Unit 5 Revealing Nature
Understanding ideas
Lead in
An evolutionary tree
lower forms of life
higher forms of life
What species do you recognise in the picture
What factors can cause the process of evolution
1. What species do you recognise in the picture
paramecium 草履虫
jellyfish 水母
flatworm 扁形动物
earthworm 蚯蚓
snail 蜗牛
crab 螃蟹
starfish 海星
tortoise 乌龟
zebra 斑马
algae 藻类
moss 苔藓
fern 蕨类植物
gymnosperms 裸子植物
angiosperm 被子植物
[ p r misi m]
[ ld i ]
2. What factors can cause the process of evolution
The ever-changing environment;
population immigration;
genetic mutation (基因突变);
natural selection;
Who is mentioned in this video?How much do you know about him
Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution
Charles Darwin (1809 –1882) was an English geologist and naturalist. In his famous book On the Origin of Species, Darwin proposed the theory that organisms (individual life forms) evolve extremely slowly. He stated that the organisms that were better suited to their environment would survive and pass on their favourable characteristics to the next generation, while the less suitable organisms would gradually die out. He called this process “natural selection”.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is one of the basic foundations of modern science. It shows that plants and animals can change over time. The changes are usually small and difficult to detect, but they add up over many generations and can result in new species.
the journey
the journey
the journey
1.The structure
2.Choose the best main idea.
A. Darwin’s interest in various living things made him
a great naturalist.
B. Darwin’s journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.
C. Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that humans had
evolved over time.
Fast reading
Choose the main idea of the passage and give your reasons.
1 Darwin’s interest in various living things made him a great naturalist.
2 Darwin’s journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.
3 Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that humans had evolved over time.
Today, On the Origin of Species is regarded as one of the most important works ever written. It has changed ideas about life on Earth forever. And it all began with the journey on the Beagle
A Journey of Discovery
Journey on the ___________
Journey to discover _______________
ship Beagle
The Theory of Evolution
pun 双关
What is your understanding of the title
1. What kind of person was Darwin in others’ eyes
2.What kind of person was Darwin according to para.1
In the captain's eyes
In common people's eyes
In his father's eyes
He was not the captain's first choice
He was a young man who had left
medical school without completing
his degree
He was a disgrace to himself and all
his family
Before the journey (para.1)
Careful reading
Number these items in order!
generate ideas
propose a theory
look for more evidence
develop ideas
on his journey
During the journey (para.2-5)
Careful reading
Darwin studied _____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________.
He noticed that some species of animals were _____________________________________.
various living things in their natural environments and samples of the plants and animals he had collected
very similar to each other
Darwin asked the questions:
How did different species ___________________
come to exist
Maybe animals evolved as they adapted to their changing environments
On the Galápagos Islands:
He noticed ________________________________ _________________________________________.
It seemed the beaks ________________________ _________________________________________.
that there was a difference between the
finches on each of the islands
had evolved according to
what food was available on that particular island
The Galapagos Islands
Darwin suspected that the finches _______________ ___________________________________________________________________ and it had ______________________________________________.
slowly evolved into many new species
had evolved from a common ancestor, which had arrived on the islands a long time before
The Theory of Evolution: living things, including humans, ____________________________________.
had evolved from lower forms of life
1.What does the theory of evolution tell us
2.What's the reaction of public after the book was published
After the journey (para.6-7)
refused to believe
caused a storm
started to believe
1.At that time, people believed that all species had appeared on earth at the same time , and had not changed since.
2.The control of Christianism.
Darwin did a lot of research ,looked for more convincing evidence and took many years to improve his theory.
Living things, including humans,had evolves from lower forms of life.
Careful reading
What kind of person was Darwin according to the passage Give your reasons.
Useful expression:
1.The reason why I think Darwin is a…man is that…
2.I think Darwin is a ... man, because…
The reason why I think Darwin is serious and cautious is that he did a lot of research and found more evidence to make his idea convincing.
Think and share
I made any achievement in science, is due to long-term thinking, patience and hard work。
---Charles Robert Darwin
If we could travel back to Darwin’s time, what would Darwin say to us Do an interview.
1.the love of nature
2.difficulty and solution
4.the spirit of scientific exploration
3.the secret of success
Useful expression:
1.I’m fascinated by …., so I …
2.It is ….. that inspires me to…
3.When I face…,what I want to do is…
e.g. R:Why do you love nature
D:Because I think there are many things unknown to us in nature, which arouse my curiosity and attract me to explore.
1. How do you think the human species will evolve in the future
2. What have you learnt about the spirit of scientific exploration
How can this spirit help you in your life and studies
Think Share
As a young man Charles Darwin was regarded as 1._____disgrace to himself and his family. He didn't complete his 2.________ (medicine) degree at college. However, his adventures on the Beagle led him to one of the most important 3.___________ (discovery).
The joumey on the ship, the Beagle, offered him a good opportunity 4. ________ (sudy) the living things on the islands. He was so fascinated by rocks, plants and animals on the islands 5._____ he got his room crowded with samples. It was believed at that time that all species 6.___________ (appear) on Earth at the same time and hadn't changed since. Through his careful observation, he began to think 7._________ ( different). He noticed that the beaks of the finches had some differences between them from one island to another according to what they ate on that particular island. So he thought they must have evolved from a common ancestor, and they had evolved to adapt 8.______ the environment.
Darwin based his new ideas on his observation and generated his theory of 9.________ ( evolve). The book, On the Origin of Species, explained his theory, 10.________ cause) a heated storm of debate. Today, it is still regarded as one of the most important works ever written.
had appeared
to study
Language points
When the Beagle reached the Galápagos Islands in 1835,Darwin saw a variety of new species,but _____________________________
it was the birds that interested
him the most
2.“It seems (that) ...”意为“好像……”
____________________________________(好像它们的喙已经进化了) according to what food was available on that particular island.
____________________________________(直到1859年才出版) and immediately caused a storm.
It seems their beaks had evolved
It was not published until 1859
1 distant adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的;疏远的
(教材P66) The captain of the ship,the Beagle,wanted someone who would “profit by the opportunity of visiting distant countries yet little known”.
[例1] The train station was about 20 kilometres distant.
[例2] Jack sounded very cold and distant on the phone.
(1)suspicion n.怀疑;嫌疑
be under suspicion受到怀疑
on suspicion of 因涉嫌……
(2)suspicious adj.怀疑的;可疑的
be/become suspicious about/of sth.怀疑……