课件17张PPT。M6Animals in DangerChinese TigerSome animals in danger Wild populations are
estimated at between 20 and
30 individuals, but numbers
are vague at best. A 1987 field
survey reported evidence of a
few tigers remaining in the
Guangdong Mountains
bordering Hunan and Jiangxi. Chinese Tiger (华南虎)Giant Panda The giant panda is listed as
endangered in the World
Conservation Union’s
(IUCN’s) Red List of
Threatened Animals. There are about 1,600
left in the wild. More than 160 pandas live
in zoos and breeding centers around the
world, mostly in China.Giant PandaThe Javan Rhinoceros The Javan Rhinoceros is
one of the rarest and
most endangered large
mammals anywhere in
the world. According to 2002 estimates, only about 60 remain alive, in Java, Indonesia and Vietnam. Even these tiny populations are still being poached and the outlook for the species is grim. The Javan Rhinoceros (爪哇犀牛)ElephantThere are lot of animals in dangers. Do you know any other animals in danger?The Snow Leopard (雪豹)
Yangtze River Dolphin (白鳍豚) They are endangered!National Parks and Wildlife Reserves
Non-profit OrganizationsWhat can be done to help these
endangered animals?Animals make the world a richer
place. They makes the world more interesting and beautiful.
We live in one world. Shared land, trees, water. Protecting their world means protecting our world!We’re friends.
Please remember:
Earth Day is April 22nd!
Endangered Species Day is May 11th!The Tibetan antelope (藏羚羊)What is it?Thank you.