人教版2019选择性必修第二册UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Using Language1听说课(教学设计)


名称 人教版2019选择性必修第二册UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Using Language1听说课(教学设计)
格式 docx
文件大小 20.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-24 14:54:14



UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Using Language1 听说课教学设计
基本信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高二选择性 必修二 Unit 1
姓名 学校
教材分析 Talk about scientific experiences 主题语境:人与社会主题群:科学与技术 子主题:科学家,科学研究,科学精神语篇类型:听力,对话, 图片文本分析: [What]本节课为听说课,学习语篇为一段介绍巴黎科学工业城的对话。文本首先设 置看图预测, 回答问题。然后听录音核对答案。第二遍听录音对课本的五幅图片进行 排序。第三遍听录音获取细节信息,完成对图片内容描述的填空练习。最后采用小组讨 论的形式分享自己所感兴趣的科学研究或实验活动,内化语言,深化对主题的理解。 [Why]通过谈论科学经历,激发学生对科学的兴趣。 [How]将英语语用目标和本单元的主题语境结合起来,设置听说活动,让学生在主题 语境的探索中提高英语运用能力,深入对主题的探究。
学情分析 学生在本单元阅读和语法课已经对主题语境有了基础的了解, 对科学家极其科学精神 的探索具有浓厚的兴趣。但涉及到通过相关话题的英语听力和用英语表达时, 学生的 理解能力有限, 需要老师合理设计听力训练的课堂活动并且积极鼓励学生开口用英语 表达和交流。
教学目标 1.获取和整合听力材料中这次妙趣横生的科学探究经历的相关信息。 2.表达自己是否愿意去参观巴黎科学工业城,并阐述其原因。 3.描述自己感兴趣的科学研究或实验活动,激发学生对科学的兴趣。
教学重难点 重点: 1.获取和整合听力材料中这次妙趣横生的科学探究经历的相关信息。 2.学习利用图片预测听力内容的策略。 难点:
教学资源 多媒体;学案;黑板;粉笔
Enjoy a video:What can you see in the video Free talk Can you tell us more amazing scientific phenomena 1.Look at the photos below,and discuss in groups what these activities have to do with science. What kind of place can it be in the pictures What does it focus on What kinds of things can you do there 2.The photos above are related to the conversation you will hear.Using the photos,try to predict the answers to the following questions. Predict by using pictures One way to get more out of your listening is to predict what you will hear.Using the pictures provideded the knowledge you already have,you can guess the kinds of information you should listen for.At times,you may even be able to guess exactly what will be talked about.This will help you focus better when listening,making your listening more effective. Where are the people in the conversation going to go What kind of place is it,and what does it focus on What kinds of things can you do there 3. Listen to the conversation and see if your answer for Activity2 are correct.Then write down the letters (A-E)for the photos in order that you heard them described. 4.Listen again and complete the descriptions of the photos above. Picture A: A giant dish; when you speak into it, it the sound
back and . You can use it to speak in a to someone 17 metres away. Picture B: A giant that you can use your feet to play. Instead of playing the sounds of a piano, it plays the voices of . Picture C: You look at a blue screen for a while, and then suddenly you can see moving around on it. These are our . Picture D: A where you can see yourself reflected thousands of times. Picture E: You stand in front of , and it casts different shadows of you, in the rainbow. Listen again and complete the conversation. Bill:It all sounds so cool. I wish I could have gone with you. Judy:I know, but we can go together this weekend. I'd love to go there again! Bill:That sounds like a great idea! Discussion The conversation is about the City of Science and Industry in Paris.Would you like to go to this museum Why or why not Are there any museum like this in China What other interesting museums atre there 5.In group,choose one of the museum activities on previous page or brainstorm another scientific research or experiment that you are interested in. 6.Make a short presentation to the class about your choice.Use the example and useful phrases below to help you. Example Today,I want to talk to you about a very strange phenomenon called a non-Newtonian fluid.You can make it easily using equal parts of water and cornflour,like I have here.A non-Newtonian fluid is strange because you an pour it like a liquid,but if you put any pressure on it,it suddenly becomes hard as concrete.In fact,it becomes hard enough to stand on.Then,as soon as you take the pressure off,it becomes a liquid again.This shows that it is possible that something can exist as a liquid and a solid at the same time.
Talking about scientific phenomena ... can/cannot exist in the form of a solid/gas and a liquid/plasma... ...is both a ...and a...at the same time... How light/sound is reflected ...the existence of other... This occurs when.... If you...,it will become.. That demonstrates... This experiment/research shows... Through this,we know that... We can prove that... This evidence proves... thunder 打雷 Thunder is the sound made by lightning.Depending on the nature of the lightning and distance of the listener,it can range from a sharp,loud crack to a long,low rumble .The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within a bolt of lightning.In turn,this expansion of air creates a sonic shock wave which produces the sound of thunder. lightning 闪电 Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity,which typically occurs during thunderstorms,and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms. How lightning initially forms is still a matter of debate.Scientists have studied root causes ranging from atmospheric perturbations (wind,humidity,friction,and atmospheric pressure) to the impact of solar wind and accumulation of charged solar particles.Ice inside a cloud is thought to be a key element in lightning development,and may cause a forcible separation of positive and negative charges within the cloud,thus assisting in the formation of lightning. Show Time 1.Discuss with your deskmate. 2.Make a presentation on behalf of your group .Don’t be shy and have a try. 3.Listen carefully while others is sharing knowledge. 4.Choose the first three groups .
Assignment 完成本课同步练习。 小组合作,相互用英语介绍一个科学现象,并记录下具体内容。
Blackboard Design Unit1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Using Language1 听说课 Talking about scientific phenomena ... can/cannot exist in the form of a solid/gas and a liquid/plasma... ...is both a ...and a...at the same time... How light/sound is reflected ...the existence of other... This occurs when.... If you...,it will become.. That demonstrates... This experiment/research shows... Through this,we know that... We can prove that... This evidence proves...
Teaching Reflection 听说课的目的在于提高学生英语听力技能与增强英语表达能力, 综合提升学生的英 语语言水平。作为教师, 针对课堂的听力训练应该培养学生良好的英语听力学习习惯有, 让学生尽量排除干扰, 专心致志进行听力综合训练, 在听力过程中促进英语语言的输入 性理解。在英语表达环节,教师应鼓励学生大胆表达,不害怕犯细小的语法错误。