人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Speaking 课件 (共15张PPT,内嵌音频)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Speaking 课件 (共15张PPT,内嵌音频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 12.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-25 16:57:45



Unit 2
Listening and Speaking
Teaching objectives:
1.Understand the definition of "moral dilemma" and describe the moral dilemmas they have ever faced .
2.Judge the speakers’ attitudes and emotions by listening to what the speakers say, the tone and intonation of the speakers.
3.Talk about their opinions about a certain moral dilemma and the importance of good morals and virtues.
4. learn to make proper choices when you are faced with moral dilemma .
What is a moral dilemma
It is a situation in which you have two or more difficult choices to make.For moral reasons, sometimes it could be difficult to decide. If you choose one, you might get in trouble for not choosing the other(s).
Choice 1: He stops to help her.
Choice 2: He ignores her and goes to school.
If he stops to help her, he might be late for the examination.
If he doesn't help her, the old woman will be in danger.
What moral dilemma is the boy in the cartoon facing
If you were the boy, would you help the old woman
Situation: The boy’s choices:
Possible results:
What is happening in the picture
The boy sees an old woman who has fallen down on the street.
stop to help
go to attend the exam
be late for the exam
can’t help the woman
Situation The girl is taking the entrance examination for a medical university in Beijing. During the exam, the student next to her fainted. The girl’s choices She can finish the exam. or She can stop and help the student.
Possible results She will get into medical university, but the girl might not get the help she needs. She can put the needs of
the other person first, but
give up her chance to get into the medical university.
Listen to the conversation and complete the table to describe the moral dilemma that Jane is talking about.
While Listening
v. 昏倒,晕厥
Listen for attitudes.
When you listen, you should pay attention not only to the words but also to How the speaker is talking. If people strongly disagree with something, they might exaggerate [ ɡ z d re t] their intonation(语调,声调). If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly, they may be excited or angry. If they speak slowly or stop often, they may be confused or not sure about what they are saying.
Part 3-Listening Strategies
1. Jane is eager to share the magazine article with Luck.
2. Luck doubts that young people face moral dilemmas
all the time.
3. Jane admires what the girl in the story did.
4. Luck doesn’t believe anybody would do what the girl
in the story did.
5. Jane wonders how the girl became a doctor later.
be used to describe attitudes
Listen again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Tips 1:
Pay attention to the words speakers use (passive or positive or objective)
Listen again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. Jane is eager to share the magazine article with Luke.
2. Luke doubts that young people face moral dilemmas all the time.
3. Jane admires what the girl in the story did.
4. Luke doesn't believe anybody would do what the girl in the story did.
5. Jane wonders how the girl became a doctor later.
Listen for attitudes
When you listen, you should pay attention not only to the words but also to HOW the speaker is talking. If people strongly disagree with something, they might exaggerate their intonation.
If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly, they may be excited or angry. If they speak slowly or stop often, they may be confused or not sure about what they are saying.
Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the questions.
1. What did the girl do to help the student
2. What was the girl's name What was she famous for
3. What did Jane say about the girl's life
She ________________ to a safe place and___________ her. Then she __________________ with the student and _______________.
Her name was_____________.
She was famous for ______________________________________________
Her life was full of ____________, but she didn’t let them __________________________ people who were in need.
She always cared for ____________________________.
carried the student
looked after
went to the hospital
called her sister
Lin Qiaozhi
caring for tens of thousands of women and their babies.
hard choices
stop her from taking care of
others more than for herself
Luke: Hi Jane! What are you reading
Jane: Oh, hey, Luke! I’m reading a very interesting magazine article about moral dilemmas.
Luke: Moral dilemma What do you mean
Jane: You know, it‘s when you have two choices, and you have to choose one, but for moral reasons sometimes it could be really difficult to decide.
Luke: Oh, situations like that don’t happen very often, do they
Jane: Actually, I think people face moral dilemmas all the time, even us students.
Luke: Really Like what
Jane: Well, for example, it mentions a girl who was taking the entrance exam for a medical university in Beijing. During the exam, the student next to her fainted. The girl had a choice. Should she finish the exam or should she stop and help the student
Luke: Surely the teachers would look after the student who fainted!
Jane: Well, that’s what I thought—but not this girl. She stopped to help the student, thinking that it was better to put the needs of the other person first.
Luke: So what happened to her exam
Jane: She never finished it. Instead, she carried the student to a safe place and looked after her. Then she went to the hospital with the student and called her sister.
Luke: I can’t believe she would give up her chance to get into medical university! Who would do such a thing
Jane: Well, that girl was LinQiaozhi. She later DID get into medical university and then she became a great doctor. She became famous for caring for tens of thousands of women and their babies.
Luke: Oh, wow! So she became a doctor even though she left her exam that day!
Jane: Yes. Her life was full of hard choices, but she didn’t let them stop her from taking care of people who were in need. She always cared for others more than for herself.
Listen to the conversation carefully and answer:
1. What did the girl do to help the student
She carried the student to ___________ and ______________. Then she went to the hospital with the student and _____________.
2. What was the girl’s name What was she famous for
Her name was ___________. She later became ______________. She was famous for caring for tens of thousands of ______________________.
If you were ever faced with the same situation as the girl, what would you do
Share your thoughts with your group, and explain the reasons for your choice.
In my opinion/view…
Generally speaking,…
Personally, I don’t have the faintest idea about…
To my mind…
I’d just like to say…
As far as I’m concerned…
To be honest/frank…
If you ask me…