Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science全单元教学设计


名称 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science全单元教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教新目标(Go for it)版
科目 英语
更新时间 2015-11-04 09:31:18


英语 八年级上册
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Period 3 Content Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e
教学目标要求1.能够使用be going to 结构来谈论新年的计划,如:What are you going to do next year I’m going to take guitar lessons. 等。2.能够理解和正确使用相关短语来谈论新年计划,如:learn to play the piano, make the soccer team, get good grades, eat healthier food, get lots of exercise 等。3.能认读并能工整书写所学词汇,如:article, resolution, team, improve, self-improvement, promise, beginning, physical, hobby 等。4.能在教师指导下通过抓关键词句,完成谈论新年计划的听力任务。5.能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。
活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用
复习时间3 m 1 复习已学目标语和导入谈论新年计划的话题T: What are you going to be when you grow up
2 仿照上述对话,组织 Pairwork 复习活动学生双人活动,教师抽查几组学生。
导入时间1 m 3 导入新课话题T: Well done, everyone! Today let’s talk about our New Year’s New resolutions.New year is coming. A year’s plan starts with spring. (一年之计在于春。)What are you going to do next year The plans you make to yourself at New Year’s Day are called New Year’s resolutions. What are your New Year’s resolutions 教师板书resolution,带领学生根据音节拼读这个单词,反复几次,让学生的短时记忆中储备这个单词。
4 引入本节课课题教师板书Section B New Year’s Resolutions
1a时间8 m 5 读图,了解谈论的话题,激活所学过的目标语言T: First, look at the picture. Please watch and read. Then, answer: What is his resolutions What is he going to do next year 教师引导学生一同讨论图片中的内容,复习Section A所学的词组,同时学习1a中新词组的内容。
6 理解有关新年计划的目标语,完成1a任务T: Well, please open your books and turn to page 44. Let’s finish 1a。要求学生朗读1a中的短语,然后将短语与图画匹配。
7 组织Pairwork, 在真实的语境中使用目标语Now, let’s check.1.教师指着第一幅图与一名学生对话为全班作示范。T: Look at this picture. You are the boy. What are you going to do next year (随机板书)S: I’m going to learn to play the piano. (教师板书句子)2.要求学生两人一组,仿照以上例句核对其他答案,教师巡回指导。3.请四组同学在全班展示,核对答案。
1b时间5 m 8 以对话的方式巩固所学的目标语,引入自己的新年计划T: I’m going to learn another foreign language next year. What are you going to go next year
9 组织Pair work, 练习使用目标语T: OK, Let’s talk about our resolutions in pairs.1.学生将自己的新年计划写下来.2.以1b为模板,跟同桌进行对话练习。3.请几组同学在班内演示。4.教师和全班共同作出评价。
1c时间5 m 10 读图,了解对话的人物及背景T: Well, look at the picture, read and guess:Where are they What are they talking about
11 听录音,完成1c任务T: They are talking about their New Year’s resolutions. Let’s listen to the tape! You will hear Lucy, Kim and Mike talking about their New Year’s resolutions. Circle the resolutions you hear from the list of things in activity 1a.1.学生听录音,完成任务。2.核对答案。
1d时间5 m 12 听前活动,读图,读题,预测答案T: Lucy, Kim and Mike all made their New Year’s resolutions. How are they going to make their resolutions work 1.学生以小组为单位,读题,根据所给例子,弄清所填的形式,猜测所填内容。2.请一组学生发表自己的观点,教师追问原因。(鼓励学生的发散性思维)
13 听力实践,从对话中获取信息T: Listen and write how they are going to make their resolutions work in the chart in 1b. 学生展示各自填写内容,以检查学生完成情况。
14 听后活动,进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子1.Listen and read.课件领读,学生模仿朗读会话.2.Underline their New Year’s resolutions.画出对话人物的新年计划。
15 组织小组活动;熟悉目标句型1.学生三人一组,根据表格中的内容自由组织对话。2.教师巡视,提醒学生注意目标语言。
1e时间5 m 16 简单复述1d内容,引出新的任务要求T: Let’s talk about the three students’ resolutions.1.教师先作示范T: Kim is going to get good grades. To make his New Year’s resolutions work, he is going to study hard and of course do his homework every day.2.学生以小组为单位,简单复述三位学生的情况,教师巡回指导。
17 组织小组活动,完成1e任务T: What other things are you going to do How are you going to do that Please make a list of them.1.学生列出新年计划。2.要求学生仿照1e的对话,在小组中组织对话,交流自己的新年计划。3.请两组学生在全班展示。
拓展时间5 m 18 拓展练习(寻找志同道合者),在真实语境中使用目标语完成任务Let’s play a game.1.学生各自写下自己的新年计划,通过使用What are you going to do next year How are you going to do that?等目标语,在全班找到与自己新年计划相同的人。2.教师巡回帮助,提醒使用英语交流。
小结时间2 m 19 归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标Well, what have you learnt from this lesson 引导学生归纳本节课的主要内容。
作业1 m 20 Homework (布置作业)英语 八年级上册
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Period 5 Content Section B 3a 3b 3c 4 self check
教学目标要求1.能够理解和学会使用下列单词,如:own, personal, relationship, help to do, make a resolution, take up, learn to do, listen to music等。2.能够使用所给的词汇完成有关新年计划的控制性写作练习。 3.能够使用所学目标句型与小组成员讨论如何使生活的城市更整洁美丽,如:We’re going to make the subway better. 等。4.能够在教师的帮助下,对be going to 结构和want to be进行总结梳理。
活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用
复习时间3 m 1 复习已学目标语和导入新年计划的写作的话题T: Listen and answer my questions:What is a resolution Why do people usually make resolutions What is your New Year’s resolution 要求学生回顾上节课学过的短文及目标语言。
2 组织Pairwork复习活动,回顾话题和目标语OK., Let’s do pairwork.学生双人活动,就2b的短文进行自由问答,教师抽查几对学生。
导入时间2 m 3 导入新课话题1.T: Well done. We know resolutions are very important to us. From the article in 2b, we’ve known the meaning of resolution, different kinds of resolutions and the problems of keeping resolutions. Now, what’s your opinion about resolutions 2.组织学生自由谈论自己的观点
4 引入写作话题Well, we know resolutions are very important to us. Do you know how to make a resolution (教师随机板书resolution).
3a时间5 m 5 读题,通过结合上下文猜测寻找信息1.Look at 3a, let’s make a resolution.2.要求学生首先不看所给的词汇,尝试根据上下文推测所填的信息。3.肯定学生的多种答案。
6 再次阅读,用所给的词汇完成控制性写作练习。1.Now, Look at plete the first two paragraphs with the words in the box..2.学生独立完成。3.学生在小组中读出自己答案,小组成员彼此交换检查拼写。教师巡视提供帮助。4.请两名学生读出其答案,教师提醒学生注意help to, make a resolution, take up, learn to do, listen to music等重点词组,并随机板书。(课件显示)
7 阅读回答问题,帮助学生理清写作思路Now read 3a,and answer my questions:Why resolutions are so important What is the writer’s first resolution 学生阅读,回答问题:1.Why resolutions are so important Resolutions help to make you a better person and to make your life easier. 2.What is the writer’s first resolution The writer is going to going to learn to sing.
3b时间7 m 8 本活动的检查评价,转入下一活动OK, the writer is going to make a new hobby. What are you going to do 1.组织学生在小组中讨论应该从哪些方面制定一个新年计划。2.请几名学生发表自己的观点,鼓励学生不同的答案。
9 读题,明确题目要求T: Well done. Let’s look at 3b, what should we write 要求学生圈出题目要求中的重点词句。(引导学生学生读清题目要求,养成读题的好习惯。)
10 小组活动,完成3b任务T: Well, Let’s do 3b.学生各自列出自己的计划。2.教师以问答的形式了解学生所列的计划内容。T: What are your second\third\fourth resolutions?S1: I am going to ... T: How are you going to do that S1: I am going to ...3.学生四人一组,根据之前所列的计划,将自己的计划内容以及实现计划将采取的措施说给组员听,其他组员听后提建议。
3c时间10 m 11 使用目标语进行写作练习。Now, let’s make a resolution.1.学生独立3c的写作练习。2.请两位同学在黑板上写作(或实物投影)。
12 本活动的检查评价。Let’s check.1.师生共同评价黑板上或投影的短文。(教师注意引导学生从信息的完整性、格式、目标语言的运用、书写规范性等方面进行评价)。2.学生两人一组交换评价所写内容,根据之前教师的评价程序进行互帮活动。教师巡视并对学生进行个别指导。3.教师请几组学生在全班大声读出他们resolution与全班同学分享。
4时间7 m 13 拓展:尝试制定使自己生活的城市更整洁美丽的措施T: Let’s look at this picture. I have a dream that one day our city is cleaner and greener. As a citizen who lives in this city, we should do something. Do you agree with me Ss: Yes. T: So what are we going to do 1.提问几名优秀学生,将他们的举措写在黑板上。2.学生小组讨论,列出更多的举措。3.全班交流,评出最佳举措。(教师帮助学生为举措进行润色,并拓宽学生思路,多想一些办法增添新的举措。)
Selfcheck时间5 m 14 竞赛,复习与学科和职业有关的单词Now let’s have a competition.1.学生四人一组,比赛在规定的时间内将所知道的学科和职业的英文单词分别写在小字条上.2.教师将写有职业名称的小纸片放进抽奖盒,让学生随意抽一张展开,并大声告知全班所抽到职业的名称,接着教师提问To be a \ an _________, which school subject is the most important 请学生举手竞猜,回答正确者所在组加1分,最后得分最多的小组为winner。3.学生独立完成以上活动,并以教师提供的句子为模板来回答: To be a / an _____ (jobs), we should learn _____ (subjects) well.
15 完成对话,复习巩固用want to be, be going to do结构以及what, how, where, when引导的特殊疑问句来谈论未来的计划Well, fill the blanks in the conversation.1.学生两人一组,边对话,边填词完成对话。2.教师请几组同学进行全班操练演示。
16 组织小组活动,完成续写任务Please finish Self Check 3.1.学生独立续写活动3中的句子.2.四人小组共享组员间的信息,并帮助组员纠错。3.请几组同学分别派一个代表将续写的句子写在黑板上。全班评价。
小结时间2 m 17 归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标引导学生归纳本节课的主要内容。
作业时间1 m 18 Homework(布置作业)英语 八年级上册
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Period 2 Content Section A 2d Grammar focus 3a 3b 3c
教学目标要求1.能够使用What do you want to be 和I want to be ... 句型来简单谈论未来的理想,如:What do you want to be when you grow up I want to be an engineer. 等。2.能够使用be going to 结构简单谈论对未来的打算,如:How are you going to do that I’m going to study math really hard. Where are you going to work I’m going to move to Shanghai. 等。3.能理解和正确使用一些常用表达来谈论未来的理想,如:make sure, be sure about等。4.能认读并工整书写所学单词和短语,如:college, university, education, medicine 等。5.能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。
活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用
复习时间3 m 1 复习已学目标语和导入新话题T: Look at the chart, let’s make conversations.教师呈现第一课时中的表格,与学生就表格中的问题进行问答练习。T: Excuse me, ××. What do you want to be when you grow up S: I want to be a basketball player.T: How are you going to do that S: I’m going to practice basketball every day.T: Where are you going to move S: I’m going to move to Shanghai.T: When are you going to start S: I’m going to finish high school and college first.
2 仿照上述对话,组织Pairwork复习活动OK. Let’s do pairwork: Talk about your dream jobs.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生
导入时间1 m 3 导入新课话题Well, Let’s go on with another conversation.
4 引入单元标题教师板书:Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science Section A
2d时间8 m 5 读图,了解对话情景—地点、人物和谈论的话题T: First, look at the picture. Then answer: What can you see in the picture What is the boy doing
6 试读对话,明确对话内容。1.T: OK, open your books, and turn to page 42. Let’s read the conversation. After reading ,please answer:What book is Ken reading Who is the author 2.Well, Let’s check.引导学生回答问题的过程中,教师简要介绍一下海明威的成就和文学地位以及《老人与海》的故事。
7 再读对话,理解对话语言结构1.T: Well, let’s read the conversation again, please answer:What does Ken want to be What does Andy want to be How are they going to that 2.教师在引导学生回答问题的过程中,顺势讲解make sure, be sure about等常用表达。并让学生明白学习是为了自己的未来,暗示学生要为自己的未来努力学习。
8 跟读句子,进一步体会会话内容Let’s read 2d. 教师引导学生关注对话中的常用表达:But I am not sure about it. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best.
9 分角色表演对话,规范语音语调Now, Let’s role-play the conversation.1.两人一组结对试读,教师请一组学生展示。纠正其语音语调2.全班齐读、分角色齐读3.学生两人一组分角色朗读对话,教师则巡视全班并提供必要帮助。4.请两组学生向全班示范朗读。
10 拓展性实践,学生谈论自己将来的理想Let’s make our own conversations.1.教师先与一名学生共同示范。2.学生两人一组进行模仿性的对话练习,教师则巡视全班并提供必要的帮助。
Grammar focus时间8 m 11 本活动的检查评价;引入归纳语法环节1.请两组学生向全班同学展示,师生共同评价。2.学生再次朗读会话,画出谈论将来的理想是所使用的句子。3.引导学生观察want to be 和 be going to的句型结构特点。(教师鼓励学生大胆发表自己的见解)
12 读语法表格,简单归纳语法1.Let’s read Grammar focus.让学生两人一组就Grammar Focus中的小对话进行问答操练。 2.教师引导学生细读并总结:用want to be表示对未来职业和工作的向往;用be going to do表述自己将要采取的行动。 3.教师板书
13 组织pairwork, 进行拓展对话练习Let’s make conversations in pairs.1.要求学生两人一组利用Grammar Focus中的语言结构组织对话练习,教师巡视帮助。2.请两组学生在全班展示。
3a时间5 m 14 运用语法规律完成练习Look at 3a, let’s read the questions and complete the answers.1.以第一组句子为例,引导学生读懂任务要求及完成该任务的关键是按照关键词的提醒来思考句子,而且是一问一答组成一组句子。2.学生自主完成。3.通过投影、学生板书或者朗读等方式展示学生所写句子,全班一起检查、点评。
15 朗读,进一步体会对话的含义和各句间的逻辑关系Well, Let’s read.学生齐读、分男女角色朗读、两人一组朗读句子以巩固语言。
3b时间7 m 16 运用语法规律完成练习OK, Look at 3b, let’s do some exercises.1.引导学生读题,以明确会话的场景及会话人的身份关系。2.学生独立完成所有练习,然后小组内交流答案。3.请一组同学朗读会话,并说出其解题的思路,由学生或教师进行点评。
17 朗读,巩固语言结构。Well, let’s read.学生齐读、分男女角色朗读、两人一组朗读对话以巩固语言。
18 仿造会话,学会运用。Let’s make new conversations.1.要求学生两人一组仿照3b编写对话。2.小组交流。3.请两组学生在全班交流,师生共同评价。
3c时间4 m 19 拓展练习,让学生在真实的语言环境中学习运用。Let’s work in pairs.1.要求学生以what, how, where, when为提纲,口头与同桌编对话。在学生自由编对话的过程中,教师进行一些语言引导来拓宽学生思路。2.请几组同学操练,并请其他同学做评委,根据每组学生的表现(语音,内容,默契度)评选出最佳组合。
小结时间3 m 20 归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标Well, what have you learnt from this lesson 引导学生归纳本节课的主要内容。
作业1 m 21 Homework (布置作业)
be sb. going to ... 英语 八年级上册
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Period 1 Content Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c
教学目标要求1.能够使用What do you want to be 和I want to be ... 句型来简单谈论未来的理想,如:What do you want to be when you grow up I want to be a computer programmer.2.能够使用be going to 结构简单谈论对未来的打算,如:How are you going to do that I’m going to study math really hard.3.能够听懂和学会使用一些常见的职业名称,如:programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, pilot, pianist, scientist等。4.能认读并能工整书写所学单词和短语,如:programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, pilot, pianist, scientist等。
活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用
复习时间3 m 1 复习已学目标语和导入谈论职业的话题教师准备一些有关职业的图片,指着图片询问:T: Look ,What is he / she S: She / He is a nurse / dentist.T: Is he an policeman / actor S: Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.
2 仿照上述对话,组织Pairwork复习活动1.OK. Let’s do pairwork: Talk about the jobs in the pictures.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生。2.Well, let’s watch and guess.教师请一位学生到讲台上,老师轻声耳语告诉他(她)某个职业,要求该学生用动作表现出来,请其他学生猜测他(她)的职业。T:What does he / she do S: He / She is a / an ...教师随机追问:Is it an interesting job Do you want to be a /an …
导入时间1 m 3 导入新课话题Well, we’re going to learn Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science
4 引入单元标题教师板书或课件显示:Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.
1a时间8 m 5 通过谈论名人照片及其职业,呈现新单词First, look at these pictures.教师出示一些名人的照片,询问:Who is he/she 或者What does he/she do 利用学生熟悉的人物工作或身份,以旧带新,在复习学过职业名称同时,呈现新单词programmer, cook, engineer, violinist, pilot, pianist, scientist, driver。
6 词汇巩固竞赛,为讨论未来的理想做铺垫Let’s have a competition.1.教师要求各组集体讨论并在黑板上写出他们所知道的职业,看哪个小组写得最多、最快。通过比赛,进一步引起学生对未来职业的兴趣,为下一步谈论理想做好铺垫。2.教师在教室中巡回,随机与学生对话。T: Of all the jobs, which one is the most\least interesting S: I think pilot is the most interesting.T: What do you want to be when you grow up (随机板书grow up)
7 完成1a活动,练习want to be 句型1.教师让学生根据自己的喜好完成1a的排序活动。2.教师提问 What do you want to be when you grow up (板书) 帮助学生回答 I want to be a / an ... (板书)。3.学生两人一组练习对话。
1b时间5 m 8 读图,了解对话的情景和谈论的话题T: First, look at the picture. Please watch and read. Then answer: What are they talking about What jobs can you see in the picture What do they want to be when they grow up
9 听辨对话,感受目标语1.T: Let’s do listening practice. Don’t look at your books. Listen carefully. Then answer: How many conversations you hear. How many conversations do you hear 2.Now open your books and look at 1b. Listen again and finish 1b.Check answers.
10 观看视听会话的动画,并模仿跟读会话T: Look, listen and repeat.
11 进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子T: Read and learn.
1c时间5 m 12 组织Pairwork,学生扮演角色模仿上述会话1.组织学生两人一组分角色练习1c中的对话。T: Please practice the conversations in pairs.2.抽查两组学生的会话,全班做出评价。
13 组织小组活动,针对目标语进行半控制性的实践活动T: Well, Let’s work in groups. 1.教师展示表格,要求学生四人一组谈论各自的理想职业和实现理想必须要做的准备,并做好记录。2.请几组学生在班内作报告。3.全班做出评价。
2a时间2 m 14 听前活动,读图,了解对话的情景和主题Look at the picture in 2b on page 42T: Look at this picture. Here’s a boy named Cheng Han. Can you tell me what he is doing Ss: Dreaming/Thinking about his future.T: Yes. Can you guess what he wants to be Ss: ... (doctor, actor, teacher …)
15 听力活动,抓取主要信息1.T: OK, let’s listen to a conversation about his future job. Listen and check if you are the lucky one to get the correct answer.2.听课文录音,完成2a, 然后请一名学生给给全班核对答案。3.教师追问原因,引导学生通过抓取key words来获取信息的策略。
2b时间4 m 16 听前活动,读题预测所填信息1.教师呈现2b中的表格。T: We know that Cheng Han wants to be a teacher. But he has other plans for the future. Where is he going to move How is he going to become a teacher And when is he going to start 2.教师引导学生根据图表猜测可能填的内容。
17 听力实践,从对话中获取信息1.OK. Listen to the conversation again and complete the chart.2.Check answers.
18 进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子Read and learn.
2c时间3 m 19 半控制性的对话练习,熟悉、运用有关目标语言结构1.让学生结合2c中的句型,两人一组,用对话的形式,再次核对2b中的答案。如: S1: What does Cheng Han want to be S2: He wants to be a teacher. S1: Where is he going to move S2: He is going to move to Shanghai. S1: How is he going to become a teacher S2: He is going to learn how to teach children. S1: When is he going to start S2: He is going to finish high school and college first.2.学生两人一组分角色练习对话,教师巡视并及时给予必要的帮助。3.请几组学生向全班学生展示对话。
小结时间3 m 20 总结句型结构T: Let’s see what we have learnt this class.1.教师提示学生阅读录音原稿,画出其中的目标语言点。2.引导学生总结want to be和be going to的用法。
拓展时间3 m 21 拓展活动.T: Let’s do group work.1.小组活动:呈现1c活动中的表格,添加when 和where的内容。2.让学生根据自己的情况,在组内谈谈对未来工作的理想。组里成员分工做好记录。教师巡视给予帮助。3.选取两组学生汇报。4.活动完毕,师生进行评价,选出获胜小组,教师鼓励。
作业1 m 22 Homework (布置作业)英语 八年级上册
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Period 4 Content Section B 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e
教学目标要求1.能够在老师的指导下,通过抓关键词和目标语言来完成有关新年计划的阅读人物。2.学会使用阅读部分出现的基本词汇和短语,如:question, meaning, discuss, promise, beginning, physical, hobby, weekly, schoolwork, have to do with, write down, agree with, take up等。3.能认读并能工整书写所学单词,如:question, meaning, discuss, promise, beginning, physical, hobby, weekly, schoolwork 等。4.能模仿录音正确朗读文章。
活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用
复习时间3 m 1 复习已学目标语和导入Resolutions的话题教师与一名学生交流,为全班作出示范T: What is your New Year’s Resolutions / What are you going to do next year S:I’m going to…T: How are you going to do that S: I’m going to…
2 仿照上述对话,组织Pairwork复习活动OK. Let’s do pairwork. 学生双人活动,进行对话练习,教师抽查几对学生。
导入时间1 m 3 导入新课话题Well, Let’s go on talking about your resolutions.
4 引入本课标题教师板书:Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science Section B
2a时间6m 5 读前小组活动:讨论去年的计划及实现情况,为阅读做准备T: Did you make any resolutions last year What were they 1.教师展示表格,要求学生在小组中调查填表。教师巡回提供合理的语言提示来帮助学生完成任务。2.请两组同学在全班汇报。
6 讨论引出阅读话题T: I believe everyone has his/her resolutions. That’s to say, resolutions are here and there in our life. Now we will do some reading to understand resolutions better.
2b时间9m 7 读图和主题句,预测所读文章的话题和内容Now look at the picture and the topic sentences, and guess what the passage talks about (培养学生读图和标题猜测文章大意的阅读策略)
8 阅读主题句,读懂阅读任务。T: Now look at the topic sentences教师先领读三个主题句,并做简单的解释帮助学生理解。
9 快速阅读,抓取有效信息T: Now read the passage and match each paragraph with its main purpose. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.1.学生快速默读全文,先整体理解,然后通过搜索关键词找到所需要的信息,完成2b的任务。2.学生展示自己的答案,并给出证明自己答案的依据,即读出获得相关信息的词句,师生共同点评、检查答案。
2c时间5 m 10 仔细研读,查找目标语言,完成2c任务。Let’s read and do 2c.1.引导学生读懂任务要求和问题,要求学生两人一组合作读懂六个句子的意思。2.学生合作仔细阅读短文,完成2c任务,注意指导学生用关键词在文章中找信息。3.请几位同学校对答案后,要求学生将句子填入文章。
11 跟读录音,整体感受文章Let’s listen and read.教师播放语篇读音,学生跟读。
2d时间7 m 12 学生朗读,回答有关问题。Well, read the passage again, then answer the questions in 2d.1.教师先引导学生读懂问题,告诉学生1-5题的答案可直接在文章中找到,提醒学生在文中做好标记,6-7题的答案是开放性的,鼓励学生思考个性化的答案。2.学生独自完成任务。3.教师请几名学生在全班展示自己的答案,师生共同评价。
13 阅读,解决疑难问题Read the article and solve the problems in groups.1.学生阅读讨论文章,找出疑难问题。2.小组讨论解决疑难,教师巡视帮助。3.教师有意识地引导学生运用联系上下文猜词、根据拼读规则试读和记忆生词等学习策略。
14 学生跟读短文,培养模仿正确录音朗读的能力。Listen and repeat.
15 学生齐读,自读短文,培养正确朗读课文的能力。1.OK, let’s read together.2.Now, read by yourselves.(教师巡视给予指导和帮助)
2e时间5 m 16 再读短文,找出有关词组。Read the passage again, and find the phrases in 2c.1.要求学生再次研读文章,边读边圈出2c中所列的词组。2.请几名同学读出词组所在的句子。
17 翻译句子,培养学生在语境中理解词汇的能力。OK, let’s translate these sentences into Chinese.学生小组合作,将词组所在的句子翻译成中文。2.全班核对答案。
18 小组活动,通过理解和运用掌握词组的用法。Let’s work in groups.1.请学生小组讨论,用英语解释2e中的词组,并把解释写下来。2.请几组学生在全班汇报,教师边检验学生任务的完成情况,边对各个词组进行准确的英语解释。3.学生在小组中共同利用词组造句。教师巡回帮助。4.请几名同学在全班展示。师生共同评价。
小结时间3 m 19 归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标T: Now, what have we learnt from this lesson 引导学生归纳本节课的主要内容。
作业1 m 20 Homework (布置作业)