A. interests B. abilities C. feelings D. habits
34. A. continued B. increased C. unexpected D. reduced
35. A. slipped B. refreshed C. developed D. exhausted
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. D 35. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是我经常发现自己喜欢这些任务。A. ignoring忽视;B. enjoying享受;C. avoiding避免;D. simplifying简化。根据上文“these household chores are hardly the height of pleasure.”和“But”可知,作者是很享受做家务的。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果截稿日期临近,我陷入了写作的瓶颈,我就不得不清理办公室周围的文件——有时这是我一天中最放松的时候。A. agreed同意;B. established建立;C. passing通过;D. approaching接近。根据“a deadline”可知,此处表示截稿日期临近。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. relaxed感到放松的;B. bored无聊的;C. worried担心的;D. annoyed恼怒的。根据上文“But I often find myself ____1____ these little tasks.”可知,当截稿日期临近时,作者觉得清理办公室周围的文件可以让作者放松,所以作者是喜欢做些这种清理任务。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我并不孤单(并不是我一个人这样)。A. confident自信的;B. fit健康的;C. alone孤独的;D. stuck被卡住的,动不了的。根据后文“many people reported finding renewed interest”可知,很多人和作者是一样的,他们对照顾自己的家产生了新的兴趣,故作者不是孤单的。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我们面对压力时,许多人报告说,他们对照顾自己的家产生了新的兴趣,这是一种应对不确定性的方式。A. opening up开放;B. looking after照顾;C. returning to返回;D. setting up建立。根据第一段的“Tidying your desk, watering your plants, folding clothes - these household chores”和空后的“their homes”可知,此处是指人们通过做些家务来照顾自己的家。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:心理学家认为,有很多潜在的机制可以解释从这些任务中获得的乐趣和好处——这些机制很可能会鼓励你更频繁地从事这些零工。A. sum up总结;B. give up放弃;C. learn about学习;D. engage in忙于。根据后文“these odd jobs more often.”可知,很多潜在的机制鼓励人们从任务中获得乐趣和好处,这些乐趣和好处鼓励人们继续从事参与清理家务这样的零工。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:小杂务可能是有用的,因为它们占据了我们的思想,使我们把更少的资源投入到那些让我们烦恼的事情上。A. occupy占据;B. broaden拓宽;C. motivate激发;D. challenge挑战。根据下文“leading us to devote fewer resources to the things that ____8____ us.”可知,一些小杂务会占据我们的思想。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. interest使感兴趣;B. bother打扰;C. delight使高兴;D. surprise使惊讶。根据上文“leading us to devote fewer resources to the things”可知,当我们做一些占据我们思想的小杂务时,我们会把更少的资源投入到困扰我们的事情上,空格处意为“打扰,烦扰”。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但这取决于我们把重点放在哪里。A. focus重点,焦点;B. hope希望;C. pressure压力;D. happiness幸福。根据前文“Even if we struggle with activities that are meant to help us relax, we may find household tasks can help us appreciate the here and now.”以及后文“Half read a text that encouraged them to ___11___ focus their thoughts on the activity.”可知,即使我们对那些旨在帮助我们放松的活动感到挣扎,我们可能会发现家务可以帮助我们欣赏此时此地即我们把焦点放在哪儿决定着我们如何看待家务以及家务产生的影响,后文的实验也是强调“重点”的作用。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在为数不多几项调查洗碗对心理健康益处的研究中,佛罗里达州立大学的研究人员将51名参与者分为两组。A. dishes盘子,一道菜;B. households家务;C. participants参与者;D. tasks任务。根据下文“Afterwards, the participants took a questionnaire”可知,此处是信息词“participants”的词汇复现,表示将参与者分成两组。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:其中一半人读了一篇鼓励他们把注意力完全集中在活动上的文章。A. entirely完全地;B. quickly快速地;C. slightly轻微地;D. initially起初地。根据下文“one should be completely ____12____ of the fact that one is washing the dishes.”可知,此处表示“其中一半人读了一篇鼓励他们把注意力完全集中在活动上的文章”。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在洗碗的时候,一个人应该完全意识到自己在洗碗。A. sure确保的;B. proud骄傲的;C. glad高兴的;D. aware意识到的。根据上文“Half read a text that encouraged them to ____11____ focus their thoughts on the activity.”可知,其中一半人读了一篇鼓励他们把注意力完全集中在活动上的文章,故这些参与者则完全意识到自己在洗碗。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:之后,参与者填写了一份关于他们感受的问卷。A. interests兴趣;B. abilities能力;C. feelings感情;D. habits习惯。根据下文“Those who had fully engaged with the experience reported a significantly better mood. This included ___14___ nervousness and even a sense of “inspiration””可知,那些完全参与体验的人报告说他们的情绪明显更好故参与者被要求填写一份关于他们感受的问卷。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这包括减少紧张,甚至有一种“灵感”感觉,就好像这个简单的活动让他们的头脑焕然一新。A. continued继续的;B. increased增加的;C. unexpected出乎意料的;D. reduced减少的。根据前文“a significantly better mood”可知,那些完全专注于洗碗的参与者们有着更好的情绪,因此紧张和压力是被减少的。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. slipped滑倒;B. refreshed刷新,使恢复精力;C. developed发展;D. exhausted使筋疲力尽。根据上文“even a sense of “inspiration””可知,简单的活动让他们感觉减少了紧张和焦虑,也就是说好像这些活动使他们头脑焕然一新,充满灵感,因此表示让他们恢复精神。故选B。
China has made solid progress in pushing forward rural vitalization (乡村振兴) as ___36___ (expect) over the last five years.
In 2018, China released a five-year plan ___37___ its rural vitalization strategy, ___38___(map) out a number of major projects, programs and actions. All 59 of the plan’s key tasks, including increasing agricultural production capacity and improving the safety of drinking water in rural areas, have been carried out ___39___ (steady) and have achieved good results.
In 2021, agricultural technology progress ___40___(contribute) to 61 percent of the sector’s development, ___41___is 3.5 percent higher than that of 2017. As to the green development of agriculture, the application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has experienced negative ___42___(grow) over the years, while the usage of organic fertilizers has significantly increased. The ___43___(construct) of rural infrastructure (基础设施), such as water, electricity, road and telecommunication facilities, has been improved. Tap water is now ___44___(access) in 84 percent of rural households. ____45____average income of rural residents increased by 28.9 percent in real terms from 2017 to 2021.
【答案】36. expected
37. for 38. mapping
39. steadily
40. contributed
41. which 42. growth
43. construction
44. accessible
45. The
考查省略句。句意:五年来,中国乡村振兴取得了预期的扎实进展。本句为状语从句的省略,原句为as it is expected。省略了it is。故填expected。
考查介词。句意:2018年,中国发布乡村振兴战略五年规划,部署了一批重大工程、重大规划和重大行动。plan for“对于……的计划”。故填for。
考查非谓语。句意:2018年,中国发布乡村振兴战略五年规划,部署了一批重大工程、重大规划和重大行动。分析句子可知,空处填非谓语动词作状语,a five-year plan ___2___ its rural vitalization strategy,与map out为主动关系,所以用现在分词。故填mapping。
考查副词。句意:提高农业生产能力、改善农村饮水安全等59项重点任务稳步推进,取得良好成效。修饰动词短语 carried out用副词。故填steadily。
考查时态。句意:2021年,农业技术进步对农业发展的贡献率为61%,比2017年提高3.5个百分点。根据“In 2021”可知,本句为一般过去时。故填contributed。
考查定语从句。句意:2021年,农业技术进步对农业发展的贡献率为61%,比2017年提高3.5个百分点。空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代先行词 61 percent并在从句中作主语,关系代词为which。故填which。
考查名词。句意:在农业绿色发展方面,化肥和农药的施用多年来一直负增长,而有机肥的使用量则大幅增加。experience后接不可数名词growth作宾语。 故填growth。
第四部分 写作(满分 40分)
46. 上周末你参加了校学生会组织的“认识我们身边的植物”活动。请为校英文报写篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动的过程;
2. 收获与感想。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
Getting to Know the Plants Around Us
【答案】 Getting to Know the Plants Around Us
Last weekend, I participated in a “Getting to Know the Plants Around Us” activity organised by our Students’ Union.
The activity began with a lecture by a local botanist, who taught us about the different characteristics and uses of various plant species. We then went on a natural walk to observe and collect samples of different plants. Throughout the event, I was struck by the incredible variety of plants that exist in our world and learned about plants that are used for medical purposes, as well as those that provide food and shelter for animals. I also gained a greater appreciation for the role that plants play in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.
Overall, it was a valuable and enriching experience.
【详解】1. 词汇积累
参与:participate in → attend
开始:begin → start
观察,调查:observe → survey
震惊:strike → astonish/surprise
2. 句式拓展
原句: Last weekend, I participated in a “Getting to Know the Plants Around Us” activity organised by our Students’ Union.
拓展句: Last weekend, I participated in a “Getting to Know the Plants Around Us” activity organised by our Students’ Union, which benefited me a lot.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The activity began with a lecture by a local botanist, who taught us about the different characteristics and uses of various plant species.(运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Throughout the event, I was struck by the incredible variety of plants that exist in our world and learned about plants that are used for medical purposes, as well as those that provide food and shelter for animals.(运用了一般过去时的被动语态和定语从句)
第二节 写作(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My husband and I enjoy seeing life through the eyes of our children. It’s amazing to watch as they discover their world.
While we were outdoors last summer enjoying the sunshine, our oldest daughter, Kaytlin, called me to the doorway. Beneath the steps was a baby red squirrel.
We watched it from a distance, not wanting to disturb it or scare off its mother. But after a long wait—and looking all around our house for signs of a nest or a mother—we realized the tiny squirrel was lost.
Shaking terribly, he was weak, thin, and hungry. We tried to find an expert to help, but the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website showed that there were no wildlife experts in our area. After some quick research, we concluded that the best way to give the squirrel a fighting chance was to care for him ourselves. So a trip to the local store for milk and supplies was in order. More research taught us how much to feed him, how to estimate his age, how and when to wean (断奶) him, and that we should let him go as soon as he could survive on his own.
Our daughters and I took turns in feeding “Squirt.” Kaytlin took on the most responsibility. She taught him to eat from a bottle, and she woke in the night for his feeds.
To our relief, Squirt soon became healthy and strong. Within a few weeks he became more active. He would chatter (吱吱叫) for his next meal, playfully go around the girls, and lie down on them for sleep. It wasn’t long before he was weaned onto solid food and reintroduced to the wild.
His first few visits to the great outdoors were funny. Just like a child, he would play in the grass some and then run back to Kaytlin for safety. Soon she had him climbing trees and finding nest material.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family of gray squirrels.
One night, Squirt didn’t come back to our house and it rained hard.
【答案】 One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family of gray squirrels. But the family was none too happy about his visit. They scolded and swatted at him. At first Squirt was so unhappy that he avoided them. And then he quickly learned some social skills. He would take some snacks to meet them. For several days he played all day in the trees surrounding our house but came down at bedtime.
One night, Squirt didn’t come back to our house and it rained hard. Our girls fretted. They wanted to seek Squirt. We prevented them because it was too dangerous. But when the sun rose the next day, there was Squirt, begging for food. And that remained the pattern for weeks. The experience was entertaining and heartwarming for our family. In the wild and somewhat silly moments of raising an orphaned baby squirrel, our children learned to value and appreciate life.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:遇到灰松鼠——与灰松鼠一家交往——没有回家,担心它——感悟
3. 词汇激活
③寻找:seek/find/look for/search for
④阻止:prevent/put a stop to/head off
【点睛】[高分句型1]At first Squirt was so unhappy that he avoided them.(so...that引导的结果状语从句)
[高分句型2]But when the sun rose the next day, there was Squirt, begging for food.(when引导的时间状语从句和现在分词作状语)临沂第十九中高二年级第五次质量调研考试
第一部分 听力(共两节;每小題1.5分,满分30分)
1.How will Crystal spend most of her time in Italy
A.Dealing with her work.
B.Traveling around.
C.Visiting her sister.
2.What else do the speakers need
A.Potatoes. B.Beef. C.Pork sausages.
3.Why did the woman go to Matt’s shop
A.For its cats. B.For its coffee. C.For its books.
4.What are the speakers mainly discussing
A.An actor. B.A movie. C.A friend.
5.What does the man think of the restaurant
A.Very disappointing. B.Quite satisfactory. C.Just so-so.
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Show his ID card. B.Pay extra. C.Open his suitcases.
7.What will the man probably do next
A.Go through security B.Board the plane. C.Get his boarding pass.
8.What is Steve’s favorite sport
A.Running. B.Swimming. C.Basketball.
9.Where does the woman like to run
A.In the gym. B.In her neighborhood. C.Near the West Lake.
10.Who is Steve probably talking to
A.His colleague. B.His neighbor. C.His coach.
11.What is the woman going to do after school
A.Go to her uncle’s house. B.Adopt a little cat. C.Buy some food for herself.
12.Why does the man refuse the woman’s invitation
A.He doesn’t feel well.
B.He needs to look after his mother.
C.He has to go to the pet clinic.
13.How many cats does the man have now
A.One. B.Two. C.Three.
14.How does the woman sound at first
A.Concerned. B.Unhappy. C.Amazed.
15.What does the woman suggest Bill do
A.Apologize for his mistake.
B.Work in another industry.
C.Enrich his knowledge first.
16.What did the woman major in
A.Education. B.Economics. C.Computer Science.
17.What is Bill likely to do next
A.Sign up for a course. B.Meet his leader. C.Make a phone call.
18.How did most people in the room react to the speaker’s idea
A.Favorably. B.Anxiously. C.Calmly.
19.What did the speaker’s grandfather ask him to do
A.Be friendly to others. B.Accept the changes. C.Learn to be himself.
20.What do we know about the speaker
A.He is a host now.
B.He has more than one child.
C.He writes books about children.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Down House, home of Charles Darwin:
Fun fact
Charles Darwin, his wife, Emma, and their children lived at Down House for 40 years from 1838. Several rooms appear as if the family still live here: with croquet sets thrown into an under-stairs cupboard, a half-played game of backgammon on a side table and Emma’s knitting(毛线) left on a chair in the drawing room. Upstairs, an exhibition showcases Darwin’s voyage aboard HMS Beagle, including a reconstruction of his cabin. Outside, visitors can explore the sheltered gardens which Darwin used as an open-air laboratory, and the greenhouse in which he planted rare plants and devised botanical experiments.
No room at Down House escaped Darwin’s experiments. In the drawing room he once placed a jar of earthworms on the grand piano to see whether they could hear.
Getting there
A 15-minute drive from the A21/Farnborough. Free parking. The R8 bus from Orpington stops nearby (except Sundays) or the 146 bus from Bromley North and South terminates (终点站) in Downe village, half a mile from the property. The nearest railway stations are Chelsfield or Orpington, about four miles away.
Value for money
It’s £12 (adult), £7.20 (child), or £31.30 (family with 2 adults). Under 5s go free.
Opening hours
Open daily 10am-6pm from 30 March to 30 September; daily 10 a.m. — 5 p.m. between 1 to 31 October. Opening times vary through the winter (check website for details).
8/10. An unstuffy educational, gentle day-trip attraction with friendly, knowledgeable staff.
1. What can visitors do in Down House
A. Play the grand piano. B. Set sail in HMS Beagle.
C. Explore Darwin’s work and life. D. Try food sourced from the garden.
2. How much would a couple with their 4-year-old twin sons pay for admission
A. £38.40. B. £26.20. C. £31.30. D. £24.
3. What do we know about Down House
A. It is highly thought of. B. It charges parking fees.
C. It has fixed opening hours. D. It is inconveniently located.
After years of observing human nature, I have decided that two qualities make a difference between men of great achievement and men of average performance — curiosity and discontent. I have never known an outstanding man who lacked either. And I have never known an average man who had both.
Together, these deep human urges (驱策力) count for much more than ambition. Galileo was not merely ambitious when he dropped objects of varying weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground. Like Galileo, all the great names in history were curious and asked in discontent, “Why Why Why ”
Fortunately, curiosity and discontent don’t have to be learned. We are born with them and need only to recapture them. “The great man,” said Mencius, “is he who does not lose his child’s heart.” Yet most of us do lose it. We stop asking questions. We stop challenging custom. We just follow the crowd. And the crowd desires only the calm and restful average.
Most of us meet new people, and new ideas, with hesitation. But once having met and liked them, we think how terrible it would have been, had we missed the chance. We will probably have to force ourselves to waken our curiosity and discontent and keep them awake.
How should you start Modestly, so as not to become discouraged. I think of one friend who couldn’t arrange flowers to satisfy herself. She was curious about how the experts did it.
The way to begin is to answer your own excuses. You haven’t any special ability Most people don’t; there are only a few geniuses. You haven’t any time That’s good, because it’s always the people with no time who get things done. Harriet Stowe, mother of six, wrote parts of Uncle Tom’s Cabin while cooking. You’re too old Remember that Thomas Costain was 57 when he published his first novel, and that Grandma Moses showed her first pictures when she was 78.
However you start, remember there is no better time to start than right now, for you’ll never be more alive than you are at this moment.
4. In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to ________.
A. present an argument B. make a comparison C. reach a conclusion D. propose a definition
5. What does the example of Galileo tell us
A. Scientists tend to have varied ambitions. B. Trial and error leads to the finding of truth.
C. Creativity results from challenging authority. D. Greatness comes from a lasting desire to explore.
6. What can you do to recapture curiosity and discontent
A. Observe the unknown around you. B. Develop a questioning mind.
C. Lead a life of adventure. D. Follow the fashion.
7. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs
A. Gaining success helps you become an expert.
B. The genius tends to get things done creatively.
C. Lack of talent and time is no reason for taking no action.
D. You should remain modest when approaching perfection.
Dopamine (多巴胺) is often considered as the source of pleasure But that’s not quite what it does. Dopamine is what makes us desire things. And it’s that desire that gives us the motivation to get up and do things.
In fact, your brain considers something more important than others mainly depending on how much dopamine it’s expecting to get. If an activity releases a lot of dopamine, you’ll be motivated to repeat it, over and over. So which behavior releases dopamine Any activity where you expect there’s a possible reward releases it.
And in today’s digital society, we are flooding our brains with unnaturally high amounts of dopamine on a daily basis, even if we don’t know it. Some examples of high dopamine behavior include: visiting social media websites, playing video games, etc.
And you might think, “Oh so what It’s not like it’s harming me in any way.” But you’d be wrong. Our bodies have a biologically balanced system. Whenever an imbalance occurs, our body adapts to it. Basically, your brain gets used to having high levels of dopamine and those levels become your new normal. Thus, you develop a dopamine tolerance. This can be a huge problem because the things that don’t give you as much dopamine don’t interest you any longer. That’s why people tend to prefer playing video games or surfing the Internet, compared to studying or working on their business.
But it is possible to make doing difficult things feel easier. Separate yourself from the unnaturally high amounts of dopamine, or at least expose yourself to it far less frequently. Only then will normal, everyday, low dopamine activities become exciting again and you’ll be able to do them for longer. That’s why you might want to limit your phone and computer usage, along with other high dopamine-releasing behavior.
We are all dopamine addicts to a certain extent. And that’s a good thing because dopamine motivates us to achieve our goals and improve ourselves. But it’s up to you to decide where you’re going to get your dopamine.
8. When is dopamine released
A. When tough things come into being. B. When we are encouraged to do things.
C. When we take pleasure in the behavior. D. When possible rewards can be obtained.
9. What can we learn from the passage
A. Dopamine does great harm to our body. B. It’s difficult for our body to keep the balance.
C. Video games produce more dopamine than study. D. Dopamine tolerance keeps us away from social media.
10. What is the purpose of the fifth paragraph
A. To explain why dopamine is harmful. B. To introduce the effects of dopamine.
C. To stress the importance of dopamine. D. To offer solutions to dopamine tolerance.
11. What is the author’s attitude toward dopamine
A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. Concerned. D. Negative.
People who sleep fewer than six hours a night are more likely to die early, researchers in University of Warwick have found in a recent study. They discovered that people who slept for less than six hours each night were 12% more likely to die before the age of 65 than those who slept the recommended six to eight hours a night.
The researchers pointed out that previous studies had shown that the lack of sleep was associated with problems like heart disease and high blood pressure. However, the researchers also found that sleeping too much was linked to an early death. Those who slept for more than nine hours a night were 30% more likely to die early, as an article in the latest Sleep suggested. That directly contradicts another passage in the same journal last month suggesting that people who slept for ten hours or longer a night were more likely to live to 100. This was thought to be because people who lived into extreme old age were healthier and therefore slept better.
However, the authors of the latest research contradicted this and suggested that long sleep was a sign of underlying illnesses such as depression and low levels of physical activity. Professor Francesco Cappuccio at the University of Warwick said: “While short sleep may represent a cause of ill-health, long sleep is believed to represent more an indicator of ill – health.”
He also mentioned: Modern society has seen a gradual reduction in the average amount of sleep people take, and this pattern is more common among full-time workers suggesting that it may be due to social pressures for longer working hours. On the other hand, the worsening of our health is often accompanied by an extension of our sleeping time.”
Consistently sleeping six to eight hours per night may be good for health. However, whether to achieve the goal depends on various factors such as the environment as well as measures of public health aimed at favourable changes of the s working environments Professor Francesco Cappuccio added.
12. What did researchers in University of Warwick find
A. Six to eight hours’ sleep can be appropriate for people.
B. People at an old age are healthier because they sleep longer.
C. People who sleep fewer than 6 hours each night die before 65.
D. Sleeping for more than 9 hours a night does good to one’s health.
13. What is Professor Francesco Cappuccio most likely to agree with
A. How long we sleep depends on our education.
B. Our health becomes worse because we sleep less.
C. Modern people sleep less because they work longer.
D. Long sleep is what causes our health problems.
14. What did the researcher think may help people have proper sleep
A. Social pressure B. Extension of sleeping time.
C. Longer working hours D. Changes of working environments.
15. What can be the best title for this passage
A. Time to Sleep early B. How Long Should We Sleep
C. The Importance of Sleep D. Longer Sleep Makes Better Health
第二节(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures, we tend to ignore our health. ____16____ It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.
____17____ We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses. ____18____ This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic conditions we live in.
It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness. ____19____ For instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style. There are different levels of exercises for different age groups and we must do them according to our own health and age.
Additionally, it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases. ____20____ This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.
A. Fitness levels decide the quality of life.
B. Health and fitness are interrelated to each other.
C. It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind.
D. For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily.
E. If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner.
F. There are some activities which everyone should do in our life.
G. This makes our body suffer and we will catch other diseases.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Tidying your desk, watering your plants, folding clothes — these household chores are hardly the height of pleasure. Yet I often find myself ___21___ these little tasks.
If I’m stuck in writer’s block with a deadline ___22___, I’ll have to clear up the papers placed around my office — and it’s sometimes the most ___23___ I feel all day.
I’m not ___24___ in this. As we faced the stresses of the pandemic many people reported finding renewed interest in ___25___ their homes as a way of coping with uncertainty.
Psychologists suggest there are many potential mechanisms (机制) that can explain the pleasure from these tasks and their benefits — these may well encourage you to ___26___ these odd jobs more often.
Little chores may be useful because they ___27___ the mind, leading us to devote fewer resources to the things that ___28___ us. Even if we struggle with activities that are meant to help us relax, we may find household tasks can help us appreciate the here and now. But this depends on where we place our ___29___.
In one of the few studies to examine the mental health benefits of washing the dishes, researchers at Florida State University divided 51 ___30___ into two groups. Half read a text that encouraged them to ___31___ focus their thoughts on the activity. “While washing the dishes, one should be completely ___32___ of the fact that one is washing the dishes,” they were told. The rest read factual instructions on how to do washing up without being encouraged to focus their awareness on the activity.
Afterwards, the participants were asked to take a questionnaire about their ___33___. Those who had fully engaged with the experience reported a significantly better mood. This included ___34___ nervousness and even a sense of “inspiration”, as if the simple activity had ___35___ their minds.
21. A. ignoring B. enjoying C. avoiding D. simplifying
22. A. agreed B. established C. passing D. approaching
23. A. relaxed B. bored C. worried D. annoyed
24. A. confident B. fit C. alone D. stuck
25. A. opening up B. looking after C. returning to D. setting up
26. A. sum up B. give up C. learn about D. engage in
27. A. occupy B. broaden C. motivate D. challenge
28. A. interest B. bother C. delight D. surprise
29. A. focus B. hope C. pressure D. happiness
30. A. dishes B. households C. participants D. tasks
31. A. entirely B. quickly C. slightly D. initially
32. A. sure B. proud C. glad D. aware
33. A. interests B. abilities C. feelings D. habits
34. A. continued B. increased C. unexpected D. reduced
35. A. slipped B. refreshed C. developed D. exhausted
China has made solid progress in pushing forward rural vitalization (乡村振兴) as ___36___ (expect) over the last five years.
In 2018, China released a five-year plan ___37___ its rural vitalization strategy, ___38___(map) out a number of major projects, programs and actions. All 59 of the plan’s key tasks, including increasing agricultural production capacity and improving the safety of drinking water in rural areas, have been carried out ___39___ (steady) and have achieved good results.
In 2021, agricultural technology progress ___40___(contribute) to 61 percent of the sector’s development, ___41___is 3.5 percent higher than that of 2017. As to the green development of agriculture, the application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has experienced negative ___42___(grow) over the years, while the usage of organic fertilizers has significantly increased. The ___43___(construct) of rural infrastructure (基础设施), such as water, electricity, road and telecommunication facilities, has been improved. Tap water is now ___44___(access) in 84 percent of rural households. ____45____average income of rural residents increased by 28.9 percent in real terms from 2017 to 2021.
第四部分 写作(满分 40分)
46. 上周末你参加了校学生会组织的“认识我们身边的植物”活动。请为校英文报写篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动的过程;
2. 收获与感想
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
Getting to Know the Plants Around Us
第二节 写作(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My husband and I enjoy seeing life through the eyes of our children. It’s amazing to watch as they discover their world.
While we were outdoors last summer enjoying the sunshine, our oldest daughter, Kaytlin, called me to the doorway. Beneath the steps was a baby red squirrel.
We watched it from a distance, not wanting to disturb it or scare off its mother. But after a long wait—and looking all around our house for signs of a nest or a mother—we realized the tiny squirrel was lost.
Shaking terribly, he was weak, thin, and hungry. We tried to find an expert to help, but the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website showed that there were no wildlife experts in our area. After some quick research, we concluded that the best way to give the squirrel a fighting chance was to care for him ourselves. So a trip to the local store for milk and supplies was in order. More research taught us how much to feed him, how to estimate his age, how and when to wean (断奶) him, and that we should let him go as soon as he could survive on his own.
Our daughters and I took turns in feeding “Squirt.” Kaytlin took on the most responsibility. She taught him to eat from a bottle, and she woke in the night for his feeds.
To our relief, Squirt soon became healthy and strong. Within a few weeks he became more active. He would chatter (吱吱叫) for his next meal, playfully go around the girls, and lie down on them for sleep. It wasn’t long before he was weaned onto solid food and reintroduced to the wild.
His first few visits to the great outdoors were funny. Just like a child, he would play in the grass some and then run back to Kaytlin for safety. Soon she had him climbing trees and finding nest material.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family of gray squirrels.
One night Squirt didn’t come back to our house and it rained hard.