人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Listening课件(共20张PPT,内嵌音频)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Listening课件(共20张PPT,内嵌音频)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-26 09:13:28



Unit 4 Journey across a vast land Listening
What are the two key words in the title
Look at the title
Talk about scenery and culture along a journey
key words

1.What can you see in the photos
2.How do these photos help you understand the geography and culture of Canada
3.Which lake does the large photo remind you of
Look at the pictures on page 42 and discuss the questions

Describe each picture .
Picture 1 The large photo is of Lake Moraine in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, about 14 kilometres from Lake Louise. Like Lake Louise, Lake Moraine is fed by glaciers and gets its unique blue colour from rock flour. The mountains behind the lake are in the Valley of Ten Peaks, and they are famous throughout Canada because for many years they were on the Canadian $20 bill. Though the lake can only be reached by hiking trail, it is one of the most photographed places in Canada.
Lake Moraine梦莲湖

Describe each picture according to the questions.
The top right photo is of a man and a woman skating on Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.
The middle right photo is of young ladies roasting marshmallows on sticks over a campfire while one of them is playing a ukulele, a musical instrument from Hawaii.
The bottom right photo is of a woman hiking in a forest in British Columbia, Canada. The trees are Douglas firs.


Task1 答案校对
1. local passenger 当地乘客 2. freeze over 冰冻;冻结
3. rail journey 火车旅行;铁路之旅 4. based on 基于
5. travel experiences 旅行经历 6. given that... 鉴于 7. contrary to... 相反
8. vast and empty space 广阔且空旷的空间 9. Good heavens 天哪;上帝啊
10. continental climate 大陆性气候 11. pass through 通过
12. Lake Louise 路易斯湖 13. hiking trail 远足小径
14. photographed places 适合拍照的地方
15. skate on a frozen lake 在冰冻的湖面上滑冰 16. Lake Minnewanka 明尼万卡湖
17. Lake Moraine 梦莲湖 18. roasting marshmallows 烤棉花糖
19. Banff National Park 班夫国家公园 20. Douglas firs 花旗松
task2 听力文本填空
Daiyu:Look there,Liu Qian! What a beautiful lake!
Liu Qian:Oh,my goodness! That must be Lake Louise! It’s so beautiful!1. .
Anna:Yes,that’s Lake Louise.
Daiyu:It’s pretty!
Anna:It’s even prettier in winter,after 2. .
People like to go skating on the ice.
Words fail me
the lake freezes over
Liu Qian:Does all of Canada get so cold in winter
Anna:A lot of it does.
Daiyu:So then,Canada must have 3. as well.
cool summers

Anna:That’s certainly true of many places.However, many areas of south Canada have a 4. ,with very hot summers and very cold winters,so some days it 5.____________________
Liu Qian:Is all of Canada full of mountains like here
Anna:Oh, no.In fact,by the time we get to Edmonton,we’ll be in the prairie.This is as flat as a pancake and 6._____________________
—more than 1,300 kilometres—until we reach Winnipeg.After that,there are lakes and forests.
Daiyu:What kind of place is Winnipeg
Anna:It’s a small city almost in the dead centre of North America,from east to west.
Liu Qian:What do you do to 7. _ there
continental climate
gets as hot as an oven
stretches for as far as the
eye can see
kill time

Anna:Oh,you name it...skiing,hiking,camping.But also city things: movies or restaurants on the weekends,for example.So is this your 8.
Daiyu:Oh,no.Last autumn,we travelled from Beijing to Moscow on the Trans-Siberian Railway through Mongolia.
Anna:9. ! What was it like
Liu Qian:Well,once you go north from Beijing,you pass through some low mountains and then enter the grasslands with its 10. .
Anna:Do a lot of people live in that area
Daiyu:Oh,not at all! There are a few small towns along the way,but the land is pretty empty.Sometimes you might see a few horses or sheep.It’s beautiful.
Anna:Wow,11. !
first long train journey
How interesting
rolling hills
that sounds incredible

Task 3. 习语猜猜看。
1.It's so beautiful! Words fail me.
2.Some days it gets as hot as an oven.
3.It is as flat as a pancake.

4.This stretches for as far as the eye can see —more than 1,300 kilometers —until we reach Winnipeg.
5.It's a small city almost in the dead centre of North America.
它是一个几乎位于北美正中心的小城市。 。
6.What do you do to kill time there
你在那里怎么消磨时间 。
7.You name it...

Task 4 In groups of three, continue the conversation about Canada and China based your own travel experiences or the information you heard or read in this unit. End the conversation naturally. [ D=Daiyu LQ=LiuQian A=Anna ]
A: I thought China would be very crowded, given its large population. D: Well, contrary to what many people believe, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually.A: That's great! There must be amazing scenery to see in China then!LQ: There is. My favourite trip was by train to Tibet. First, we travelled south across the Kunlun Mountains. D: Even though it was summer, they were still covered in snow. It was so beautiful.LQ: Then we entered the Tibetan Plateau.D: The scenery there was simply fantastic. Green grass as far as the eye could see. And there were so many wild animals.

LQ: Yes! We saw a lot of antelopes, yaks, deer ... and I think I even saw a snow leopard.
A: Good heavens! That's one of the rarest animals on earth.
LQ: But you know what was really extraordinary about our trip
A: No, what
LQ: The railway is so high that the trains have a special oxygen supply for the passengers, kind of like you would find on an airplane, so that no one will become ill.
A: You're kidding! Anyhow, the next station is my stop! Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip!
D: Thanks,Anna!
LQ: It was really great to meet you!
A: And it was nice talking to you!


1.words fail me
You are so silly about the whole thing. Words fail me.
2.as hot as an oven
The room is as hot as an oven in summer.
3.as flat as a pancake
I like mountains and I dislike places that are as flat as a pancake.
4.as far as the eye can see
There are maple trees as far as the eye can see.

5.dead centre
There is a conference table in the dead centre of the room.
6.kill time
My sister often listens to music to kill time when she is alone at home.
7.you name it
You name it, and I'm sure I can cook it.

Listen again. Match the following idioms and similes with their meanings.
1.words fail me
2.as hot as an oven
3.as flat as a pancake
4.as far as the eye can see
5.dead centre
6.kill time
7.you name it
A with no mountains or hills
B all kinds of things
C for a long distance
D I'm surprised
E spend time
F very warm
G the exact middle of something